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The Barter System Companion: Volume One

Page 16

by Shayne McClendon

  She was twenty-four and graduated at the top of her class at the University of Florida. Almost two years before, she answered his ad through a local staffing agency.

  The moment she walked in, he was scared to death to hire her. When she opened her mouth and brilliance fell out, he knew he didn’t have a choice.

  All of his staff worked remotely except for his assistant.

  Every morning, she let herself into the separate entrance to his office. It consisted of two bedrooms and a bath he converted when he bought his house for its split floorplan.

  He paid her well, his company was in the black, and he took a modest salary. His benefits included insurance and 401K, paid time off, and a casual work environment.

  Twice a week, Alyssa or Sean visited his clients to ensure satisfaction. She’d been leaving a small but profitable printing client when her car broke down.

  After dinner, as she climbed out of his Explorer in front of her townhouse, it took everything inside him not to pull her close and claim a kiss he had no right to take.

  Standing on the sidewalk, she tilted her head slightly. He couldn’t read the expression on her face.

  “Thank you for everything, Sean.”

  “Happy to help. I’ll give you a ride to the mechanic tomorrow.”

  “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of course I don’t mind. Call me when you’re ready.”

  They said their goodbyes and he waited until she was safely inside with the door closed before he reversed into the street and drove home.

  A long shower and stroking his cock was the only thing that settled his body down long enough to think clearly.

  Days before, he held Riya O’Connell in his arms and felt stirrings of…something. He left her on a dock in Savannah to carry on with her project.

  A small piece of himself regretted it but she wasn’t coming back and he wasn’t in love with her.

  The regrets that filled him involved the woman in his daily life; a woman he saw every week who Riya swore was interested in him. There was no doubt he was interested in her.

  His inner battle involved the fact that she was an amazing assistant and he’d never done well in long-term relationships. Making any sort of move on a personal level was a gamble, one that could blow up in his face.

  He needed to get his raging hormones under control and be glad such a skilled person was helping him grow his company beyond what he could’ve accomplished alone.

  Alyssa was off-limits and she needed to remain that way.

  Chapter Three

  It was easier said than done.

  Every morning, Sean remained behind his desk to hide his reaction to the classically beautiful woman who breezed in with warm smiles and overwhelming competence.

  She picked up fresh pastry two days later to thank him for helping with her car and bent over him to place the plate and a fresh coffee on his desk.

  So close and she smelled fantastic.

  Everything about her tested his control but he managed to hold the line. Until the afternoon she snatched his sanity away completely.

  Saturday morning, her call surprised him.

  “Sean, I’d consider it a personal favor if I could use your pool. The maintenance guy is doing emergency work on the roof over here and my A/C is off until Monday at the earliest. It’s about a thousand degrees in here.”

  The part of his brain with a direct line of communication to his cock answered without hesitation. “Why don’t you pack a bag and stay here until they finish the work? You can’t survive without air conditioning in Florida. Especially not in August.”

  The instant the words were out, he knew he was considering crossing a line he couldn’t un-cross.

  Fuck it…I’m going out of my goddamn mind.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I hate to inconvenience you for the second time in a week, Sean.”

  “I’m positive. Pack a bag and come on over.”

  “Chivalry…you have it in spades. I’ll be there in an hour.”

  The moment he disconnected, he raced into the living area of his house. The woman who came in twice a week to clean did an amazing job.

  The sheets on his bed and those in the guest room were clean, fresh towels were stocked, and the place practically sparkled.

  In the kitchen, he stared at the contents of his freezer for several minutes before he took out steak and seafood. He was glad his produce drawer was well-stocked and whipped up two gorgeous salads with strips of leftover grilled salmon.

  Changing into his bathing suit, he pulled a t-shirt over his head and stepped into ratty sandals. When he heard her car in the driveway, he met her at the door and insisted on carrying her small suitcase to the guest room.

  “Make yourself at home. First a swim then we can eat. I made salads. Spending the morning overheated, I figured you needed a cold lunch.”

  “That’s sounds perfect. I’ll be out in ten minutes.” She smiled and he gave her a salute as he headed back to the kitchen.

  He poured her a glass of mango iced tea and grabbed a beer for himself. He knew she wasn’t much of a drinker.

  The sound of her footsteps from the guest room were different than usual. She wasn’t wearing heels. He turned with a smile and almost dropped the bottle he held.

  Barefoot, she wore a delicate cover-up over a modest but incredibly sexy bikini.

  In a matter of seconds, he processed the fact that he’d never seen her hair down, never seen her without shoes, and never imagined the body she was hiding under her smart suits.

  “Uh…” At a loss for words, he picked up her glass of tea and held it out. He felt like an idiot.

  “Is this your fresh tea? You make it better than any I’ve ever tried, restaurant or not. Mm.” She took a sip and sighed happily. “You know the way to my heart.”

  “Mango?” he replied stupidly as he tried and failed not to let his eyes travel below her neck.

  “Knowing what to do in a kitchen. I don’t have a clue.”

  “What do you eat?”

  “A lot of takeout, frozen meals. Sad, I know.”

  It wasn’t hurting her figure.

  “Do you like cooking?”

