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Hot On Her Trail - Hell Yeah 2

Page 23

by Sable Hunter


  Jessie couldn’t comprehend what was happening. Why were the McCoy’s coming to her rescue? How had they known? In shock, she watched Jacob violently struggle with the man who had tortured and tormented her for days. “Jacob, he has a knife!” she warned. A groan from her left forced her attention back to Noah. Instantly, she crawled toward him, unable to reach him because of the length of her chain. “Noah, how bad are you hit?”

  Noah turned a pained, whitened face toward her. “Just grazed my thigh, I think.” He held her gaze for a second, then lowered it, unable to look at her. “Jessie, I’m so sorry.”

  She didn’t answer. She couldn’t. Frantically, she looked back at Jacob as he wrested the knife from her crazed abductor. Gratefully, she saw that Jacob was unharmed as he kept McCay subdued on the floor by a knee in his back. Other voices permeated her shock; Kane and two deputies entered the doorway. One knelt by Noah, while another went to claim McCay from Jacob’s clutches. Even with his face in the dirt, Keith McCay was screaming obscenities at Jacob.

  Kane squatted next to her. “Let’s get you out of that chain, girl.” He went to Keith, and began searching him for the key. Jessie didn’t know what to think. She felt of her face, wondering what she looked like. Vainly, she tried to brush off as much of the dirt and grime from her arms and hands as she could. More than anything, she wanted to seek out Jacob’s face. But, she couldn’t. She was afraid of what she would see. When a hand touched her arm, she thought it was Kane. But in a heartbeat, she was caught up against a hard chest and blessedly familiar hands were holding her like they would never let her go.

  “My baby. My angel baby,” he gruffly whispered in her ear, as he kissed the side of her neck. “Jessie, I thought I’d lost you. I’m never letting you go, again. Do you hear me?” With impatient, almost frantic, touches, Jacob ran his hands down her body. “Are you hurt? Is the baby OK?” Not waiting for an answer, he framed her face and crushed his mouth to hers, devouring her lips. Jessie could do nothing, but answer his kiss. She didn’t understand, but for now she was in Jacob’s arms and that was as close to heaven as she’d ever been.

  “McCoy, we need to get your brother to the doctor. Jessie needs to be checked out, too,” Kane slapped Jacob on the shoulder as he led Keith McCay to the squad car.

  Jacob pulled away from Jessie long enough to look at his brother. “Hell, Noah, is it bad?” The sight of the blood seeping through Noah’s blue jeans alarmed Jacob. “I didn’t realize you had been hit.”

  Noah smiled slightly. “I’ll be fine. It’s just a flesh wound. You take care of Jessie.”

  Jacob didn’t need any encouragement to do that. He turned to her with the most tender expression on his face that she could imagine. “You can count on that, brother.” Placing one hand under her knees, he picked her up and carried her out into the sunlight.

  For a moment, Jessie couldn’t see. She hadn’t seen direct sunlight in days. Turning her head into his chest, she began to sob. “I didn’t think you would come.”

  “Don’t cry, precious,” Jacob’s voice was harsh with emotion. “I’ve looked for you, baby. We’ve all searched for you. I am so sorry that I let you down. I am so sorry that I wasn’t there when you needed me.”

  Jessie curled her hand against his chest, afraid to hold on to him – afraid it was all a dream.

  Carrying her to the ambulance, he got in with her. Two men were hooking Noah up to an IV. One helped Jessie in, and sat her on a stretcher. Jacob could see that she had been hurt. As the EMT began checking her out, he winced to see that she was covered in bruises. Some were fresh and some were fading, speaking of days spent in the hands of a maniac. “Were you raped, Ms. Montgomery?” The medical worker’s necessary, but frank question cut into Jacob’s heart. He held his breath, knowing that whatever her answer was, he would do everything he could to make her forget the horrors she had endured.

  “No,” Jessie’s small uncertain answer told him that more had happened than she was comfortable talking about. Jacob knew that McCay had done unspeakable things to her.

