indigenous peoples, groupings of, 32–34
influenza, 377
Inglefield, Edward, 383
In-nook-poo-zhe-jook, 263–65, 331–32, 343, 398, 399
intermarriage, 33
International Polar Commission, 363
International Polar Year, 363
Intrepid, 202
in Arctic histories, 6
attitudes toward, 6, 304–5, 308, 312, 328, 378, 406–7
cannibalism among, 73, 383
census of, 249
clothing, 215–16, 241, 246
diet, 136
economy, 405–6
encounters with explorers (See Inuit encounters with explorers)
ethnography of, 240–42, 380, 381–86
exhibitions of, 326, 328
housing, 241 (See also igloos)
languages of, 33, 73, 80, 381, 398
legend and story, 187
migration of, 382–83
music, 240–41
near Orkney Islands, 66–67
in New York City, 328, 371–74, 377
oral history and testimony (See Inuit oral history and testimony)
relations with Dene, 33, 34, 47–48, 49–51, 94, 97–98, 114–15
stereotypes of, 282–83, 308
trade, 37–38, 70, 73
unified culture of, 33–34, 380, 385
Inuit encounters with explorers
1825–25 Franklin expedition, 117–20, 121
1846–47 Rae expedition, 187, 262
1845–47 Franklin expedition (See under Inuit oral history and testimony)
1848 Rae-Richards expedition, 209–10
1851 Rae expedition, 219, 220, 222
1853–54 Rae expedition, 6, 262–66, 270, 271–73, 310, 406–7
1853–55 Kane expedition, 239–42, 248, 250–51
Amundsen, 361, 366
Anderson expedition, 288
Davis, 13
Dease expedition, 143–45, 148
Frobisher, 11
Hall expeditions, 307, 328, 330–33, 335–36, 395
Hearne expedition, 48
Hudson expedition, 17, 18, 20
John Ross expeditions, 70–71, 73–75, 133–34
McClintock expedition, 301–2, 306, 307
McClure expedition, 230, 231
Munk, 24
Peary, 370–71
Rasmussen, 33, 380, 381–86
Schwatka expedition, 347–51, 395
Inuit Heritage Trust, 396
Inuit oral history and testimony
attitudes toward, 6, 279–80, 304–5, 306, 308, 312, 328
as evidence of cannibalism, 278, 307, 330–33, 393, 398
of Franklin expedition footprints, 332, 333, 349, 350, 351, 400
of Franklin expedition human remains, 265, 272, 278, 302, 330–33, 349, 350, 388, 395, 399–401
of Franklin expedition survivors, 271–73, 330, 336, 349, 385–86, 396
of Franklin expedition wreckage and boats, 272, 301–2, 332, 349–50, 350–51, 378, 398, 399–400
of other expeditions, 11, 12, 39, 234, 328, 378
reliability of, 279–80, 310, 328, 398
Inuktitut, 33, 80, 381, 398
Inuvialuit, 117
Investigator, HMS, 192, 230, 232, 234
Iroquois, 208
Irving, John, 347
Isabel, 293
Isabella, HMS, 65, 66, 69, 138
I Sailed with Rasmussen (Freuchen), 384
Jacobshavn. See Ilulissat
James Bay, 17, 18, 209
James Ross Strait, 134, 321
Jens Muncke’s Bay, 25
Jepson, Ruth, 42
John A. Macdonald, 322
John Rae Society, 183
Johnston, James, 266, 267, 270
Jones Sound, 75
Journal of Jens Munk, 1619–1620, 24
Journals of Knud Rasmussen, The, 385
Journey to the Northern Ocean (Hearne), 39–40, 45, 49–51, 52–54, 53
Juet, Robert, 16, 17
Junius. See Hoeootoerock (Junius)
Kalaallisut, 33, 381, 398
Kalaallit. See Greenland Inuit
Kamookak, Louie, 2, 315, 386, 390, 395, 404, 405
Kane, Elisha Kent, 3, 4, 199, 238, 247, 412
First Grinnell expedition (1850–51, under De Haven), 193, 196–205, 293, 299
and Greenland Inuit, 239–42, 246, 248, 249, 250–51
in histories of Northwest Passage, 5
and the Open Polar Sea, 203, 205, 235, 245
and search for Franklin expedition, 293–94
Second Grinnell expedition (1853–55), 235–43, 236, 243–44, 244–53, 247
in U.S. Navy, 194–95, 196
