Forever's Promises (Forever In Luck Series Book 1)

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Forever's Promises (Forever In Luck Series Book 1) Page 19

by J. Darling

  Linnie shook her head. “None. Her grandparents have since passed, and initially weren’t able to have children for whatever reason, but then surprise, Nana found out she was pregnant with Jules’s mom while in her forties. So, there’s no aunts, uncles, or cousins, and if there was anyone extended beyond that, they’d lost contact with them long before Jules was ever born.”

  Hell, she was painfully shy, and all alone. That had to be tough, he thought. “Why didn’t she drive up? She could’ve saved some money by driving.”

  “She doesn’t know how to,” Linnie answered.

  “What?” Jake asked in shock. “What do you mean she doesn’t know how to?”

  “She doesn’t know how to, she’s never driven. She’s lived in the city all her life and never learned how to drive. She walks or takes public transportation.”

  Feeling perplexed, he asked, “What kind of work does she do again?”

  “She’s a pharmacist, works for a big pharmaceutical company doing research.”

  That’s impressive, he thought. “Wow, doesn’t that take, like brains, and time to complete? She can’t be that old.”

  “Sure does, and she’s not, she’s twenty-five. Jules is wicked smart though. If she relaxes enough while she’s here, you’ll see what I’m talking about. She finished high school early, and then started college right away. She just kept right on going from there. Her test scores and academic performance were so advanced, she was able to get into programs others only dream about. She made it through in record time, and was contacted by a headhunter working for the company. They snatched her up right away, and now she has a dream job.”

  Fascinating, I’m twenty-five too, he thought. “It’s strange then that she’s so shy. You’d think she’d have come out of her shell, met some guy, and be having the time of her life by now.”

  “Yes and no,” Linnie said. “In order to finish early and get good grades, she had to apply herself in school and study a lot. She didn’t party or date. In her job, she’s involved with projects that have her working independently, or only with a few members of a team, so she doesn’t have a lot of contacts there. Some men at work have expressed an interest, but she doesn’t want an office romance, so no go there. Then of course there’s the shyness piece too. I think she’d like to find someone special, she talks like she does, but nothing so far. So, we’ll see, someone will come along and sweep her off her feet.”

  A wave of people came towards them, and Jake could just barely see a beautiful head of blond hair bobbing amongst the crowd. She was here, and his heart started to thump. People began to split off, and pretty soon, there she was. He knew he was in trouble the moment he saw her again. If she’d been a looker before, she was a knock out now, and Jake watched as man after man turned and stared at her as she walked down the corridor. Undeterred, she continued making her way towards them, oblivious to the stir she was causing.

  Amazing, absolutely amazing, he thought, then imagined for a brief moment what it would feel like if she’d come for him, was looking for him, and would walk straight to him and into his arms. He inhaled deeply as he remembered meeting her for the first time five years ago. His attraction to her had been instantaneous, but he’d figured time and space would have dulled that particular ache. But ohhhh no, it was still there. Big time.

  Linnie squealed and ran to Jules, the two throwing their arms around each other and hugging as people walked on by. Jake watched, wishing he could do the same. I need to play this real cool, he thought, not wanting to lose control and embarrass the hell out of himself. Rolling his shoulders in an attempt to shake off his gathering tension, he stood up straight and tall, putting his best out on display. Then he slowly made his way over to her, all the while hoping she’d throw him a bone and remember who he was.

  Taking notice of him, she pulled back from Linnie’s embrace, and said between batting lashes, “Hi, Jake, it’s nice to see you again.”

  ZING…a shot of electricity whizzed through him like a pinball. His body hummed to attention and vibrated so much so, he was damn near levitating. Reminding himself to breathe, his chest expanded as he took a deep lung full of air. The sultry tone of her voice was like a smooth caress to his ears, a delicate stroke over his body that made his hair stand on end, and hell if it didn’t take every ounce of his control to keep from hugging her, then and there, in a manner that left no question as to how he felt about her.

  Continuing to try and play it cool, he did his best when he gave her his trademark quirked lipped grin and flick of the head upwards, while responding low, hoping she’d get his message, “Hey, Jules, you’re looking good.” What a lie, she looked downright scrumptious. He couldn’t help but get lost in those beautiful blue, blue eyes of hers, as his stare locked onto hers intently.

