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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

Page 13

by Hazel Gower

Dustan stumbled back and stared at me shocked. “How’d you know? Fuck, who else knows.” He darted his gaze everywhere.

  I shrugged. “I don’t know if anyone else knows. I guessed after seeing how you reacted when she wouldn’t walk arms linked with you after the happily married couple.”

  “Oh, crap,” he mumbled. “She wants nothing to do with me. I may have insulted her before I really knew what she was to me.” Dustan plonked down in a chair. “She was at the airport and I, um, spotted Mum near her, and Stephan and Jade were in their own world as usual all over each other. I pointed mum out and they said they couldn’t see her. Mum and Cassie were almost right in front of us and to be friggin fair, I was tired. I’d just been on a fourteen hour flight and have had weeks of Stephan and Jade with their lovey-dovey hands all over each other, so I kind of snapped and said, ‘How the fuck can you miss mum, she’s next to the chunky ranga. It wasn’t until I was smack dab in front of Cassie that my exhausted mind and body figured out what she fucking is to me.” He moaned. “I’m an idiot and the fuckwit she keeps calling me.” He placed his head on the table. “To be fair when she picked us up, she was wearing clothes that were way too big for her.” Dustan groaned. “I think she’s beautiful, and I love her red hair, but now she doesn’t believe me.”

  Pulling out the chair next to Dustan, I sat down. “Didn’t Stephan tell you what an idiot he was with Jade? Trust me I’ve been listening to our parents and Stephan. I don’t intend to make the same mistakes. Dustan, last year I spent time with Stephan and his friend. I met Cassie, and I can tell you from what I learned, she’s not one to hold a grudge. Apologize and—”

  “I have apologized.”

  “Do it again, and again until she forgives you.” I gazed up, looked for Bailey and saw her at the table chatting with Jade and Stephan’s friends. “I don’t think the gift of a soul mate is meant to be easy, Dustan. Remember the stories of what our parents went through and your brother.” I sighed and leaned back in the chair. “Bailey thought I was crazy, the kidnapping her helped that theory, but I don’t know if she’s fully convinced I’m not. I’m trying to keep the caveman at bay, and hold off, but it’s a fight I’m not winning.” Standing, I spotted Derick and Mason and waved them over.

  “What the hell did you do to Cassie, bro?” Derick whacked his older brother upside the head. “I commented to her before about her not hooking her arms through yours when we followed Jade and Stephan down the aisle, and she told me that you wouldn’t want to touch a fat redhead.”

  Dustan’s head shot up and he groaned. “I didn’t say that. I wouldn’t say that to her. She’s beautiful, and I love her red hair, and those freckles scattered across her nose and her creamy skin.”

  Mason chuckled. “Well it seems she’s not into you and wants you, and I quote, ‘the fuckwit needs to stay the hell away from me.’”

  Dustan moaned and hit his head on the table.

  Derick and Mason both muttered, “Fucking curse.”

  Shaking my head, I nodded to both Mason and Derick. “You all right with him? I’m going to Bailey. She’ll be tired after the day we’ve had.”

  “Sure,” Mason said.

  “Go,” Derick said. “Mason and I will watch out for Dustan.”

  Nodding at them, I went to Bailey. I could see she was tired. Her body sagged in the seat, and the closer I got, I could see her eyes scanning quickly like she couldn’t slow them down. She wasn’t contributing to the conversation anymore, and as I came up next her, she didn’t even say anything when I picked her up and cradled her in my arms.

  “Nice to meet you all,” she muttered before her head turned into my chest.

  “Sorry, guys and girls, she’s had a big couple of days. It was nice seeing you again.” I caught Cassie’s gaze. “Give him a chance.” She narrowed her gaze at me and frowned. I stilled and stared her down. After a while, she nodded and turned her head from mine.

  Tightening my hold on Bailey, I left the reception that was almost over anyway and walked through the house and to our room. I juggled Bailey as I punched the code in and got into our rooms.

