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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

Page 13

by Sable Hunter

  “What are all of these plums for?” Jessie asked. There were six tubs of washed red plums waiting for their attention. “Are we going to make jelly or jam?” Actually, Jessie knew how to do that. It would be fun.

  Libby got a mischievous look on her face. “No, we’re going to try our hand at making plum brandy! I watched a program about it on the Discovery channel. It’ll be fun. And if it’s good, I can give it to Aron as a surprise.”

  “We’re going to make an alcoholic beverage?” Jessie was amazed and intrigued.

  “Yes, and here’s what we do.” Libby explained the procedure to Jessie and they went to work. After they were through adding the sugar and the vodka, Libby asked Jessie to look at the recipe and tell her if there was anything left to do.

  Jessie’s heart sank. She stared at it and stared at it – after remembering the ingredients they had already put it, she counted down the list and there was no more lines that could be additional ingredients. She couldn’t read what the words said, but she took a risk. “I think that’s it.” They covered the plums with dish cloths and set them in the pantry to ferment.

  “I can’t wait,” Libby declared as they went back into the main kitchen and cleaned up their mess. Libby just hummed with contentment.

  Her happiness was contagious. Jessie couldn’t help but smile. “My baby is going to be a boy,” Jessie volunteered. “Jacob and I got to see the ultrasound today.”

  “Of course,” Libby wasn’t surprised. “There hasn’t been a girl baby born in the McCoy family in over a hundred years according to the papers that I’ve found in the attic.”

  “We still haven’t confirmed that the baby is Jacob’s,” Jessie didn’t want to presume. There had been enough disappointment in her life without setting herself up for another fall.

  “When will you know for sure?,” Libby asked

  “In about a week.” Jessie confided.

  “I don’t think it will matter,” Libby said softly.

  “What do you mean?” Jessie asked perplexed.

  “Jacob wants you; your baby is just the icing on the cake. Jessie, Jacob would want you no matter who the father of your baby was.”

  Jessie didn’t know what to say. She didn’t know whether to believe Libby, or not.

  “I’m still the best,” Joseph declared as he threw the fifth bull’s eye in a row.

  “Asshole,” Aron drawled as he threw a beer at Noah, who caught it without looking up.

  Isaac had returned to the bar to work, the rest were hanging out. “Hey, did Nathan ever find my phone?” Noah asked as he unscrewed his beer. In the excitement after the accident, the phone had been forgotten.

  “Why don’t you go ask him?” Aron, the practical, flipped through the channels on the big screen hunting a sports program of any kind.

  “He’s playing Wii in his room,” Jacob offered as he waited for the girls to join them.

  “I’ll catch him later,” Noah didn’t feel like moving. He was depressed. Despite his desire to prevent Jacob from making the biggest mistake of his life, he had no great desire to hurt either one of them.

  Lilting laughter caused Jacob and Aron to smile. Their girls had arrived.

  “I’m ready,” Jessie announced.

  “So, am I,” Jacob answered. Ready. Willing. And Able. He couldn’t wait to be alone with Jessie.

  As Jacob and Jessie left the game room, Libby winked at Aron. “If you’ll go with me to our room, I’ll make it worth your while.” Aron almost dumped her on the floor getting up so fast.

  “Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.” Jessie gladly went with him. Her feelings were so tender that she didn’t want to have to talk to anybody but him. What Libby had said touched her more than she realized.

  “Okay, let me put on my shoes.” She had sat them by the back door. Stooping over she tied the laces.

  “Damn, sugar buns.” Taking the opportunity, he rubbed a gentle hand over the luscious curve of her derriere.

  Jessie quivered with excitement and she immediately felt her vagina began to dew.

  “Are you shy, baby?”

  “A little bit.”

  “While you finish up, I‘m going after the four wheeler. I‘ll pick you up in about five minutes. Then, I’m taking you on a little surprise trip, okay?”


  Jacob started to walk out, anxious to share with her his future plans. “Jacob?” He turned around to see what she wanted and she launched herself at him. With a smile, he caught her, almost in mid-air.