Kane, John Kintzing, 196
Kane, Thomas, 198
kayaks, 66, 69, 118, 158, 383
Keenleyside, Anne, 397
Kei-ik-too-oo, 189
Keith, James, 152
Kellett, Henry, 296
Kendall, Edward, 115, 116–17
Kendall River, 145, 215, 216, 220, 227
Kennedy Channel, 245
Kent Peninsula, 101, 102, 145, 146–47, 150, 222
Kenyon, Walter, 24
Keskarrah, 94, 114
Ketel, Cornelis, 10
King, Richard, 288
King Point, 369
King William (child), 329–30
King William Island, 391
1845–47 Franklin expedition, 277, 285, 307, 310, 320–21, 336, 394
1864–69 Hall expedition, 329–30
Dease expedition at, 150
Franklin expedition relics from, 223, 310
Franklin expedition ships and remains, 265, 272–74, 277, 301, 304, 307, 390–92, 398
Franklin expedition survivors on, 223, 271–72, 336
geography of, 267–68, 321
In-nook-poo-zhe-jook on, 332
J. C. Ross at, 134, 146
McClintock expedition, 300, 302, 393, 398
Rae on, 268–69, 321
Schwatka at, 344–45
King William Land, 267, 321. See also King William Island
Klutschak, Heinrich (Henry), 344, 345, 346, 347, 350–51
Knight, James, 14, 35, 37–40, 411
Kodlunarn Island, 12, 328
Kogvik, Sammy, 387, 390–92
Koo-nik, 332–33, 399–400
Kristiania (Oslo). See Christiania (Oslo)
Krusenstern, 132
Kugluktuk, 51, 88
Kuujjuaq, 148. See also Fort Chimo
Labrador, 11, 14, 230, 411
Lachine, 122, 208
Lac Île-à-la-Crosse, 57
Lady Franklin, HMS, 201, 203
Lady Franklin’s Revenge (McGoogan), 65, 165, 168
Lady Franklin Visits Sitka, Alaska 1870, 334
Lake Athabasca, 33, 57, 92
Lake Superior, 208
Lake Winnipeg, 113, 142
Lambert, Andrew, 161–62, 397
Lamprey, 23, 25, 26, 29–30
Lancaster Sound, 122, 171, 201, 205, 268, 299, 364, 368
1819 Parry expedition, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86
Baffin and Bylot in, 21, 132
Inuit crossing of, 383
John Ross expeditions, 75–79, 82, 83, 133, 201, 203
Larsen, Henry, 3, 368
Last Voyage of Captain John Ross, 70–71
Last Voyage of Henry Hudson, The (Collier), 19
Lawrence (servant), 334
Lawrence, Thomas, 57
lead poisoning, 395–96, 397
leather, 102
Leeward Islands, 166
Lefroy, John Henry, 184
Leiper, Jane, 196
Leith (Scotland), 67, 68, 69
Levere, Trevor, 161
Le Vesconte, Henry, 330
lichen, 102
Life with the Esquimaux (Hall), 335
Lik-lee-poo-nik-kee-look-oo-loo, 333
Linklater, Peter, 215, 216, 219–21
Lion, 117, 118–19
Littleton Island, 243
Lok, Michael, 12
London, 15, 152, 214, 323
Loomis, Chauncey C., 339, 340
Lord Mayor’s Bay, 149, 187, 189
“Lost Arctic Voyagers, The” (Dickens), 282–83
Louis Philippe, 164
Lynge (Denmark), 381
Mackenzie, Alexander, 57, 63, 91
1789 expedition, 55, 56, 57–58, 59–60, 86
in fur trade, 56–57
and indigenous peoples, 6
Mackenzie, Hector, 215, 221, 227
Mackenzie Brigade, 207
Mackenzie River, 231
1825–26 Franklin expedition, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 123, 145
Dease expedition, 143, 147, 152
Mackenzie at, 59–60
Rae expeditions, 181, 192, 207, 209, 214
MacMillan, Donald Baxter, 376
Magnetic Crusade, 130, 131, 160–61, 162, 361
magnetic equator, 130
magnetic observatories, 85, 131, 160, 184, 187, 300–301, 361, 364–65
magnetic poles, 89–90, 130, 268, 363. See also
north magnetic pole magnetism, 128–29
Majendie, Ashurst, 314
Malaurie, Jean, 242
Maldonado, Lorenzo Ferrer, 55
malnutrition, 396
Mangaq, 385–86
Bylot-Baffin maps, 21–22, 75
Dease expedition, 144
Erebus and Terror locations, 391
Franklin expeditions, 112
Hearne expeditions, 50
