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Blood Moon (Skye Morrison Vampire Series, #5.5)

Page 6

by J. L. McCoy

  My quiet house had turned into Grand Central Station overnight. Of course, I wasn’t complaining. I loved having more time with my pack members…and Nikki. We’d slowly grown closer during her stay here, soon falling into an easy routine. It was nice having a woman around…even nicer that the woman was Nikki. She was simply amazing and I soon found myself falling for her. I couldn’t help myself; believe me, I tried.

  As much as I urged her to take it easy, or tried giving her a hand in the kitchen, she was having none of it. She insisted on cooking all the time, and if it was her only form of therapy, I wasn’t going to take that away from her. I will admit, though, I hadn’t eaten this good since my grandmother was alive.

  Today had been a big day for Nikki; she’d gone back to work at Drop Kick Dan’s. When she returned home this evening, she was quiet and a bit withdrawn. I knew her well enough to know when she wasn’t ready to talk about something. After making sure she was okay, I left her alone to decompress and de-stress from her shift. She’d made Six Vegetable Lasagna and vegan chocolate peanut butter pie.

  “I wish I could cook like you, Nikki,” DeeDee sighed, setting her fork down. “Everything you make is so delicious.”

  “Thank you.” Nikki smiled self-consciously as her cheeks began to redden. She stood and began clearing the plates.

  “If she keeps cooking like this, boss, I’m moving in,” Zephyr said, wiping his mouth.

  “The hell you are,” I chuckled, shooting him a look that said I wasn’t sharing her.

  He smiled a toothy grin and tapped his nose as he winked at me. Zee knew I wanted her. Couldn’t hide anything from that perceptive bastard.

  Jojo stood up from the table as she glanced down at her watch. “Oh, shoot. We’ve got to hit the road. I promised Primo we’d be back by nine.” Turning, she side-hugged Nikki as Zephyr and DeeDee stood. “Thank you so much for letting us stay for dinner. It was amazing, as always.”

  “No problem.” She smiled as Zephyr affectionately put his hand to his heart and winked at her.

  “See you tomorrow, Nik! Later, sir!”

  As soon as the front door shut, I stood and began helping her clear the table. “They really dig you, you know,” I commented as I watched her expertly stack plates on one arm. It was true; most everyone who’d met her had told me at one time or another. I knew how big of a compliment that was coming from our kind. We tended to stick to our own and didn’t willingly associate with many humans because of our heightened senses. We could smell a bad human from a mile away and it would surprise you to know how many were out there.

  “I like them too.” She smiled genuinely up at me before turning and heading into the kitchen, putting the dishes in the sink.

  I followed her in and set the rest in there as she began filling the sink with water. Wordlessly, I playfully nudged her over with my hip and began helping. We washed in comfortable silence for a while, each lost in our own thoughts.

  “How bad was today?” I asked gently as I hung a plate on the drying rack, not wanting to pry, but needing to know.

  Nikki was quiet for a time before she answered softly, “It could have been worse. I didn’t run screaming from the place.” She sighed and looked over at me. “The sound bothers me. Laughter, screeching, banging glasses…it was all too much at first. It took me a while to adjust.”

  “I can only imagine,” I said, my brow furrowed with sympathy. “If you’re not ready—”

  “I can’t sit around here anymore,” she interrupted. “I have to continue on with my life. I won’t let those bastards have any more of me, Dean. They’ve taken enough.”

  We stared at each other for a few heartbeats, me telling her with my eyes that I’d take care of her and her telling me with hers that this was something she really needed to do. I hated the thought of her being alone and scared at work. I had this intense need to protect her and be there for her every second of the day. I’d never tell anyone this, but it was hard for me to let her go to work on her own today. If I thought I would have gotten away with it, I’d have hid in a corner at Drop Kick’s and watched over her all day. I knew she’d bust my balls if I’d even tried it. She was an incredibly tough chick and wasn’t keen on showing her weaknesses.

