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Denying Mr. Parks (The Parks #1)

Page 3

by Lilly James

  I sighed rather loudly out of irritation, and it made him smirk. “Do you have to be somewhere, Evelyn?”

  Yes, home. “No. It’s fine. What do you want to speak to me about, Mr. Parks?”

  He smiled that cocky, one-sided grin. “I wanted to have a one-on-one with you, Evelyn.” He pronounced one-on-one in a way that indicated hidden sexual meaning.

  I crossed my arms, not caring if he stared at my chest. “Do you have many one-on-ones with your employees, Mr. Parks?” Shit. My mouth was getting carried away again.

  His gaze shot up to mine in amusement before he casually leaned back into his chair and got comfortable. When he pulled his leg up to rest his ankle on his opposite knee, I almost choked on fresh air, my eyes widening inadvertently. Fuck! He had a supremely huge erection straining against his trousers. I could see it clear as day.

  Oh my Lord. I pulled my gaze away from it immediately, but he’d already spotted me looking. Shit. My boss had a boner, and I’d been caught staring.

  Why did he even have one? Because of me? Oh please.

  With the tip of his tongue he slowly licked his bottom lip seductively, obviously indulging in my reaction. Yes, okay, I had a twinge right down into my stomach, and my clit was pulsing against my damp French knickers. But that was all.

  “Do you see it, Evelyn? Do you see what you do for me?” His voice was sultry and seductive.

  “See what?” I knew damn well what.

  His smirk was small, almost appeasing. “Are you blushing, Evelyn?”

  “Blushing?” My voice was hasty, almost astonished. “Parks, I have never blushed in my life.” It wasn’t a lie. I never did the blushing/drooling-over-a-man thing. Maybe I did blush that time, though.

  “Hm. And as to your previous question, Evelyn, I am very particular about who I have a one-on-one with.” He smirked again, loving every second of tormenting me.

  “Really.” I rolled my eyes. A man like Parks probably had a different woman in his bed every single night.

  “That’s what I said, and I’m a man of my word, Evelyn. Oh, it’s okay to call you by your first name, right?”

  “Yes, Mr. Parks. It’s perfectly fine.” The sarcasm in my voice was not stepping down. I needed to leave, and the longer I was here in front of him and his magnificent erection, the more I hated a tiny part of myself for wanting the arrogant fucker.

  “Wade, Evelyn,” he protested on a growl.

  “Excuse me?” I blinked.

  “Call me Wade.”

  He was extremely insistent, and I was extremely impatient. “Mr. Parks, will this take long? I do actually have to be somewhere.”

  “Wade,” he insisted, sitting back comfortably in his chair. “You have a date, Evelyn? You’re dating?”

  I shot him a look of surprise. My emails? He’d read my emails? No way. That was absurd. “That’s personal, Parks,” I almost barked at him.

  “It’s company policy.” He shrugged. “I have to know what my employees are getting up to.” A wry smirk fluttered across his lips. His demeanour was ablaze with firm confidence. He had an intensely strong aura, and it pissed me off that I found it extremely attractive.

  “Really? So you know all about Clarke’s back, sac, and crack appointment tomorrow morning?”

  His eyes closed briefly, half of him mentally laughing at my comment, the other half shaking the image from his head.

  “I advise you not to mix outside affairs with work. I run a high-profile business, not a dating agency. My company pays you to work, Evelyn. Not to email a man who is taking you out tonight. Especially when that man should be me.”

  “Excuse me? You snoop through my personal emails, and then you have the nerve to tell me that I should be going out with you tonight? Mr. Parks, I need to leave. Right now.” I turned in haste, not giving him or his bulge a second look and headed for the door. As I clasped the handle I realised it was locked. “What are you doing?” I spun around in alarm, then spotted a remote in his hand. He’d locked the doors to stop me leaving. Jesus.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Evelyn, not until you give me what I want.” His intense green glare was not taking any prisoners. But I was not going to stand for it.

  “And what is it that you want?” I breathed, slightly aghast and slightly, annoyingly, turned-on.

  “I think we both know the answer to that,” he purred, his smooth but strong voice ringing delightfully in my ears.

  My body was betraying me, so I used my head like I had learned to do. “Open the damn door, Parks. We’re done here,” I added through gritted teeth.

  Was this some kind of sick joke?

