1905–6 expedition, 374
1908–9 expedition, 375–76
and the Cape York meteorites, 75, 370, 377
and Crocker Land, 374, 376–77
and Inuit, 370–71, 372–74, 378
monument to, 370
Peary Land, 384
Peel Sound, 268, 300, 364, 393
Pelly Bay, 261–62, 263, 270, 271, 385
pemmican, 91, 216, 261
Penetanguishene, 113
Penny, William, 155–57, 158–59
1851–51 expedition, 201, 203
claim to reward for fate of Franklin, 288
People of the Polar North (Rasmussen), 384
Permanent Court of International Justice, 389
Peter, Aaju, 2
Peterson, Carl, 299
Philadelphia, 194
Pillage Point, 120, 121
Pittsburg (NH), 377
Piugaattoq, 376
Pizarro, Francisco, 406
Plover, HMS, 192
Poctes Bay, 146, 269
Point Barrow, 143–45, 230
Point de la Guiche, 267, 268, 269–70
Point Franklin, 225
Point Lockyer, 218
Point Separation, 116
Point Turnagain, 102, 145, 146, 148, 165, 222
Point Victory. See Victory Point
polar bears, 16, 25, 30–31, 240, 347, 396–97
Polaris, 127, 340–41
1871–72 expedition, 337–41
pole star, 127
Pollux, 142, 149
Pond, Peter, 57
Pond Inlet, 382
Porden, Eleanor, 113, 115
portages, 58, 60, 97, 101, 221
Port Epworth, 148
Port Leopold, 230
Potter, Russell, 408
prayer books, 305
Pricket, Abacuk, 16, 18, 20, 21
Prince Albert, 203
Prince Albert Sound, 220, 229
Prince of Wales, 90
Prince of Wales Fort, 41, 53
building and destruction of, 26, 32, 35, 37–38, 52
Hearne at, 43, 44, 51, 54
sketches of, 53, 54
Prince of Wales Heritage Centre, 365
Prince of Wales Strait, 229, 231, 234
Prince Regent Inlet
John and J. C. Ross in, 122, 132, 133, 136–37, 138
McClintock in, 300
Parry in, 83–84, 132
Proven (Greenland), 338
Puhtoorak, 349–51, 399, 400
Punch magazine, 177
Punna (Punny), 330, 338, 342
Qaanaaq (Thule), 377
Qablut, 385
Qaqortingneq, 386–88
Qavdlunârsiorfik, 388
Qimisuk, 155
Qisuk, 371–72, 374, 377
Qitlaq, 383
Queen Maud Gulf, 150
Queenston Heights, 111–12
Qeqertarsuaq. See Godhavn (Qeqertarsuaq)
Race to the Polar Sea (McGoogan), 4
Rae, John, 188, 210, 217, 264, 309
1846–47 expedition, 182, 184–86, 186–90, 191, 206
1848 Rae-Richardson expedition, 192, 208–10, 254
1849 expedition, 211–13
1851 expedition, 214–15, 216–28, 254
1853–54 expedition, 154, 253, 255–57, 258–74, 277–78, 310, 321, 393, 399
and Anderson expedition, 287
discovery of fate of Franklin, 288–90, 307, 309–13, 314, 315, 393, 397, 398
discovery of Northwest Passage, 5, 268–69, 356, 368, 408–10
with Hudson’s Bay Company, 182–84, 185, 190, 207–8, 212–13
and the Inuit, 6, 393, 406–7
and Lady Franklin, 279–80, 288–90
map of travels, 254
and McClintock, 298, 309–13
on McClure’s Northwest Passage claim, 287
memorials to, 4, 403–4, 405, 407–8, 409, 410–11
and indigenous peoples, 183–84, 187, 190, 262–66
other expedition plans, 288–89
recognitions and rewards, 257, 288–90, 408–11, 412
report on Franklin expedition, 277–78, 279–80, 281–83, 307, 308, 314, 343
scientific observation by, 184, 187, 210–11
statues and memorials, 183
travel methods, 190, 215–16, 260–61
Rae Strait
2014 Parks Canada expedition, 322
Amundsen in, 5, 289, 364, 368
discovery of, 5, 368
Hall at, 330
J. C. Ross at, 146
McClintock and, 298, 302
McGoogan at, 3, 403, 405, 407, 410–12
Rae and, 5, 289, 368, 407, 410
as route through Northwest Passage, 321–22, 356, 368
Thomas Simpson and, 150, 153, 154
Rainbow, 164
rapids, 58, 148, 212
Rasmussen, Knud, 374, 379–81, 382
Danish Literary Expedition (1902–4), 381–84