  Sighing, I turned my attention to the last few dishes. There was so much I wanted to say, but didn’t know how. I wasn’t very good at this shit. “Yeah, well, I’m here if you need me,” I finally mumbled gruffly, trying to maintain my manly reputation. The moon and stars I secretly wanted to give this girl. I did not chase women…but I would chase her to the ends of the earth.

  Nikki’s sponge stopped scrubbing as she looked up at me. “You know how much I appreciate you, right, Dean?”

  “I know, babe,” I answered as I rinsed another plate.

  When the kitchen was clean and the leftovers put away, we headed into the living room to watch the first season of Orange Is the New Black on Netflix. It had been a nightly ritual of ours for the last week.

  Tonight, like the previous three nights before, Nikki sat next to me on the couch. Tonight, unlike the other nights prior, she sat closer to me than ever. It was hard to concentrate on the show with her thigh pressed against mine. I tried to keep my eyes on the television, but it was increasingly hard. Nikki’s laughter drew my attention back to the show and I covertly smiled at the sound. I loved her laugh and didn’t hear it often enough.

  “God, I freakin’ love Crazy Eyes!” she chuckled, leaning forward to set her beer down on the coffee table. When she sat back, she snuggled easily into my side and sang along softly with the character. “Chocolate and vanilla…swirl, swirl. Swirl, swirl.”

  I looked down at her in surprise a second before my arm went around her of its own accord. “Is this okay?” I asked uncertainly as I involuntarily pulled her closer to me. It would have to be, because I didn’t know if I was capable of letting her go now.

  “More than okay,” she whispered as her head rested on my shoulder.

  We were silent for the next hour as I held her and watched T.V. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d felt so content.

  After the episode was over, I turned off the screen and we both sat quietly for a few moments. I had something I needed to talk to her about, but I was nervous going into it. Nikki knew my friends and I were werewolves, but it wasn’t something we talked about much between the two of us; not since her first night here. I was a little unsure of how to approach the conversation.

  “So,” I started gently, “the full moon is tomorrow night.” I paused, waiting for her reaction.

  “I heard Zephyr mention it earlier to someone on the phone,” she said, tilting her head up to look at me. “I don’t want to sound cliché, but isn’t that supposed to be a big night for you guys?”

  My lips pulled back into a slow smile. She didn’t miss much, my Nikki. “Yes, it is. We meet at my house every full moon to change and commune with each other and nature.”

  Her brow furrowed slightly and she sat up. “Oh. Oh! I should…I should probably make myself scarce tomorrow night.”

  “No.” I shook my head, sitting up as well. “You don’t have to do that. I was going to see if you wanted to hang out with us. We have a few members who are unable to change for various reasons, so you can sit around the campfire with them while the rest of us run for a bit.”

  “R-really?” she asked uncertainly.

  “Absolutely, Nik,” I answered honestly. “I want you there.” I watched as she chewed on her bottom lip for a few moments and thought it over.

  “Is it safe?” she asked, a bit timidly. “I don’t mean to offend you, but I just need to know. I fully trust you and DeeDee, Zephyr, Jojo, Holly, and Primo, but, I don’t know the rest of them personally.”

  “You couldn’t be any safer than with my pack,” I told her seriously. “They know you’re my…my friend.” I rubbed the back of my neck uncomfortably before turning slightly toward her. “Listen, you may not know everyone yet, but everyone knows you, or at
least of you. They know you’ve been living with me and will continue to live with me for a while. No one would ever touch a single hair on your head. You are under my protection and no one would dare harm you, not that you have enemies in my pack. You have nothing to worry about, toots. Cross my heart.”

  She studied me silently for a moment more. “Okay,” she answered with a slow smile. “I’d love to come.”

  Smiling widely, I slung my arm around her shoulder and pulled her back into my side. “I knew you couldn’t say no to this face.”

  She laughed then sighed as she rested her arm around my waist, getting more comfortable.

