Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2 Page 8

by Hazel Gower

  I loved my parents, but they were full on—like now, my mother wouldn’t leave me alone. She was stuck to my side eager to meet my soul mate, Bailey. Mother was convinced that as soon as Bailey arrived, I’d whisk her away to one of the bedrooms to hide.

  “Mother, I promise I’m not going to hide Bailey from you. Once she arrives, I’ll be checking she’s okay, and then, once I’ve had a talk with her, I promise I will come find you and introduce her.”

  She waved her hand. “I’ve met her before, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what she looks like or really very much about her. I must say I’m shocked the gift matched you with someone so young. Are you sure she is your one?”

  Getting up from the lounge room sofa, I went in search of one of my brothers, my father, or even cousins—someone to help with my mother. “Yes, I’m sure. When has there ever been a man since the curse started who got it wrong.”

  She huffed. “Oh, Richard, what have I told you about calling the gift a curse? The gypsy’s gifted us with the ability, not cursed us.”

  There was no point in arguing, no one was ever stupid enough to argue with my mother anyway. “Sorry, Mother. The gift then didn’t get it wrong. Bailey is perfect.”

  In the kitchen, I found my brothers and a bunch of cousins. The death stares I was given as I came in with Mother close on my heels told me a couple of them had already had my mother at them for one thing or another. Tyson and Derick scurried out of the room, but I blocked Zeck and Andrew’s escape. “Mother, did you know both Zeck and Andrew know Bailey. Zeck gives to a charity she’s involved in and helps at the firm her brother owns, and Andrew is the year below her at school.”

  I almost felt guilty as I watched my mother’s eyes sparkle as she looked at her two sons. “Really, that’s wonderful. I want to hear all about her.”

  Making my escape, I snuck out of the kitchen and practically ran for the front door. I was going to wait outside. I loved my mother, but she was a handful.

  I decided to go for a walk around the grounds to calm my nerves and to think of a way to get Bailey to stay here willingly while her brother was hurt in the hospital. My phone rang fifteen minutes later, and I was informed Bailey and Jessica were entering the grounds. Making my way back to the front of the house, I arrived as the black SUV pulled up.

  Bailey jumped out of the car without even waiting for anyone to open the door. She paused for a moment scanning her surroundings before she spotted me and marched to me with a determined demeanour. “I want to talk to my brother now.” She poked him in the chest with her finger.

  “Come inside first and let’s talk.” Reaching for the finger that was poking him, she snatched it away.

  “No. I’m not going anywhere until I speak to Ethan.” She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me her best glare. She looked cute, and I was sure she wouldn’t appreciate me telling her now, but her anger was doing things to me that it shouldn’t.

  Trying not to grin at her, trying to show she had some power, I reminded myself that her brother was hurt. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I called Cole. After he’d dropped me here at my parents, I told him to go help with anything they could with Bailey’s brother, Ethan. He answered on the second ring. “Boss.”

  “Any info on Ethan?” I stared down at Bailey waiting for Cole to answer.

  “He’s out of surgery. The bullet went through and missed his heart. The docs say he should make a full recovery. He can’t have visitors until tomorrow though and only family.”

  I sighed, letting out a calming breath. I really didn’t want to have to give Bailey any more bad news, telling her Ethan was shot would be enough. “Good. Can you organize a time when Bailey can see him?” I could tell Bailey was straining to hear what was being said, and I almost caved and told Cole we would leave now and go see Ethan, safe, security or not, when I saw Bailey’s lip tremble and her eyes mist.

  “I can get that organized. Look, I know Bailey is going to be upset, but Richard, the police and FBI are swarming around here. You and Bailey would just get in the way and would be another group of people they have to worry about. Rafe and the others will be going and speaking with the Feds about what happened with Bailey. They will want to see her tomorrow, too. I have Sloane, your lawyer on that.”

  “Okay, I’ll call him later once I get Bailey settled in.” I didn’t wait for Cole’s reply. I hung up at stared now at Bailey. Jessica now had her arms wrapped around her, and I knew Bailey had heard what had been said.