  Going straight to the bedroom I gently laid an exhausted Bailey on the bed, then went to the bathroom and turned the light on so I could see better. Going back to the bed, I stripped. Then I leaned over to help her get out of her dress and hell, she groaned and mumbled, “Not tonight. I need sleep.”

  “Little Raven, I’m just helping you out of your clothes and shoes.”

  “Mmm, I’m sleeping.”

  I chuckled and eased down undoing her shoes and slipping them off placing them on the floor. Coming back up, I lifted her up and unzipped her dress. She moaned and battered me away. After a bit of a struggle, I got the dress off.

  My cock sprang to life when I saw the light blue lacy bra and underwear set. Damn, she looked delicious. I stepped away. There was no way I could go near her now.

  Going to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face with cold water before I went back out to Bailey. Groaning at the sexy picture she made in the bed in the matching underwear set, I took a deep breath in and let it out. She needs her sleep. You can go a night without her, you’ve lasted this many years. Repeating that over and over, I turned the bathroom light off and went back to the bed. I got in and fixed it so Bailey was under the covers with me.

  Gathering her to me, she snuggled against my chest and muttered, “Later.”

  “I promise tonight we will only sleep. I’m not making any such promise tomorrow.” She didn’t answer, and I bet she didn’t even hear what I said, but I didn’t care. I was happy, content. Kissing the top of her head, I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes letting my own exhaustion seep in.

  Chapter Ten


  The trial started today. I had seen Jade this morning, and she’d looked super nervous. Everyone seemed on edge. The security around the house that was designated to each group today was outrageous. I thought it was extreme, but as we got into the car to head to the hospital to visit Ethan, Richard pointed that the biker group was desperate, and today was the last day to get what they wanted so the family wanted to be prepared for anything.

  It was all so surreal to me, everything that had happened and was happening around me. “Is it always like this for you?”

  Richard sat next to me as Brenton, one of the security men, drove the car to the hospital. Richard shook his head. “No. Not this bad.” He sighed and held my hand in his. “I always have security, but not this much, though. I have pulled guards I use at my clubs to help with all this. We Silvermans have money. Lots of it. We have many different influential friends and favours owed or people willing to have us owe them something. People target us. Did you know that Stephan’s part of the family didn’t have much security when they were really young and the twins were almost kidnapped? After that, they upped their security, we all did. We’ve all had something happen to make us cautious and keep security around.”

  I thought Ethan was overprotective and cautious, but I couldn’t think what it must have been like growing up with security around all the time with having to be so careful of what was said and where you went. I was frustrated with how my vision problem slowed me down and it made some places I’d love to go very difficult. “I don’t remember your brothers having guards at school?” I didn’t, they would be something everyone would notice at school. It would be something you gossiped about.

  “They did, they were just hidden. Your school also has some of the best security.”

  I nodded. “Are you talking about all the cameras?” Those I did remember. It was eerie sometimes having them everywhere in school and being watched, but they added safety.

  “Yeah that, along with the high gates and wire fences around the school. Only Andrew and Oakley go to school now, though, and next year is their last year. Griffith University got a huge security upgrade thanks to us, with Derick, Stephan, Jade, and Mason there. They now have high tech security. That’s a lot of Silve
rman.” He squeezed my hand. “I’m glad you’re going there. The security will already be there.”

  “I don’t need the security. The trial will be over by the time I go next year. So I won’t need it. Plus, I’m not a Silverman.”

  Richard yanked at the seatbelt and pulled me so I almost sat on him. I wiggled trying to move, but Richard held me tight. “You most definitely are now a Silverman. You’re mine, Bailey.” He took a deep breath in like he was sniffing my hair. Argh, Richard was going crazy again. I could see it in his eyes as they narrowed on me, and I didn’t need to see with a hundred percent clarity that they were lasering into me, like they were trying to drill in what Richard said. “You’re important and need protection. I would give or do anything to get you back if anyone took you and that is dangerous. I’d lose my mind if anything happened to you. You’re mine, little Raven. Mine. Now that I’ve found you, I will never let you go. You’re my soulmate. Mine. I’ll do anything I have to in order to keep you safe.” Right now, sitting on his lap in the car as he held me tight and breathed me in, I feared he’d already lost his mind. Richard was so strange and confusing.