death of, 389
Fifth Thule Expedition (1921–24), 380, 384–88, 395, 398
Inuit ethnography, 33, 380, 381–86
other Thule expeditions, 384, 389
Rasmussen museum, 379, 380
rations, 97, 191, 212, 233
Rattler, 177
Ravenscraig, 341
records achieved
overland, 227, 342, 344, 384
by sea, 150, 151, 235, 339
Red Eric, 245, 246, 248
Red River Settlement, 90, 91, 139, 142, 153, 184, 185
Reindeer Sound, 24
Reliance, 117, 118
Rensselaer Bay, 3, 235
Repulse Bay, 86, 100, 188
Hall in, 328–29, 330
Rae at, 182, 187, 190, 191, 222, 257, 258–59, 262, 271, 277, 310
as route to Northwest Passage, 182, 187
Rescue, 197, 202
rescue buttons, 230
Resolute, HMS, 233, 294–95
Return Reef, 120, 121, 143
Rich, Edwin Gile, 337
Richardson, John, 123, 257
1819–21 Franklin expedition, 97, 98, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108–9, 353
1825–26 Franklin expeditions, 111, 113–14, 116–17, 121, 122, 143, 145
and 1845–47 Franklin expedition, 174
1848 Rae-Richardson expedition, 181–82, 192, 208, 209–11
attitudes toward Inuit, 308
and fate of Franklin expedition, 280, 308
and Northwest Passage claims, 122, 287, 320
on Ouligbuck, 147
Richardson Bay, 216–18, 220
Rink, Henry, 238
River Disappointment, 59
River Nile, 165
Rivers, George, 183–84
Rivière-à-Jean, 123
Robertson, Colin, 141
Robinson Falls, 91–92
Rocky Mountains, 59
Roget, Peter Mark, 297
Roosevelt, 375
Ross, James Clark, 133
1818 John Ross expedition, 78–79, 86, 370
1829–33 John Ross expedition, 128, 132–33, 134, 134–36, 137–38, 146, 165, 189, 268–69, 361
and 1845–47 Franklin expedition, 162, 171–72, 172–73
1848 expedition, 192, 230, 296
Antarctic expeditions, 172, 175
in Arctic histories, 6
and fate of Franklin expedition, 280
and north magnetic pole, 135, 138, 361
Parry expeditions, 132
search for, 122, 146
Ross, Sir John, 65–66, 76, 134
1818 expedition, 65–66, 69–73, 74, 75–79
1829–33 expedition, 132–33, 136–38, 269
1850 expedition, 201, 203
and Bylot-Baffin maps, 21–22
and Sakeouse, 67, 69
search for, 122
Rowley, Susan, 110
Royal Arctic Theatre, 86
Royal Geographical Society, 174, 293, 384
Founder’s Gold Med
al, 257, 314
Royal Navy, 2, 43, 66, 131, 132, 176, 229, 286, 296. See also British Admiralty
acknowledgement of fate of Franklin, 397
on expeditions, 64–65, 90, 99, 101, 111, 116, 279
Franklin and, 88, 93, 121, 163, 176, 280
Royal Society, 109, 160, 293
Rozell, Ned, 365
Ruby, Robert, 10–11
Russia, 56
Arctic territory, 111, 120
Crimean War, 286, 288, 291
Inuit in, 380, 385
Northeast Passage, 15, 64, 160, 171, 369
Sabine, Edward, 78, 85–86, 131–32, 160–61, 162, 173, 313
Sakeouse, John (Hans Zachaeus), 66, 67–69, 68, 70–71, 72, 73–74, 74–75, 79–81, 412
Salt Lake City, 334
Sanderson’s Hope, 13, 253
San Francisco, 334, 377
San Francisco Examiner, 372–74
Sarpsborg (Norway), 362
Saskatchewan River, 92, 113
Sault Ste. Marie, 184
Savannah, 197
Schimnowski, Adrian, 392
Schwatka, Frederick, 343–44, 346
1878–80 expedition, 342, 343, 344–45, 347–49, 348, 351, 395, 398, 400
scientific method, 129
Scotland, 78, 132, 407–8. See also Orkney Islands
Inuit in, 66–67, 69, 157–58
in Arctic expeditions, 92, 95, 111, 116, 186
in fur trade and whaling, 58, 159, 364
Scott, Sir George Gilbert, 355
Scott, J., 185
Scott, Robert Falcon, 365–66, 366–67
Scranton, Roy, 406
Scroggs, John, 38–39, 40
scurvy, 17, 27, 30, 136, 138, 182, 233, 235–37, 244, 395
