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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

Page 17

by Hazel Gower

  Tonight, I was going into work, and tomorrow I was opening back up one of my Gold Coast clubs. I knew Bailey wanted to be in Brisbane to help at the firm so tomorrow I would make the hour drive to the Gold Coast.

  Gathering my things ready for a shower, I went to Bailey to tell her where I’d be in case she needed anything. Only I found her almost nodding off at the computer. Bailey’s eyelids were barely open, her head jolted down, and the motion had her startling awake. Going over to her, I sat down next to her. “Raven, I think it’s time for bed.”

  She blinked a couple of times and shook her head. “I have to finish at least this. We are so behind. I didn’t realize how bad we were until I looked into our files.” I looked at the screen seeing the large size eighteen point fonts. And I was confronted with just how bad her eyesight was.

  Gazing into Bailey’s eyes, I could see them scanning like crazy like she couldn’t focus them. She needed sleep. She rubbed her forehead. I bet she had a headache from having to try to concentrate. Bailey was determined, though, and I knew her enough to know she would stay and work through the pain until she’d reached her goal. “If you get some rest now, I will spend my morning helping you. I’ll even rope in Zeck.” I did not like the light that came to her eyes at Zeck’s name. “Or I’ll kill the fucker,” I growled.

  Bailey giggled and looked at me with false innocence. “Oh, Zeck who. You’re the only one I want.” She batted her lashes and another giggle burst free.

  The little vixen. She sat her laptop on the coffee table beside the sofa. I pulled her to me so she straddled my lap. “I better be the only man you want. Brother or not, I will kick Zeck’s arse.”

  She burst into a fit of giggles and I closed my eyes basking in the happy sound. “You are the only man.” I opened my eyes when I felt her lips against my own. She had kissed softly, gently before I deepened the kiss craving her taste. Bailey’s arm came around my neck and we lost ourselves in our passion. She broke the kiss and eased back. “Thank you for today. I love the puppies. They are one of the best presents anyone has ever given to me. You amaze me, Richard. You’re not at all what I would expect from a Silverman or a man who does what you do.” She turned her head from me. “I finally did a google search on you.”

  I turned her head back to face me. “What did you find that you didn’t like?”

  “Why do you think I found something?” She nervously nibbled on her bottom lip.

  I touched her lip. “Because you turned away from me and you’re nibbling on your lip.”

  She stopped nibbling on her lip. “There isn’t one photo of you with the same woman twice. A lot of the articles talk about what an amazing businessman you are and how cold and calculating you are. Shrewd is mentioned a lot.” Her fingers came up to smooth out the wrinkles between my narrowed gaze. The pads of her fingers came down and caressed my cheek. “I’ve never met this part of you. You are nothing like any of the articles, and I don’t look even close to any of the women I saw you with.”

  “Bailey, I don’t need to be that person with you. I get to relax and let my guard down with you. You are beautiful. I don’t want you to look anything like any of those women. You, my little Raven, are special. I love the way you look and wouldn’t want you any other way.” I needed her to know how important she was. With Bailey, I knew she didn’t need or want a thing for me. What I did for her I did because I wanted to. “Tomorrow night, let’s go out for dinner and maybe catch a movie. What do you think?”

  The radiant smile that spread over her face had my whole body turning warm, my heart squeezing and happiness spreading through me. I knew at that moment that I loved this woman. If all it took was a smile or to hear her giggle or laugh, to make my day, to fill me with happiness, I knew I was a goner for Bailey Rodgers.



  Christmas was days away. I needed a present for Richard, but what do you get a man who already has everything?

  The last couple of weeks had been crazy. I had basically moved into Richard’s house. I was there every night. He lived in a large four bedroom Queenslander, only a couple of streets back from Ethan’s house and mine, but Richard’s place had a huge fenced in yard for the dogs.

  I was enjoying being with Richard. He drove me to work and picked me up every day. He listened when I talked about work and asked questions. He told me about his own work, but I didn’t understand too much of it. I was slowly learning the ins and outs of running nights clubs. A lot more went into it than what I thought. Today, Richard was opening back up his second club so he was down at the Gold Coast getting everything organized. He’d wanted me down with him, but I thought him being away would be the perfect time to see my friends and get a Christmas present for him.