  He grinned. “I do. It’s relaxing.” In the half bath, he grabbed two beach towels. Gesturing to the French doors, he said, “A swim will be just the thing.”

  “Excellent idea.”

  Leading the way to his patio, he watched as she let her cover-up slide down her arms. Dropping it on the lounge chair, she walked to the edge of the deep end and dived in.

  Nice form, he thought as he screamed at his cock to calm down.

  Dropping the towels, he stripped his t-shirt over his head and stepped out of his sandals.

  The cool water was exactly what he needed. He could barely think. She waited for him in the center of the pool when he surfaced. The water made her hair darker and made her eyes seem even bigger.

  “Just what I needed.” She made her way to the side and he followed her. “I can’t quite touch the bottom.”

  “You’re an excellent swimmer.”

  “Mm hmm.” Reaching out, she raked her fingers through his wet hair. “You know what?” He couldn’t form words. “You’re such a gentleman.” She gave him a half-smile. “I wonder what I’m going to have to do to get you to kiss me.”

  Chapter Four

  Sean’s entire body tensed. “What?”

  “I’ve wanted to kiss you forever. I’m not very good at getting my thoughts across in situations like this. Clearly.” She moved closer, using the side of the pool to hold herself in place. “I bet you’re worried about us working together, that I’ll quit or something, or maybe it’ll just be awkward.”

  In a strangled voice, he answered, “It’s crossed my mind.”

  “What if it isn’t? Awkward, I mean. What if it’s great? If it isn’t, at least we know. It would be better than the tension I struggle with every day not touching you.”

  His palm wrapped around the
side of her neck. The simple contact made him grit his teeth.

  She didn’t look away as she murmured, “Don’t second guess it, Sean. Embrace change.”

  Pulling her close, he braced his feet on the bottom of the pool and wrapped his other arm around her waist.


  The first contact of their lips almost buckled his knees. He groaned against her mouth as she opened for him, invited him in, and made him welcome.

  She let go of the edge and trailed her hands over his skin, as if settling a skittish horse. Then she hugged him close and he let himself fall into what she offered.

  Gradually, she glided her legs around his waist and he knew she moved slowly in case he pulled away.

  In a million years, he never thought a woman would sense his fear.

  Coiling his tongue around hers, he deepened the kiss and tightened his hold. Her hand fisted in his hair and she rocked her pelvis against him.

  There was no way to hide his erection and it never crossed his mind to do it. He slid one hand down her back and gripped her ass, grinding his cock against her center through their suits.

  Breaking the kiss, she moved her hand between them to stroke his length. Her eyes were bright. “I want all of it. Right now.”

  Growling, he carried her up the steps at the shallow end and put her on her feet. She grabbed a towel and threw the other one at him.

  “Hurry.” She untied her bikini top and dropped it on the chair. He almost swallowed his tongue. The bottoms followed. “I’m not kidding. Hurry, Sean.”

  Skimming his bathing suit off his body, he dropped the towel and lifted her roughly into his arms. Her body formed to his and the tip of his cock could feel the heat of her pussy.

  He stomped through the house and threw her on his bed, grabbing a condom from the side table before he followed her down.

  “I swear to god…now. I’m wet. I’m ready. Right now.”

  Rolling on the latex, he crouched over her body, his brain on fire and his body in chaos.

  Staring into her eyes, he positioned himself and didn’t delay in pushing deep in the first thrust. She gasped and wrapped her legs around his hips.

  “All of you. Hard.”

  He braced her for his thrusts and didn’t hold back the animal he felt inside him. She took every stroke and begged for more.

  “Fucking finally. I’ve been salivating over my glimpses of your hard cock behind your slacks for months. What’s a girl gotta do to get properly laid?”

  He laughed and shut her up with an aggressive kiss. His hand cupped her breast and he knew he’d spend a long time sucking her pale pink nipples once he soothed the ache in his balls.

  Trailing his lips along her neck, she stretched it to the side to give him better access.

  “You feel incredible. Hard and hot. Show me why you were worth the wait, Sean. Show me why I’ve tried to ease the pressure since I met you by playing with myself. God, yes…”

  He went up on his knees and sat back on his heels. He thrust while he took in the erotic image she made taking his cock.

  Dropping his hand to her low belly, he let his thumb circle her clit. “You touched yourself and thought about me fucking your pretty pussy?”

  “More than could possibly be considered healthy,” she confessed breathlessly. Her upper body arched and her eyes drifted closed. “Right there. Don’t stop.”

  Her folds were slick, mostly bare, and his mouth watered to taste her. He pushed faster and harder into her willing body as he matched the rhythm over her tiny bundle of nerves.

  She went up on her elbows and dropped her head back on her shoulders with a low moan. Inhaling carefully, she pulled herself together and stared at his cock shuttling in and out of her body.

  “Look at that.” One hand moved to play with her nipple, rolling and squeezing it firmly. “That’s a vision right out of my dreams. Seeing your gorgeous dick disappear inside me. Hard, slick from my pussy.”

  He thought the top of his head would explode.

  “I’m about to come all over your cock, Sean.”