  “It’s Wade, Evelyn, and I’m far from done. Do you really want to know why I brought you in here?”

  “Please, do enlighten me.” My voice was laced with strained sarcasm.

  He stood slowly from his office chair and strode towards me. He was as graceful as a swan yet had more authority than a lion, making me back away a little. His green eyes were burning into mine, capturing me. My breathing picked up as I watched his exceptional features closing in, and the sexual energy between us was unmistakable. My body was relishing in it, but I quickly cleared all thoughts of him from my brain. That was the right organ to listen to. No feelings. No emotion.

  “To fuck you,” he growled, pushing me roughly against the glass doors with his stone-like body. Before I could object, his mouth was covering my lips ingeniously, his tongue forcing its way in, taking my breath away. He was so powerful. So dominant. I couldn’t budge. I wanted to push him off, but instead I kissed him back, if only for a second, then realised what a mistake I was making.

  I bit down fiercely into his bottom lip, making him bleed as I pulled the flesh through my teeth. He quickly released my hands, freeing me, but his resentful groan shook through my bones.

  “Fuck.” He licked the blood from his lip with the tip of his tongue. “You have a bad attitude, Evelyn. I think I need to teach you some manners.”

  I shoved him away from me and jabbed a finger at him in warning. “You’re not teaching me anything, Parks. Now leave me alone and open the goddamn door.”

  “Don’t deny it, Evelyn. You know you want this. I can see it in your eyes. I saw you wondering what I’m packing underneath my suit, and as soon as you walked into the room, I also pictured what delights were hiding underneath your clothes. I will unravel you.”

  I shoved his chest again. “You’re not coming anywhere near me, so go fuck the rest of the office. I’m sure there will be a queue outside the door in no time.”

  The side of his mouth rose in a grin, his eyes darkening at my choice of words. “Remember who you’re talking to, Evelyn.” He said my name like he owned it as he stepped towards me, forcing me to take another step back. He might have been impossibly, breathtakingly good-looking in his sharp black suit and red tie and with that dirty look in his green eyes, but he was not having me.

  “That goes for both of us, Parks. I am your employee. You’re my boss. You’re stepping way out of line here. Big-time.”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Ms. Banks.”

  “Then don’t fuck with me, Mr. Parks.”

  “Oh, I will fuck with you,” he grumbled, his gaze sliding down the length of my body. “And you will love every second of it.”

  I should have slapped him. “Get fucked, Wade.”

  “Hmm,” he rumbled low in his throat. “Isn’t it easy to address me by my first name? Keep doing it.” He opened the door and let me pass, exhaling my scent as I went. “And Evelyn?” he purred behind me.

  I bit in the inside of my cheek, trying to compose my rage. “What?” I snapped.

  “Tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.”

  Chapter Three

  I rode the lift down to the ground floor, shaking. Whether it was out of anger or frustration towards him or myself for staying in that situation, I wasn’t sure.

  He tasted of watermelon, and I could still taste it on my lips. I thought of savouring it as
I traced them with my fingertips, remembering his mouth on mine. Wow. I had never been kissed like that. The way he invaded my space and took over my mouth with almost violent control was like nothing I had ever experienced before, even if it was only for a vague moment. I was shocked at myself for not punching him.

  After taking my bottled water from my bag, I rinsed my mouth out. Wanting to forget the whole scenario, I plugged in my earphones and pressed ‘play’ to Ed Sheeran’s “Drunk,” then bolted out of the building. As soon as I stepped onto the London streets, the cold air hit me, along with the rain pelting down. Jesus. Us Brits were used to the weather being shitty, but it didn’t stop us moaning about it.

  I headed in the direction of the Tube, darting through the rush hour crowds trying to get out of the rain and was almost outside the station when I felt a car pull up beside me. I watched the puddles in the road splash up onto the pavement, narrowly missing my feet. I turned casually and spotted an expensive black Jaguar. I mumbled a curse under my breath before turning away mindlessly, but my arm was grabbed and I was pulled to a stop moments later. I abruptly turned around, about to perform kung fu on someone’s arse until I ran into the sculpted face of perfection. He softly pulled out my earphones and scowled.

  “Evelyn, please don’t tell me you are about to ride the Tube?”

  “Parks?” I nudged him away, completely horrified. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “It’s Wade. Get in the car,” he demanded.