  “You need to tell us, Ms. Montgomery. We’re here to help you.” They were professional and thorough, but Jessie wasn’t concerned about herself.

  “I’m pregnant.” One of the men spoke into a radio, so the hospital would be ready for them when they arrived. With a roar, the ambulance started up and began its slow journey out of the rough pastureland.

  Jessie couldn’t help but look over at Jacob. He hadn’t taken his gaze off of her. There was so much she needed to know, but she was afraid to believe what her eyes were telling her.

  At the hospital, the nurses and doctor were efficient. They had performed an ultrasound and a gynecological exam to ensure that her child was still well and safe. She knew there had been no vaginal penetration; it was the blows and kicks to her abdomen that had worried Jessie. In a shaky voice, she had explained all of that to the doctor, embarrassed that Jacob had to hear her shame. The doctor had hooked her up to a fetal heart monitor, as well as starting her on an IV. They were going to keep her for observation for a few hours, at least.

  Jacob had stayed with her through the whole ordeal, but at some point the doctor had asked him to accompany him to confer about Noah’s condition. As he left the cubicle, a nurse arrived carrying a clean hospital gown, and offered to help Jessie get a shower. She gladly accepted.

  As she lay there listening to the noises of the emergency room, Jessie strained to hear that one voice that meant the world to her. Noah was in the next cubicle, but she couldn’t make out what they were saying. Despite the miracle of her rescue, Jessie didn’t know what to expect. Afraid to hope, she forced herself to examine her situation and count her blessings. She had much to be thankful for. The threat of Keith McCay was gone and her baby was healthy. Still, she wanted more. Jessie wanted the impossible.

  She was alive. Jacob looked at her laying there so small and fragile. For just a moment, Jacob bowed his head and thanked heaven for answered prayers. The weight of the world being lifted from his shoulders made him realize that he hadn’t breathed easy since the night of the hayride. Slowly, he walked to her. He had imagined this moment; and now it was here.

  “Jess?” Kneeling at the side of her bed, he buried his head in her side and held her tight. “I thought I would die without you.”

  She wanted to touch him, to soothe him, but her hand hovered over his hair. The fear of rejection was engrained so deep, it was hard for her to accept when a dream came true.

  “Jacob, I don’t understand . . .”

  As if her words released a tide, Jacob clasped her hand and held it tightly. “When I found that Sultan had been poisoned, I felt helpless. I needed to do something. There was no way I could allow some son-of-a-bitch to come on my property and kill my livestock right under my nose. When I ran into Noah, I told him to tell you where I’d gone. God baby, I never should have left you. I’m so sorry.”

  “Noah showed me those awful pictures and he said you wanted me to leave,” her voice broke as she relived the pain.

  Jacob’s voice grew harsh. He had forgiven Noah, but the idea that Jessie had been hurt was excruciating. “Noah presumed too much. He did not speak for me. I knew nothing about the photos or that stupid document he had you sign.” He brought her hand to his lips. “I love you, baby. Are you ready for me to take you home?”

  No sweeter words could be spoken, but she had to be sure. “I don’t want to come between you and your family, Jacob.”

  “You won’t, doll. They’ve all been so worried. Don’t ever doubt it. They’re almost as anxious as I am to get you home.” Jacob cupped her face, his thumbs rubbing her lips. “I’m going to take you to my room, put you in my tub, and wash every memory of his touch from your body. Then, if you feel like it, I’m going to make new memories with you. It’s going to be my lips on yours, my hands on your body, and my cock buried so deep inside you that you never think about what that bastard did to you again. Okay?”

  Jessie released a long, pent up, ragged breath. “I’d like that, Jacob. Please take me home. I want to go home with you.”

  “Good, because I can’t live without you, baby. You and our little boy mean the world to me. And when we get there, I’m not turning you loose again for a long, long time.”

  As Jacob had promised, the family gathered to make her welcome. Nathan was the first to greet her, “I’m so glad you’re back, Jessie. I was worried to death about you,” Nathan had pulled his chair just as close to Jessie as he could. “Libby was worried, too.”

