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Eternal Soulmate

Page 14

by Brooklyn Taylor

  We were leaving Friday at 8:00 pm and would arrive late in South Padre. I got our same room (well really we had two rooms) the same one she had before at Gulf Shores. I was able to order champagne and strawberries to be delivered to the room that night. I had this all planned out to a T. I planned to take her on a horseback ride on the beach at sunrise, and maybe lunch on the boardwalk. I then would take her back to our room and make love to her as much as possible. I wanted to pamper her too. I couldn’t wait to see the smile on her sweet face or her naked body under me. She was the perfect woman and I never thought I would be so pleased. She completed me.


  I couldn’t believe Cooper was planning a weekend to South Padre. He had been really busy with work and I had too. I was excited, except for the fact we had to fly. I hated flying. I turned into a crazy loon every blooming time. I know with him by my side it would be better than normal, but that’s not saying much is it? Damn it, this man loved to fly. What the hell? Total opposite here! I started to get excited after thinking of going to the beach and walking in the sand. Sadness overwhelmed me for just a minute, as I thought of my mom’s ashes being spread there on the beach. Then, I reminded myself that this was where it all started for me and Cooper. She brought us together. It was a bad situation that turned into a good one with so much momentum a freight train couldn’t stop it. It was part of our life plans whether we knew it or not. I get to go away with my man this weekend and soak in the sun. Yeah for me!

  Cooper texted me and told me to be ready at 6:00 pm on Friday. I arranged for McKoy to watch my Max so that he was not alone the whole weekend. I started getting everything together for my weekend getaway. It seemed like so far away. I craved Cooper and couldn’t wait to get him all to myself this weekend.

  Cooper picked me up in his car and we drove to the airport. He could tell I was already stressing and tried to get me to relax.

  “Trust me Ash, I have everything under control. Everything is fine. We will be in South Padre in no time.”

  I just nodded my head.

  “I have a whole weekend planned sweetheart. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you. I promise.”

  “I know it’ll be fine. I just hate flying. I will just squeeze the shit out of your hand!”

  “That I know you can do baby. You have done it before.” He shook his hand like it is hurting.

  “Stop it you big baby. What are we going to do when we have babies and I squeeze your hand?” I couldn’t wait to have his babies.

  “I’m just kidding. I can handle it!” Cooper zoned out for a minute. What a thought of her carrying our children.

  He parked and we walked into the airport. Cooper knew exactly where to go and seemed to even know some of the people working throughout the airport. Seriously? Did he live here in his free time?

  We got through security in record time and then went to get a frappe before heading to our gate. We had an hour till our flight boarded, we sat and talked taking goofy pictures on our phone. I knew he was just trying to keep the mood light and keep me busy and I’ll be damned, if it wasn’t working! I could stare at Cooper all day and never get bored. Take off his clothes and I could stare all week. Hmmm... I wonder if he’s ever made love on a plane? What the Hell Ashlynn. That would require you to be unbuckled. Not to mention you have no luck and would probably end up in the bathroom locked in or God knows what.

  They announced our flight was boarding. Once again, Cooper led me with confidence. He knew I was close to my limit. We boarded the plane and he got us the same seats that we sat in before. What are the chances and how did he remember everything? The plane wasn’t near as full as the last time we flew. Take off went as it should and I seemed to not be as nervous. He didn’t let go of my hand the entire time. We’d been holding hands since we got to the airport. Maybe he dropped some medications in my frappe? No, Cooper wouldn’t do that. Just him being next to me makes me rest. He soothed me and I knew he would protect me. The pilot removed the seat belt sign and Cooper turned to kiss me. “Ash I was thinking last night how much you mean to me. I was looking for words to express my feelings. The only words I could come up with are soul mate. You are my soul mate.”

  “Cooper, you are mine too. I knew it from the first time we talked. I love you.”

  He got me a drink and I watched the clouds as we flew through them. I wonder if people in heaven can see planes flying. Cooper got up and pointed to the bathroom. I nodded my head and let him know I was okay.

  A few minutes later, the flight attendant came over the speaker and said she had an announcement to make. I heard Cooper’s voice come over the speaker. “Hello ladies and gentleman. My name is Cooper Brooks and there is a special passenger onboard who has changed my life. You see, we met on this very flight just a few short months ago. So, it is fitting that this is where our next journey begins in our lives as one. Ashlynn Ellis, you are my soul mate, love of my life, best friend, and lover. You make me want to be a better man. You complete me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you, protecting you, worshipping you and cherishing you. I want to show you what it is like to be loved by someone that would give his last breath for your life. Would you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man on the planet? Will you say yes and become Mrs. Cooper Brooks?”

  Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. Did Cooper just ask me to be his wife? On this very plane we met on and started our destiny. I didn’t even have to think twice.

