Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2 Page 18

by Hazel Gower

  “If you, um…if you don’t like it I can get you something else,” Bailey mumbled quietly.

  “No. No, I love it.” It was different. The chain was thick and chunky, the little rings fit snuggly. “What are the markings?”

  Bailey wouldn’t look at me. She gazed anywhere but at me as if she were searching for an exit. “It’s, um, well, it’s braille. I…I thought it might, well, I thought it could remind you of me.” She groaned and shifted away from me. “It’s silly I know. I mean I see you every day and I—”

  “Bailey, stop.” I pulled her back to me. She was almost off the sofa and as far as she could go without sitting on her brother’s lap. “I love it. What does it say?

  She whispered something that I didn’t hear, so I yanked her so she sat back on my lap sitting the necklace in its box on the armrest.

  “I missed that. Tell me what it says.”

  “Bailey’s,” she whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

  Holy crap, she had gotten me something to tell everyone that I belonged to her. Bailey was bright red and still wouldn’t meet my gaze. “Perfect.” I picked up the necklace, undid the clasp, and put it on. It was a long chain and would sit under my shirts. “I love it.” I didn’t care if we had an audience, I tilted her head up and captured her lips with my own. She relaxed against me as soon as my lips touched hers. Our mouths opened and our tongues met. The world around me disappeared and the only thing that mattered was the amazing woman against me.

  Loud cleared throats and Andrews, “Well, there is no way she can doubt he liked it with that response,” had them pulling apart.

  I wasn’t sure about my big present now. My mother gave me the present to give to Bailey. She took it and didn’t take her time opening it. She ripped the paper eager to get to her gift. The large velvet case had her pausing and she slowly opened it. Inside sat a white gold necklace with a Raven pendant, the wings were out and covered in little black sapphires, and the eyes were larger stones. There was a bracelet matching the necklace with little black sapphires in the spread out wings and for the eyes.

  “Oh, Richard. I love them.” She shoved the box at me. “Put them on me, please.” She turned around, lifted her Raven coloured hair, and arched her neck. Carefully, I placed the necklace around her neck. Bailey turned back and I saw it sat higher than mine did. It rested a little below where her neck ended. Bailey held her hand out, and I placed the bracelet on her. It was a perfect fit. When both were on, she threw herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck. “Thank you. I love them.”

  Wrapping my arms around her, I sighed in relief that she liked my present.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I didn’t need this right now. It was New Years. Bailey and I had spent our morning at the movies before coming back to get ready for a party that my cousin Stephan was holding tonight at his place on the Gold Coast. We’d arrived early and chatted with Stephan and his wife, Jade. Bailey and she got on like a house on fire. Soon the house and yard were filled with family and friends and the New Year was close. I didn’t drink. I wanted to enjoy our first New Years with my woman. When the clock struck twelve, I pulled her into my arms, lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around me, and we locked our lips while everyone cheered and danced around us.

  Earlier in the night, I had turned my phone off wanting no detractions. At two in the morning when we were leaving I turned my phone back on to see it was blown up with missed calls and messages, all telling me we had problems at one of my nightclubs here on the Gold Coast. A guy had OD’d and ended up in the hospital and a girl of only twenty-two had OD’d and died in my friggin nightclub. Zeck needed me to come to the club as the cops needed to talk with me.

  Zeck was running the clubs for me so I could have time with Bailey. She was going away to the Vision Australia Camp on the eleventh of January for two weeks. It would be the longest we would be without one another since meeting. I was not looking forward to it. Bailey was excited though so I didn’t complain…much.

  Instead of taking Bailey back to my apartment at Soul, and starting the New Year making love, I left her with Stephan. I knew she would be safe there. I was now walking into my nightclub with police everywhere still and ambulance vans and paramedics about. I didn’t want to deal with this. I wanted to be with my mate, my woman.



  I couldn’t believe how fast the last week had gone. Richard was stressed and coming home from work later than he had before. He was miserable. I helped him when I could, but there wasn’t much I could do besides listen to him vent. The drugs kept turning up in his clubs. No one else had OD’d again, but only because Richard had doubled the security and hired a medic.