  “I don’t want you to worry, but I feel I should prepare you,” I said, trying to keep my tone conversational so I didn’t scare her into changing her mind. “Tomorrow's full moon gathering will be a little more intense than normal. Because we'll be welcoming a new member, you're going to witness a few Native American rituals that have been passed down from our ancient Tonkawan ancestors. Our pack is passionate about our roots and the ceremonies can get quite loud at times.”

  “I had no idea you were Native American,” she said, looking up at me, her eyes surprised. “That’s kind of awesome.”

  “The majority of us have Tonkawan ancestors,” I nodded. “Those who aren’t born in, we bite in.”

  “I’ve never been to a pow-wow before. I’m looking forward to it.”

  Her statement made me chuckle and I smiled down at her before settling into a comfortable silence.

  I felt her tense up a few minutes later and I pulled my head back to look down at her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Um…I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’m having a hard time getting it out of my head,” she whispered as she picked nervously at her thumb nail with her middle finger.

  “What is it, babe?” I asked, concerned.

  “Dan said Lyric came into Drop Kick’s two days ago looking for me.”

  “What?” I exploded incredulously. “Are you serious? Why weren’t those the first words out of your mouth as soon as you walked in the front door today? I need to know these things, Nik. We’ve been looking all over for him.”

  “I don’t know,” she shook her head. “I didn’t want to think about it too much. I wouldn’t have been able to get through my day. When I got home, everyone was here and I didn’t want to bring it up with an audience around. I don’t know. I guess I was trying to convince myself it didn’t happen…but it did.” She was starting to tremble slightly, so I pulled her back into my arms and guided her head to my chest.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered into her hair as I rested my lips against her crown. “I didn’t mean to yell. Promise me you’ll always call me as soon as something happens. I need to know the important stuff, okay?”

  She nodded as her hand reached up to fist my black t-shirt.

  “What did Dan say exactly?”

  “He said Lyric stopped by, asking for me. Said he looked like hell, clothes all disheveled. He only stayed long enough to hear I wasn’t there before he left again.”

  “How did you take the news?” I asked gently.

  She sighed and chuckled sadly. “About as well as a terminal cancer diagnosis. I downed three shots of Jäger during my bar prep just to get through it.”

  “Fuck,” I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you sorry?” she asked, surprised, looking up at me.

  I felt my jaw continuously clench and unclench with the anger I felt coursing through me. I was trying my best to hide my emotions from Nikki, but knew I was losing the battle. “I promised you I’d find him. I promised you he’d never get to you, and my men and I failed you.”

  “You couldn’t have known,” she said softly. “I didn’t think he’d have the balls to ever show up at Dan’s again. I honestly thought he’d fled town.”

  “Still,” I shook my head unhappily. “I’m going to make sure he never messes with you again.”

  She nodded her head sadly as unshed tears shined in her eyes. “I know you will. Thank you for looking out for me. I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without you. You provided the strength I’ve needed to meet each day since I was rescued.”

  I watched in surprise as she leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on my cheek before standing up and stretching her legs.

  “Holy shit,” I remarked amusedly, jokingly, as my eyes secretly scanned her from head to toe and back. She was smoking hot, what can I say? “Are you trying to flirt with me, Miss. St. James?”

  “Maybe,” she answered, giving me a small, secret smile as she turned and headed for the hall. “Goodnight, Dean.”

  Holy shit! I smiled triumphantly as I interlocked my fingers behind my head and rested my neck against the back of the couch. Hell yeah. “See you in the morning, toots.”

  As soon as her bedroom door shut, I dug my cell phone out of my back pocket and dialed Primo.

  “’Sup, boss?” he answered on the first ring.

  “Lyric paid Dan Kennedy a visit two days ago,” I growled lowly, being mindful of Nikki’s hearing. “I want you and a crew over at Drop Kick’s pronto. Track that motherfucker down and bring him to me.”

  Primo’s answering howl was all the confirmation I needed.

  Chapter Nine


  I can’t believe I kissed him. What’s wrong with me? Am I crazy? Is it too soon? What will be the repercussions? Am I ready to deal with the possibility of having real feelings for another man? Will I ever be able to have a normal relationship again?

