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The Changing Earth Series (Book 2): Without Land

Page 9

by Hathaway, Sara F.

  “What am I supposed to do, sir?” Erika just blurted out the question. She knew he didn’t want to hear it, but she always had such a hard time just keeping her mouth shut.

  Commander Burns chuckled. “You’re the leader of the group. You follow Sergeant Walker’s orders and make sure your crew is doing their job. Can you handle that?”

  “Yes sir, I can,” Erika replied, trying to remain confident. She really had no idea if she could or not, but she would give it her best shot.

  “Good, then, let’s get to it,” Commander Burns said as he put down the papers into a plastic case and turned to leave the room.


  THEY LEFT TOGETHER. Erika was little more than a shadow in this man’s wake. When she entered the main room she saw that the gang had arrived. Sergeant Walker already had them in uniforms and he was going through some protocol with the group as she approached. She waited patiently as the sergeant finished his lecture on following orders exactly and proper ways to speak to the soldiers that would be interacting with the crew. Erika’s ears perked up here. Commander Burns had only informed her of what she needed to know for her team and not the full details of the operation.

  “Squad, fall in!” a voice boomed from behind her.

  Erika swung around, her eyes the size of saucers. Where do I know that voice from, she wondered immediately, but she had no recognition of the gigantic man that stood in front of her now. He wasn’t as tall as Commander Burns, but he was larger, more muscular. The top of his head was bald, but he wore a mustache that molded around his mouth and made him look similar to a walrus. He looked like he had spent a lot of time in the sun, judging from the baked skin on his face and arms.

  “Did they put a deaf squad leader in charge here?” he bellowed, staring at the rest of the group like they were supposed to reply. “Fall in line, Recruit!” he shouted directly at Erika.

  Erika quickly stepped into line beside Vince. She was happy to feel his calming energy and for the opportunity to blend into the group.

  “Follow me!” he commanded the group as he turned and headed toward the room that Erika and Commander Burns had just left.

  They all entered the room and sat in the chairs as the sergeant instructed.

  “My name is Sergeant Patrick Bennett. I know you all have stories where you came from; I don’t care. I know you all have skills that are valued; I don’t care. I know you all think you know who you are; I don’t care. For the next three weeks I will tell you where you came from, I will tell you what you know, and I will tell you who you are. Are we clear?”

  “Yes, sir,” they all replied tentatively.

  Erika wondered how her mom would feel about this warm welcome the sergeant was giving them, and she turned to see the look on her face. Nancy’s eyes smiled at Erika so Erika smiled back. Suddenly she realized the room was quiet. Too quiet.

  Erika wheeled back around to see Sergeant Bennett right in her face, “Is something funny, Recruit?”

  “No sir, I was just checking on the emotional status of my team,” Erika answered smartly.

  Sergeant Bennett smiled and chuckled a little. Erika wasn’t sure whether she had really amused him or if he was conjuring up some diabolical plan.

  “Your team? What makes you think they are your team?”

  Erika stammered, “Commander Burns said…”

  “I don’t care what Commander Burns said. Didn’t I just say for the next three weeks, I will tell you what you know? Did I say that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And didn’t I just say that for the next three weeks you all are mine?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “In that case, they are my team!”

  “I know, sir, but I just thought…”

  “And there is the defiance I have come to know from Miss Erika Moore. You just thought.” He got even closer into her face. “I will tell you what to think!” He backed away but quickly spun around again. “Since you have so much time to determine the emotional statuses of the other individuals in the room and enough energy to waste all our time why don’t you finish this meeting seated against the wall.”

  “What?” Erika didn’t understand.

  “What, sir!” Sergeant Bennett was fuming now and a small vein stuck further and further out of his forehead as he fumed more and more. “Mathew told me you are still training in martial arts. You don’t know how to do a wall sit?”

  “Yes, sir, but I don’t understand…”

  “Get over there and sit your ass against the wall. That’s all you need to understand!”

  Erika got up from the desk and went to the wall. She slowly slid down until her back was still against it but her legs were folded into a right angle holding her to the wall.

  “Anyone else feel like thinking tonight?”

  “No, sir,” the group answered in unison, obviously trying to get on this guy’s good side.

  Sergeant Bennett continued on like he had never missed a beat. “For the next three weeks we are going to put your physical abilities to the test. Your afternoons will be spent training in your assigned details but in the morning you are mine. It is my responsibility to ensure that you all will be an asset to the soldiers out there in the field and not a hindrance. Are we clear?

  “Yes, sir,” the group replied. Erika tried her best to keep her voice loud and steady, even though her legs were shaking and her muscles burned.

  Sergeant Bennett made a mental note of that and continued. “Good, then we will meet back here at 05:00 in the morning to start. Mathew has instructed me to inform you that your children will be expected to report here in the morning as well. They will begin attending school with the landowner children tomorrow since you all will be occupied with mission details. Understand?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “You are all dismissed. Except for you, Recruit Moore,” he concluded, swinging around to face her.

  Her friends filed out of the room, all giving her a sympathetic look on the way out. Vince trailed to the end of the line and when his back was to the sergeant he mouthed silently, “I’ll wait for you.” Erika nodded slightly at him, acknowledging his communication.