  “I can call and cancel tonight.” I said looking over at Richard as he drove me to Jessica’s house.

  “No. You deserve to go out and have fun with your friends. All I’m doing tonight is working.”

  I felt guilty about everything that was going on, that I was leaving him tonight, especially when I was going away to Vision Australia Camp next week. I would be helping as a volunteer for two weeks. I was going out with my girlfriends tonight. It would be my first night of clubbing in busy nightclubs.

  “Okay, but if you need me, I will come home.” He grinned at me.

  “You just said home and not your place.” His smile had his dimple popping, and it reminded me how unbelievably hot he was and out of my league, but I didn’t care. I loved him.

  “Yes, I did. Well, I do live there. I haven’t stayed at Ethan’s house since before Schoolies.” He parked out front of Jessica’s parents’ house and sighed when Rafe opened my door. “You partying with us girls tonight?” Rafe didn’t bother answering, besides raising his eyebrow.

  “Rafe, Andy, and Brenton are with you tonight. If you need them, don’t hesitate to use them.” Richard’s lips thinned and his gaze narrowed.

  I nodded. We’d already discussed, or should I say, argued about this. I didn’t think I needed bodyguards, and he disagreed. I then argued I didn’t need three, and again, after he reminded me of what was going on with his club, he mentioned what went on with Jade to stop any further fight.

  Richard gathered me to him and kissed me. His lips molded to mine and his tongue sought entry. I opened and let him in. The kiss turned into one that showed how my body was burning with need. By the time he eased from me, I was ready to tell my friends they could shove girl’s night, I was staying with my man. “Have fun, my little Raven,” he muttered against my lips before brushing his own over mine one last time before moving away.

  I stood watching him get back into his car and drive away. My whole body was lit and burning with a need for release. Argh, the evil man. I bet he did this on purpose so all I could think about was him. Sighing, I turned and walked up to the path to Jessica’s front door.


  Jasmine’s grip on my hand was tight as we made our way through the crowd of dancing people and found a spot with enough room to dance. Sasha shimmied to me and pulled the little black dress they’d nagged me into wearing down so it showed a ridiculous amount of cleavage. I’d pulled it up when she wasn’t looking at least a good twenty or so times, but Sasha just adjusted it back to what it was if not further down to show even more cleavage. Throwing my hands up, I glared at her. “Fine,” I yelled over the music. “I give up. You win. My boobs are now the main attraction for anyone taller than me, which is most people.”

  Jasmine, Jessica, and Sasha laughed like I’d just told a joke. “Stop being a prude, Bailey. We were at the Gold Coast and you didn’t come out with us clubbing,” Jasmine shouted over the music.

  Sasha nodded. “So tonight we are making up for it. You so owe us.”

  They were right. I didn’t go out on the Gold Coast like most of the girls my age. I was a slack friend and when they had asked, I stayed in and read a book in the quiet. I looked to Jessica to see if she was in with Sasha and Jasmine, and I knew she was
, as she winked at me and a massive grin spread across her face.

  Smiling at my friends, I nodded. “You’re right. I should have gone out with you all. Let’s have fun.”

  Jasmine, Sasha, and Jessica squealed and threw themselves at me hugging me tight. I giggled at their antics and decided I was going to let go and have fun.



  “I’d like it to go on record that this isn’t a good idea.”

  I shot a glare at my cousin Ryder hoping he’d shut up. “You didn’t have to fucking come,” I snarled as I passed the bouncer into the club.

  Ryder grabbed my arm halting me. “Yeah, I did. Someone needs to hold you back, and if all else fails, you have an ‘in’ with the police to bail your arse out.”

  Snatching my arm out of his grasp, I walked further into the club ignoring Zeck as he said, “I’m the idiot who activated the tracking on her pendant.” I heard mumbling from Ryder as they came up close behind me. Then Zeck came up next to me and laughed loudly. “Yep. She got the ‘tag’ like Stephan or our mothers have, in a Raven pendant for Christmas.” I growled at my brother before turning my attention back to the crowded nightclub. “He would have given it to her earlier, but Bailey wouldn’t take it. She already thought he went overboard getting her a puppy for her birthday. So he gave her the necklace for Christmas along with a matching bracelet.”