  Libby handed her a cup of tea, “I’m glad you’re back. I was getting used to having a little feminine back-up in dealing with this wild brood of men.”

  She received hugs from Joseph, Isaac, and Aron. But the one that she was most nervous about, stood to one side, as if he weren’t sure he would be welcome. Jessie knew that it was up to her to bring peace to the family. “Would you take a walk with me?” She held out her hand to Noah, and he placed his in her small grasp.

  Jacob let them go, loving them both more than words could say.

  “Why did you save me?” Noah couldn’t help but ask. “It was my fault that you were taken in the first place.”

  “Jacob loves you, Noah.” she said, as if that was the answer to everything. “You are his flesh and blood. I couldn’t let anything happen to you.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the cheek. “Besides, you saved me first.”

  “If I could take it all back, Jessie – I would. I was wrong. Wrong about everything.”

  “You only want the best for your family, Noah. I can understand that.”

  “I was a fool not to recognize the truth. You are what’s best for Jacob. While you were gone – you should have seen him.” Noah stopped, choking up. “I never want to see him look like that again.”

  Jacob stood at the door and watched his brother and his beloved. They had saved one another, and in the process they had saved him.

  “Noah, wait up!” Nathan ran after his older brother. “Here’s your phone. I forgot to give it to you the other day.”

  “Thanks sport,” Nathan gladly took it. “I’ve missed this contraption – just kept forgetting to get it from you.”

  Noah headed to his room, glad that he had made peace with Jacob and Jessie. Maybe, now he could get his own life on track. Skimming through his messages, he grinned at all of the ’invitations’ he had missed. Then, he stopped.

  Damn! Damn! There was a message from Harper. And he had missed it.

  Shit! He looked at the date. It was over a week old. She probably thought that he didn’t want to talk to her.

  Nothing could be further from the truth.

  Entering his room, he shut the room, pressed her number, and prayed.

  Jacob did as he promised. He took her to his room, undressed her reverently and washed her as tenderly as a newborn. In spite of her ordeal, the baby had grown and Jacob lavished her stomach with kisses, making her giggle with happiness. Before he took her to bed, he had something he wanted to share. “There’s something that you need to see.” He led her to the guest room door. “Before you were taken, I had ordered you a surprise. Afterwards - well – I lost it, Jess. I would sit and just stare at the pillow where you used to lay your head. But, Noah – Noah did what I couldn’t bear to do.” He opened the door and stepped back, allowing her to enter first.

  As Jessie took it all in, she began to cry. “It’s beautiful. I can’t believe the two of you did this.” She covered her mouth with her hand and walked in a circle looking at the baby nursery that was furnished with every conceivable item that Jacob could find.

  “The design is called Little Buckaroo.” he volunteered. “Do you like it?”

  She walked around, touching everything: the crib made of dark wood, the chest of drawers, the curtains, the hamper, the changing table. All of it was decorated with horses, rodeo scenes, stars and horseshoes. The colors were white, brown, red and blue. “I love it, Jacob. It’s incredible.”

  “This is my favorite piece,” he led her to an armless rocking chair. “You like to be on top, don’t you baby?” he asked her knowing the answer as well as she did.

  “It sounds enticing,” she smiled at him trustingly. “Would you mind refreshing my memory?” she invited teasingly.

  Jacob’s dick doubled in size in a matter of seconds. Damn! His angel-baby was flirting with him. He was so relieved that she felt confident enough to play with him. “It’ll be my pleasure darlin’.”

  She was wearing a one piece, sexy little sundress in a dark purple that made her eyes look like pressed violets. “Did you pick out this dress because these straps come undone when you untie these bows?” He gulped as she sashayed her little butt toward him, pulling slowly on those purple satin ribbons. His baby doll was absolutely gorgeous, even if there were shadows of bruises on her cheeks and marks of fingers on her neck where that idiot had tried to squeeze the life out of her.

