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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 38

by Lora Ann

  To confirm that she said, “Thank you for everything, E. I’ll see you tonight.”

  I walked towards her, tamping down the possessiveness that flooded my bloodstream when I’d put two and two together. “Hey, sweetness, don’t leave here half-cocked.”

  Her beautiful brow arched. “I’m not mad at you. I need a shower and a change of clothes.”

  “I’m pretty sure my hot water works. As for the clothes, I can get you something to wear.”

  She shook her head. “You’ve done more than enough. It’s time for me to go. Thanks, again.”

  Clueless as to what I could say to get her to stay, I let her go. Before she was out of earshot, I loudly declared, “Until next time, Lacey.” There was a promise weaving through my statement. Whether she heard or not, I wasn’t positive.

  Once I heard the elevator doors close, I went into my office and made a call. I really didn’t care if putting security on her sweet ass pissed her off or not. The need to know she was safe trumped any flak I caught for it. Although there was no denying, I would feel better having her under my roof. She’ll fight you. Yeah, she would. Quite frankly, the thought of going a round or two with her turned me on. Except…her virginity posed a problem. And I couldn’t take that from her so cavalierly. Right. A workout would be a much healthier way to deal with my sex drive.


  I pushed my body hard as I ran on the treadmill. Felt good for my lungs to burn. This was what I needed. No, what I needed was Lacey warm and willing and wet beneath me. Since that wasn’t going to happen, exercise was the next best thing. When Nik strode into the gym, I was surprised.

  He chuckled, “This is the second time in the last twenty-four hours I’ve found you burning off your frustrations.”

  I slowed my pace before I retorted, “Fuck you.”

  “Yeah, I know, and the horse I rode in on.”

  I smiled at that. My brother knew me well. I finally brought the treadmill to a stop, stepped off, and grabbed a towel to wipe off the sweat pouring down my body.

  Nik assured, “You won’t be able to keep this up for long.”

  “Can’t blame a man for trying,” I affirmed.

  “Would’ve thought you had gleaned from my experience.” He shrugged. “Guess you’re a ‘learn the hard way’ kind of guy.”

  “I had a damn good teacher.”

  He laughed without humor. “You should do as I say, not as I do.”

  “Since when has that ever worked,” I fired back.

  “Hasn’t,” he countered. “But an older brother can always hope.”

  I wanted to shift this conversation. Nothing I hated more than to see Nik beat himself up for the time he was in prison. It hadn’t been his fault, but he still felt responsible. The self-blame he carried around, along with the thought, that had he been around I wouldn’t have chosen the path I did. Still he didn’t grasp I’d had Alex and Mom with me. Didn’t change the outcome—I’m hardheaded—I had to do what I had to do.

  Retrospect: I was an idiot.

  But I got out of the drug running before it had control over me. Sure I turned to women and sex as an outlet, but honestly, that was a teenage boy’s dream come true. I pulled myself from my reverie and inquired, “So, what brings you here today?”

  “Aimee,” he sighed. “I need to make a trip to Chicago. She refuses to leave right now.”

  I filled in the rest. “And you need me to keep an eye on her.”

  “If it’s a problem, I’ll cancel my trip.”

  Was it an issue? Now that I had Lacey to watch over, would I be able to handle both? I held eye contact with him. “You still have your team with her twenty-four/seven?”

  “Yeah,” he confirmed. “I just want one of my brothers with her too.”

  “I get that,” I acknowledged. All of a sudden an idea came to me. Cue the light bulb over my head. I chuckled at the image as Nik’s brow furrowed.

  “What’s so damn funny?” he queried.

  I answered his question with another. “Do you think Aimee would be willing to hang out at the club with me?”

  “You’d have to ask her. Why?”

  “As you’ve noticed, I have a thing for Lacey.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. Afterwards, he affirmed, “E, if you want to continue telling yourself it’s just ‘a thing’ I won’t stop you. But I will offer you some advice: call a spade a spade—at least with yourself.” As he walked across the gym to the door, I asked, “How can you be so sure it’s more than that?”

  He smirked, “Been there, done that.”