  Gathering Bailey into my embrace, I nodded to Brenton, one of my security team, to take Jessica. “Get her to talk to her family, “I said. Jessica patted my shoulder as she went by.

  Bailey cried against me, and I let her, stroking her back and mumbling, “I’m so sorry, baby. It’s going to be all right. We are all here for you. I’ll take you to see Ethan tomorrow. You’ll see he’s going to be fine.” After standing around for a good five minutes, I leaned down, hooked my arms around Bailey, and lifted her so she was cradled in my arms. She burrowed into me, and I walked into the house with my sobbing mate.



  I couldn’t cry anymore. I had been crying for what felt like hours. Richard held me the whole time letting me sob and drench his shirt with tears. My brother, the only family I had left, had been shot at by bikers, like I had earlier today— oh, was that only today, it felt like days ago— but his lot of bikers had hit him. He was now in the hospital and I wasn’t there with him. I wanted to be with Ethan, and as much as I want to chuck a tantrum and demand I be taken to Ethan I knew it was best I waited until tomorrow.

  Richard and I sat on a bed in one of the bedrooms of the mega mansion house. I was across his lap and he stroked my back and twirled my hair, calming me. I hadn’t seen much besides the outside of the house when the car pulled up and when I got out. But from what I’d seen I could tell the house was huge.

  My stomach grumbled reminding me I hadn’t eaten since breakfast. The problem was I didn’t know if I could eat with everything that had happened. I definitely knew I wasn’t in the mood to talk or meet anyone.

  “Are you hungry?” Richard murmured against my ear. “Do you want to come down with me to see what’s in the fridge? I’m sure there’ll be leftovers.”

  I was hungry, but I didn’t think I could eat a lot of food. I’d be happy with a piece of toast and some water. I was also comfortable against Richard and didn’t want to move, but he needed to move. I was sure he would be hungry or at least ready for a stretch after being cramped comforting and calming me for so long.

  Easing off his lap and the bed, I stood stretching my tired muscles. “I don’t really feel like eating, but I know I should. A sandwich or some toast with water would be nice.”

  “That’s easy. I can make that for you.”

  “Oh, I can make it myself, but first if you could point me to the bathroom so I can freshen up, please.”

  “Sure, there is an ensuite just through that door.” He pointed to the left. “Go freshen up, and I’ll wait for you, and we’ll go down to the kitchen together.”

  I nodded and followed where his was pointing. I opened the door and went into the bathroom, freshening up, going to the bathroom, and generally just cleaning myself up. By the time I left the bathroom, I at least felt somewhat human again, and hoped I didn’t look like I’d been crying for hours.

  When I stepped out, Richard was waiting, and I could see he had a new shirt on and he looked like he’d cleaned himself up. “Feel better?” I nodded. He came to me, took my left hand in his, and guided me out of the room and down the hall to the stairs and down to the kitchen. The house was beautiful; everything looked so expensive and extravagant. The kitchen we ended up in was the biggest I’d ever seen, and everything looked top of the line.

  Richard opened the fridge and got out butter and different sorts of meats then went to the cupboard and got out some bread and a couple of plates. He sat it all out then paused. “I’m sorry
I didn’t even think. What would you like on your sandwich? I know you don’t eat meat. I guess I was just on autopilot.”

  “That’s okay. You make your own sandwich, and I’ll make mine. Do you have any Vegemite?”

  He visibly shivered. “Argh, I have no idea how anyone can eat that stuff. Andrew likes it, so there’ll be some in the cupboard.” He went back to a corner cupboard and came back with Vegemite. “There’s your poison.”

  I rolled my eyes at his dramatic overreaction to Vegemite. Knocking him with my hips as I got two slices of bread, I buttered them both and spread the Vegemite on thick. I then brought my sandwich up to my mouth and took a huge bite. Before I knew it, the whole sandwich was gone. I was hungrier than I realized.

  “And here I’ve thought you were perfect.” He shook his head. “Seeing you eat that poison I now see a flaw.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. His lips were turned down and his eyebrows furrowed, and his face and voice full of fake disappointment. It felt so good to laugh after the day I’d had. I really needed it. “Thanks.”