  “It’s cold, raining, and I will not allow you to ride the Tube.”

  I blinked excessively. The same man who I’d almost shared a sexual encounter with was standing in front of me, telling me I was not allowed to ride the Tube. Please, bring back my sanity. “You can’t just pull up in your fancy car expecting me to climb in and ride home with you,” I gasped. “I meet you for the first time today, you tell me you want to fuck me, you kiss me, and now you’re telling me to get in your car? Are you insane?”

  He clenched his jaw as his vivid green eyes cut into me. “I can see how difficult you’re going to be for me.”

  I breathed out a bemused laugh and turned on my heel, only for my elbow to be caught by his hand. “Please, get in.” He even held the car door open for me, thinking I would do as he said. I was reckless, but not that reckless.

  “No chance.” I turned on my heel and shrugged him off but then found him walking beside me. “You’re following me now?” He clearly wasn’t going to back off, even when I expressed my exasperation.

  “If you won’t get in the car, I will walk with you. Then I know you’re safe.”

  I stopped in my tracks, gaping at the impossible stranger. “What do you think I did before you? Go away, Parks, you’ll get that expensive suit wet.”

  He sighed and pulled again on my arm to stop me, then approached. “Please.” His voice was soft to get me to accept.

  I shifted on my feet, contemplating what to do. I knew he would be true to his word and walk me to the Tube, and probably accompany me on the car there. If I got in his car, the journey with him would probably be halved. I could cope with that. After a few moments I made a heedless decision. Another one. I agreed. Parks nodded in thanks and opened the car door for me to enter. As I got inside, I immediately felt Parks climbing in next to me and sitting at my side before I even made myself comfortable. I shimmied over the leather seats to the other side, trying to stay away from him. I was not allowing his tongue—however skilled—into my mouth again.

  I pushed my wet hair out of my face whilst he told his driver where to head in Brixton. Now it was becoming creepy. “How the hell do you know where I live?”

  “Résumé.” His lips were pressed in a hard line. “Couldn’t you have chosen a safer place to live?”

  “Don’t even go there,” I warned him after that impudent remark. His smirk was over-the-top and so utterly pleased with himself that it riled me. If I wasn’t so weirded out, I would have taken a second to admire that one-in-a-million smile. I would have taken the time to appreciate how vividly superior his eyes were and how the fervid energy that radiated from his being filled the space we shared.

  Parks glanced over my work clothes and shot me an inappropriate question. Actually, it wasn’t a question but an unyielding demand. “Change your plans for tonight, Evelyn.”

  I had no idea why I was shocked. “I don’t think so, Parks. Besides, I’m sure you have plans of your own.”

  “Call me Wade. And I only have plans if they involve you,” he hit back. Yes, he had some damn cheek, but I played along.

  “So then you don’t have plans because they will not involve me. What do you want from me anyway, Parks?”

  “It’s Wade, Evelyn.” He rubbed at his forehead in exasperation, then blinked up at me. “And what I want from you is simple: you.”

  My breathing accelerated at his admission. He wanted me? Did that kiss already prove it? “You don’t even know me,” I protested, turning my chin up in defiance and glancing out the dark window. I couldn’t allow myself to look at him for too long, even if my eyes did punish me for it.

  Parks shifted towards me, so I guardedly kept my head turned and arms crossed. His eyes were watching me closely. Carefully. I felt them. Then I felt his hand slowly move onto my knee, forcing me to glance down at it. He watched me intently, waiting to see if I would object. I wanted to jerk it away, but I didn’t, because irritatingly, it felt good. His hand didn’t travel upwards like I anticipated and instead stayed resting on my knee. I was confused about whether I was disappointed or relieved because the sensation of his palm alone caused a pulsing beat between my thighs. Which I eagerly ignored. Obviously.

  “Evelyn, you’re a very beautiful woman. My behaviour may seem somewhat… ambitious to you.” Ambitious? “But when I want something, I always get it. Right now, what I want is you. I knew it as soon as you introduced yourself to me. I won’t stop until I have you.”

  Did he think I would fall at his feet and accept? Well, he was in for a shock, because I was not one of those women. “You can’t have me.” I jerked my knee away from his hand.

  “Excuse me?” His body recoiled in surprise at my objection. That’s when I knew he was a man who had never been told no.