Inuit, 133–34
King William Island, 391
Munk expedition, 26
Northwest Passage, 38, 170
Rae expeditions, 206, 254
Schwatka expedition, 348
Second Grinnell Expedition, 236
Marble Island, 38–39, 40
Markham, Clements, 384
Marten Lake, 108
Mary, Queen, 356
Matanuska River, 56
Matheson Island (Matheson Point), 267
Matonabbee, 41–42, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 52, 54, 94, 345, 412
Matty Island, 268
Maud, 384
Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 199
McClintock, Leopold, 292, 297
1848 J. C. Ross expedition, 296
1857–59 expedition, 296–305, 311–12, 393–94, 398
claims for fate of Franklin, 306–7, 308–13, 314, 334, 357, 394
claims for Franklin’s discovery of Northwest Passage, 320–21, 368
honours and memorials, 313, 314, 357
Kellett expedition, 296
and navigation of Northwest Passage, 298
McClintock Channel, 225
McClintock’s Cairn, 300
McClure, Robert John Le Mesurier, 229–30, 412
1850–53 expedition, 220, 229, 230–34, 270, 283
claim to discovery of Northwest Passage, 231, 233–34, 284–87, 290
McClure Strait, 85, 231, 232, 234
McDermott, James, 10
McDonald, Alexander, 155–57, 158, 159
McGoogan, Ken, 2–4, 3, 403–5, 404, 407, 409, 410, 411–12
McLennan, Murdoch, 259
McTavish, George Simpson, 257
Medina, Pedro de, 128
Melbourne (Australia), 168, 363
Melbourne Island, 150
Melms, Frank, 344, 345
Melville, Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount, 78
Melville Bay, 73, 200, 201, 252, 299, 370
Melville Island, 85–86, 231, 232, 233
Melville Peninsula, 190
Memoirs of Hans Hendrik, the Arctic Traveller (Hendrik), 237–38, 337
Mercy Bay, 231–33, 234
Merqusaq, 382–84
Mersuk, 244, 339
Meta Incognita, 12
meteorites, 75, 370, 377
meteorological observatories, 187, 210–11
Methye Portage, 114
Métis, 95, 109, 111, 140, 141, 153–54, 186
Michel, 104, 105–6
Middle East, 165
Middle Ice, 300, 379
and climate change, 370
Kane in, 200, 299
McClintock in, 299
Parry at, 82–83, 200
Miertsching, Johann, 230, 231
of birds, 25
of Greenland Inuit, 382–83
Mills, William James, 233, 306
Minik (Minik Wallace), 371–74, 373, 378, 412
Crocker Land Expedition, 374, 376
in Greenland, 377
in New Hampshire, 377
mirages, 77, 376
mirror, 24
Mississippi River, 59
Mistegan, Thomas, 259, 260, 262, 266, 267, 268, 270, 405, 412
discovery of Northwest Passage, 269
Montagu, John, 168–69
Monticello, 328
Montreal, 56, 58, 113, 152, 184, 208
Montreal canoes, 113
Montreal Island, 146, 149, 272, 302, 311
Moodie, J. D., 366
Moose Factory, 148, 152, 183, 184, 185, 209
Morgan, Thomas, 234
Morning Advertiser, 314
Mount McKinley, 378
Mount Wellington, 168
Muir, Tom, 408
Munk, Jens, 14, 23–31, 396, 411
Munro, 256
Muscovy Company, 10, 12, 21
muskox, 191
against Hudson, 14, 16, 18–21, 22
against Kane, 237
Nansen, Fridtjof, 362, 363, 364, 381
Napoleonic Wars, 64
Nares, George, 341
Narrative of a Journey to the Polar Sea (Franklin), 109
Narrative of an Expedition to the Shores of the Arctic Sea (Rae), 186–87, 191
Narrative of the Second Arctic Expedition Made by Charles F. Hall (Hall), 330–33, 334
Nasmyth, Alexander, 68, 69, 80
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 63–64
nature, 406
Navarana, 383
Navy Board Inlet, 138
Nazareth, 165
Neatby, Leslie H., 13, 241, 321–22
Nebraska, 344
Nelson, Horatio, 323
Nelson River, 92
Neptune, 155
Nessark, 248, 249
Netsilik Eskimos (Rasmussen), 385–88
