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The Strand Brothers Series: Complete Set

Page 93

by Lora Ann

  The more I watched Keeley on that floor with those male strippers, the more I recognized we had an issue. She’d let at least one of them put his hand down her pants. I thought for sure my brothers and I were going to have to call for back up when Tar saw it. Once he had some sense about him, we let him go down to the dance floor. Although I’d noticed Keeley had gone towards the restrooms. I sent Tar a quick text letting him know. If Keeley were mine, I’d wear her tiny ass out. Guaranteed she wouldn’t be sitting for a good day or so.

  Alex was over in the corner grinning as he watched his beloved dance. God only knew what was in store for her later. If we could keep him off Sofie while here. Doubt filled me on that one. Even Nik was getting restless. Scanning the club once more I saw the girls at the table, minus Keeley. Lacey was opening presents. Fascinated by some of the toys she was given, I leaned forward. That was when I noticed Tar and Keeley in a heated embrace. Sure as hell hoped he knew what he was getting into with that one. Handful didn’t even begin to cover it. Something told me she’d walked away from drugs and alcohol and right into a darker side of pain and pleasure. Fuckin’ A. I finished off my vodka and announced, “Let’s head out.”

  Alex and Nik joined me as we noticed the girls had stood and were grabbing their things. Perfect timing. Tar had Keeley by the arm in a tight grip as we exited. Nik stepped forward. “Everything okay, Keeley?”

  She glanced up and I saw the trickle of blood at the corner of her mouth. I locked on hard to Tar’s shoulder. “What the fuck?”

  He shook his head. “Not what you think, man. You have my word.” His gaze told me he meant it.

  “Don’t you dare hurt her,” I warned.


  We all climbed into the limo and headed back to the hotel. One would think we were all tired and ready to call it a night, but, as I glanced around, it became obvious what would be happening behind closed doors, later. ‘Cept for me. Yeah, thinking an ice bath wouldn’t put out my fire. Maybe a round with a heavy bag was what I needed. I held Lacey firmly by my side as everyone climbed out of the limousine. With a tug, she was on my lap. My hands fisted her hair as I took her mouth relentlessly. She began to grind against me and I swatted her ass, hard. Her yelp was silenced as I swallowed it. When I broke away from her, panting, she moved again. This time I caught the other cheek and growled, “Don’t you fucking move.”

  Her breathy, “Yes, Sir,” almost undid me. Strength and control that was beyond my comprehension took over as I eased her off my body. She licked her lips while gazing at me from under her long lashes. “I’m sorry.”

  I barked a humorless laugh. “Guilty too, sweetness. Should’ve known I was pushing us too far.”

  “We can hold out for two more days. By then, the sharks will have cleared out.”

  Took me a second to grasp what she meant. “Thank fuck. Though I wouldn’t have cared. Nothing is keeping my dick from your pussy.”

  She gasped at my filthy words then leaned in to kiss me on the cheek. “My husband might not approve.”

  “It’s an affair. He’s not s’posed to.”

  Lacey crawled out of the limo with her presents in hand and winked. “See you soon, lover.”

  My head went back against the seat as we pulled off. Probably should tell the driver to go straight to the ER for the raging case of blue balls I would be sporting. I couldn’t take things into my own hand since that would break our contract. Then a wicked, naughty idea struck. I could command her to play over the phone. Hell no, that wouldn’t work with her period. Instead, I’d push my body other ways. Mind over matter.

  For fuck’s sake, what had I done to myself? The shower hurt as it traveled over screaming muscles. Accomplished my goal, erection was gone and exhaustion had set in. The doctor was going to tear me a new asshole when he learned what I had done. My final appointment was in the early afternoon. We had our rehearsal dinner that night. The next day Lacey would be mine legally. There were no cold feet. A part of me wanted to take her away and elope like Alex had done. But she had wanted a church wedding. Who was I to tell her no? All for her and only her.


