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Forever's Promises (Forever In Luck Series Book 1)

Page 21

by J. Darling

  As Linnie and Nate worked to get the turkey in the oven, she began peeling a mountain of potatoes. Gosh, she’d never seen potatoes this big before, she couldn’t even get her hand around them, and she had long fingers. Do they ever do anything small on this farm, she wondered. There had to be a zillion cows out there, and that wasn’t a barn, it was a complex center. These potatoes had to be from Sam’s club, she thought. Hmmm, she looked at the bag, Premium Idaho Bakers. Well, the good thing about them, there’d be less surface area to peel using these whoppers.

  Her mind wandered, and she worried about sitting next to Nik again. He’d been just as enamored this morning, if not more so than the night before, and she was concerned there could be problems down the road as her feelings for him were not mutual. Soon she was joined by Linnie, and they made quick work of the potatoes.

  “We’re done, let’s go snowmobiling,” Linnie suggested.

  Jules felt her stomach turn. “Ah, is it okay to leave with all the food cooking?”

  “Sure. It’ll be hours before the turkey’s done, and we can ride until it’s time to start the potatoes and stuff.”

  Just then Jake and Nate walked into the kitchen.

  “Hey guys, Jules and I have pretty much done all that we can do for now, and I was thinking it would be fun to take her out snowmobiling. She’s never been on one before. Plus, I’ve given them each a tune-up and I’d like to see how they’re running.”

  Jules wasn’t convinced this was such a good idea, she didn’t know a thing about riding a snowmobile. Her heart started to pound and her breathing sped up. Not this again, she thought.

  “I’m up for that,” Nate said. “How about you, Jake, you in?”

  “Sure, I could use some air.”

  “I’ll help Jules get ready and we’ll meet you outside,” Linnie responded, as she patted Nate on the buns.

  Nate leaned over and said something in Linnie’s ear, and then she turned and really gave him a smack on the rear, while telling him to behave. Jules couldn’t help but smile as she looked away, feeling like she’d invaded on a moment.

  “Come on Jules, let’s get ready. It’ll be fun.”

  Ten minutes later, as they were coming up the stairs and heading towards the entry closet, Nik came out of the kitchen.

  “Where are you two going?”

  “Snowmobiling,” Linnie answered.

  “Sweet, I’ll be ready in a minute,” he said, inviting himself. Then he turned and headed up the stairs two at a time.

  Linnie groaned.

  “Is something wrong?” Jules asked, feeling worried.

  “We’ll see,” Linnie answered. “Just try not to get too nervous if things get a little tense, okay?”

  Jules paused, thinking over what Linnie said. “Okay,” she answered weakly, then asked, “What is it? What am I missing?”

  “If there’s a problem, just let the guys work it out, okay?” Linnie responded, handing her a hat and mittens.

  Her heart started pitter pattering. Hesitating, she answered, “Alright.” She was already nervous because she was going to ride a snowmobile for the first time, but now something else was going on, and it didn’t sound good. Great, her brain’s limbic region just checked in, and brought along his best buds, Fear and Panic. She wanted to kick herself for coming here. Why hadn’t she just stayed in Chicago, she wondered for the millionth time. Trying to calm herself, she took slow deep breaths.

  Nik came barreling out of the house just moments after them, heading straight towards Nate and Jake. Jules watched as he started saying something to Jake, and as she and Linnie approached it was clear there was a heated discussion going on. Except it was one sided, because Jake simply sat on the snowmobile and didn’t say or do anything.

  “Off the sled, Jake, I wanna take it out.” Jules heard Nik say.

  But Jake didn’t move. He continued sitting on the snowmobile, while looking at Nik and saying nothing.

  “Jake, let me use the cat,” Nik said forcefully.

  Jake didn’t move, just sat there looking at Nik.

  “Come on Jake, don’t be an ass,” Nik continued, his voice becoming sharp and edgy.

  Jake didn’t budge.

  “Get off the sled before I pound the piss out of you,” Nik threatened.

  Jake didn’t flinch, just sat there staring Nik down.

  Jules, on the other hand, was looking to skedaddle back into the house. No way did she want to be around for this. She didn’t want to ride the snowmobile anymore. They were going to get in a fight, and she’d just figured out it was over her. As she began to turn for the house, she felt Linnie take her arm and hold her there.

  “Linnie,” she said desperately, hating to look back to the situation at hand.