  “Cursed,” Ryder said.

  I tuned out my brother and Ryder and focused on finding Bailey. I knew she was having a ‘girls night’ but after everything that had been going on and knowing firsthand what happens at nightclubs, I wanted to check she was safe.

  Ryder nudged me and I turned snarling at him. “What?”

  “Don’t you have security on her anyway?”

  I narrowed my gaze at him and clenched my fists as the caveman boiled to the surface. “That’s a stupid question. Of course, I have fucking security on her. Rafe, Brenton, and Andy. I spoke to Rafe an hour ago, and I didn’t like how little info he gave me.”

  Ryder and Zeck both swore and Ryder scrubbed his face. “Please tell me you didn’t drag Zeck and I here on my first weekend off in months because you didn’t like what your fucking security didn’t tell you?”

  Growling, because I knew how stupid it sounded, I turned back to the crowd and wandered through searching for my mate. Right now, I didn’t care if my brother or cousin followed me. I just needed to see Bailey.

  I saw Rafe first, then I spotted Brenton next to him looking down, I wondered why they were next to each other and that’s when I saw… Bailey’s Raven locks were down cascading in waves around her body. Her body was encased in a fifties short style little black dress emphasizing every curve and barely covering her arse. Her shapely legs were bare of stocking or leggings, but the red stilettos she wore added to her look of sex bomb. This wasn’t what she was wearing when I left her. She looked stunning now, though, not that she hadn’t before. But right now, she looked like an old pinup model. My gaze slowly travelled up her body, my own becoming hard and burning with a need at just how hot she looked. When I reached the top half where the dress ended, it seemed to be missing some fabric because I could almost see my woman’s fucking nipples.

  Darting my eyes around, I now knew why my fucking bodyguards were so friggin close to her because half the fucking men around me were staring at Bailey, drooling.

  “Oh, shit,” I heard Zeck mutter.

  “Fucking hell it was my night off,” Ryder moaned.

  I didn’t care about anyone else as I stalked towards Bailey shoving people out of the way. She was mine. No one else got to see what she had on damn display. Not saying a word, I went to her, leaned down wrapping my arms around her waist, lifted her up, and threw her over my shoulder holding the bottom part of the skirt so she didn’t show anything else.

  “Hey, put me down. Richard.” She whacked my back and kicked her feet. “Richard, put me down right this minute.” She banged on my back and wiggled trying to get down.

  Palming her arse, I slapped it. “Cover your damn breasts,” I growled.

  She howled and screamed, “Bastard. You arsehole. Put me down now. I swear to God, Richard if you don’t… I’ll… I’ll… Well, I’ll do something real bad.”

  I chuckled because Bailey wasn’t one to threaten anyone let alone hurt anyone. She wouldn’t hurt a fly. She was about as scary as a fluffy teddy bear. Now that I thought about it, she barely swore either. This was one of the only times I’d heard her.

  “Grrrr, I mean it, Richard. I’m already angry that you left me in the state you did when you dropped me off and that I’ve had your security hovering inches from me. Put me down. I was having fun.”

  We were outside now, and I glanced behind me to see Ryder, my brother, and my security sorting out anyone trying to help Bailey or interfere. Going to where the car was parked, still fuming, and trying to get myself under control, I let Bailey have her little tirade.

  Cole stood by the car door holding it open. He shook his head at the sight of me but didn’t say a word. Good. “Don’t let anyone in,” I snarled. Cole nodded, and I slowly eased Bailey down from over my shoulder and before she could struggle further, I slid her into the car and scooted in behind her.

  I turned her to face me, and before she could say a word, I captured her lips with my own, eased the dress off her shoulders, and helped the rest of her breasts spill out. My fingers caressed over her pointed nipples and she gasped into my mouth before yanking her lips from mine. Bailey wiggled trying to ease away from my grasp. “We can’t do this in here. We can’t do that now.” She went to lift her dress back up, but I took her hands and held them. I leaned in and nibbled my way down her neck and back to rest at her ear.