  The sight of Lacey in that church talking to her mom and sister stole my breath. Over my shoulder, I gazed at the crucifix hanging above the altar. Under my breath I murmured, again and again, Thank you for her. Thank you for giving me Lacey. We took our places and went through all the key points of the ceremony. Still unconvinced I would get through saying my own vows, Lacey and I had agreed on traditional ones. I’d written them out and so did she if we changed our minds. Father Lane had approved our rather odd request. Unable to keep my eyes off my bride-to-be, I took in every single thing about her. Her hair was a bit shorter as if she’d had it trimmed that day. Nails were perfectly manicured, as were her toes when I glanced to see them peeking out of the sandals. She was wearing a conservative red dress that brought out her highlights. And her eyes, God, I could get lost in the depths of those sapphires staring at me with so much love it caused a deep ache inside me. My soul begged for hers. She caught the moisture on my cheeks with the pad of her thumb. “Shhh,” I pleaded, “Just let me stare at you some more.”

  Lacey blushed and looked down, tracing my fingers with hers before taking my hand. When our eyes met, I saw the tears in hers. I pulled her into an embrace, but the words I wanted to say were caught in my throat. She whispered, “I can’t wait to be Mrs. Even Strand.”

  I buried my face in hair, inhaling deeply as the emotions surfaced. Neither of my brothers had prepared me for this. Ari broke the connection with, “Come on, Uncle E. We have reservations.”

  “Yes, sweetheart. We’ll be right there.” I turned to Lacey, “Shall we,” as we walked out of the church hand in hand.


  Since our reception would be more upscale, Lacey wanted something more fun and festive. We reserved a locally owned Mexican restaurant for the evening. Spirits were high and the margaritas flowed, literally from a fountain. Doing my very best not to get shit-faced, I yanked Lacey into my arms as we began to salsa. Or at least we tried. Neither of us knew what the hell we were doing, but the owners were attempting to teach us. Naturally she was catching on. I whispered, “We are taking lessons when we get back from our honeymoon.”

  She trilled, “I’d love that.”

  “You, my dear, have had far too much to drink,” I pointed out.

  She pouted, “Why do you say that?”

  “Because, sweetness, I never asked you if you wanted to take salsa lessons.” My brow quirked as she pondered for a moment.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. The tequila was heavy on her breath as she spoke, “You’re bossy all the time. Guess I’ve grown used to it.”

  My hand landed hard on her ass before I squeezed. “You’re sexy as fuck. Especially when you get saucy, makes me want to take you into a dark corner and do naughty things with you. To you.”

  Her breathing was ragged as she licked along my neck and twirled away from me. At the bar, she held up a bottle of Espolón Resposada with a shot glass and a bowl of limes. I prowled towards her, grabbing the salt on the other side. “Body shots?”

  “You asked,” she said against my mouth.

  With anticipation skittering through my blood stream, I watched her sprinkle salt on my forearm, lick, take a shot, as I popped the lime in her mouth. Shivers ran through her. “You’ve done these before.”

  “No. I haven’t actually. Just watched.”


  “The nightclub.”

  “Ah, yes. I should’ve remembered.” A wicked thought escaped, “You’re a virgin.”

  “All for you to take, Sir,” she answered as a gleam lit her eyes.

  Turning her arm over, so the underside of her wrist was visible. I poured the salt, followed it with the broad side of my tongue, drank the shot, and took the lime she held between her teeth.

  A more sensual tune began to play as I danced with her onto the floor. Whe
n my brothers began their wolf-whistling, I knew we were skirting on the edge of inappropriate. Seemed we had started something with the body shots as we watched the erotic show Keeley and Tar put on. She was laid out on top of a table, her jeweled belly button held the lime. Salt was placed on her inner leg above the ankle. He licked to just below her knee, drank straight from the bottle, and then captured the lime as she arched into his mouth. Had they been alone I knew exactly where that would’ve led. Same place chocolate and strawberries were on Lacey luscious body. I shook my head to clear it. But watching Lacey move that body of hers to Shakira’s “Dare,” did things to my cock. As if each shake of her hips was rubbing my length with perfection. I gripped the bottle of tequila and downed the rest. Intent on accepting her little game of truth or dare, until my brothers surrounded me. Down boy.

