Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2

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Richard: Caveman Instinct --- Gypsy Curse Book 2 Page 19

by Hazel Gower

  Bailey burrowed into the crook of my neck and damn, her pussy clasped around me. I knew she was close. Licking the tip of her earlobe, she shivered, and I delved deep as I latched onto her neck and sucked. Bailey’s whole body tensed. She screamed in pleasure and her core quivered around my dick before gripping it in a vice like grip, milking it for all I had. I exploded deep into her, roaring, “Mine.”

  Holding her against me, we sat fighting to calm our breathing as we basked in our euphoric feeling. My fingers trailed and ran up and down her back. Bailey sighed. “I want to be angry at you that you came here and took me, but…” she trailed off and groaned, “I can’t believe what I just did with you.” She moaned and moved her hands to cover her face and mumbled between her fingers, “I’ll never be able to face any of them out there. Do you think they all left and think we just drove home?”

  I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped. “Nope. I’m sure they heard, you little Raven. You were loud.” I grinned.

  She dropped her hands and whacked me across the chest with one. “Argh, this is all your fault. You need to stop being so…so possessive. And…um… stop being so overprotective. I am your girlfriend, not your possession.”

  My grin faded, and I cupped her face making sure she looked me straight in the eyes. “You are more than my girlfriend. You are my one. You’re my soul.” Letting her face go, I took her lips to my own. I was never letting her go. I loved this woman so much.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’d doubled the security at the nightclubs and brought on a medic to go between the clubs and help if needed. The distribution of drugs and the patrons taking them was under control, well, as under control as I could get without searching everyone before they came into one of my clubs. I had also hired two new managers, one for each club. Zeck bought into both Gold Coast clubs and the Brisbane club becoming my partner. It was a weight off my shoulders and was already working out for the better having someone to share the workload with.

  The last couple of weeks, I’d been training the new club managers. The time away from Bailey was hard, especially with her going away for two weeks tomorrow, but I knew it would be worth it. When she got back, the managers would have had four weeks training and would be able to function in their positions. I was looking forward to being able to devote more time to Bailey and our relationship.

  Tonight, Zeck was dealing with the clubs, and I was spending my night with Bailey. She was leaving tomorrow morning, and I didn’t want to miss spending time together and giving her a proper farewell.

  I had today all planned. I’d brought her breakfast in bed this morning, and we were now on our way to Chocolate Moments for a three-hour chocolate cooking experience. After that, we were going to the movies, and then I’d hired out a boat to take us on a romantic dinner cruise. I wanted everything to be perfect so whilst she was away, she would have the memories to think about when she missed me. And I was confident she’d miss me.

  We got along so well. I loved coming home to find her asleep in our bed or getting showered and joining her. As soon as I got into bed, she would migrate to me and cuddle. Before Bailey, I didn’t like being snuggled in bed, but with her, it’s different. I bask in the feeling of her seeking me out and her body against mine. I also love telling her about work every morning and her telling me about her day every night. It was nice to have someone to vent to and help with any problems. One of my most favourite things was just spending time with her like sitting on the sofa and watching TV or a movie, talking about family and friends, and just getting to know each other. With Bailey, I was even happy to just sit against each other quietly and do our own thing like read or work. I knew I’d miss her. This would be the longest we’d been away from each other since I met her.

  “Richard, you getting out of the car?”

  Blinking, I looked over at Bailey, who sat with the passenger door open. We had arrived at Chocolate Moments.


  “I didn’t like the movie. What about you?” Bailey asked as we walked out of the movie theatre. We’d seen an action movie that we’d seen the previews to the last time we came. In the previews, it had looked good. The movie was not.

  “They showed all the good bits in the preview. It just went on and on. There was so much that wasn’t needed or was just plain stupid.”

  Bailey clutched my hand that was wrapped around her waist. “You’re right. I’m glad I saw it, though. I won’t be seeing number two.”