  The hour and twenty-minute ride seemed to take forever and everything that Richard said about security and that I’m now part of the Silverman family kept repeating in my head. I didn’t know if I could handle being so closely watched. I knew I couldn’t stand having someone protecting me like that all the time. I was only just now starting to get freedom from my brother Ethan. I hated to think of being restricted again. I liked Richard—well, I more than liked him. I mean, I didn’t think I would give just anyone my virginity, but was I ready to deal with everything that went along with being with a Silverman? That I didn’t know.

  My mind was in chaos over everything that had happened in the last couple of days. Richard left me to have time with my brother alone again, but I had to promise not to leave the room without making sure I had a guard with me. By the time I got to my brother, I had sat and blabbered on about the wedding yesterday and meeting everyone. Ethan stayed quiet and listened, he knew me and guessed as soon as I burst out everything barely taking a breath that something was up, and I needed to vent.

  When I was done, Ethan didn’t say much besides, “I love you, Bailey. I’ll support you in whatever you choose to do.” He hugged and kissed me, and I knew he was going to let me figure out what I needed. I loved Ethan so much and I was lucky to have such an amazing brother.

  Ethan had been a lot better today than he was yesterday. The doctors even said he could leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon. On one hand, I was ecstatic my brother was good enough that he could leave tomorrow, and I’d get to be with him and help his recovery. But on the other hand, I didn’t know how Ethan was going to take my current living arrangement being with Richard in his room and bed.



  Bailey had been quiet all morning. Once she’d visited her brother, she’d asked if it was okay if they went to her and Ethan’s townhouse so she could get some of her things. I called security to make sure it was safe, and after we had received the all clear, we went to her house. I was nervous. I’d seen photos of her place and I knew where she lived, but I’d never been there. I hadn’t even been in her room at the resort she stayed in. From the photos the security took when they got me all the info on Bailey, I knew her room was blue and sparse, with a queen bed, white chest of draws and two bedside drawers. There had been a massive corkboard on one wall filled with pictures, but no clutter on any of the tops.

  Brenton went inside ahead of us, and I followed behind Bailey. The house was a two-bedroom townhouse. It wasn’t huge, but I knew it didn’t need to be for only Bailey and Ethan needs. The lounge room was to the left as soon as you walked in with a TV against the wall. The other wall was a huge window that looked out front, before the window was a three-seat sofa, and further into the room was a single seat. The place was clean and clear of clutter. There was a kitchen with what could be a dining slash family room that went out to a small courtyard. I saw the sparse theme throughout the house. Everything was of the best quality, but there wasn’t clutter or a bunch of knick-knacks. I knew it was all like this so it was easy for Bailey. It made me wonder how she’d been going with the resort on the Gold Coast and staying at his parents. If she were having trouble, would I have noticed? I should have and I didn’t think she had, but it made me wonder if she’d tell me if she were having trouble getting around.

  As we went back to the front of the house where the stairs were, I stopped her before we went up, holding her hand in mine. “Little Raven, I can see how this place is. I know the resort wasn’t this decluttered and I know with everything that’s been going at my parents there are things everywhere. Are you seeing things okay?”

  She shrugged. “I’m doing okay.” Bailey yanked to get her hand out of my hold, but I wasn’t giving it up.

  “What do you mean by okay?”

  “Just that. I’m managing.” She avoided my gaze, and I felt terrible. It seemed I wasn’t good at this mate thing. I wasn’t looking after her.

  “Bailey, you shouldn’t have to just manage. Why the hell haven’t you said something? What has happened that I don’t know of?”