  “Easy brother, you don’t want a hangover on your wedding day, or night,” Nik cautioned.

  “No.” Alex added, “And bloodshot eyes in the pictures will make your bride unhappy.”

  “True that,” I affirmed.

  Keeley yelled, “Leave me the fuck alone!” drawing all eyes to where her and Tar were.

  I walked over. “There a problem?”

  “She’s fucking crazy,” Tar announced as he stormed past me.

  “What? The hell. Keeley.”

  “I don’t owe you jack, E. Butt out.”

  Lacey and her mom joined us. “Keeley, honey, let’s go back to the hotel,” Mrs. Kincaid offered.

  “Whatev. I’ll be outside waiting.” She left with a fiery gaze.

  My sidelong glance met Nik’s. “Yep. I’m following,” he replied.

  Lacey hugged her mother. “I’m sorry.”

  “Oh, sweet girl, you have nothing to apologize for. Your sister is…”

  “Being a brat,” Lacey finished.

  No argument from me. Yet I had a suspicion there was more to it than what just surfaced. Aimee echoed my thoughts. “That girl is a walking stick of dynamite. Thing is, E, I’m thinking she’s wrestling some nasty ass demons.”

  “Agreed, sis. We need to keep an eye on her.”

  She sighed. “Don’t let this ruin your special day, ‘kay?”

  “Nothing is going to do that,” I declared.

  Lacey wrapped her arm around my waist, resting her head on my shoulder. “I best go with them.”

  I kissed her forehead. “It’ll all work out, sweetness. Get some sleep. You’ll need it.” Her head popped up as I winked.

  She bit her lip. “Don’t be late, Mr. Strand.”

  “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away from you, søta.”

  She waved, sashaying away, and I couldn’t help but follow the sway of her ass. Alex clapped my shoulder. “Better not go there, little brother. You can’t make a late night booty call to the hotel.”

  I busted out laughing. Alex wasn’t exactly known for urban vernacular. “Ari is rubbing off on you.”

  He grinned as his daughter joined us. “That she is.”

  “He’s such an old fogey,” Ari teased.

  We all had a good laugh at that. Alex and Sofie were young to have a child her age. Walking outside as a group, no one was prepared for Tar still being there. Everyone said their goodbyes as he joined me back at my place.


  “What’s the story with you and Keeley?” I asked point blank.

  “Fuck man, there’s no story.”

  “Really?” I cocked a brow at him.

  “Look, E, I like her. A lot. But she’s just…shit.” We sat in opposite chairs in the kitchen drinking bottles of water I’d grabbed us. His eyes locked on mine. “Permission to speak freely.”

  I nodded, “G’ahead.”

  With a fortifying breath, he brought me up to speed. The airplane was a fucking fantastic idea. He’d been kind enough to keep things PG13. Thank God. But now I had the gist of what was going on between them. “I feel ya, man. I do. Kincaid women are frustrating on a good day,” I declared. “So you two haven’t done the deed?”

  “Hell no!” He shrugged. “Don’t get me wrong, I want to. But there’s something just below the surface that honestly scares the shit outta me.”

  “Listen, Tarius. We’ve been friends for a long time. Straight up, bro. Don’t you. Fucking. Play around with her. You’re either all in, or you’re out. Feel me?”

  “Roger that,” he replied. “You’re a damn good brother-in-law looking out for her like that.”

  “She’s family. No one fucks with my family.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he affirmed. I yawned wide. “Sorry for keeping you up, man. You have a big day tomorrow.” He shot a glance at the clock and corrected, “Later today.”

  “Ah hell, three o’clock.” I stood. “Guest room’s yours.”

  “Alright. Thanks, E. For everything.”

  “No sweat, Tar. Just take care of Keeley, okay?”

  “Consider it done.”

  I sunk into bed wondering just what Keeley was hiding. Instinct told me, she was far more fucked up than any of us realized. As I began to lose the battle with sleep, Caleb’s face hovered. I bolted upright in bed, sweat pouring. Holy shit! What had that monster actually done to Lacey’s twin sister? And did anyone ever fully recover from surviving that kind of torture, especially sexual. I already knew the answer…not without some major scars.