  The sergeant didn’t miss a thing. He had noticed earlier that she was much more emotionally rattled when he was in her face. He got down close to her, “How we doing, sweetie, comfy?”

  “Yes, sir,” Erika replied defiantly. Her muscles screamed at her, but she was not about to give this man the satisfaction he was seeking.

  “Excellent, then you won’t mind holding these books for me.” He whirled around and grabbed a thick stack of military manuals off the desk. He plopped them in her lap.

  Erika’s legs wobbled with the additional weight, but she dug down deeper into her resolve and stayed solid.

  “No, sir.”

  “I’ll be right back. You wait right there, Recruit,” the sergeant insisted as he headed for the door and left.

  Erika heard the door click close. What the heck? Where did he go? The questions flew through her head as her anger grew. What am I doing? I need to calm down and get myself together. I am not going to blow this now because of this jerk-off, and why is his voice so damn familiar? Her legs grew weaker and weaker as she tried to hold herself steady. Can he still see me? He wouldn’t know if I took a break for a moment but I would. Damn overachiever. In reality, Erika knew if she did take a break she would have to lie to the sergeant, and she was a horrible liar.

  After what seemed like an eternity, she heard the door handle start to turn. It was the sergeant returning, but what was taking him so long? She could hear him laughing and carrying on with another officer. Come on, dickhead, just open the door and get this over with, she pleaded in her head.

  Finally, he finished his conversation. His bald head was shining as he walked back into the room. Then he was right back in front of her again. She could smell his nasty breath hot on her face. “Understand this, sweetheart, your team will all be occupied during their afternoon
s, but you on the other hand are my responsibility all day. I am going to test you, cupcake. I am going to push you until you break, but I will never give up on you. We are going to make sure you are ready to lead this team, to direct them efficiently and make sure they all stay alive. If I don’t do my job, you won’t be able to do yours. Understand?”

  Even though the pet names he constantly used made her blood boil, she simply answered, “Yes, sir.” Her legs felt like they were dead, just numb posts holding her to the wall.

  “And are we ready to comply now?”

  “Yes, sir,” Erika answered humbly. She didn’t want to. She wanted to spit in his face and tell him where he could stick it, but she also wanted to see the outside so bad. She knew this answer would get her out of this position, so she swallowed her pride and gave him the answer he sought.

  “Good girl.” he took the books off her lap. “Do any light reading while I was gone?”

  “No sir,” she answered simply, thankful that the weight was gone.

  The sergeant chuckled at his own joke. “You can stand up now.”

  “Yes, sir.” Erika willed her stiff legs to straighten but they were weak and cramped.

  “Stand at attention, woman!” he commanded sternly.

  “Yes, sir.” She pushed her legs out and stood attentively as possible.

  “Oh, you are standing. You’re a short little thing, aren’t ya?” he jested, laughing at his own joke again.

  Now I have to put up with short jokes too, she fumed, but her answer was, “yes sir, I am.”

  Sergeant Bennett was pleased with the response. He had made his point. He pondered her for a moment as she stood there stiffly in front of him. “You are dismissed. I will see you bright and early, and we will continue this tomorrow. Nighty-night, sweetie pie.”

  “Good night, sir,” she retorted, cautiously keeping her anger buried deep down.


  ERIKA’S LEGS WERE getting over their recent assault as she exited the warehouse into the fresh desert air. Vince stepped out of the shadows to greet her. His deep set eyes were silhouetted in the dim street light and she couldn’t make out the expression on his face.

  “You made it?” he jested lightly.

  “Yeah, I made it. I don’t know what that guy’s problem is? I didn’t even do anything.”

  Vince hugged her tightly, noticing she was visibly shaken. “He is just making an example of you because you are the leader.”

  “And why am I the leader?” Erika questioned innocently.

  “Because you love it. You eat this shit up for breakfast. Don’t even try to fool me; I’ve known you way too long, remember?”

  “Oh yeah, I just love having my legs shake ’til they feel like they are going to fall off,” she answered sarcastically.

  “Well then, we can always quit. Just stay here and keep our family all together in one spot.” He changed the subject quickly, reminding Erika of a conversation they hadn’t had yet.

  “No, I will sacrifice myself for the good of the group.” She was trying to play the martyr to divert his attention away from the painful conversation he was trying to get her to have with him.

  “Oh, my little heroine. Always so tough and selfless,” Vince jested back.

  “Seriously, Vince, I am sorry that I didn’t talk to you before I said yes. It wasn’t my choice to make alone, but Mathew put me on the spot. We were both excited when we talked with Alex last night so I assumed you would be on board. I wasn’t expecting to have to leave Daniel behind but I figured this may be the only way of getting out of here. We just have to play along until we get our moment. We go on a couple missions, gain their trust and one day, boom! We are out of here and we can go look for your parents.” Erika rambled on, trying to heal the wound she had caused.

  “It’s cool, baby, I probably would have made the same choice in your shoes. It just pissed me off that you didn’t even talk about it with me first,” Vince admitted.