  Jessica was coming to pick me up soon with our friends Jasmine and Sasha. The doorbell rang and I didn’t even bother to go answer. I knew Rafe or one of the security team would. One thing I would never get used to was having bodyguards. I thought they were unnecessary, and I didn’t need them, but Richard wouldn’t even hear the argument.

  “Bails, we are in the house. Let’s get this party started,” Jessica yelled. I smiled when she came up behind me in the huge walk-in closet and two puppies circled her. I stood before the mirror checking my hair. “Love the place. These little guys are so cute.” She leaned down and patted each puppy. “You look good. Happy.”

  Jasmine appeared. “Jessica’s right. You look amazing, Bailey.”

  “Totally,” Sasha added. They joined Jessica giving the puppies attention. “I need to get myself a Silverman if they all make you glow like this.”

  Rolling my eyes, I turned to face them. “You can try. I know a bunch of them now.” I winked.

  They burst into giggles, stood and we all went in for a group hug. I had missed them. This was the longest I’d gone without seeing them.

  “So where is your Mr. Hunkalicious?” Jasmine looked around.

  “Working. He’s re-opening club number two on the Gold Coast again, and he’s stressing because everything has to be perfect.” The girls nodded. “He invited me down with him, but I wanted to see you guys, and I need your help.”

  “With what?” Sasha squeezed my shoulder.

  “A present for Richard. Christmas is days away, and I still don’t have anything for him. I have a little present for each of his family, but I’m stuck with him.”

  Sasha, who rather reminded me of Gillian when it came to shopping and spending money, grinned evilly and rubbed her hands together. “This is going to be fun. Do you have a set amount you don’t want to go over?”

  “Um, well, not really.” I mean how much could one present for the man you love cost? Blinking as that thought resonated with me, I stumbled back as I released how true it was. “Oh, God,” I moaned. My friends all grabbed me checking me over.

  “Are you okay?” Jasmine asked as she patted my back.

  “What’s wrong?” Jessica said in a frantic voice as her gaze traveled up and down me.

  “Er, nothing. I…I, um. I just realized I love him. Richard.” I blinked dazed as I said that out loud. “I’m in love with Richard.”

  Sasha patted my arm and looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “We knew you did. Surely you didn’t just figure that out, you did?”

  I nodded. “Yes. But how did you know?” She said we, like not just her.

  “I told them everything that happened whilst I was there,” Jessica said. “Plus, you haven’t gone out with us in weeks. You’ve never done that. I mean, I knew for sure when I left his parent’s house.”

  “Oh, no. I’m one of those terrible friends who get a boyfriend, fall in love and stops socializing with her friends and then make her life revolve around her boyfriend.”

  The girls all laughed.

  “That’s so funny. We don’t think that’s you.” Jasmine patted my arm. “You’ve had a lot happen in such a small time.”

  “This is your first real boyfriend. It takes time to find balance.�
�� Sasha added.

  Jessica rolled her eyes as she stood before me. “I dump you all the time when I have some hot girl I’m wooing.” She wiggled her eyebrows up and down.

  Hugging them all again, I kissed each on the cheek. “You are all awesome, and I’m so lucky to have you as my friends. Come on. Let’s go before we get even more side-tracked.”

  We left the bedroom and walked to the kitchen. Rafe sat with a shit-eating grin on his face. Groaning I narrowed my gaze on him. “Don’t you dare say a word to him.” He knew who the ‘he’ was. “I will tell him when I’m ready.”

  He laughed and it was the first time I think I’d ever heard it. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He winked at my friends, and I wondered where the stoic bodyguard I knew was.

  “Good. Well, we’re ready to go now. I’m assuming Andy and you are going to drive us?”

  “Andy is driving and I’ll be around.” I nodded and walked to the back door that went down to the garage. Today would be fun. I’d missed my friends. I needed them after learning what I had. I shouldn’t be so surprised, Richard had made it easy to fall for him, he always put me first, and I enjoyed all the time we spent together.

  The only problem now that I realized I loved him, I wanted to make sure his gift was perfect.



