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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 56

by Lora Ann

  “Lacey, watch yourself with this Strand. He’s the naughty one.”

  Lacey’s cheeks lit up a brilliant red as a low, “Uh-huh,” escaped her.

  Oh hell, my sweet girl was embarrassed, and I would be a liar if I said that didn’t turn me on. I adjusted my legs, praying my dick didn’t decide to salute at that moment.

  Aimee continued, “The drug you were slipped took a while to leave your system. I’m just glad you’re okay, which wouldn’t have been the case if it hadn’t been for Lacey.” She reached over and grabbed Lacey’s hand once more. “She’s the hero.”

  My head swiveled towards Lacey. “How did you get me out?”

  She eased away from me while releasing Aimee’s hold and began to pick at the blanket lying across me. “I did what I had to do. That does not make me a hero.”

  “The hell it doesn’t,” Aimee chimed in before she glanced up at me. “She dragged your heavy, unconscious ass out of a burning house. If that’s not a hero, then I don’t what is.”

  My eyes felt like saucers as I looked at Lacey dumbfounded. Sure, she had some size to her and muscle thanks to dancing, but I wasn’t a small guy. How the hell?

  “It’s called adrenalin,” Lacey replied. “Happens in tense life or death situations.”

  And there you had the answer to my question. Then, something Aimee had said began to niggle. “What drug? I’m confused,” I confessed.

  “Apparently, Viviane got you out of the mine shaft and into the house,” Aimee answered.


  “One of Caleb’s minions,” she affirmed coldly.

  “Reynolds was there? You saw him?” This was good. We now had an eye witness to one of his crimes.

  “No, I didn’t,” Aimee admitted. “I just know.”

  Like I’d said before, Aimee’s intuition was a gift. I didn’t doubt her for a second. Unfortunately though, it wasn’t enough. Until we caught that man red-handed, he would continue his reign of terror, and Aimee would be his prime target. Shit, shit, shit. This was bad, really bad.

  Lacey spoke up, “Well…if Keeley decides to talk, we might have a witness.”

  Once more, I turned my attention to Lacey. “Your sister isn’t willing to identify him as her abductor?”

  “She says,” Lacey sighed heavily, “He didn’t take her against her will.”

  “Stupid girl,” Aimee murmured, and then shot an apologetic look to Lacey—who only nodded in agreement.

  “Let me guess, Ari is too sick to talk,” I concluded.

  “Yep,” Aimee confirmed, “You’re correct.”

  “Fucking fantastic,” I spewed facetiously.

  Nik came back into the room. “There you are. I’ve searched high and low for you, lille.”

  Aimee’s entire demeanor shifted at my brother’s term of endearment. God, their love was tangible. I wanted that. I needed to have someone looking at me like she was him, and vice versa. I shot a sidelong glance over at Lacey. She, too, could see the love, the passion that danced between my brother and his wife. I reached over and clutched her hand, rubbing tiny circles on the tender spot of her inner wrist. When her gaze met mine, her pupils dilated with desire. Hell, I did not need to tent the thin blanket across my hips. So I gave a slight yank and brought her up against my body, kissing her temple. We watched the lovers before us.

  Nik was oblivious to his audience as he took two long strides towards his wife. Aimee met him in the middle of the room and coiled her arms around his waist. Their height difference was considerable, yet they fit together perfectly. Nik’s legs bent at the knees so he could look into her eyes. Aimee tiptoed to aid and then leaned forward to kiss him. I swear you could see the lightning bolt from contact. Holy shit. It was abso-fucking-lutley breathtaking. I felt Lacey shift against me as she looked up through her eyelashes at me. Yeah, she not only saw their chemistry, she felt ours.




  Before Nik and Aimee gave us a live show, I cleared my throat and teased, “Go get your own room, would ya? I’m sure there are plenty available.”

  Nik’s deep chuckle was still a shock to hear. “Fuck off,” he retorted without heat. Then he looked at Aimee. “Let’s go, little one.”