  “That was one of the reasons; the other was the memory of that first day down at the river bridge. You had rescued Nathan from drowning. We shared this unbelievable kiss and then you let me suck your tits. You haven’t forgotten that, have you?” He watched her face glaze over with remembered pleasure.

  “I love for you to kiss my breasts. And suck my nipples,”

  Jacob almost swallowed his tongue when she slid her hands up her torso and cupped her own breasts, pulling at them and picking them up as if she were granting him a reward. “Damn, baby!”

  He shed his clothes, anxious to feel her soft skin slide over every inch of his body. Jessie stood before him, her hair hanging in luscious curls to the middle of her back. Her body was lush and gorgeous enough to bring him to his knees. Hunger. He was so hungry for her. It seemed like forever since he had felt the sweet, hot grip of her tight sheath. Drawing her to him, he rasped his beard across her neck, making her hitch her breath in anticipation.

  Jessie needed more; she needed his touch – his kiss. Pressing against him, she silently begged for the pleasure of his callused palms on her nipples. “I want you, Jacob.”

  Jacob was fighting for control. He let his hand slip between her thighs, finding the softness saturated, hot honey, slick with need. Pushing a finger up inside her, he felt her little pussy tighten on him, begging him for more. “It’s time to try out our rocker, baby. Are you ready for me?

  Jessie was lost in lust. “God, yes,” she sighed as he sat down and pulled her on top of him. Without arms, the rocker was a lover’s dream. She hovered over him, anxious to receive his rock hard need. “Fill me, Jacob.”

  “Lord, it’s been so long,” he cried as he worked himself inside of her. She was so incredibly tight and his hips jerked with joy as his cock pulsed, thrust and plunged.

  Jessie screamed with absolute delight. “Jacob! I missed you, Jacob. Hold me. Never let me go!” With rapid fire strokes, he dug into her, sending rivulets of fire racing through her body.

  Jacob pushed, penetrated, lost himself in the sweet bliss between her thighs. ‘This. This is heaven,’ he thought as they rocked together in absolute ecstasy.

  He held her close, kissing her every few seconds. It was time to bare her soul; she had no reason left to hide anything. “Jacob, I’m dyslexic and it’s hereditary, especially to little boys. I didn’t know.” Her voice broke. “Not being able to read, I’ve never been able to research it.”

  “It’s okay, baby. Dyslexia is something that we live with everyday. If our baby is born with it, we’ll deal. There’s so much that we can do to help our child.” He rubbed her back offering all the comfort in the world.

  “But, what else don’t I know, Jacob? I’m not very smart.”

  Enough. “Don’t say that,” he grasped her by the shoulders. “You are perfect. There isn’t one thing in this world about you that I’d change.”

  She brightened a little, pulling back to look him in the face. “I have so much love to give you. That has to count for something, doesn�
��t it?”

  “It counts more than anything,” Jacob assured her. “But there’s more. You’re beautiful, smart, funny, and generous. And to top it off, you’re having the sweetest little boy in the whole world. How much better could it get?”

  The world righted itself. Jacob gave her a beautiful ring, and they had a family dinner to celebrate their engagement, much like the one she had witnessed from outside the window. Joseph and Cady seemed to make peace with one another, and though Isaac was busy at Hardbodies, he always made time for the family. Noah became Jessie’s guardian angel and Aron and Libby waded deep into wedding plans. Leaves started appearing on the Belle Amour’s in the rose garden and Jessie began to grow round with child.

  Everything was perfect. Until. . . . . .

  “I’ll get it for you, Jacob.” Jessie ran into the kitchen, anxious to grab the seasoning and get back to the rest of the family. Jacob was grilling steaks on the BBQ and all were laughing and talking, enjoying the early fall nip in the air. When the phone rang, Jessie grabbed it, an effervescent “Hello?” letting the caller know that all was right in her world.

  “May I speak to Mr. Jacob McCoy?”

  “He’s outside, can I help you?”

  “Who am I speaking to,” the voice asked.

  “This is Jessie, I’m Jacob’s fiance,” she loved saying those words.


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