Sea Adventurer. See Clipper Adventurer (Sea Adventurer)
seals, 98, 191
Second Grinnell Expedition, 235–53, 236
Second Thule Expedition, 384
Seeuteetuar, 332
See-u-ti-chu, 263, 266, 343
Selkirk settlers, 90, 91
Seventh Thule Expedition, 389
Seven Years’ War, 43
Shakespeare, William, 177
Shanghu, 244
Shetland, 78
Shishak, 187
shoes, 102
Siberia, 380, 385
Siglit Inuit, 117–20, 121
Simpson, Alexander, 152
Simpson, Sir George
and 1819–21 Franklin expedition, 92–93, 96
on Dease, 116
and Dease expedition, 139, 140–42, 151
and indigenous people, 140
and Rae, 184, 190, 208, 213
reputation in fur trade, 139
and Thomas Simpson expedition, 153, 154
Simpson, Thomas, 139–40, 140
1839 expedition, 153–54, 269, 302
Dease expedition, 139, 141–45, 146–47, 148–50, 151, 152, 154, 182, 228
death of, 153–54
and indigenous people, 140, 154
Simpson, William, 232
Simpson Lake, 265
Simpson Strait, 149, 150, 171, 223, 302, 321, 346
Sioux, 344
Sir Thomas Rowe’s Welcome, 86
Sisimiut (Holsteinborg), 327
Sitka (Alas.), 334
Sixth Thule Expedition, 389
Slave River, 142
Slavey, 33
sledge, record set by, 342, 344
smallpox, 140
Smith Sound, 21, 75, 235, 238, 242, 299, 339, 381, 383
snow blindness, 189, 218, 246, 261
snowshoes, 44, 108, 227
solar wind, 365
Somerset House, 136, 138
Somerset Island, 132, 226, 230
South Pole, 365–66, 366–67
Spencer, John, 209
Spilsby (Lincolnshire), 322, 354
sponsorship, 63
Spufford, Francis, 285, 288
Staffe, Philip, 17, 20
Stanley, Arthur, 355, 357
Stanley, Edward, Lord, 169, 173
Stanley Island, 267
Stanmore (England), 164
starvation, 106, 110, 147, 232, 271, 285, 310, 397
Starvation Cove
1845–47 Franklin expedition, 265, 349, 395, 398
Rasmussen at, 395, 398
Schwatka at, 347–49, 398
Steele, Peter, 90
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 190, 353
Stern, Harry, 63
St. Germain, Pierre, 97, 98–99, 100–101, 102–3
Strait of the Fury and Hecla. See Fury and Hecla Strait
Straits of Anián, 38
St. Roch, 234, 368
Stromness, 95, 182, 183, 190, 257, 408
Stuart, William, 35, 37
subscription funding, 297
Suersaq. See Hendrik, Hans Christian
Susitna River, 56
Swampy Cree, 32–33
Sydney (Australia), 168
Tasmania. See also Van Diemen’s Land
Franklin memorial in, 323, 354
Tattannoeuck (Augustus), 119, 122–23, 412
1819–21 Franklin expedition, 96, 97, 104, 110
1825–26 Franklin expedition, 110, 113, 114–15, 117, 118, 119–20, 121, 145, 147
Taylor, Zachary, 195, 196
Teekeeta, 336
Tennyson, Alfred Lord, 355
Tenudiakbeek (bay), 155, 158–59, 383
Terreganoeuck, 97–98
terrella, 129–30
Terror, HMS, 175, 176, 197, 223, 304, 305, 320
abandonment of, 394
discovery of, 347, 387, 390–92, 391
Inuit stories of, 386–87, 399, 401
Terror Bay
1845–47 Franklin expedition, 265, 305, 331, 349, 385–86
HMS Terror in, 392
Schwatka at, 346, 347–49
Tetqatsaq, 385
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 177, 297
Thanadelthur, 35–37, 36, 38, 412
Thank God Harbour, 339
Third Thule Expedition, 384
Thomas and Anne, 67, 69
Thompson, David, 58
Thule people, 9
Thule Station, 374, 384
Tigress, 341
Times, The, 356
tin canisters, 203, 204, 205, 395
Titanic, 379
Todd Islets, 330, 395
Tookoolito (Hannah), 159, 326, 331, 342, 412
1864–69 Hall expedition, 325–27, 328, 329–30, 333, 398, 399
1871–72 Polaris expedition, 338, 340, 341
in New York City, 328
Toronto, 112–13, 131, 160, 184
Torrington, John, 203