  Smartass! Though I couldn’t deny the change I’d watched happen to him when Aimee entered the picture. Hmm, it was food for thought. There was no denying that.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Covered in the crack-whore’s blood, I ordered, “Hand me a towel, Joe.” God, how I hated weakness. I’m positive that sounds like an oxymoron. Yes, I tend to prefer street prostitutes because they usually were hooked on some form of drug or another, which made them easy targets. However, what really irritated me was how many of them thought they could pose as my cherished Rachel. So far, not one held a candle to my beautiful Marissa. The loss of both lay with Aimee. I grew more and more impatient waiting for the opportune time to snatch her away from her overprotective husband. Would be nice to dispose of both of them in one fell swoop, but Nik had proven, over and over, that he was hard to kill. For all intents and purposes, Aimee was becoming just as difficult. The rage began to boil in my blood as I looked over at the waif chained to my wall.

  Joe stood in front of me with the towel I had asked for. I wasn’t dull-witted; he also blocked me from my target across the room. “Mr. R,” he acknowledged deferentially, “If I may speak?”

  I curtly nodded my assent.

  “She’s not ready. And…”

  The hesitation told me he was unsure of how I would react to what else he needed to say, thus I declared, “You may speak freely.”

  He cleared his throat. “There have been too many lives lost recently, sir.”

  I glowered at him, which made him cast his eyes to the floor. Before I could chastise him properly, Viviane entered with a gasp of dismay. Maybe he had a point, after all. Though her reaction was odd, it wasn’t like she hadn’t seen a dead body before. When I looked down at the bloody heap on the floor, I realized why she could be upset. The device I had recently purchased was still moving inside the mutilated cunt. Even I had to admit it was quite the horror show. I motioned towards the corpse and commanded, “Burn her and that thing.” I could hear the disgust in my own voice, would they?

  I approached Viviane and tried to console her. “I shouldn’t have tried such an experiment on someone so worn out. Next time, I’ll make sure they’re robust and able to handle such things.”

  Her eyes widened in fear and awe. Wasn’t the first time she had given me a look like that. Although torture wasn’t something she enjoyed, she was rather turned on by my new toys. Too bad I was not attracted to her. Of course if I was, then Joe would have to go. And that would be a tragedy. He made a wonderful lackey.

  The two of them cleaned up my mess while I went over to the pixie still restrained. Removing the key clipped onto my belt, I released her wrist. Once more, I studied her as I had numerous times since I took her from Lake Tahoe. Bewildered by the resemblance at that moment, just as I had been when I noticed her on that sidewalk. My focus shifted to the two beauties in my head. Rachel, sweet and innocent, was looking at me as if I had committed the worst crime imaginable. Marissa, sexy and deviant, wanted me to try new forms of torture on this lovely before me. To clearly examine my treasure I shook my head, and that was when I smelled the musk of arousal. Was it hers? I reached forward and hooked her hair behind her ear to get a better look. Not for the first time, my heart beat rapidly inside my chest. She had flinched at my touch, yet her eyes showed desire. I leaned in. “Are you afraid of me?”

  “Yes,” she swallowe
d and continued, “sir.”

  The most arousing thing for me was when I didn’t have to tell my captives what to say. I began to stroke my penis and was hit with her scent, hard. I masturbated while she watched, moaning deeply when I came all over her. “We’re going to have a delightful time together, my dear.”

  Her gaze came up to meet mine. “When?” There was a trace of fear in her voice, but she was absolutely turned on as well.

  She was only the second woman who’d ever aroused me like this. Sure I had just experimented with a toy on that prostitute, but I wouldn’t have had sex with that whore if she had survived. This one I wanted with ferocity. In order to hide that fact, I chuckled. “Anxious to see what you can handle?” Her nostrils flared with outright terror. Yes, I preferred them frightened. It heightened the experience. She attempted to look away, but I forced her head back towards me. “Never turn away unless I say you can.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied.

  “Good girl,” I affirmed as I released the rest of her shackles. She crumpled to the floor, and Viviane quickly came over to help. Now I saw what Joe had said earlier: She wasn’t ready by any means—which meant, I needed another subject to occupy my time.