  His arm came around my waist and he gave me a squeeze. “Don’t mention it. Your laugh is all the thanks I ever need for anything. I think it’s my favourite sound.”

  I felt my cheeks heat and I knew I was bright red.

  “Isn’t this cute,” a voice interrupted. “Don’t let Mother catch you hiding in here, especially thanks to Stephan and Jade.”

  Turning quickly to the sound of the voice, it took my eyes a moment to focus, but eventually, I saw Andrew Silverman, Richard’s brother. Andrew was different from Richard. His hair dark black where Richard was blond. He wasn’t as tall as Richard or anywhere near as muscular. Andrew was muscular for a seventeen-year-old, but not the same physique as Richard or even Zeck. Andrew and Zeck look a lot alike, but Zeck has Richard’s build and two dimples. She liked dimples, but the one Richard had made her want to throw herself at him and for him to beg her to kiss the little dent and every other part of him. Argh, she could feel her body heating in embarrassment at where her thoughts were drifting. God, how could she be thinking like this after what had happened today?

  “What happened with Stephan and Jade?” Richard asked his arms still securely around my waist.

  “So much,” said Zeck as he walked into the kitchen. “So this is where you two are hiding. I’d stay hidden if I were you. Especially you, Bailey, as you’re the only other girl besides our aunts and your poor friend, Jessica, who she can rope in to make this wedding extraordinary. Her words not mine.” Zeck smiled, his dimples popped just as a lock of hair fell over his eyes. Holy crap, he was gorgeous. I really did try to stop it, but a sigh slipped out. I mean I had crushed on Zeck for so long that it was hard to remember I could have Richard now.

  Speaking of, Richard growled behind me, and before I could even wish the ground would swallow me whole because of my embarrassment at my reaction to Zeck, Richard spun me around to face him, lifted me up and plastered his lips on mine. Shocked, I gasped, which had Richard’s tongue entering my mouth and seeking my own to tangle with. The touch of his tongue on mine had me snapping out of my momentary shock at Richard’s actions and circling my legs around his waist as my hands smoothed up over his chest and around his neck clinging to him. His hands came down and cupped my arse squeezing the globes.

  My whole body came alive. I never knew a kiss could be like this. From the very tips of my toes to the top of my head tingled, my stomach flip-flopped and my body was burning with need. Lust consumed me and my mind clogged. Richard’s strong manly scent invaded all my senses.

  Needing to be closer to Richard, to feel his skin against my own, I moved my hands back around and yanked at his shirt.

  Loud chuckles and clearing of throats and then finally, “If Mother catches you two, she’ll freak out,” evaded my passion-filled mind. Shaking my head hoping to clear off some of my insane lust that was still fogging my brain and body, I turn my head to now see Mason had joined our audience.

  Groaning, I buried my head trying to hide against Richard. He was having none of that, his hands moved from my arse to cup my face. “We will finish this later. I’m done playing nice. I’m done fighting what I want. By the time I’m finished, you will never sigh or even blush when you see my brother. You’ll only ever do that for me.”

  Holy shit. I can honestly say that before today, my panties had never been wet from anything a man, or boy had said or done, but Richard going all alpha male had my panties soaking, and I didn’t even care that we had an audience. All I could do was nod. I didn’t even think I could form any words if my life depended on it.

  “Good. Now, Zeck, tell me what the hell has been going on.” Richard eased me down him, and I turned to face his brother, but Richard didn’t let me out of his embrace. His arms hugged me against him.

  “Okay, I’ll tell you quickly, cos I think your girl is going to have to go in and meet Mother so her friend Jessica can have a rest from her.”

  Oh. My. God. I was the worst friend ever. I had forgotten all about Jessica and her being at this house, too. I’d been all about me, upset over Ethan. I was so selfish, the worst friend ever. I hadn’t even thought of my friend and what she’d been through today or how for the last several hours she’d been stuck with complete strangers.