  Nik was staring Jake down aggressively, all red and angry, while Jake sat back, seemingly unaffected by the showdown. Then suddenly Jake shot to his feet, as Nik made a move towards him.

  “Oh, I get it,” Nik said angrily. “You’re an f-ing asshole, you know that. You’re lucky I don’t beat the shit out of you, here and now, for cutting in on me.” Then he turned and stomped off.

  Jules felt horrible. This was terrible. Not only did this happen, but she’d just realized the plan was for her to ride with Jake. She was so dumb about all this stuff that she’d stupidly assumed she’d be riding with Linnie. She began to blink rapidly as she fought back tears. With her heart pounding and her brain in a panic, she couldn’t help but think she’d created problems between Nik and Jake. Reluctantly, she moved closer to the snowmobiles because Linnie had hold of her arm and was literally dragging her in that direction.

  When she got there, Jake patted the seat in front of him, and she froze. No way! He could not mean for her to drive that thing, could he? There was no way. Suddenly, something happened that’d never happened before, she became really angry with Linnie. Why had she done this to her? Why? Looking over, she saw Linnie seated in front of Nate, looking contrite. They were all watching her. The ground could’ve opened up at that very moment and swallowed her whole, and that would’ve been fine by her.

  Looking away and staring down the drive, she wished she was back in Chicago. She felt Jake take her hand and gently pull on her arm. Closing her eyes, she tried hard not to cry, and let him pull her down. The other snowmobile started and headed out. Opening her eyes and looking away, everything was blurry, and her heart beat rapidly. She was in an all-out panic, and she couldn’t breathe. From the point of pure desperation, she pleaded, “Jake, I, I…” her voice caught, and her words stuttered. She began to visibly tremble.

  “Shhhhhhh,” he said softly, as he gently put his arm around her, touching her, soothing her. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I’ve got you. No worries. I know you’ve never driven before, and it’s okay. We’ll take this slow, and we’ll go at your pace.”

  Well, if that was the case then, they wouldn’t do this at all! She felt a tear escape and quickly looked down. He removed a glove and gently wiped it away.

  “Try not to cry,” he said softly. “It’ll be okay, you’re safe. I promise. Here, let me show you what to do. Turn forward and I’ll show you. I’ll help you. I promise.”

  Listening, she faced forward.

  He took turns pointing, “Brake, gas, start, feet here.”

  Then grabbing a helmet, he helped her put it on. Turning the key, he started the snowmobile for her, then put on his own helmet. Moving in close behind her, he took her hands and stretched in an effort to help guide her.

  “Put your hands here, and steer it like a bicycle, while giving it some gas,” he instructed.

  Hesitating, she looked to him.

  He nodded in encouragement, and she did as he said.

  Soon, they began to move.


  Worried. Jake had been really worried. He thought for sure Jules was going to bolt when it came time to ride the snowmobile, and it broke his heart when she began to cry. He was proud of her though. She’d faced her fear,
and did what he asked her to do. They’d traveled a snail’s pace the whole time, and fortunately the snow conditions were such that the snowmobile still moved along in the lower gears. Once they caught up with Linnie and Nate, they stopped at the gas station to get something warm to drink. While Linnie was a coffee hound, Jules drink of choice was hot cocoa. It just seemed to fit her to a tee.

  Riding along behind her, snuggled up close, about drove him mad. He didn’t know what she had on, but she had this deep spicy fragrance about her. It wasn’t floral, and he felt like he’d smelled it before, but he couldn’t place it. Woodsy? Earthy? Whatever it was, he liked it, and the thought of it combined with the taste of hot cocoa made his head spin a bit. Kissing her would be an experience for sure. She’d taste good, he thought. There was no doubt about it.

  On their way back home, she didn’t want to drive, so he sat in front and explained to her how they’d be going faster, and how one leans to the side when turning, and so on. After, he took her hands and wrapped them around him, telling her to hang on tight. Then, they flew. At one point, as they traveled a straight stretch on the Gandy Dancer Trail, he felt her rest her head on his back, and loved it. He couldn’t explain it, but he wanted her there, leaning on him, resting on him. Fortunately, once they returned to the farm, she was all smiles, and despite the rocky start, in the end, he felt certain she’d enjoyed herself.