  We stayed at my parent’s house last night. Christmas was a big deal for the Silverman family. This year it was more special for me because I had Bailey to share the day with. I’d been awake for a good half hour lying in bed enjoying holding the woman I loved. I listened to her breathing and stroked her silky Raven black hair. She was just starting to wake. I could hear the change in her breathing and her body fidgeted. “Morning, my little Raven. Merry Christmas,” I whispered.

  She carefully stretched, raising her arms around my head and spreading her legs, settling one between my own spread legs. “Morning,” she groaned. One thing I’d learned, Bailey needed a good ten, fifteen minutes to stretch and become fully awake. I waited to let her do just that. Then she moved so she lay back on top of me, her legs resting between my spread legs, her arms crossed and up so her head could rest and gaze at me. “Merry Christmas.” Her hands came down on either side on my head and her lips came to brush mine. “Let’s get up. I wanna undo my pressies. I saw a bunch with my name.”

  Bailey sat up and jumped off me and ran to the shower. Laughing, I sat up and shook my head. She had been so excited last night talking about how excited she was to have a big family Christmas. “I haven’t had one with so many family members since I was little and my parents were alive.” She bounced around like a child. “I always wanted a big family. I wanted what your mother has, a massive tree with thousands of presents under it. I wanted everyone sitting around whilst we gave out presents and enjoyed the happiness around us. I can’t wait for tomorrow. It’s going to be epic.” She went on and on all night, and I loved it. I loved how excited she was about spending time with my family and me for Christmas. I didn’t think she would sleep. By the time we made it in bed, she was practically bouncing off the walls with her excitement.

  The bathroom door opened and I frowned as she walked out in a towel. “I think that was the quickest shower you or any woman on earth has ever had.”

  She blew a raspberry my way. “Come on, lazy bones, get out of bed.”

  I deliberately took my time as I stretched and slipped out of bed making my way to the bathroom.

  “Oh, my God. You’re taking forever.” Bailey’s ‘er’ on the end of forever was dragged out.

  Chuckling, I picked up my speed, went to the shower turning the taps on, and got in. Rushing through my shower, I even brushed my teeth there. Turning the shower off, I got out surprised to see Bailey standing there with a towel. She came to me and dried my body quickly before wrapping the towel around me. I barely had time to react to her towel drying me when she was yanking on my arm and dragging me to the closet. Bailey shoved a blue and white checked collared shirt and blue denim shorts with a black belt at me. Raising my eyebrows at her, I noticed what she was wearing. Damn, she looked hot in black sandal wedges and a light blue fifties style dress with white trim and matching ribbon under the breasts. Her hair was out and curled in waves framing her face that had a light coat of make-up. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She smiled up at me, and then her gaze narrowed. “Now get dressed.” She yanked the towel and skipped back out of reach as I reached for her. “No hanky-panky. It’s present time. Hurry up.” She smacked my arse giggling as she left. Smiling at Bailey using hanky-panky to describe them fooling around and making love and then her having the cheek to smack my arse, I dressed, happy with life and the playful woman waiting for me.

  Dressed, I went out to see Bailey sitting playing with the puppies in the game room of my childhood bedroom. “Come on, let’s go, Miss impatient.”

  Sticking her tongue out, she snorted. “I’ve been waiting for you, Mr. Slow poke.” She stood and came to me taking my hand.

  Gathering her into my embrace, I picked her up and kissed her. “I’ll give you Mr. Poke.”

  She groaned against my lips. “Come on, let’s go downstairs before you try and be funny again.

  Bailey wiggled out of my hold and ran to the door, opened it and ran out of the room. Laughing at her eagerness, I followed close behind her. Everyone knew she was here so they tried to make sure nothing was in the way, but with all the family here, people could easily forget.

  My mother seemed surprised to see us as we came into the dining room, her eyebrows shot up, and her lips opened. The table was overflowing with food. “Bailey, Richard. I wasn’t expecting you down here for another hour or so. I was sure I’d have to get one of your brother’s to come and get you.”