  She plastered herself to him. “Hey, hey, what’s this?” Cupping the back of her hand, he kissed the side of her face.

  “Nothing.” she insisted. “I just wanted to hold you for a minute.”

  “Baby, you can hold me from now till doomsday if you want to.”

  Chapter Seven

  “Now that’s the kind of greeting a man could get addicted too.” Moving the wealth of her hair to one side, Jacob nibbled on her neck, applying just a bit of suction. Instinctively, he needed to leave his mark on her. He knew that it was quick – after all, he had only known her a few days, but he had never been more certain of anything in his life. He wanted to marry Jessie Montgomery. He wanted to mark her with his ring and his name.

  Snuggling up to him, Jessie cherished the security and affection that his actions declared in no uncertain terms. “I’ll be ready. Hurry back to me.” Kissing his cheek, she squeezed him hard before he walked out the door.

  Libby knelt behind the magnificent man that she had lured to her room. With caressing hands, she molded his strong legs paying special attention to sturdy calve and thigh muscles that quivered slightly under her touch. Tonight was going to be a hell of a night, if she had any say in the matter.

  “Libby-mine, what are you doing?” Aron leaned against the dresser, careful not to mash his dick which was as big and stiff as a piece of steel rebar. “Holy Shit!” he jumped as he felt little teeth take a nip out of his ass.

  “I’m loving you,” Libby drawled as she took tiny bites of his taunt buttocks.

  Aron clenched his fists as tight as his rear end. “You’re playing with fire, Liberty Belle,” he gasped.

  “God, I hope so. I want you so much. Step back a couple of inches, baby. I’m having a hard time reaching your cock.”

  In a lust filled daze, Aron did as he was told and his petite, precious princess reached around him, grabbed his swollen shaft and began to pump him.

  “God, Libby!” he yelled. How in the world did she manage to make every day better than the day before! As she jerked him off with one hand, the other was busy playing with his balls. All the time that incredible little mouth was licking and sucking the sensitive skin of his ass and lower back.

  “I need you, Aron.”

  “You got me, babe.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he surrendered completely to the erotic demands that she was making of his aching flesh.

  “No, I don’t. I have some of you; all that you’ll allow. I want it all, Aron. I want your passion, your hunger. I want you to stop holding back and give me everything you have.”

  She was a demanding little cuss. In his near-orgasmic state, he was having a hard time deciding what she wanted. How much more could he give? She was about to have his cum all over her. “Christ! Libby-honey, I can’t stand it.” She had just went and done it. She had shocked the shit out of him.

  “Did you feel it, Aron? Do you know what that was?”

  Yeah, he knew. That was her finger up his ass.

  “Did you know that you had a G-spot?”

  “Hell no,” he grunted as his little angel put a finger about an inch up where the sun didn’t shine.

  “Oh yes, you do. And here it is.”

  She touched an ultra-sensitive spot – once, twice – and when she stroked it the third time every good intention that Aron ever had to tamp down his wild-side blew sky high. The dam of his restraint broke and he hauled her pretty little butt off the flo
or and tore her pink negligee off with one mighty rip. “I hope you’re ready for me, babe. Because there’s no way I can hold back, now.”

  “Finally,’ she sighed as he slammed his dick into her hungry depths. “Give it to me, baby. Give it to me hard,” she encouraged him. Libby lifted her hips and massaged his dick with hard contractions of her internal muscles.

  “Shit! That feels fuckin’ incredible!” He pulled her legs up and bent her knees so that he could pump directly down into her pussy.

  “God, that’s good Aron! Don’t stop. Please don’t stop!” Aron quit thinking. There was a short cirtcuit in his brain. All he could do was feel. Lord, she was so tight! He couldn’t get deep enough. Hell! He couldn’t get enough. Period. His balls slapped against her pink little bottom as he pummeled her like a jack-hammer.