  Chapter Twelve


  On the most important day of my life, I lay here playing with my sister’s hair. “I always loved you doing that,” Keeley yawned out.

  “Tell me what’s bothering you so much.”

  She held my hand still. “Can’t hide it from you, huh?”

  “Afraid not. We’ve that twin thing going on. Plus, you’re my sister. Closer than any friend.” My eyes began to tear because she should be. Last few years she’d been distant, but recently, more so than ever before. Said something, considering I spent a good year searching for her.

  “Hey,” she hugged me, “stop crying. You don’t want puffy eyes for your wedding pictures.”

  I giggled, “Word. Then I’d just blame you.”

  She laughed, falling back on the pillow. “You have every right to blame me and then some.” Taking a deep breath she continued, “I’m having reoccurring nightmares.”

  I sat up, staring at her. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

  “Because you can make the boogieman a.k.a. Caleb Reynolds leave my memory bank?”

  “He’s dead. Why can’t the recollection of him die too?” She had a strange look on her face. As if she wasn’t telling me everything. I started to ask when a knock at the door stopped me. “Who is it?”

  “The mother of the bride and maid of honor with breakfast,” Mom replied.

  Keeley hopped out of bed and threw open the door. “Thank you Jesus. I’m starving.”

  Mom leveled a look at her. “Keeley, don’t say the Lord’s name unless you mean it.”

  “Trust me, Mom. I mean it,” she answered with her mouth half full.

  Mom shook her head. “I raised you better than that, young lady.”

  I grabbed a glass of juice off the tray and kissed her on the cheek. “Thank you, Mom.”

  “You need to eat, Lacey,” she scolded.

  “I’m too nervous.”

  “Oh honey, that’s perfectly normal. But if you don’t eat, you’ll pass out at the altar.”

  Keeley chimed in, “Let me charge my phone. That video could go viral.”

  I took a bite out of a croissant. Once I swallowed it, a petulant, “No. Because I’ll make sure I don’t faint,” was followed by me sticking my tongue out.

  “Real mature, Lace.” She tossed a piece of cantaloupe at me.

  I grabbed another piece of the flakey bread and threw it at her. “Game. On.”

  There was food everywhere as we sat laughing so hard we were crying. Mom shook her head. “You two are worse than five-year-olds.” She pulled fruit out of my hair and smiled. “Go take a s
hower and wash that out.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” I gave her a mock salute before entering the bathroom.

  Took me longer than usual as I pulled all kinds of stuff out of my hair, shampooing with my favorite scent—green apple. I made sure to wash thoroughly and ensure armpits and legs were hair free. I’d been getting Brazilian waxes for years, so no worries about that significant location. Dancing sort of required it unless I felt like shaving all the time. No thanks. When I stepped into the vanity area, Keeley was there applying makeup. “Here. Sit down and I’ll comb your hair.” She began to hum “The Sister Song.”

  Mom walked over with tears in her eyes. “You two are the greatest things I’ve ever done with my life.” That turned up the water works.

  “Damn, Mom,” Keeley huffed. “Now I have to reapply my mascara.”

  “Keeley Anne!”

  “You really should know by now I’m no saint, Mother.”

  “You are my beautiful, precious little girl. You always will be.” They hugged each other tightly. Both reached over and pulled me into another tearful embrace. Mom looked up at me and held my face. “You too, my gorgeous, treasured girl. And now, you’ll have a husband to adore and cherish you just like he should.” She then clasped Keeley’s hand. “I pray you find yours soon, sweetheart.”

  “No man would want me,” she mumbled.

  Thankful Mom hadn’t overheard it but worried for my sister, I replied, “The right man will.”

  She motioned for me to sit down at the vanity and began putting my makeup on for me. “Lace, I know you believe that with all your heart. And I love you for it, I really do. But that just isn’t how my story goes. I’m damaged goods.”

  I held her hand against my face. “No one is beyond repair.”

  She scoffed, “Yeah well, the sooner you realize I’m the dark twin the better off you’re going to be.”


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