  You would have to be deaf and blind to miss the promise his body held and voice declared. Son of a bitch. My cock jerked to life. Lacey hadn’t missed it, either. Her hand snaked under the covers and I hissed when her fingers met my hot flesh. For all intents and purposes, Nik and Aimee were in their own world; however, I did not want to test that theory. My hand caught hers and held it flush against my abdomen. “Later, sweetness,” I whispered.

  Her breath caught as she nodded.

  Out of the blue I added, “Besides, I need to ask you something first.”

  Before she could answer, Aimee called from the doorway, “Take care. We’ll see you guys in the morning.”

  The door slid closed as Lacey walked her fingers up my body until they were resting against my lips. She began to trace my mouth. “Ask me what?”

  “I want you,” I confessed in agony as I nipped her fingers.

  She yelped as she pulled them away. “That wasn’t a question.”

  I stared deep into her sapphire eyes and knew, at that moment, this woman had bound me to her completely. Though I wanted to give her hearts and flowers, I couldn’t hold back any longer. “Will you marry me?”

  She gasped and sat up quickly. Her hand went to the base of her throat while tears began to leak from the corners of her eyes. Fuck. What was going through that beautiful head of hers? Before she could answer, a myriad of medical staff filed into the room, effectively squelching the moment. I wanted to scream at them to get the fuck out, but I knew the sooner we had this little pow-wow the sooner I would be a free man. And then, the sooner I would have my answer. If I had to pleasure it out of her, I would. She could not avoid my proposal. What if she says no? The vicious little voice in my head snarled. No was not an answer I would accept. No wasn’t an option. Whether she admitted it or not: She. Was. Mine. I had no qualms with showing her that truth. I adjusted again when my cock twitched. Baseball. Baseball. Baseball, I chanted to myself as I focused on the heavy-set, balding doctor speaking. Yeah, that killed my arousal right there. Yet I couldn’t help glancing over his head at Lacey. She stood there wringing her hands and listening. Her eyes met mine and I could see the love in them. She was going to say yes, even if she didn’t know it herself. And that made me a very happy man.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Oh, dear Lord, he just proposed! While I knew I loved him, I wasn’t sure if we were rushing things. We hadn’t known each other long. Didn’t we need more time? I watched the doctor and nurses file out of the room and acknowledged that E would not let his question go unanswered. I wasn’t ready for this. How did I tell him without hurting his feelings? As I stepped closer to him, I inhaled sharply. The look in his eyes was pure heat. There was no stopping my perusal of his body to his amazing manhood, which stood large and proud. I licked my lips.

  “Lacey”—his voice was filled with the pang of longing—“stop looking at me like that.”

  “Or what?” Yeah, I was poking the bear. Though, honestly, I could’ve cared less. If he hauled me onto that bed with him and buried himself deep within my wet heat, I would be a very happy girl. That was when I recognized I wanted him to do exactly that. I wanted him to control the situation.


  Take what he wanted.

  I inched a little closer, hoping he could feel my yearning. Instead of ravenous sex in a hospital bed, we were, yet again, interrupted. Standing in the doorway was my father. “Dad?” I gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  He glared at me as my mother squealed, “Oh, Lacey. Thank God, you’re okay, honey.”

  I moved away from E to go hug my mom, but my father’s glower stopped me in my tracks. His hand came up to halt my mother’s progress towards me. N
ext, I watched him turn that scathing gaze on Even. Crap! He knew who E was and what he did for a living. How? I had no clue, but it was written across his features like a flashing neon sign. I cleared my throat to offer an explanation. He stopped me with his hateful rhetoric, “No daughter of mine would ever associate with filth like him.” Again, daggers were thrown from his eyes to E’s. “Why you ever wasted your effort to save scum like this, Lacey, I’ll never know.”

  My mom stood there aghast. “Robert,” she gulped. “How could you?”

  He turned his loathly stare on her. She took a step backwards and bowed her head. My father had never physically hurt her, but his verbal outbursts had always been present and accounted for, which pissed me off. For the first time ever, I spoke up, “Don’t you come in here and assume you know everything. If you came here to spew vile accusations, then turn around now and march out of here. I. Will. Not. Tolerate. Your. Hypocritical. Point of view.”