  “We can skip it.” We walked to the exit and Bailey tugged me to a stop.

  “I need the bathroom. I’ll be back.”

  I let her go. Looking around, I saw that I wasn’t the only man waiting. I seemed to have joined a line. Glancing toward the exit, I saw Cole staring at me. When I caught his gaze, he grinned and chuckled. I knew he thought I looked funny standing in line like the other men waiting on their women. I’d never done this before. Usually, I was the one to leave, or when a woman did excuse herself to go to the bathroom, I would get my phone out and work, or in some cases, I just left.

  “Oh, my God. Richard.” I turned to hear a high-pitched voice and saw a leggy blonde with a group of women behind her. I had no idea who this woman was.

  “Do I know you?” I was out with Bailey. I didn’t need or want to talk to any other woman.

  “Serenity. Surely, you haven’t forgotten me,” her voice purred and she got a little too close. “I’d gladly remind you.”

  Backing away, I looked to the bathroom hoping Bailey would hurry up. “No thanks.” Her hand came out towards my chest and I dodged it.

  She pouted dramatically. “But we had fun.” She stepped again into my personal space.

  Argh, why the hell weren’t Cole or Rafe doing something? I looked behind Serenity, searching for my security and for help. My gaze caught Bailey as she came out of the bathroom. I saw the exact moment she noticed Serenity. Her eyes went wide, her mouth opened, and her shoulders dropped. Crap, I was going to have to deal with this myself and make sure Bailey knew next time she had to help me. Serenity was talking about a time at a club. I’d tuned her out as soon as I saw Bailey. Turning my attention to the blonde, I sighed. “Look, Serena.” I deliberately got her name wrong hoping she’d get the hint.

  “Hey, honey. Let’s go?” Startling, I smiled when I saw Bailey at my side with her arm around me. She had just called me honey. Ignoring the blonde, I turned to Bailey and hugged her, squeezing her tight to me before leaning down and kissing her.

  “Thanks for the save,” I said against her lips.

  She leaned back. “Anytime.” And in a loud, clear voice, she added. “You’re mine.”

  Chuckling, I kissed her forehead. “Yes. I’m yours,” I said loud and clear back. We ignored the huff and walked to where security waited for us. I was on cloud nine Bailey had just staked her claim on me. She’d also not taken any crap and let the blonde get to her. I was so proud of her. Squeezing her tighter to me, I knew how lucky I was.



  I didn’t want to wake, for two reasons. One, I was going away today for two weeks, and two, I was enjoying the way Richard was waking me up. His fingers ran up and down my body the pads building up a sensual need for more. Arching into him, he rested his hands under my breasts cupping them before tweaking my nipples. Shots of pure delight pulsed through me.

  I let my own fingers explore tracing the ridges on his back before coming around and trailing the pads over every crevice and bump. God, I loved the feel of his body. I sighed in pure bliss as he flexed and my fingers smoothed over his abs. Richard’s body was amazing, all hard and muscular. He looked after himself.

  Opening my eyes, I smiled up at him. “Morning. I love my wake up call.”

  “Morning, Raven.” He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, gently at first, before his tongue came out and traced the seam of my mouth seeking entry. Opening, I let him in and our tongues met and danced together. The kiss
deepened, Richard ravaged my mouth, and I matched him, tangling my tongue with his and moving my lips to match his rhythm.

  Richard’s body came down onto me and then slid further down. He rubbed against me. We were both naked. It was how I liked to sleep now. Richard had told me he’d sleep naked as soon as puberty hit. Circling my arms around him, I ran the tips of my fingers up and down his back and spread my legs further apart so he could settle between them. His mouth tore from mine with a groan and I took a chance to catch my breath. He rested his face on my neck and sucked, sending tingles throughout me. He moved up to my ear and his tongue snaked out and licked before nibbling on the tip. Holy shit. Sparks fluttered down me and straight to my core.