  “You heard. I said no.”

  “You’re telling me no?” He was furious, flabbergasted. The slight frown line that creased his forehead proved it, but he was too much of a gentlemen to raise his voice.

  “That’s right.”

  Moments later we arrived at my flat, and I felt quite subdued. Sitting in the car with Wade Parks did crazy shit to my senses, and I hated it. He was formidably hot and dangerous. Too dangerous.

  I moved to open the car door, but he told me to wait as he climbed out of his side and walked around to mine. His intention was to open the door for me himself. It was unnecessary. He noted the shocked expression I threw him.

  “Chivalry is something I regard highly. And so is fucking a beautiful woman like yourself. I like to win, Evelyn.”

  I shivered at the way he said my name like he had full ownership of it, and me. I knew I shouldn’t have, but it was instinctive. I made a point of telling myself I shivered because I hated my full name being used. And him telling me he wanted to fuck me was also something I refused to acknowledge felt rather extraordinary.

  Rude. But extraordinary.

  “You like to win?” I scoffed. “And I’m your prize, am I?”

  His vivid eyes speared into me, intensifying the situation. “Quite frankly, yes.” His hot mouth turned upwards on one side. He was clearly not the least apologetic for his announcement.

  He wanted me as his prize, did he? What a complete arrogant arse. I grabbed hold of my bag, turned away from him on my flat heel, and called over my shoulder, “Then be prepared to lose, Parks.”

  “I never lose,” his voice called firmly behind me as I put the key in the keyhole to my flat.

  The rage began to build as I got ins
ide. Why the hell did I get into his car? I didn’t want to give him hope. Because there was none. Hope was a four-letter word I didn’t believe in, along with another four-letter word.

  I screamed in frustration as I walked into the living room, almost tripping over a rusty old wheelbarrow that was blocking my path. “What the fuck?” I yelled, catching my balance and kicking the damn thing.

  “Sorry, Evey. I should have moved that.” Steph was in the kitchen fixing up a cup of tea. She was wearing her curly hair loose, black leggings, and a jumper that was ten sizes too big for her. I threw my bag onto the sofa with more anger than I should have and took my frustration out on Steph.

  “Where the hell did you get it from? And why is it in our living room?”

  She recoiled. “I found it in next door’s skip. It was too good to waste. Besides, what’s with the bad mood, fuck face?”

  I slumped down onto the sofa and rubbed at my forehead. “Work.”

  Steph made herself comfortable next to me and passed me my tea. “Oh, anything to do with that boss? What was he like?” She sat up, her body more alert. I groaned, not wanting to get into it. What could I say? He was an arrogant, but gorgeous, intense son of a bitch?

  “Not what I was expecting.” I settled with that, brushing her off with an exhausted yawn.

  “Anyway, you got your date tonight with Alex,” she sang in an annoying tone, prodding me in my shoulder.

  I smiled, took another sip of my tea, and pushed to my feet. I had to start getting myself decent. “What are your plans for tonight?”

  “I have an Ann Summers party to host. I got some new samples and a new catalogue. Want to look?” She winked at me and walked to a box that had been delivered that morning to rifle it out. “Check out the gyrating egg. It’s small, but one of my ladies said it’s the only toy that’s ever made her come. Her legs tremble and all sorts. I mean, her legs actually trembled.” She scoffed in amazement. “Shall I order you one?”

  “Sure.” I took the catalogue out of her hands and made my way into my bedroom.

  Steph was also an Ann Summers rep and would gift me with samples and ask for my feedback. I didn’t complain. Especially if I hadn’t had a one-night stand that week. Yes. That was me. One night and that’s the lot. I didn’t get tied to men. I never could. Never wanted to. One-night stands for me were pointless, emotionless sex with both parties using each other for our own purposes. Which was fine by me. But I had calmed down of late. I always used to go out partying and getting absolutely legless, shagging the first man I liked the look of. But since I cut out alcohol, I didn’t go out much because I didn’t want the temptation. I still had my Alcoholics Anonymous sessions every Thursday, which kept me on an even keel, but I didn’t let slip that I would have a glass or two at home, because that was all I had, and it was rare if I even did that. That particular day, though, I felt like I needed a drink. Not because I had a bad day but because that damned Wade Parks was on my mind. I didn’t want him to be there. He was everything I despised about a man.


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