  Blushing profusely, she quickly broke the contact by looking away, hiding from his stare.

  Ohhh, he groaned inside, she was lovely, and he wanted to be with her, bad. There was something about her that made him want to start beating his chest like an ape, and howling like a wolf, in hopes of getting her attention. Linnie jabbed him in the side. He knew what that was about, he’d made Jules blush, and she didn’t think he was behaving.

  Collecting her luggage, they headed for the parking garage. He needed to figure out a way to get some time with her fast. It was the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and she probably had to be back in Chicago come Monday, so essentially four days to try and make something happen.

  Listening as he drove, Linnie and Jules sat in the back of Linnie’s car talking and catching up on things, all the while acting like he wasn’t even there.

  “So, how’s work going? What are you working on?” Linnie asked.

  “It’s going well, I’m on a neuroscience team right now. We’re studying the structure of the nervous system through the use of human biology, neuroimaging, and biomarkers. By gaining a better understanding of the brain and the nervous system circuitry, we can better direct our efforts towards improving degenerative and psychiatric diseases.”

  “Wow, that sounds cool,” Linnie answered.

  “Yeah, I’m enjoying it. In addition to running studies of our own, we’re doing a systematic review of the topic literature using meta-analysis. The knowledge we gain will help us refine and advance our existing formulations, as well as assist in developing new therapies too.”

  Ooookie dokie then, he didn’t know what that was all about. She’d lost him somewhere between nervous system and biomarkers, her voice having lulled and distracted him, but whatever it was she was doing, and how she talked about it, made her sexy as hell. He wondered if she fit the typical stereotype, hair up, large glasses, lab coat, clipboard, and found he needed to loosen his collar a bit.

  “Niiice,” Linnie said, all drawn out. “Any particular area of interest for you within the study?”

  “Mmhmm, pain, the nocioceptors and their corresponding neurotransmitters,” Jules answered.

  Okay, so he kind of got that. If she only knew how much pain he was in right now. He raised an eyebrow, he might be able to work this to his advantage. Hmmm, he’d have to think on it bit. Well, come to think of it, he was pretty sure his shoulder was hurting right now, his biceps and triceps too. Hell, come to think of it, both of his shoulders hurt. That’s to be expected with all my muscle, and the amount of physical labor I do, right? He smiled. Maybe she could take a gander, look him over, and give him her expert opinion. Not bad, Albrecht, not bad, he thought giving himself a mental pat on the back. Wait! What had he missed?

  “So you didn’t like him?” Linnie asked.

  “Well, he was nice, but I don’t know. I felt kind of…well, uncomfortable.”

  “Why?” Linnie asked.

  Yeah, he wanted to know too.

  “I don’t know. I just did. It’s…it’s…hard to explain. Nana would’ve probably called him a dandy. Yeah, I think so. He seemed out to impress, like appearances were important to him, but you know that’s not me, I’d fail at
it miserably. My job may have me operating in that kind of circle, but it’s not where I’m from, or where I want to live.”

  “He treated you well though, right?” Linnie quizzed. “No trouble in the end?”

  “Mmmm, yeah, sort of,” Jules answered, hesitating.

  He’d personally drive to Chicago tonight and beat the shit out of the guy if he hurt her. Come on Linnie, pull it out of her, come on.

  “What do you mean, sort of? What happened?” Linnie pushed.

  “Well, it was before all the snow and it’d been warm when we left on the date, but then cold when we left the theater after. I was shivering so much so, my teeth chattered. He insisted we take a walk and look around awhile. I thought maybe he’d offer me his coat or something, but he didn’t. By the time he took me home, I was frozen. I…well...I think… Oh never mind, I shouldn’t say.”

  Yes, you should, Jake thought. Come on Linnie, keep her going.

  Encouraging her, Linnie said, “Say it, what’d you think?”

  Jules sighed. “Well, I kind of think he wanted me to be cold, so…well, he, umm, could, ahh, warm me up.”

  Jake growled inside. Maybe he would be driving to Chicago tonight after all. Keep fishing Linnie, keep fishing.

  “And?” Linnie asked questioningly.