  I stepped away from the two women and approached Joe. “Find me another tonight.”

  “But… I thought—”

  I cut him off by latching my hand around his throat. “You are not to think. You are to do what I tell you when I tell you to do it. Are we clear?”

  His eyes were rolling back into his head, so I released him and watched as he gulped for air. Once he could speak, he answered, “I understand, Mr. R.”

  “Then go,” I barked.

  He left expeditiously, and I decided a shower was necessary. Before I left the room, I glanced sideways toward the wall and saw her staring at me. It wasn’t fear in her eyes just then. Au contraire, domination over Joe had excited her. Perhaps, I have finally found the one.

  “You thought the same thing with me,” Marissa purred inside my head.

  Truth was, I had. Nevertheless, I had been wrong.


  Later that night, I was more than discombobulated. The session had gone well enough. Viviane was seeing to the new one’s wounds, but that wasn’t what had me confused. Not for the first time, as I was whipping a whore, my newest charge flooded my mind’s eye. What was it about her? Since Marissa, I had no desire to have sex with any of the prostitutes we had rounded up. Until I picked up the treasure—who was lying in a cell waiting for a clean bill of health—so I could play. The jet was waiting at the hanger to return me back to DC, but before I left, I had to see her again. This wasn’t the first time I had peeked in on her, but she was usually asleep. Fortunately, or unfortunately, she was wide awake this time. As I gazed down at her gorgeous, fay-like body, she looked up and held my eyes intently. There was intelligence in them, and I blurted out—something I never did—what was on my mind. “Why were you strung out on heroin?”

  “Wasn’t what I planned to do with my life,” she answered matter-of-factly.

  “What were your objectives?”

  She swept her hand around the tiny cell. “Well obviously, this had never occurred to me, either.”

  I actually laughed at that. I should’ve been irate at her insolence, but, for whatever reason, she had charmed me with her honesty. “Fair point, Miss…?”

  “How do you know I’m not a Mrs.?” she replied innocently.

  “There was no ring on your left hand when we met in Lake Tahoe,” I pointed out.

  “It’s Kincaid.”

  “And does Miss Kincaid have a given name.”

  Her lips pursed as if she were debating on telling me her full identity. I opened the cell door and entered. One thing I wouldn’t put up with was petulance. Her posture stiffened as she answered, “Keeley.”

  I made my way to her side and fisted her hair, yanking her head back to force her to look up at me. “Next time I ask you a question; don’t delay in your response.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I released my tight hold, but continued to run my fingers through her hair. “How old are you, Keeley?”


  “Will others be searching for you?”

  “No.” She sighed. “Well, that’s not entirely true,” and then added, “My sister might.”

  That did pose a bit of a problem. I had inadvertently taken someone with ties. Usually Joe or Viviane procured my play things, but, yet again, something about this one stuck out. Even though, at the time, she had been beyond wasted. “How long have you been using?”


  Now that question baffled me. “Explain,” I ordered.

  Until then, she hadn’t released my gaze. Her eyes darted away, and I could see remorse zipping across her expression. I got down on my haunches and took her hand in mine—why, I’ll never know. The gesture, I assumed, gave her courage. “It was slipped into my drinks for a period of time by my boyfriend. Once I was addicted, he no longer wanted to be involved with me.”

  “Asshole.” She shot me a dubious look. Yes, even I was a bit perplexed by my outburst. “I’m sorry that happened to you.” Oddly enough, I was. Perhaps it was because she didn’t choose such a path. Funny, I had never cared before to ask any of the others if they had chosen drugs, or if there was no choice, like Keeley.

  “So am I,” she acknowledged. “Did you sober me up so I could feel the torture more acutely?” she accused.

  She was perceptive, I’d give her that. “Initially,” I responded honestly. “Now, I’m not sure what my plans are for you,” I confessed.

  Her brow arched. “Should I be afraid?”

  I released her hand and stood, fingering her hair once more. “Yes. You should be terrified of me,” I answered before turning to leave.

  As I closed the door to lock it, she stated, “I am. But there’s something about you that draws me in. Truthfully, that’s far more alarming.”