  His face turned beet red as he reprimanded, “You don’t ever speak to me in that tone, young lady.”

  “News flash, father dear,” I snorted. “I’m an adult.”

  He took a step towards me with a raised hand, and that was when I caught sudden movement out of my peripheral vision. In a flash, E had my father’s arm behind his back. “You will not ever threaten her again,” he murmured so low I wouldn’t have heard him if I hadn’t been standing right next to them. “Do you hear me?” The threat of retribution lacing E’s voice with that question did not go unnoticed.

  “Yes,” my father grunted out.

  E released his hold, but he stood his ground and didn’t back away from my father. I looked into Even’s eyes and saw the protector I always knew he was, plus the love shining strong and true. His fierce loyalty had ridden in to save the day. And I was grateful for the strength it gave me. I walked up to my dad (the parent I resembled the most physically) and met him eye to eye. “I would do it again in a heartbeat. “That man”—pointing my finger towards E—“you think is a thug, loves me with all his heart and soul. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for me.”

  My mother cried out, “I knew it!” She tugged on my father’s arm. “Can’t you see our daughter is in love?”

  My father took a sharp intake of air. “I will not allow it.” He took hold of my arm and yanked. “You’re coming home with us. Right. Now.” He was speaking through clenched teeth. I had never seen him so angry. Wait…that wasn’t quite true. He had been like this with Keeley when he had learned of her heroin addiction. But that was because of the humiliation and shame he thought she had brought down on the family. Reality hit like a Mack Truck—he thinks the same of me.

  On a gasp of shock, I pulled out of his hold with so much force I lost my balance. E reached forward but my momentum jerked him with me. We went down in a tumbling heap. “Oh no!” I yelled, “Your arm!” Sure enough, the appendage in question was hanging at an odd angle.

  “Shit,” he hissed out while wincing from the pain.

  “You keep that vitriol to yourself,” my father warned. “How dare you use profanity in the presence of women.”

  Really?! Neither had he just mentioned me as his daughter, nor by my name. Of course he hadn’t my mother either. Nope, we were referred to by our gender. Good heavens, how had I never noticed his heartlessness before? My mother rushed over to help. “I’m so, so, so, sorry, Lacey.” She addressed Even, “How can I help you, young man?”

  I answered, “Mom, go get a doctor please.”

  “Yes, of course.” She rushed out of the room as I attempted to help E sit up. I held his gaze and saw the agony there. I swallowed back my sob. “Are you alright?”

  He reached up to push my hair out of my face, and that was when my father lunged forward. Although he was in a considerable amount of pain, E was still faster. His fist connected with my father’s jaw, causing his head to snap back. While I was fully aware my dad deserved that—and then some—it didn’t stop my reaction. “Dad! Are you okay?”

  He adjusted his jaw and grinned in an unpleasant way. “I’m done. You are dead to me,” he said as he stood and made his way towards the door.

  Those were the exact words he’d said to Keeley when he had kicked her out of the house. I hadn’t wanted the words to affect me, but they did. Tears began to stream down my face. “Oh, daddy.” Shaking my head at how truly obstinate he was, I asked, “Why can’t you see you’re the one who’s in the wrong?”

  Before he could retort, a doctor, a nurse, and my mother came into the room. I eased out of their way while they assisted E back to the bed. I turned to my mother. “Can we talk in the hall, please?”

  On a heavy sigh, I motioned towards the bank of chairs in the waiting area on that floor. “Mom…I.” I had no idea how to tell her what had just happened in there between my father and Even, not to mention me. I was pretty sure she’d overheard his last words to me. But…

  “It’s not your fault,” she interrupted my thoughts. Before I could attempt to speak again, she held her hand up in a let-me-say-what-I need-to-say fashion. I nodded my acquiescence. “I am fully aware that your father is a stubborn ass.” My eyes widened at her use of a swear word. “Oh, wipe that look off your face, would you? He is what he is. There’s no point in pretending otherwise.”

  I stifled the giggle threatening to erupt. She shot me that look only a mother could. I lowered my eyes and bit my tongue. She continued, “You did the right thing.”