  “Not a chance.” Jules said vehemently. “No way. I would’ve maybe held his hand, might’ve let him kiss my hand good night, but that would’ve been it, and only if it was a good date, and it wasn’t, because he let me freeze to death. So, no way.”

  Shazam! Shut down cold. Boy, that had to have hurt. Jake knew the guy recognized his mistake, but by then, it was too late. Haha, sucker. Jake felt like he’d just won a bout in the wrestling ring. Dancing around the ropes, warming up his mental muscles, he thought about everything he’d learned so far. He didn’t want to strike out like that ding-a-ling had.

  Let’s see, homeschooled by granny, all-girls school, shy, hasn’t been around men, dandy, offer her his coat, hold her hand, kiss her hand…hmmm, this was all sounding pretty old fashioned. In fact, with grandma at the helm, she probably grew up watching old movies, and hearing stories about courting, and having a beau, and waiting till your married. Oookay, so in other words, he needed to quit playing her, and he’d needed to keep his shirt on.

  “How’s Nate?” Jules asked, shifting the focus. “Are things getting better?”

  “Oh Jules, I’m so proud of him. He saw a lot in Afghanistan, and Iraq, and he’s struggled with it all since his discharge from the Army, but we’ve been talking a lot, and he’s working on it. He’s had an appointment at the VA, and they’ve started him on a medication that helps with both anxiety and depression. Plus, they’ve made the referral to the PTSD program in Minneapolis. A case worker called a couple days ago and did an intake on him. He’s starting the program the middle of next week, and it’s going to be intensive. We’ll be spending a lot of time in the cities, but that’s alright. Thank you for sending the information you did. It really helped.”

  “That’s great, I’m happy to hear it.”

  “I picked up my wedding dress before meeting you at the airport. I can’t wait for you to see it. Did you get the bridesmaid dress you liked?”

  “Yeah, I got the light pink one with the rhinestoned sheath and sweetheart neckline,” Jules answered.

  “Nice, I really liked that one,” Linnie said. “I love that the rhinestones are different colors, the light blue ones will bring out your eye color.”

  “Mmhmm, I liked that too, it’s one of the reasons I bought it. Once the wedding’s over, I may have it shortened, and then I’ll be able to wear it somewhere fancy, or then again, maybe I’ll wait. It’s not like I go many places, let alone fancy ones.”

  “I think shortening it is a good idea, that’d be nice,” Linnie added. “We’re here Jules. This is the farm.”

  Jake turned to go down the driveway.

  “Really? Oh, wow! You have like…cows…and stuff right in the yard practically,” Jules responded, looking around wide-eyed. “Oh my, look at the size of that barn. It is a barn right? Am I saying that right? Goodness gracious, are those more cows over there? Well, and there too?”

  Jake wanted to laugh at her wonderment. It was cute. Heck, this was just every day ho-hum to him, but that she found it new and interesting made it fascinating to him too.

  “What are all the buildings for?” Jules asked innocently. “I mean, people don’t live in any of those do they?” Looking around again, she said, “Where are all your neighbors?”

  Linnie laughed. “The buildings are just storage places for different kinds of farm stuff, and our neighbors are a few miles away.”

  “Miles?” Jules asked incredulously.

  “Yep, miles.”

  Barely in the yard, Nate was out of the house and headed their direction.

  “Oh boy, here he comes Jules, get ready. Your being here, means it’s really real, and he’s been counting the days till your arrival.”

  Nate opened the car door and had Linnie in his arms in a flash, stealing her breath with a kiss. Putting his forehead to hers, he asked, “You get your wedding dress, love?”

  She rubbed his nose with hers and answered, “Yes, I got the dress, and Jules. You might want to say hi.”

  Nate looked over and smiled. “Hi Jules, I’m Nate, and from the looks of you, I’ll have two girls to protect.”

  Wrong, Jake thought. One of them will be my job.

  Jules blushed and looked down, then answered softly, “It’s nice to meet you, Nate.”

  “Yep, two to protect, no doubt about it,” Nate said, shaking his head. “One look at the two of you and they’ll be coming out of the woodwork. Let’s get your things and head inside, get you settled. Jake’s giving up his room and will be sleeping on the couch while you’re here. His room’s down in the basement, so you’ll have privacy as everyone else is upstairs.”