  I tilted my head at her candor. “Next weekend, we shall see just what you’re capable of.”

  Yes, I had every intention of pushing her to her limits and beyond. Getting away from Capitol Hill would be relatively simple. Though my instincts told me, whatever I did with Keeley would be far from easy—for her as well as myself.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I stopped and stared at myself in the mirror. It wasn’t the first time I’d caught a glimpse of a woman I barely recognized. Honestly, I had always felt like a stranger in my own body when I wore such sexy costumes, but this time, something else was different. Was I noticing the sensuality behind my eyes? E had most definitely awakened my desire last night; there was no sense trying to deny that. Plus, I didn’t want to live behind the veil of naiveté anymore. What I needed was for him to finish what he had started. Instinct to have sex was fluttering low in my belly, yet there was more to it than that. Would I be able to compartmentalize love and sex? I really didn’t know. I had nothing to go on—which that, right there, was my issue in a nutshell. We needed to remedy this situation. How could I pull off the role of being his submissive if I had no experience with the basics? Then and there, I decided that was how I would approach him with this topic. I would stay logical. With my dad, that had always been the best way to handle delicate issues. I had to hope Even operated under the same premise. Only time would tell.

  After completing the ensemble with a man’s scarlet silk tie, I made my way to the platform I would perform on. I had on leather boy shorts with a wide, spiked belt and a white button-down oxford tied above my navel, showing off my belly button ring. The reminiscence of my piercing took me by surprise. I was nineteen and changing clothes to go out with Keeley. If she had been using that night, I couldn’t tell. She’d wanted some sister time, and we had agreed to try out a new dance club that had recently opened. She grabbed my shoulder and spun me towards her. She stared with wide eyes, for a beat, before she asked, “What the hell have you done?”<
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  “You like?” I grinned.

  “Holy crap, Lace. If dad sees that, he’ll shit a brick.”

  Her use of profanity never ceased to amaze me, especially in our parents’ home.

  “I seriously doubt a little jewelry would offend him.”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “It’s not like the tattoo you have by your private parts,” I pointed out the obvious. She’d had the little rose with thorns tatt for over a year now.

  “Yeah, well…’s not like our father would ever see me there.”

  She’d made a fair rebuttal. I mean, it was located in a spot that even a tiny thong would cover—where mine was in a location easily seen if I wore a swimsuit or midriff top. I scoffed, “We’re adults. What can he do?”

  “Now that’s what I’m talking about.” She smiled. “I love it when you rebel.”

  To stifle back tears, I blinked several times and focused on the music. My timing had been perfect as “Toxic” by Britney Spears blared through the speakers. As I moved my body to the song—not an easy task in my four-inch, ankle-high boots—my eyes found E at his table in the back. I couldn’t help but think the lyrics fit him in many ways. The man oozed sex; even my untrained eye could see it. A spark of jealousy flashed when I realized others hadn’t missed his “fuck me” vibe. I actually reddened from thinking the f-bomb, but seriously, there wasn’t another word that could accurately describe him. I was surprised when I recognized the blond-bombshell sitting with him—Aimee. I smiled at her as she gave a little wave hello. E’s sister-in-law was beyond stunning, but it was her warmth and genuine kindness that I liked the most.

  Once my set was complete, I joined them. There was a bottle of water waiting for me. Per usual, E was providing for me. I would be a liar if I said I didn’t relish it. His attentiveness was just part of his charm. I was beginning to understand how he wouldn’t have to ever force a woman to do his bidding. All the man had to do was flash that bone-melting smile and you would be willing to do, or be, anything he asked of you. This realization should’ve scared me silly. Instead, desire stretched across my already too tight skin. Did he know I was his already? Wait! I couldn’t believe I just thought that. Really? ‘Cause it’s been the case from the very first kiss. Yeah, right. Still, there was no need to let him know. Though as I looked at him over my bottle, I had the distinct feeling he already possessed the knowledge. I shifted my legs as I grew damp. Goodness, I needed a distraction. Breaking eye contact with E, I focused on Aimee. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”


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