tourism, 405–7
Trafalgar Square, 323
Treleaven, Cameron, 404, 405
Trent, HMS, 66
TrichAnalytics Inc., 396
trichinosis, 30–31, 396
tripe de roche, 102
tuberculosis, 371, 396
Tukelieta (Little Butterfly), 328
Tulugaq, 345–47, 351
Tyrrell, Joseph B., 53–54
Tyson, George, 339, 340, 341
Uisaakassak, 371
umiaks, 143
Ungava, 148
Unicorn, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29
Union, 116
Union Jack, 175–76
United States Coast Survey, 195, 196
United States Grinnell Expeditions in Search of John Franklin. See under Kane, Elisha Kent
University of Toronto, 184
Upernavik, 13, 252, 338, 341
Kane expedition, 237, 244, 245, 252, 253
Upper Fort Garry, 139, 140
Uqsuqtuuq. See Gjoa Haven
U.S. Army, 343
U.S. Navy, 195–96
Uummannaq, 374, 384
Vagrant Viking (Freuchen), 384
Van Diemen’s Land, 167–69, 172. See also Tasmania
Van Loon, Hendrik, 279
ar of Wakefield (Goldsmith), 305
Victoria, Queen, 152, 297–98, 313, 326
Victoria Island, 150, 211, 215, 218, 223–27, 227–28, 231
Victoria Land, 226
Victoria Strait
1845–47 Franklin Expedition, 277, 286, 299
McClintock at, 300
passage through, 225, 269, 322
Victoria Strait Expedition, 225, 322, 390, 400–401
Victory, 132–33, 135, 136
Victory Point, 134, 306
Victory Point record, 303, 304–5, 306, 315, 333, 393, 394, 398
Vikings, 9
Voyage of Discovery, A (Ross), 79
voyageurs, 59, 113, 208
on 1819–21 Franklin expedition, 92, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 109, 111
in fur trade, 58
Wager Bay, 165
Walker, 195
Wallace, James, 66
Wallace, Minik. See Minik (Minik Wallace)
Wallace, William, 372
walrus, 34, 243
Washington Bay, 336
Waterloo Place, 323, 354
Wellington Channel, 84, 202, 203, 205, 304
Wentzel, Willard Ferdinand, 93, 95, 100
West, John, 110
Western Cree, 32
West Indies, 13, 177
Westminster Abbey, 324, 355–56, 357, 408, 409, 410
whale meat, 39
whales, 199, 200
whaling, 38, 64, 71, 155, 159, 366
wife stealing, 33
Wiik, Gustav, 365
wilderness, 406
Wildman, John R., 133
William IV, 138, 166, 167
Willis, W. H., 281
Wilmot and Crampton Bay, 302, 349, 350–51, 388, 399, 400
Wilson, Edward, 16
Wilson, George, 116
Windsor Castle, 326
Winter Harbour, 84, 85–86, 232, 233
Winter Lake, 94–95
Wollaston Land, 211, 214, 218, 219–20
Wollaston Peninsula, 218, 219
Wood, Sir Charles, 295
Woodman, David C., 314, 332, 343, 398–99
wrestling, 46–47
Wrigley, Jennifer, 410
Writing Arctic Disaster (Craciun), 1, 322
Wrottesley, John, 2nd Baron, 293
Yellowknife, 365
Yellowknife-Dene, 33, 94
and Franklin expeditions, 93, 94–95, 97, 100–101, 107–9, 111, 114
Yellowknife River, 97
York (Ont.), 112–13
York Factory, 35, 90–91, 96, 121–22, 153, 181, 185, 186, 190, 207, 255
York Fort, 35, 37, 51, 54
Young, Allen, 297
Young, Delbert, 30
Yukon, 120
Yup’ik, 33
zinc deficiency, 396
KEN MCGOOGAN is the author of a dozen books, among them four bestsellers about Arctic exploration: Fatal Passage, Ancient Mariner, Lady Franklin’s Revenge and Race to the Polar Sea. Those works won the Pierre Berton Award for History, the Writers’ Trust of Canada Biography Prize, the University of British Columbia Medal for Canadian Biography, the Canadian Authors’ Association Award for Canadian History, the Grant MacEwan Author’s Award and the Christopher Award for “a work of artistic excellence.”
Dead Reckoning: The Untold Story of the Northwest Passage Page 36