Netsilik Inuit, 366
Neumayer, Georg von, 363–64, 365
Newfoundland, 341
Newman, Peter C., 5
Newton, Cpt., 67, 69
New York City, 15, 111, 122, 197–98, 208, 235, 344
meteorites in, 75, 370, 377
Minik in, 371–74, 377
Tookoolito and Ebierbing in, 38
New York Herald, 344, 349–50
New York World, 372
Nibitabo, 191
Nile River, 165
Ninoo, Ookijoxy, 328
Nobile, Umberto, 369
Noble, Matthew, 319, 355, 356
Nome (Alaska), 369, 385
Norberg, Peter, 388
Norman, Robert, 128–29
Northern Indians, 33
northern lights. See aurora borealis
Northern stores, 405
north magnetic pole, 15, 160
1825–26 Franklin expedition, 111
and 1829-33 John Ross expedition, 135, 138, 361
search for, 361, 363–64, 365
shifting of, 90, 127–28, 130, 131, 135, 365
North Pole
airship flight over, 369
Hudson and, 15
routes to, 21, 245
as route to Northwest Passage, 64
search for, 337, 340, 374–76, 378
North Pole River, 258
North Somerset Island, 226
North Star, 127
North Star, 201
North Star Bay, 374
Northumberland House, 299
North Water, 200
North West Company, 56, 57
and 1819–21 Franklin expedition, 93, 94
and Hudson’s Bay Company, 90–91, 100, 141
Northwest Passage, 292, 321–22
claims to discovery of, 231, 233–34, 284–87, 298–99, 306, 320–22, 393, 408–10
climate change and, 407
discovery of, 268–69
histories of, 4–5
maps, 38, 170
multiple passage theory, 285–86
navigation of, 361, 363, 368–69, 385, 407
rewards for discovery of, 64, 84–85, 171, 233, 284, 286–87
search for, 9–10, 15, 23, 214
search for river route, 56, 59
search for western entrance, 55–56
walking of, 284–87
Northwind, USCGC, 234
Norton, Mary, 52, 412
Norton, Moses, 43–44
Norway, 389
Norway House, 122, 141–42
Novum Mare Christian, 25
Nuk-kee-che-uk, 333
magnetic, 85, 131, 184, 300–301, 361, 364–65
meteorological, 187, 210–11
Obstruction Rapids, 103
Ogle Point, 146, 148, 149, 272
Ohlsen, Christian, 241, 245
oil tankers, 407
Ojibway, 6, 32
Ommanney, Erasmus, 202
Omond (Hudson’s Bay Company), 256
Oo-na-lee, 301–2
Ootjoolik, 349, 399
Oot-loo-lik, 301–2, 332
Open Polar Sea, 14, 195, 199, 203, 205, 235, 245
Orkney Islands, 52, 208, 214, 408
Inuit sighted in, 66–67
Rae in, 182, 186, 208, 257
Oslo (Christiania), 362, 363, 381
Ouligbuck, Donald, 255
Ouligbuck, William, 147, 255, 256, 257, 412
1825–26 Franklin expeditions, 110, 113, 114, 116, 121, 147
1846–47 Rae expedition, 186, 187
Dease expedition, 148, 151
in Hudson’s Bay Company, 147
Ouligbuck, William, Jr., 264, 405, 412
1846–47 Rae expedition, 186, 255, 277
1853–54 Rae expedition, 255–57, 258, 262–63, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 279, 393
1878–80 Schwatka expedition, 345, 347
character, 186
discovery of Northwest Passage, 269
Ow-wer, 336
Pacific Ocean, 9, 10, 55, 56, 59, 230, 298
pack ice, 63–64, 200, 225, 231, 362, 368
Palmerston, Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount, 313
Parker Bay, 226, 227
Parks Canada, 307
Victoria Strait Expedition (2014), 225, 322, 390, 400–401
Parry, (William) Edward, 83
1818 John Ross expedition, 66, 69, 70, 74, 76, 77–79, 131–32, 200
1819 expedition, 79, 80, 81, 82–87, 89, 132, 200
1821–23 expedition, 132
1824–25 expedition, 132
and 1845–47 Franklin expedition, 172, 174
in Arctic histories, 6
Parry, Richard, 340
Parry Channel, 268, 321, 368
Parry’s Rock, 232
Pearce, S., 185
Peary, Robert E., 384
Dead Reckoning: The Untold Story of the Northwest Passage Page 35