  For days he had been afraid to touch her. She was fragile, pregnant and so precious to him that he would rather die than cause her one moment of pain. Yet, here he was going at her like he was a rutting bull. But, he couldn’t stop, and looking at her, he could tell that she was loving it. Over and over again he rammed her and she answered every thrust with the sexiest little moans and moves that a woman could possibly be capable of.

  Aron McCoy was the luckiest damn man alive – and he knew it. And right there in the McCoy main house – on Tebow land – in the great state of Texas – two freight trains ran together, meteorites exploded in midair and one man found out that giving his lady what she wanted could be very rewarding indeed.

  “Climb on sweetheart,” Jarrod placed her in front of him on the ATV urging her to scoot back between his legs. He placed her hands on the bars and then covered them with his own. “See, you’re as safe as you would be in your mother’s arms.”

  “I’m safer with you, I’m sure,” she said offhandedly. It made him wonder what kind of childhood she really had.

  “Lean back on me. Where we’re going isn’t far.“ Starting up the four wheeler, Jessie laughed with joy as they roared around the yard. Jacob grinned, enjoying the sound of her joy. They weren’t going fast, he wouldn’t endanger her or their child for the world. Steering north, Jacob drove around the back, past the stock tank and across the cattle guard. A small shaded lane ran parallel with the main road, but soon the trees and underbrush told Jessie that they had veered deeper into the countryside. She enjoyed looking at the cattle and horses that were so fat and happy looking.

  “Stop! Stop!” she got Jacob’s attention. “I want to see those cows.” Jacob grinned indulgently. Whatever Jessie wanted, Jessie got.

  He pulled the ATV under a tree and got off. Leading Jessie to a gate, they went into a field where a herd of about two hundred cattle were grazing. “Wow, look at that one.” Jessie pointed at a longhorn cow with a spread of horns of almost five feet. “What’s her name?”

  Jacob started to tell her that they didn’t name their cows, but that wasn’t necessarily so. This one actually had a name. In fact, a lot of them had names. He was bad about naming his animals, and once they had a name, they never seemed to get sold – or ate. “That’s Spot, she’s the lead cow.”

  “Spot?” Jessie laughed out loud. “I thought Spot was a dog’s name.”

  “Not necessarily,” Jacob laughed. “Doesn’t she look like a Spot?”

  Jessie couldn’t argue with him. “Look over there!” She had spotted another one of their unique animals, personality wise. It was a bull. He was a big black Angus bull.

  “His name is Mr. T.”

  Jessie laughed again. Mr. T. was standing behind a tree.

  “What is he doing?” Jessie asked as she approached him cautiously.

  “He’s hiding from you,”

  Jessie put her hands on her hips and studied the bull and the tree. The tree that he was standing behind was about a foot wide. The bull was about three foot wide. Only his face was behind the tree, the rest of him stuck out on both sides. “But I can see him! He’s not hiding very well.”

  Jacob put his arm around her as they surveyed the shy bovine. “Yeah, but he can’t see you. So he thinks that he is totally invisible.”

  “Why is he hiding?” Jessie wondered if Mr. T would let her pet him. She kept inching towards him and Jacob inched along with her, ready to step in front of her if the bull got aggressive. He didn’t think this particular bull had it in him to be aggressive, but he wasn’t about to take any chances with Jessie.

  “He’s hiding because he’s not supposed to be in here and he knows it. He and I go around and around. His pasture is next door. These cows are supposed to be impregnated by that bull over there, Red Warrior. But, Mr. T. is amorous and has a crush on about half the cows over here and he jumps the fence and comes over here to fool around every day or so.” Addressing the bull, he fussed. “You know you’re not supposed to be over here, don’t you, T.” T moved his head about three inches and eyed Jacob, anxious to see if he was going to be herded back across to the neighboring pasture or whether he was going to get to stay and enjoy the amorous companionship of his lady loves.

  “Let him stay,” Jessie begged. “I know how much I love to be with you. Just think if somebody took me away and I couldn’t make love to you. Wouldn’t you be sad?”