  She dropped to the bed and he watched the muscles in her torso flex as the climax slammed into her body and made her breath stutter between her lips.

  “Yes, yes, yes…don’t stop.”

  He bent over her shaking form and fucked her harder than he should have, driving himself toward the one thing he needed. Pushing her orgasm further.

  Her hands grabbed at him, pulled him down for a kiss. She bit his lip, digging the nails of one hand into the muscle of his shoulder.

  “Show me. Show me what you look like when you come. I’d have sold my soul to see it.”

  Resting his forehead against hers, he stared between their bodies and held her ass for driving thrusts that he worried could hurt her.

  The thought didn’t change the power he exhibited and he reached the point where nothing could have stopped the come from leaving his balls.

  Clenching his jaw, throwing his head back, he let go and roared her name. Sweat dripped down his spine and she touched him everywhere she could reach.

  “Better than I imagined. Pump out every drop. Let me have all of you, Sean.”

  Groaning, he kept moving, unable to help himself. She pushed at his shoulder and he rolled them.

  Sitting up, she took over the rhythm and he watched her ride him, his hands cupping her pert breasts, his thumbs raking her pretty nipples.

  Exhaling roughly, she smoothed her hair away from her face and stilled above him. “What a raging success. Let’s rest up and go again whenever you’re ready.”

  Lifting her body slowly, she started to leave him but changed her mind and lowered again, keeping him inside her.

  “I’m not ready,” she whispered. “Another minute.”

  He rolled her again and pressed his semi-soft cock as deep as he could. “As long as you need.” He stroked her cheek.

  Her hands reached up to hold his face. “I wanted this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.” Her smile was fragile. “Thank you.”

  Relaxing against her, he sealed their bodies together and played the last hour over in his mind. Her eyes were bright, her skin still flushed from her climax, her lower lip trembled slightly.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he said, “You have a beautiful body, an adventurous sexuality. That’s not what made me want you. I like how smart you are, the easy way you handle people, the clever wit that might not hit me for a minute.”

  She tugged her lip between her teeth and he stroked his fingers through her silken hair.

  “I like you as a person and a co-worker. I’m attracted to you but…it’s more than that. It’s always been more than that. I was afraid to tell you.”

  Her eyes stayed on him. “Tell me why.” The way she said it told him she already knew. “Age? Is that it? Because if that’s your reason for withholding this excellent cock, I’m highly offended. I’m mature for my age, I’ll have you know.”

  It took him a moment before he laughed. “It’s not your age and you know it.”

  Alyssa hugged him, kissed him deeply, then whispered at his ear, “What I know is how I feel when I look at you, how I feel when you look at me. I want you to touch me, to see me, to make me feel more, and I never want it to stop.”

  Leaning back, he cupped one side of her face and traced her lower lip with his thumb.

  Suddenly, he saw everything about her. How she took care of him in ways no other assistant would consider. The way she made excuses to be around him when she technically wasn’t supposed to be working.

  He also saw how hard it must have been to make the first move, to put herself on the line in the face of possible rejection.

  Her vulnerability, her insecurity, her fear helped him deal with his own and when he kissed her again, he put everything he felt into it.

  For the first time in his entire adult life, he tore down the walls and showed her the man who lived behind them.

  Breaking the kiss, he stared at her.
She smiled and a tear slipped from the corner of her eye into her hair.

  A lot of bullshit brought Sean Denning to the current moment. Into the arms of a woman who saw him, acknowledged his successes and failures, and wanted the entire package.

  Who offered the entire package of herself to him in return. There was nothing he wanted more.

  Grinning, he kissed her again to seal the deal.

  Working Shit Out

  Savannah, Georgia – September 2012

  Victor felt more than a little nervousness as Riya left him alone in the salon with the one woman he shouldn’t touch and the only one he always wanted to.

  The sound of the bell over the door faded as she closed it behind her. Shay walked over and flipped the lock with a look he didn’t recognize or understand.

  He eyed her warily as she returned to where he sat in her salon chair. He’d barely made it through her washing his hair with another person in the room.

  Completely alone with his truest weakness, he braced himself.

  She smiled warmly. “I’m not open on Mondays, Victor. When Riya asked me to cut your hair, I couldn’t wait to get here today.”

  She stepped behind him, grabbing a huge cover-up to keep from getting hair all over him. Her eyes locked with his in the mirror. She dropped the cape over him and smoothed it in place over his shoulders.

  Picking up scissors and a comb, Shay moved methodically around his body as she got to work. “I’m leavin’ the length,” she informed him. “I think it looks good on you.”

  She ran her hands through the hair at the nape of his neck and tugged on it firmly. His hands clenched on the arms of the chair.

  “We’re gonna clean it up a bit. See how you like it.”

  He was afraid to move or speak. He worried he was misreading her. If he acted on a misunderstanding, he’d never be able to look her in the eyes again.

  She circled him, snipping and combing. She chatted while she worked and it was something he liked about her.

  “I know why Riya is here, you know.” He couldn’t hide his shock. “I think she’s incredible. So much braver than me. Hell, I couldn’t approach a man I’ve known and been half in love with and she’s puttin’ her faith in strangers and changin’ lives all over the place.”


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