  I unbuckled my seat belt, which that in itself should show Cooper how serious I am, stood up and I nodded my head yes with tears in my eyes. He was standing at the front of the plane looking at me. “Yes Cooper Brooks, I will marry you. I’m the lucky one though. You have changed my life into a life worth living. You’re the man of my dreams and I can’t wait to be called your wife. I love you so much it hurts. I can’t imagine my world without you in it. You are mine for always.”

  He handed the microphone back to the flight attendant as everyone was clapping and placed the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life on my finger. He kissed my finger and kissed my lips.

  “You have no idea how happy you just made me baby. I will never let you go.”

  “I don’t want you ever to let me go.”

  We walked back to our seats and sat for the remainder of the flight. He held my hand and I started to think, maybe planes weren’t too bad after all. Cooper was changing my outlook on things as we speak. He had already done it with other things. This was just one more thing where he had turned a fear of mine into a positive experience. Now when I have to fly somewhere, I will think of this handsome man asking me to be his wife. I can’t take my eyes off of my ring. I love the way it fits on my finger. It was beautiful, although with Cooper, he could’ve proposed with a ring out of a Cracker Jack box and I would have accepted.

  We got to the airport in South Padre and I immediately pulled out my phone and text Mc and Grace. I couldn’t wait to tell them.

  Mc & Grace:

  “Hey girls! I wanted ya'll to be the first to know I am now a taken woman. Cooper PROPOSED to me!! I will fill you in when I get home, but I am so happy. Love ya’ll.”

  Grace & Ashlynn: “I am so happy for you. I knew before you Ash! Can you believe I didn’t blurt it out to you? I can’t wait to see it! Have fun this weekend. Love you.”

  Mc & Ashlynn: “I knew too! Of course, I’m better at keeping secrets than Mc. So happy for you, sweet girl. Love you!”

  Chapter 26


  We rented a car to drive to the Gulf Shores Hotel. We got our same room. We walked immediately to the balcony.

  I started to kiss on Cooper. I couldn’t wait to get him in bed or up against the wall or in the shower, or on the beach. Hell, I didn’t care where. I almost attacked him in the plane, but, my good sense made me stop. I kissed him with so much passion and he started to walk me backwards inside the room and pushed me lightly up against the wall. I felt he was already hard and
ready to fulfill his duty. I dropped to my knees and pulled him out of his underwear. I loved the way he felt and how he reacted when I put him in my mouth. He was well endowed and filled my mouth. I’d never done this before and didn’t think I would ever want to. I used to think how nasty it was, but now, with Cooper, I wanted all of him. I wanted to work him up, just like he does me. To please him in every way possible. I loved seeing the look in his eyes when he couldn’t resist me and was shaking with anticipation.

  For me to know I have this control over this gorgeous man, and he chose me- blows my mind.

  After a few minutes, he pulled me up to him and pushed me on the couch. He moved my panties to the side in a rush like he was going to explode if he doesn’t get in me this very minute. He pushed in and I felt the ache I have had since the flight was relieved. He was so passionate right then and faster than normal. We were panting trying to keep up with each other. Sweat was making us stick together and you couldn’t tell where his body started and my ended. We were one. He was moving so perfectly, hitting the spot that makes me lose control. He knew with every stroke, I was getting close. “Baby I’m not going to last long, you feel so good. Are you close?”

  He kissed my neck and moved at a rhythm that was about to make my legs go numb. I finished screaming out his name. Not two seconds later he pumped into me one last time.

  “Oh my God baby. It’s better and better every time. I can’t believe I get to feel this for the rest of my life.”

  “Cooper, I’m just along for the ride. You’re the expert. I have never been so pleased in my life. You take me to ecstasy every time. I, my love, am the lucky one.”

  He carried me to the bed and shed the rest of our clothes. He had planned ahead and already had champagne, some fruit, and cheeses. I was starving and I knew I would not be able to get enough of my man tonight.


  Cooper woke me up early the next morning before sunrise. He had arranged horseback riding on the beach. I could not be more excited to be on the beach with my future husband. As we were walking on the beach with our horses, I looked over at Coop, out to the water, and then, back. Our horses were walking in step just like how me and Cooper were; our hearts, our souls, and our bodies. It confirmed how I was doing the right thing, getting ready to spend the rest of my life with this amazing selfless man. I was going to get my happy ever after, after all.

  After returning our horses to their owners we decided to walk the beach. The sun was covered by the clouds and the beach looked so serene. It felt like this was our own secluded beach. Not a soul out on it but Cooper and I. We walked hand in hand with smiles on our faces. We walked so far, we couldn’t even see our hotel any longer and that’s when the rain came. The rain fell in buckets. It’s falling and our pace stayed the same. We turned around and started to walk back towards our hotel.

  Cooper pulled me in and started to rub my arms. “Baby, I’m so sorry. This wasn’t part of my plan. Are you cold?”

  He noticed me shivering before I did. I was getting cold really quick, but didn’t even think about it. I was too busy listening and feeling the rain on my skin.