  I hadn’t been able to get our time on the couch last night out of my head. Sitting there with Dean, snuggling, had felt like the most natural thing in the world to me. His touch was calming, soothing, and the best medicine for the tough day I’d had. Plus, he was the only person on Earth now who I felt completely safe with. I was mildly worried at first that I’d overstepped my boundaries, but he hadn’t seemed to mind; in fact, he put his arm around me as soon as I leaned into him.

  To say I was surprised by my actions would be an understatement. I had no idea I still had the capacity to feel those kinds of things. And feel them I did. I’d meant what I said to him about him being the strength I needed to face each day. Without Dean, I’d still be a blubbering mess, hiding out in bed all day, afraid of the smallest things. He made me get up and interact with him; he made me talk…even when it was about nothing. That man pulled me from the deepest, darkest pit of despair and reintroduced me to the light. God love that man; he took a broken woman and helped her put the pieces back together. I was still missing a few, but each day was better than the last…thanks to him. I knew I’d get through this now.

  Of course, the girls had been amazing, too. DeeDee, Holly, and Jojo had come over almost every afternoon and taken me horseback riding with them. My daily interaction with Sugar helped me to be okay with touch again. Loving on her, such an instinctual and natural thing for me, permitted me to touch and eventually be touched. She was the most amazing animal I’d ever met and I was so thankful for the time we spent together.

  Ugh. That kiss! I kissed him on the cheek, not a big deal, right? Friends kiss each other on the cheek; it happens all the time.

  “Yes, it does, but not when you want to kiss him on the mouth,” I said aloud, unconsciously.

  “Kiss who on the mouth?” Fiona asked nosily as she served a beer to the customer across from me. “Lyric?”

  I visibly shuddered at the sound of his name and dropped the glass pitcher I was filling at the beer tap. The explosion of glass was loud as it hit the hard, polished concrete floor.

  “Whoa, yo!” Fiona screeched angrily as she jumped back, trying to avoid the liquid and shrapnel. “What the hell?” She had been less than friendly with me since returning to work yesterday. We hadn’t been the best of friends to begin with, but she’d never been this cold toward me. I didn’t fully understand the change in her, but I didn’t dwell on it.
I had much bigger things on my mind at the moment.

  Turning to her, I swallowed with difficulty and tried to calm the sudden fear coursing through me. Just the mere mention of my ex’s name sent my fight or flight instincts into overdrive. Breathing hard, I knew I was seconds away from a full-blown panic attack, which confused me because I was able to discuss Lyric with Dean the night before.

  “Jesus! Are you okay?” Dan asked worriedly as he came out of the stockroom behind the bar, abandoning his inventory check. “What happened?” His hands came up and gripped my shoulders firmly as he looked me over in concern.

  Jerking out of his hold, I took a step back as my arms encircled my torso. “I’m fine. I’m fine. The pitcher just slipped.”

  Eyeing me with renewed concern, Dan held his arms out to his sides and lowered his head, trying to catch my downward gaze. “Nikki, you’re not fine,” he whispered gently.

  My eyes flew up to meet his, pure panic racing through my veins. He sees right through me. He knows. How does he know?

  “You’re getting blood all over the floor,” Fiona whined as she threw a clean bar towel my way. Catching it in the chest, I glanced at it uncomprehendingly for a few heartbeats.

  “Your leg, doll,” Dan said gently as he pointed to the aforementioned.

  Finally, coming out of my own head and realizing the situation, I gazed down to see a long red gash running diagonally down my shin. “Oh, shit.” I hadn’t even felt it.

  “Come on,” my boss whispered softly as he put his hand on my shoulder and urged me toward the side. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

  “Well, who’s going to tend to this mess?” Fiona asked, indignantly.

  Pausing, Dan slowly turned around to face her. “You are, Fi, and you’re not going to say another fucking word about it.” His tone dared her to say something else, and wisely, she didn’t. I’d known Dan for seven years and he was never one for anger. His statement to her had been surprising to me.


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