  I’m sure Jessica could handle my mother. From the time I’d spent with Bailey and her best friend, I knew she was one tough cookie. After what had happened today, Jessica was probably basking in my mother’s attention. I knew Bailey was in no state to meet my mother—I know she’d met her before at the firm— but not as my soulmate. I was sure my mother could wait until tomorrow.

  My mind was a scattered mess. I tried to get focused again on what was going on around me, but Bailey felt amazing in my embrace, a perfect fit. I was sick of fighting my instinct with her. I didn’t care if Bailey was with that boy Toby, she was mine, and I didn’t care what I had to do to make her see it. Today had been the worst day of my life waiting to see if she was okay after finding out the bloody biker gang was going after her. When I’d called Cole about Ethan earlier and Bailey heard the conversation, I had never felt so terrible and worthless in my life. I watched as Bailey fell apart at the knowledge her brother and her only family member was hurt and she wasn’t with him. At that moment, I would have done anything to make it all better for her. But I was useless right now and could do no more than comfort her.

  I carried her upstairs to one of the closest guest rooms and rested on the bed with her cradled in my embrace. I sat for hours holding her as she sobbed and cried her eyes out soaking my shirt. I shouldn’t have been happy, but I was. This was the first time since I had kidnapped her that I’d held her for so long, felt her against me, and had been so close. When we’d gone downstairs to the kitchen, I was fighting the caveman instinct taking over, but when Bailey reacted to my brother, I lost it. I needed to show her she was mine. I could still taste her on my lips, and my dick was rock solid. With Bailey leaning against me, it wouldn’t be going soft anytime soon.

  The caveman instinct was riding me hard. It had taken over for a while at the way Bailey had reacted to my brothers. A growl escaped at just thinking about it now, and I felt Bailey shiver against me.

  My three brothers were talking, but I was finding it hard to listen. My whole body burned with need and Bailey’s name repeated in my mind over and over. I gave myself a mental shake and tried to listen to Zeck.

  “So, Stephan and Jade will be back late tomorrow night. The trial is Monday after lunch. Tomorrow late afternoon while everyone is together, Jade and Stephan are getting married here. They don’t want to wait any longer. Mum is in a frenzy making sure everything will be ready for tomorrow. Evelin has sent a driver to retrieve the brides dress and…”

  I zoned out as soon as Bailey wiggled, the friction of her body sending a shot of pure lust throughout me. I’d never felt this all-consuming need before. It was as if I�
�d snapped and couldn’t control the caveman instinct anymore. My hands ran up and down Bailey’s body. When they came around to her arse, I squeezed the shapely globes.

  Bailey yelped and stepped away from me. I couldn’t let her get away. I needed her. I needed to feel her body against mine. I needed to show her she was mine.”

  “Richard, are you listening?” Mason nudged my shoulder and I turned glaring at him. “Holy shit, I think he’s lost it.”

  Jade spun to face me, her mouth turned down, and her eyes held concern. She stepped towards me, but Zeck grabbed her. “Something’s wrong,” Zeck said.

  I snarled, my gaze focusing in on the hands that held my mate. “Get your fucking hands off what’s mine before I forcefully remove them from her and from your goddamn body.” Zeck didn’t move quick enough for my liking, and I attacked as soon as Bailey was away.

  Bailey screamed as I lunged for Zeck wrapping my hands around his throat.

  “Dad, we need security. Richard’s lost his ever-loving mind.” I heard Andrew yell.

  “You don’t ever touch Bailey again. She’s mine,” I growled. “My mate. Mine. Mine. Mine.”

  I could feel my brothers trying to pull me off Zeck, but the sane part of me was gone. In its place, a caveman was staking his claim and showing his mate who was the better choice, the one who could protect her and who was the strongest.

  “Bro, calm the fuck down,” Andrew yelled.

  Mason yanked me away and tripped me hard wrestling me to the floor where he and Andrew pinned me. Mason grabbed my face. “Think of Bailey. You scaring the shit out of her. Calm the fuck down. She’s goddamn terrified.”

  It was my father’s voice. “Son, I was afraid of this. You’re the oldest in our family to ever find their soulmate.” That penetrated the fog and then my uncle’s voice followed.


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