  “Yeah, I am a little, but I don’t care. I am enjoying the moment. It’s exhilarating.” I leaned up to kiss him.

  My hair was slicked back soaked. My clothes were sticking to me like they were glued to me. Cooper’s clothes were wet and totally outlining his chest. He looked amazing.

  He kissed me and wrapping his strong arms around me I was in heaven. I could stay here all day wet and cold.

  We finally got to the hotel and walked up to the room both shivering from the rain.

  Cooper stood there staring at me. His eyes were looking me up and down with pure want.

  “Shit Cooper, what are you staring out? I’m sure I look atrocious.”

  “Oh Ash, you could never look bad. You’re beautiful. In fact, why don’t we go take a shower together to warm up?”

  I nodded my head all the while screaming in my head- HELL YES!

  “And baby, don’t take off your clothes yet. I want to be the one to remove them from your wet body.”

  Well shit. I started to run to the bathroom and he chased after me. We got in the bathroom, I turned on the shower as Cooper came up behind me. I turned around and he slammed his lips on mine so damn fast, he almost knocked the wind out of me. He took my clothes off with precision. He didn’t even have to look down to see what to pull on or what to remove. He walked us back to the shower and helped me in.

  “You still want me, seeing how I look now? I look like a wet dog? Actually Max probably looks better than I do right now.”

  “Sweetheart, I want you no matter what. I assure you that’s never going to change.”

  I stood there with my mouth hanging open and my brain out of sync. I couldn’t form any words. I was speechless. He had taken me to depths I never thought were imaginable.

  Cooper held me against the shower wall and picked me up. I gripped his neck as tight as I could. He entered me fast. He had me damn near begging for it. He took total control over my body and I let him. He knew how to please me without me even uttering a word. It was only a few short moments before he brought me to ultimate pleasure and I him. He washed me gently and then rinsed me off. He then took hold of my towel and dried me off. I was one lucky ass woman. Boy, don’t I know it.

  He carried me to the bed and removed the towel covering me up. His body was spooned up next to me with his hand on my breast. We fell asleep and woke later in the exact same position.


  1 week later


  McKoy and Grace invited me to go out dancing at Copeland Dance Hall. A night to let loose sounded great, but I wasn’t going without Cooper.

  “Hey Coop, the girls just called to see if we want to go to Copeland Dance Hall tonight? People’s Choice is playing. Whatcha think? I also can show off this beautiful ring you placed on my finger.”

  “Sweetheart you and that damn country music? I think, I can agree to take my girl out for a couple circles around the dance floor.”

  “I will meet you there. I’ll ride with one of the girls so you can drive me home.”

  “See ya then baby. Wear something special for me.”

  “I wasn’t planning on wearing any panties, but, okay if you would rather me wear something for you then I will.”

  Cooper let out a husky moan, “Damn it Ashlynn, now I’m hard at work. You’re killing me, baby.”

  I loved to get his imagination going. It turned me on too. I never wanted a man like I do Coop. He had to hold me back. Never would have thought that would have happened in a million years.

  Me and the girls pulled up to Copeland Dance Hall. We got there early so we could get a good parking spot and get in line before it got too busy. People’s Choice always filled the place and we didn’t get out to dance very often. It was an occasion for us all three together. Beau and Cooper were driving together and Kyle was driving himself. We got into the place and the floor was already full of people. We found a small table and ordered some drinks. I was wearing blue jean shorts with my boots and a white blouse. Grace had her jeans and boots with a halter top and McKoy was in a mini blue jean skirt and boots with a shirt tied around her waist. Many men fell at her feet and for good reason. She always looked gorgeous and never seemed to take notice of the attention. She looked especially hot tonight, no doubt, to make Beau take notice.

  We giggled and hugged over my engagement ring and the girls agreed it was so nice seeing me so happy. They loved seeing a ring on my finger. They loved Cooper, and loved how happy I am with him. McKoy must have looked at my ring 50 times before we even got out of the dance floor. She smiled then teared up.

  “You Shook Me All Night Long” came on and we joined arms together and headed out to the dance floor. We could see our table from the dance floor and hoped it was there when we got back. If not, oh well. You couldn’t hear this song and not get out there and dance. It took us back to ou
r high school days and dancing on teen night at the local night club. We got in our little circle on the dance floor and danced our hearts out. We dirty danced with each other and played our air guitars.

  “Shit, I don’t remember being so tired after dancing to that song when we were younger, do ya’ll?” Ashlynn asked while trying to catch her breath.

  They shook their heads in unison thinking the same thing. We decide to go back and sit to wait for the guys to get there. We get to our table and saw our guys sitting in our seats. They all looked like they just picked their jaws off the floor. Cooper smiled and wrapped me up in a hug as soon as he saw me. Kyle did the same to Grace and Beau just reached out to McKoy to feel her shoulder waiting for her response.


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