  My head popped up so fast it felt like one of those jack-in-the-box toys bobbling around on my neck. “But you taught us never to question his authority?”

  “I did,” she confirmed. “When you and Keeley were young, it was important for you to do just that.”

  I shook my head. “I’m pretty sure the Bible is clear that we’re supposed to honor you both. I don’t recall there being an age limit.”

  “It also says that once you are wed you are to leave your mother and father,” she countered.

  “News flash! We’re not married.”

  “Yet,” she offered with a knowing look in her eyes.

  Wow! She was good. Really, good. “It’s,” I sighed, “Complicated.”

  “Things that are meant to be always seem to flourish under difficult circumstances.”

  Ah, Momma, if you only knew. How did one go about telling their mother that the man you were in love with was a Dom? Good heavens, would she even know what that meant? A tiny voice in my head reminded, it really isn’t any of her business what goes on behind closed doors. True. Our relationship, our sexual desires, was only between us. No one else belonged there. While I adamantly agreed, there was a part of me that still didn’t know all of him. If I was going to say ‘yes,’ I needed to have that knowledge. The sooner, the better. Mom pulled me from my musings.

  “Keeley hates me.” Her voice cracked.

  “Oh no! You can’t think that, Mom.” I searched for the right words. “She’s been through a lot. Give her time.”

  She locked her tiny arms around my waist and let out all the pent-up emotion she had always tucked away. My entire childhood was spent watching this frail woman in my arms swallow down every bitter word thrown at her. To keep the façade alive and perfect, so no one would figure out the truth—misery, loneliness, fear were her constant companions. As we sat there in that hospital waiting room, I watched her house of cards fall one by one. Never had I felt so helpless. The assumption that her life was what she had wanted came crashing down like a row of dominos. Had I really once thought she was happy? Where did I miss that my mother had done it all for us? The choice she had made was to keep her family together no matter how she was being mistreated. With no regard to how she felt, what she thought, where she would like to be. God, I loved this woman. I enfolded her as close to my body as I could, and let the emotions have their way. How did you thank someone for such sacrifice? Sure, love was all that and then some. Still, to put your own hopes and dreams under the rug for the sake of your children—I couldn’t even be
gin to wrap my brain around that.

  We sat like that for a few precious moments, until I made a decision and damn the consequences. I stood, pulling her up with me. “Let’s go.”


  “Shh, there’s no time. C’mon.” I tugged her down the hallway, keeping a look out for my father who I knew was lurking somewhere. He’d left after us and turned a different direction. Probably to rage somewhere in private. Something he had done for as long as I could remember. We entered Keeley’s room as quietly as possible. It was a miracle she was still alive. However, our mother didn’t need to know all of that. She needed to hold her little girl. I would move heaven and earth to make sure that happened. With a gentle nudge, I encouraged, “Go on, Mom. You won’t be interrupted.” With that, I eased out the door and stood guard like a Roman Centurion in front of the room. As I stood there, I watched some commotion happening down the hall by E’s room. In horror, I realized who I saw purposely striding my way. I took a step forward and then reassessed the situation. E was in front of me before I could fully process. “Lacey.” His voice was spiked with concern, and then something unspoken passed between us.

  “No,” I gasped. “No, no, no, no.” My head was shaking back and forth for emphasis. “Please tell me my father’s okay.”

  E enveloped me with his warm, hard body and whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

  I eased back to look into his eye and saw the tears freely streaming. Surreal didn’t even begin to define how I felt at that moment in time. I could live for a hundred years and I doubted I would ever be able to put it into words. At least not adequately. Though I knew my father was gone, I had to ask, “What happened?”

  “Massive heart attack,” he answered. “They came to my room to find you and your mother.”

  “Oh no!” I squeaked out. “How am I going to tell her?”

  On cue, the door opened and Mom stepped into the hallway. Her face was tear-streaked. Her shoulders were slumped inward. She looked defeated, tired, and old beyond her years. I held out my hand to her and softly called, “Mom. Could you come over here for a minute?”


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