  Richard made his way down, his hot breath feathering my skin before coming to rest over my now puckered nipples. Taking in a couple of deep breaths, my body shook as he sucked one pebbled nipple in before repeating with the other. Bringing my hands up, I grabbed a fistful of his hair holding him against my skin that now burned with the need for more.

  Two fat fingers slid into my core and pumped in and out whilst his mouth sucked on my breasts. I felt the head of his cock line up with my entrance, and he parted my pussy lips with his fingers. His head came up from my breasts, and his gaze caught and locked on mine. “Tell me, do you want it.”

  I nodded and gasped. “Yes. Give it to me now. Now.”

  Richard grunted as he slowly slid his dick into me. His hands rested on either side of me balancing himself. His dick sank deep, and his fingers rubbed my clit. My body tingled and a hot need rose coiling inside me as I prepared to unravel.

  Richard moved out, pushed back in again, and pulses of pleasure shot through me. Staring up at him, I watched as his muscles strained and tensed with each retreat and entry. He thrust into me pausing on a groan, and I wiggled my butt enjoying the blissful feeling of him deep within me. Running my hands over his chest and back, I closed my eyes letting the immense ecstasy take over me. He started moving again pumping into me with deep thrusts setting a steady pace.

  Keeping my eyes closed, I reached for the bubbling passion building within me. I was so close to falling over the edge with each stroke of Richard’s cock. The need rose higher and higher. Gripping Richard’s shoulders, I drove my hips up, so close to my budding release.

  Richard growled. “God, you feel like heaven.”

  “Richard, harder.” I could barely breathe as I pushed myself closer to my release. “Make me come,” she moaned.

  Grunting, Richard leaned down resting his hands above my head, his head coming to rest at the side of me, and he nibbled on my earlobe, which sent pulses straight to my core. My body tensed and then the coil let lose my release shattering me into a million pieces. Holding him close to me, I closed my eyes and enjoyed the euphoric feeling that washed over me. I was in heaven.

  Richard pumped into me with a final deep push before yelling his release and adding some of his weight on me. His head resting in the crook of my neck, I enjoyed the feeling of his hot body against mine as it added to my already happy state.

  “I’m going to miss you.” I opened my eyes and ran my fingers up and down his back. “I’m going to miss this.” I would. I knew how lucky I was to have Richard, what he did yesterday confirmed it. He started out by making me breakfast, then he took me to Chocolate Moments, and we learnt how to make some yummy goodies. Then he took me to the movies, and to top it off, he took me on a boat cruise where we had a romantic dinner. If I weren’t already in love with him, I would have been after yesterday.

  Richard lifted his head up to look at me. “I want to tell you not to go. I want to kidnap you and take you away where we can spend the next two weeks just you and me. But I know how much this camp means to you so I won’t ask, and I’ll refrain from kidnapping you.”

  Giggling, I ran my fingers through his shaggy hair. “Thank you so much for showing so much restraint in not asking or kidnapping me.” I laced my voice with sarcasm and batted my lashes at him. “Next time, I’ll let you have your way.” I traced my fingers along his jaw and over his lips. He nipped at them.

  “Good. That’s all I ever wanted.” His lips met mine in a gentle, loving kiss. I really was going to miss Richard like crazy. I was falling more and more in love with him and didn’t think being away from him would weaken any feelings. “Come on. As much as I want to stay here like this, we have to get up if you’re going to make it to your bus on time.” On a sigh, he eased off me. I missed him already.



  I was in hell. Bailey had only been gone three days. I’d spoke to her every night, but it wasn’t enough. She’d been late for the bus and almost missed it. I barely had a chance to kiss her goodbye before she ran off to get on the bus.

  “Want to tell me why our new managers are ready to quit?” Zeck came into my office, er, well, it was our office now since he’d become my business partner.

  “If they could do their fucking job right, they wouldn’t be bitching.”

  “Whoa, what the fuck crawled up your arse?”