  She sighed. “I’m doing better than I usually do for new places. Look, my vision impairment takes some getting used to. I have been focusing my eyes, and by the end of the day, there is a reason why I’m wiped out and sleep like the dead. It’s because I’ve spent my day concentrating. I’d been getting migraines at the Gold Coast and was taking prescription drugs to help almost every night.” She held her hand up when I opened my mouth to tell her she should have bloody well said something. I would have helped her. I wanted to know why the hell this wasn’t in the info I’d found out about her. “One of the reasons I wanted to come home was so I could get some medication. I’ve been lucky and haven’t been hurt or had any migraines the last couple of days.” She smiled at me. “I suppose it does help that you’ve barely left my side since I arrived at your parents so you help make sure I haven’t tripped or fallen.”

  “I’m so sorry, my little Raven. I should have made sure everything was ready and easy for you.”

  Bailey waved her hand in front of me. “Richard, you can’t make everyone change things for me.”

  “Yes, I can.”

  She giggled and the sound lightened my sour mood at my selfish actions of only thinking about me when I had Bailey with me and not thinking about how everything was affecting her.

  “I know you think you can, but Richard, I can’t always have things the way I need them. I have to learn to get around with things everywhere and make sure I focus on my surroundings.” When she looked at me, her lips were curled up in a grin and her eyes shone with tenderness. She reached up and gently stroked my cheek. “It’s nice you want to make sure things are easier for me and you have helped me. You guide me, and I don’t think you even realize you’re doing it, but Richard, I need to learn to be conscious of my surroundings and where I step and so on. I’ll be going to university next year and you can’t make everyone do your bidding there.”

  Ha, we’d see about that. If I had my way, she’d be treated like royalty. The Uni will make sure that there is no clutter or anything for her to trip over, and that everyone stayed clear of her. Bailey stood on tiptoes and brushed her lips over mine, once, twice, before her mouth took mine.

  This was the first time she’d really initiated anything, and it felt damn good. My body came instantly alive, a fire built within straight away with just her touch. My cock came to full attention as her tongue came out to seek entry into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she clung to me for a moment more, before groaning and easing away.

  “I have never felt what I feel for you, for anyone.” She shook her head. “Ha, at one stage not that long before I met you, I wondered if something was wrong with me because I’d never felt the fire or the burning need I feel with you for anyone else.” She started wal
king up the stairs and stopped, spinning to face me. She opened her mouth, but I placed a finger over her lips stopping what she was about to say.

  “You will never feel this.” I moved my finger and melded my lips to hers. My hands wandered over her body just enough so I knew she was on fire, then pulled away. “With anyone but me,” I growled and walked up the stairs to the landing. it held a walkway with three doors.

  “My room is the main room. The side with only one door. Ethan let me have the master bedroom with ensuite.”

  Walking to her door, I opened it and stepped into her room. It was just like the picture, the bed against a wall, a purple quilt with white swirls on it, a large window above the bed. One side had a small walk-in closet and the other side the ensuite.

  “How long will I be at your parents?” Bailey asks as she disappears into her closet.

  I knew for the next week while the trial was on, we would be there, and then she would come and live with me in my house only a couple of streets from hers in Brisbane. I don’t think she realized that yet, and I was going to wait until closer to the end of the week when she’d spent more time with me to tell her. There was no way now that I’d had her with me in my bed, I would ever go a night without her. Gazing around the room, I didn’t see anything that really needed to come to my house that was personal besides her huge corkboard filled with pictures, and of course, her clothes and shoes, but her clothes and shoes could easily be replaced. “We will be at my parents for about a week.”

  I wanted to ease Bailey into the idea of her coming to live with me after the trial. I wasn’t sure how she would go leaving her brother and moving in with me so quickly. She didn’t seem to mind the current sleeping arrangements, but she hadn’t really been given a choice thanks to my mother’s help and my caveman instinct taking over.

  “Okay. Can you get my laptop out of my right bedside drawer, please? I want to see if I can get some work done on it to help Ethan,” she yelled out to me.


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