  Bailey turned bright red, her eyes widened, and that was when I saw Ethan sitting at the table. Ethan was red too, but his jaw was clenched and his eyes were narrowed in a glare that if looks could kill, I’d be dead. “Oh, Mrs. Silverman,” he seemed to force out of tight lips. “You’ll learn that Christmas and birthdays, Bailey is up at the crack of dawn ushering everyone around her to be ready.”

  “Well, in that case, I’ll go wake the boys. If you’ll excuse me, please.” My mother stood and promptly left the room.

  We sat in quiet for a moment. Bailey taking a seat next to me, Ethan broke the silence. “Bails, what do you want to eat I’ll get it for you?” He stood, got a plate and waited for Bailey to reply. What the hell? I looked to Bailey, who sat chewing on her bottom lip.

  “Um. Er. Thanks, Ethan. I’ll have toast, vegemite, a hash brown and…” I watched as she tilted her head right to the side and moved it back and forward trying to see. “That’s it.” There was so much food, but she’d just said the obvious and close things.

  “There’s a bunch of fruits. I’ll put some peaches and mango slices in a bowl, too.” Ethan smiled at his sister, and I didn’t feel so good anymore. I actually felt like a douche.

  “Why didn’t you say that you couldn’t see everything on the table?” I growled, angry with myself for not figuring this out.

  She shrugged. “I could see enough. Don’t worry. If I had wanted more, I would have said something.”

  “Damn it, Bailey, y—”

  “Don’t speak to my sister like that,” Ethan snarled.

  Argh, how did my morning change so quickly? “Little Raven, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that.”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s okay.” She narrowed her gaze on Ethan as he came and placed her food in front of her. “I have to start speaking up for myself. There was no way for you to know otherwise.” She grabbed my hand and clenched it in her own. “I promise from now on if I can’t see anything, I’ll tell you. Okay?”

  I nodded, feeling slightly appeased. “Fine, as long as you do it and are not just saying that now.”

  “No, I will.” She squeezed my hand before dropping it and digging into her food.

The rest of breakfast was uneventful. My brothers came down as we were finishing, my father followed them in. Bailey’s excitement was back and my father smiled at her. “It’s nice to have someone so excited about Christmas day again. The boys haven’t had your enthusiasm since they were children.”

  I chuckled as Bailey sent each of his brothers a stern glare. “How can you not be excited about Christmas? It’s the only other time besides birthdays when you get to see the joy on the people you love’s faces as they open special gifts from you.” Blinking, I watched as each one of my brothers faces soften as they looked at Bailey.

  Looking to my father, I saw him grinning from ear to ear, he was so happy as he stared at Bailey. “What a great way to put it for adults,” my father said.

  We waited until everyone finished eating before we got up and headed to the main lounge room where the massive tree was, with presents piled up under it. Sitting on the sofa closest to the tree, I gathered Bailey to me and sat her on my lap snuggling her. She made a lame attempt to get off me, but I held her tighter.

  Mother sat on the floor right in front of the tree in her usual spot and started handing out the presents. I received some concert tickets, a cruise for two from my parents and other little things for my house. My mother handed Bailey a box with a smile. Bailey took it smiling, she’d done well, she had a stack of gifts next to us ranging from new handbags, a laptop, a spa day, and movie vouchers along with a bunch of other things. My gifts to her hadn’t been reached yet.

  Bailey handed me the gift my mother had given her and moved to sit next to me. “Merry Christmas, Richard.” She passed a large shoebox-size present to me.

  I could feel all eyes on me as I slowly undid the wrapping paper, only to frown when I saw it was a shoebox and a woman’s shoebox at that. Looking up at Bailey wondering what was going on, I saw her nibbling on her bottom lip and wringing the end of her dress. Picking up the box, I shook it. It didn’t make a sound. Opening the box, I chuckled when I saw it was packed full with bubble wrap. Pulling the stuff out checking through it I finally found it taped to the bottom of the box, a small wrapped present. This time I didn’t take my time. I ripped the paper eager to find out what it held. A velvet box, not ring-shaped, but it was jewellery. Carefully, I opened it and inside sat a thick gold chain, with tiny gold rings around it like an abacus. Picking it up, I looked closer and noticed the rings held markings on them.


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