  “Nothing.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “Bailey’s away at Vision camp.”

  “Argh.” Zeck nodded in understanding. “When does she get back?”

  “She’s away for two weeks. She’s only been gone three days.”

  “Oh, shit. What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to make sure you and the managers are ready by the time she comes home because, when I pick her up, don’t expect to see or hear from us for at least a week.”

  Zeck chuckled. “Fucking curse.”

  Right now, I felt like it was a curse.



  The camp was better than I remembered, and I was having a blast. I loved being a group leader. The kids were adorable, and it was nice making new friends and seeing some old ones.

  Speaking of friends, I’d been surprised to find Toby on the bus. I’d completely forgotten he’d volunteered so he could spend some extra time with me. Rafe, Brenton, and Andy, the security I argued I didn’t need, but Richard wouldn’t give in so I was stuck with, were not happy. They did agree with me that they wouldn’t tell Richard about Toby. We all thought it was better to wait until we got home. They had made sure I was never alone with Toby—to Toby’s displeasure.

  I thought the organizers would be annoyed I had body guards, if not them, some of the other volunteers, but no, everyone liked Rafe, Andy, and Brenton, and they turned out to be a huge help.

  My days were filled with activities and that left barely enough time to eat, but my nights before bed, all I could think about was Richard and how much I missed him. He phoned me every night and we talked. I told him what I’d done that day and he listened and asked questions. He told me about his day, but as the days passed, he told me less and less about his day. I missed him so much. I didn’t think I could miss someone with such a longing as I did Richard. The first couple of days, it scared me that I could feel such intense need for someone. After a week, I was done being scared and counting down until I could see Richard, sleep snuggling up to him, and get my daily kisses.

  The last couple of nights, I lay in bed wondering if I should have told Richard I loved him. He hadn’t said it me, and at first, I was upset. However, when I really thought about it, he didn’t need to say the words because I knew he loved me. It showed in everything he did. Really, all I had to do was think about the day we had before I left for camp. I should have told him, and I stopped myself from saying I loved him on the phone now because I wanted to say it to his face when I say it to him for the first time.

  Being away from Richard had me thinking about many things. I knew when I got back, I was going to have a talk to Ethan about me moving out for good and living with Richard. I was ready. I practically lived at his place now. I was also going to talk to Ethan about the firm. We needed to hire someone who could do Ethan’s job. My brother needed time off, and now I was old enough and had my own
life, he could start living his again.

  A knock on the cabin door had me slipping out of bed and padding to the door. I opened it, not surprised to see Toby. “We need to talk.” He was right, we did.

  Rafe stood behind Toby and shook his head. I knew he didn’t want Toby with me, but Toby and I had been close friends for years and we did need to talk. How I treated him wasn’t right and he deserved answers. “You’re right, we do need to talk.” I gazed behind Toby to Rafe. “I’ll leave the door open, but Rafe, he needs to come in. We need to talk.”

  Rafe didn’t say anything for a while, and I thought I was going to have to argue, but after studying me, he nodded. “Okay, but I’ll be listening out, and if he hurts you in any way…” He trailed off, but I knew what he was going to say and Toby got what he meant.

  I opened the door and Toby came in. I went and sat at the little two-seater table. Toby sat on the other side. We sat in quiet for a while, neither saying anything. I needed to break the silence. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left things the way we did. The truth is I shouldn’t have started anything with you to begin with.” He winced and I felt terrible, but I needed to get the truth out. “Toby, you’re amazing and one of the greatest guys I know, but you’re not for me. I’ve never felt an attraction to you besides friendship. I know you don’t want to hear this, but before Richard, I’d never felt the attraction. Sure, I thought you were hot along with other guys, but I’ve never felt that pull. Toby, be honest, when you’re with me, do you fill warm all over, does your stomach flip with butterflies? Do you miss me, counting down to when you’ll get to see me again?”


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