  Jacob couldn’t argue with reasoning like that. “The only problem is that we’ll have a whole bunch of black calves when we’re supposed to have red ones. These babies over here are registered and Mr. T is just a mutt cow.

  Jessie felt sorry for Mr. T. “I’m sorry, T.” Walking bravely up to him, she held out her hand and he sniffed it. “I know how you feel. I’m just a mutt, too.” Jacob couldn’t believe his ears.

  “What makes you say that, baby?” Who had made her feel inadequate? He didn’t understand why some people lived to make others unhappy?

  “Nothing,” she assured him. “I’m just talking.” She didn’t want to bring up her own shortcomings any more than she had to. But when she was trying to fit in with one of Texas oldest, most established families, being a maid who didn’t finish high school was a definite drawback. “I’m ready to go.” She rubbed the bull one more time and then whispered in his ear.

  Jacob walked her back to the four wheeler and helped her on. “What did you say to that old bull, Jessie?”

  Jessie leaned back against him and smiled. “I told him that I thought he was a better looking bull than that fancy- pants, red-registered character.” Leaning up to kiss him, she explained “I much prefer tall dark and handsome over fat, fine and fair.”

  “Am I tall, dark and handsome, Jess?” He hoped he knew the answer to this question.

  “You’re perfect, Jacob. Tall, dark, handsome and sexy as hell.” With a contented sign, she laid her head on his shoulder.

  He‘d take that as a compliment.

  He had another surprise for her. One that his daddy had given his mother for a wedding present and the boys had kept up the tradition, even after their mother had gone. He turned east at the next turn-off, and in a few minutes Libby knew where they were heading. “It’s the sunflowers!”

  Jacob pulled up next to the extravagant display. Jessie was off and in the middle of them before he could dismount. “You’ve already seen them?”

  Following her into the maze, he heard her answer. ’Yes, I walked through them the other day, just before Nathan and I had our close call.” Catching up with her, he found her sitting on the carved wooden bench, right by the old covered well. Funny, this was the spot where he was planning on bringing her. “Jacob, what is this wonderful place?”

  Stepping into the small opening that was naturally formed by a circle of very tall golden sunflowers, he saw her sitting there looking like a wood nymph. Her hair was windblown and her little cheeks were like red apples that had been kissed by the sun. Blue was too tame a word for her eyes, they were as alive and dancing as bright as moonlight on the water. “This was where my dad proposed to my mom. At that time, it was just an old well sitting out in a field of wildflowers. There was an old tradition in our fa
mily that if a woman looked down into this old well and made a wish, she’d see the face of the person that she was supposed to marry.”

  Jacob had squatted down in front of her, enjoying the view. Did she realize why he was telling her all of this? Did she know that he wanted to build a lifetime of traditions with her? “Mom swears on a stack of Bibles that when she looked down into the well, she saw Dad’s face. This old well became their special place. When he proposed to her, he did it here. And when they got married, Dad planted this huge field of sunflowers for her because they were her favorite flower. He replanted it every year, making it bigger and bigger. We’ve kept up the tradition.”

  Struck by the magic of the story, Jessie hopped up and walked to the well, trying with all of her might to push the concrete covering to one side. Smiling with indulgence, Jacob stepped up behind her and added his muscle until the cover moved easily. “Look down in there, Jess. Tell me what you see.”

  Jessie stood on her tiptoes and put her forearms on the lip of the well, gazing down into the waters. She could see the waning blue of the sky reflected into the clear pool, as well as a ring of colorful sunflowers. Her own face peered back. “I see me,” she laughed. Looking over her shoulder at Jacob, she wrinkled her nose at him and smiled. “Either, it has to be dark or I’m doomed to be an old maid.” Jacob moved in closer, blanketing her back with his wide, warm chest.

  “Look again, precious.” Heat pounding in her chest, Jessie gazed back down into the dark waters alive with the reflections of their world. Jacob’s face was reflected next to hers, but he wasn’t looking at the water – he was looking at her with the most intense look of love that she had ever seen. Jessie gasped! Surely, it was an illusion. “Who do you see, Jess?”


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