  “Come,” Linnie said, taking Jules by the hand. “Let’s show you around and introduce you to dad and Kris, he’s the oldest of us kids, and the only one you have yet to meet. Don’t worry about your things, the guys will get our stuff.”


  Jules was in Jake’s room. It was a nice room, nothing fancy, but nice none the less in its décor of soft blues, browns, and creams. It felt strange though, she’d never been in a boy’s space before. At the thought, she felt herself flush and needed to fan her face some. Jake wasn’t exactly a boy, he…he was a man. She felt herself flush even more, and closed her eyes, as her heart picked up its pace and her insides tightened. She let out a stuttering breath. None of the males here were boys. They were all big and…and…and strong. She suddenly felt shaky and weak. What in the world am I doing here, she wondered.

  They were so different from the guys she’d been around in Chicago. Those guys were smaller, much smaller, and rounder, from spending time in offices behind computers reading reports, and hiding behind their lab coats. They didn’t get dirty, or work up a sweat, or wear jeans and t-shirts that left little to the imagination. She needed to stop. She’d be mortified if they knew she’d looked, or if they found out what she was thinking about right now. It was bad enough they all knew she’d be sleeping in Jake’s bed tonight. Oh God. Picking up a magazine, she fanned her face. Whew, that was better.

  Walking over to his dresser, she looked at the things on top. Change in a dish, a dress watch, a few fragrances, a brush, some tools, a couple pens, and a large trophy. Looking in the mirror, she saw the reflection of trophies everywhere, all kinds, wrestling, basketball, football, hockey, fishing, and more. There were checkered flags and hockey sticks hanging on a wall, and he had several stacks of sporting magazines spread around the room. Apparently, he liked sports and was an active guy, she thought.

  Opening a fragrance bottle, she sniffed. Mmmm, nice, Armani. Opening another, she took a whiff. Mmmm, now this one’s real nice, Kenneth Cole’s Reaction. The last, Nautica Blue, was not bad, but number two was mmm mmm
good. She smelled it again. Would his pillow smell like this? Maybe she could put a dab on it, and then she could smell it all night long. Now there was a thought, she liked that idea. Feeling her insides tighten, she flushed.

  What if some of it got on her hands and he smelled it? He would know what she’d been doing! Her face was flaming red now. She quickly put the cap back on and headed to his bathroom to wash her hands. How embarrassing. Enough fantasizing, she thought, she needed to quit stalling and go help Linnie prepare dinner.

  Coming up the stairs and into the kitchen, Jules stopped and looked around. Were they having a party? There was so much food on the table. Looking towards the family room, she wondered where all the people were.

  “Ahh, Linnie, can I help you with something?” she asked.

  “Oh Jules, just in time, I was going to send Jake for you, we’re ready to eat.”

  “I’m sorry, I meant to come and help,” she said, feeling embarrassed. Thank God, Jake hadn’t come down or he’d have caught her going through his things. She needed to be more careful.

  “No, no, Nate helped and you needed to get settled. However, after dinner if you want to help, I’d appreciate it. I need to make the dressing for tomorrow and clean the turkey.”

  “I’d love to help,” she answered, feeling grateful. Kitchen work would be safe, and she liked safe.

  Linnie squeezed another dish on the already overfilled table, then patted a chair in between two others. “Have a seat here. You’ll sit between Nik and Jake. Nate’s so big, he takes up the room of two, and most of the time he’s in my space, so you’ll be better off over here.

  Jules wasn’t so sure about that. Her nervous system’s fight or flight response just kicked in. Her heart and lungs picked up their pace, and she knew her pupils were dilating in an effort to take in all forms of danger. Did she really have to sit between them? She felt sick to her stomach. With any luck, they wouldn’t even notice she was here. She could only hope.

  Pulling out the chair, she sat, trembling as she placed a napkin on her lap. Looking up just as Jake walked in, she swallowed hard and prayed he couldn’t see her shaking. Glancing at her, he lifted the corner of his top lip and flicked his head at her casually, then pulled out his chair and sat next to her. That sly grin of his never left his face, and she couldn’t help but feel he was amused by her. She noticed his hair was wet and he smelled of soap.


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