  They were now holding hands as they passed through the refugee camp gates. It was quiet. The curfew had come and gone, leaving the streets deserted.

  As soon as they were on the back roads home Erika continued the conversation. “Maybe there is something I can do to make it up to you,” she stated, moving his hand out of hers and onto her backside.

  Vince immediately played along. “Yes, you have been a very naughty girl and it’s time you were punished.”

  Erika stared back at him with love-struck eyes. “And I’m sure you have something in mind.”

  “Yes I do,” he replied mischievously. Then he took her hand and placed it over the crotch of his pants. She could feel his erection growing.

  “My, what a big gun you have there, soldier,” she responded coyly, playing along with his game.

  They had just past the back of the blacksmith shop and Vince spied a small nook in the wall. He grabbed her and pulled her into it. “Maybe you would like a closer look,” he said with heated breath. He quickly undid his pants and revealed his manhood to the moonlight.

  Erika grabbed it and started to fondle it gently. “Wow, that is a big gun,” she teased.

  “Maybe you would like an even closer look,” he said slowly, lowering her to her knees and flapping it in her face. If she was going to play along, he was definitely going to take advantage.

  Vince was really charged up now. How far can I take this, he wondered to himself. “I think it needs a good cleaning too,” he chuckled coyly as she took his penis deep into her throat.

  Erika figured she owed him a little something and humored his needs. He was always such an awesome guy, so understanding and compassionate, so she let him have his way with her. Until she heard a noise from down the street.

  She quickly pushed his hips away, leaving a little line of slobber connecting the two until it broke and left a trail of spittle on her chin. He was so turned on he reached for her again, but she stopped him from advancing with her hands.

  “I heard something, Vince.”

  “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”

  “No, really, I heard something over at the blacksmith shop. I don’t want that asshole Jack Dwyer to catch us. I would be mortified.”

  “Okay, okay. We’re almost home anyway, let’s go,” he said, buttoning his pants closed again.

  They hurried to the house, continuing their verbal foreplay along the way. Vince finished her “punishment” in the safety and comfort of their own bedroom. He fell asleep quickly but she just couldn’t sleep. She decided some fresh air might be the best solution. She quietly crept from Vince’s side and left out the little front door.


  ERIKA STRETCHED OUT her arms and then sat down on the stoop. The air smelled crisp tonight, even though the toxic ocean almost glowed in the moonlight. It was a crystal clear evening without a cloud in the sky. Her ears perked to attention as she heard footsteps approaching down the walkway. She thought about running inside, after all it was past curfew, but her new-found pride in her position kept her relaxed and in place. The man was almost directly in front of her, completely lost in thought, when he noticed her presence. He jumped nearly a foot in the air from the surprise. Erika recognized him as soon as the moonlight had revealed his profile. It was Pastor Byron, the camp’s minister.

  “Erika!” he said surprised. “I didn’t even see you there.” He noticed her uniform. “It must have been the camouflage.” He chuckled a little in disbelief. “I heard a rumor in the camp about some commotion with the California Crew.”

  “They recruited us for some reason, Pastor. They’re letting us out.” Erika was stammering for words. His presence made her suddenly very guilty over her decision to join the rescue team. Pastor Byron had been very inspirational in her reaching some kind of mental peace after the sterilization riot. Before the riot Erika had been so proud, so independent, but after the humiliation of the box, Erika knew she couldn’t fight them anymore if she wanted to live. Her inner being was in a state o
f war. She had hated Pastor Byron’s ability to make you accept the world with a humble humility, but slowly, Erika muffled her inner spirit so she could survive here. Back then many had need of Pastor Byron’s guidance, and he had fulfilled his role with spiritual precision. He was not perfect. He lost many but he had saved so many more, including Erika, and she respected him for that. Even though now she was ready to move on.

  “You say that like you’re not coming home,” the minister commented. He was such an open man, a peaceful man, and a kind-hearted man. It made it very difficult for Erika to read him. She surveyed his features. His dark hair was neatly trimmed around a soft-toned face and his dark eyes gazed gently at her.

  “No, no, Mathew is keeping my youngest here…so…” She was at a loss for words again. Pastor Byron knew she would run if she had the chance and he didn’t blame her for that, so she didn’t understand why she felt the need to seek his approval on this matter.

  “So, what about Vince? That man loves his family very deeply.” The pastor valued Vince’s dedication to his loved ones very much. “He’s not going to let you go gallivanting off, but he wouldn’t want to leave Daniel either.”

  “See that’s just the thing. Everyone is thinking about Vince’s reaction. It wasn’t an easy decision for me either, you know.” Erika was feeling a little defensive.

  “I bet not,” Pastor Byron agreed, letting her vent the selfish feelings.

  “That’s just the thing,” she felt a need to explain further, “every day I spend here I feel like I die a little more inside. It’s like water on a flame, but then there’s this fear that the earth will quake again, so you don’t want to do anything for fear of being separated. Then there’s the pressure of the future for my family. We can’t stay here forever. Eventually, we have to find the courage to move on and accept what life is now. Maybe this is a way to sidestep the system.” She was stammering on now, spilling all her worries out.


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