  The Thanksgiving meal proved to be another challenge for them both. Kris had managed to corral Jules into sitting next to him in Jake’s chair, then proceeded to dish her up. Jake watched her jump, as Kris slapped a spoonful of mashed potatoes on her plate with a splat, and then saw her trying to wipe fruit salad off her shirt when it went flying. She gasped, and tried to intervene without success, when Kris poured a generous portion of gravy over the majority of her plate, and because he’d put so much food on it, the gravy oozed over the sides.

  Jake had to keep his smile to himself though. The problem with Kris was taking care of itself. He knew Jules was in an all-out panic, because when he’d dished her up, she’d been very particular with her food, moving it around her plate, keeping it from touching, and she’d eaten only a minute amount. What was on her plate right now, was probably equivalent to what she’d eat in a week. Well, he’d take care of it. Jake Chivalrous Albrecht to the rescue. Gotta love it, he thought, this was working out nicely for him.

  As was tradition, his father said a Thanksgiving prayer before eating, and Jake was ready. While all heads were bowed, he quietly switched his plate of food with hers. He’d been careful when dishing it up, taking the smallest of quantities, then working hard to keep it all apart. He nearly laughed aloud when he heard her gasp upon opening her eyes. He imagined she had prayed for a miracle, and ta-daaa, it’d been answered.

  Looking around the table, he caught Kris glaring at him. He wasn’t intimidated though, he took the challenge and held that stare. He knew Jules was aware of the tension, but if anyone else was, he wasn’t sure, until his father told everyone to start eating. Kris looked away first, despite being extremely pissed, and Jake wasn’t sure it was completely over between the two of them, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. Jules looked to him with tears in her eyes, and he nodded for her to start eating as he patted her on the knee. Her hand trembled as she reached for her fork.

  His moment of triumph came during dessert, as he sat on the couch with Nate. Kris, on the other hand, sat alone on the loveseat. Naturally, Linnie would sit next to Nate, so Jules had her pick, the roomier spot next to Kris, or the tighter fit between him and Linnie. She chose him, and as she scooched in between them, he sat forward making room, gulping down his pumpkin pie quickly, so he could get next to her real fast. He could smell that scent of hers stronger than ever, and it tantalized him. Hell, he felt like he could taste it.

  Once done, he slowly sat back, and as she tried to move over, he scooted in, placing an arm behind her along the back of the couch. She had nowhere to go, but closer to him. She was almost in his arms, and it took all his reserves to keep from pulling her in closer, while holding her in a loving embrace.

  When Kris looked over and scowled at them, she looked down, and Jake took the opportunity to run his thumb back and forth over the curve of her shoulder in acknowledgement of her discomfort. Turning, she looked at him, and still he kept rubbing her shoulder, all the while gazing upon her with tenderness. She lowered her stare to his shoulder, and then to his chest, before taking a deep breath and letting out on a long sigh as she turned back to the TV. He’d have given his left nut to know what she’d been thinking just then. He really hoped it was in his favor.

  It wasn’t until after midnight that the house was quiet. Jake lay on the couch thinking of it all, while staring at the dying embers of the fire they’d built earlier. He and Jules hadn’t talked much, but they’d spent the majority of the holiday together. It’d been a long trying day at times, but overall, he felt like Superman. Honestly, he’d never worked so hard for a woman. Heck, he’d never worked for a woman at all. They generally came to him, and if he liked the girl, they’d go on a few dates, but that was about it.

  The cold slowly crept in as the fire died, and he realized for the first time that it’d become quite cold outside. Getting up, he went to look out the window. It was a clear night, windy though, with a quarter moon high in the sky, and minus ten on the temperature gauge. No excuses being made, he knew his room in the basement would be cold, and if logic stood, if it would be cold to him, it would be freezing to her.

  Now what? Did he dare get an extra blanket and take it to her? Would it ruin everything he’d been working for? Would he frighten her? Would she come and ask for an extra blanket? He shook his head. He knew the answer to that one. Running a hand through his hair, he took a deep breath and blew it out, then growled in frustration. Shit, what to do, what should I do? There was no way he could lay there knowing she was freezing. Then he remembered what she’d said.

  “I was shivering so much so, my teeth chattered…I thought maybe he’d offer me his coat or something, but he didn’t…he let me freeze to death.”

  Here goes something, or nothing, he thought.

  “Make her feel cared for…feather the nest a little.”

  Walking downstairs, he headed for the laundry room.

  End of this sample. If you liked the preview,

  please consider purchasing by clicking on this link:

  Forever’s Embrace




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