  “Sure we can,” I mumbled before I sucked the delicate skin just below her ear. I needed to claim her. I needed to brand Bailey. I wanted her to know she belonged to me. Bailey gasped and clutched at my head. I knew how much she loved it when I sucked on her neck. Mine, mine, mine, repeated over and over in my head.

  Slowly, I let her hand go and glided my fingers down her body and under her dress. Bailey moaned and pulled my hair as the pads of my fingers grazed her thighs and hooked into her underwear. Bailey arched into my touch, and I knew I had her craving more from me. Lifting her leg over me so she straddled me, I helped her up for a moment and pulled her underwear down and off.

  “Richard,” she squealed as her underwear hit the floor. “We need to stop.” She held her hand out as she ducked low in the car. The top part of her dress sat under her breasts, and I noticed her shoes were missing. I was done waiting. I was done being patient. Bailey was mine. Mine.

  Yanking my pants down with one hand, I grabbed Bailey, yanking her to me and having her straddle my naked waist. “You’re mine, Bailey. No one gets to see what’s mine.” I took her mouth in a kiss that showed her I was never giving her up—she was everything I wanted, and everything I needed. Grinding my rock hard erection against her, I trailed my fingers up her legs and cupped her bare arse pushing her closer to me. Damn, she was so wet, so hot and all mine.

  “You are so goddamn beautiful. The minute I saw you, I knew how lucky I was that you are all mine, and I’m never letting you go.” I growled before latching my mouth to hers.

  Her pussy lips slid across my cock as our tongues met. I could feel my pre-come leaking, helping ease through her folds. Moving one of my hands around, I spread her pussy lips and came up circling her clit. Deepening the kiss, I lifted her waist so she hovered over me until I felt the tip of my cock sink into her entrance. Bailey tore her mouth from mine. “Oh, God, Richard. You drive me crazy.” Her eyes stared into mine glazed with an intense passion flaring in them. Her hands rested on my shoulders.

  Before I sank further into her, I needed her to know who she belonged to. Capturing her gaze with my own, I moved my hand from her clit and held her so she watched me. “You, Bailey Rodgers, are my soulmate. No one else will ever see you like I am now. You are
, and always will be, mine. Tell me that you belong to me.”

  Bailey’s eyes flared a bright green. “Richard,” she moaned.

  Sinking her down on my dick just a little more, I caressed her cheek. “Tell me, Bailey. We can fucking stay here all night, but we aren’t going anywhere until you know whose you are, who you belong to.”

  She wiggled and slid her fingers down to fiddle with my buttons. “Richard.” Bailey pushed against me and lifted herself to ease off me. “We shouldn’t be doing this.”

  That was it. By the time I was done, she would be yelling who she belonged to. I let my hand fall from her face, held her waist, and pushed her down as I thrust up. Bailey’s gasp was almost a scream as I plunged into her. She dug her nails into my shoulder, and I gazed up at her needing to hear her say the words. “Tell me,” I gritted out as I lifted her ready to slide over my cock again.

  “Yours,” she whispered.

  I guided her down. “Whose?”

  “Yours,” she said louder this time.

  Grunting, I nodded. “Yes, you’re mine. I belong to you and you belong to me.”

  She nodded, and I gripped her hips and let myself go, fucking her with a crazed need to take her pleasure and demanding more. Bailey gripped my shoulders and drove down on my dick as I pushed up sinking deeper each time. With each retreat, and thrust it became harder to stay in control enough to hold off coming until she came.

  Needing her to come soon before I blew my load without her getting her own release, I knew she was super turned on by the daring place where we were and the chance of being caught. I pulled her head down so I could nibble on her neck and whisper in her ear, “You’re so wet. You like that I’m claiming you with everyone knowing what we’re doing?” I felt her core pulse around me instead of words and her breathing hitched. “Everyone, my little Raven, will know what we have been doing.”


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