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Rebel (The United Federation Marine Corps)

Page 13

by Jonathan P. Brazee

  “And why did you want to meet me? I’m not a decision maker,” she asked, slightly mollified.

  “Because I wanted to see the face of the worker movement. I wanted to get a feel for you. And something tells me that you are not the mere figurehead you let yourself on to be. There is more fire in you than that,” he said.

  He’s a smooth talker, Michi admitted to herself, feeling herself calm down.

  She had been frustrated over the last week. She was the one who had eliminated the traitor, but she had no say now in what was happening. The WRP was moving slowly while Michi knew in her heart that they had to push while the momentum was still there and before it dissipated. There had been impromptu protests, but with 23 killed in Dundee and two in Tay Station, and with over 40 in varying degrees of regen, the protests had a tentative feel to them, and the numbers were not overly impressive.

  All she had done in the meantime was record four short camcordings, all done to a script that was handed to her. She had felt awkward and not vested in what was being said. To have the bishop tell her she was more than that was a needed boost to her ego.

  They spoke for only a few more minutes, the bishop asking, Michi responding. She didn’t totally understand the point of each of his questions, but she tried to answer them in all candor.

  “Well, Ms. Athena, I want to thank you for meeting with me, but I’ve got to get back,” he said, shaking her hand. He didn’t let it go, but stared at her face for a few moments before saying, “Not a bad job on your disguise. I can barely tell where it leaves off and where you begin. I can’t quite see what method you are using, but if you want a slight bit of advice, though, you might want to up your frequency. Certain surveillance devices available to any military might be able to mesh with your transmitter and essential see what’s underneath. A shifting frequency might even be safer.”

  Michi heard an intake of breath from Doug. She almost had to smile. Doug had been so proud of his spoofer, but evidently it was not quite as unique as he had thought.

  “Thank you,” Cheri whispered as she turned to leave, probably relieved that the meeting had not gone too poorly.

  Rosario hung back, and as the other two stepped out the door, he grabbed Michi by the arm and pulled her in close to quietly snarl, “I know who you are now, and I know what you did to Hokkam. Remember one thing. I am in charge of security, and your amateur actions could have blown up in our faces, still might, and that puts all of us in danger. If you find out anything else that affects us, you come to me and let me handle it. Understood?”

  Michi glared back and ripped her arm out of his grasp. “Have a good day,” she said forcibly.

  He looked at her for another moment before Cheri’s voice came in from the hall, “You coming?”

  “Remember what I said,” he whispered as he turned and left.

  Michi took a deep breath as the door closed and turned around to face her two friends. Doug was staring at her, either upset about the comment about his spoofer or because he heard part of what Rosario had said. Tamara, on the other hand, had a goofy smile on her face.

  “Did you see him?” she asked. “That’s enough to make a girl weak at the knees.”

  “What?” Michi asked, taken by surprise by the direction of her roommate’s comment.

  “Oh, come on, Michi. A handsome hunk like that? Did you see his teeth? And a spy? Didn’t he make you,” she paused to dramatically put her hands over Doug’s ears, “make you just the teensiest bit wet?”

  Doug winced and recoiled from what he’d heard, while Michi protested, “What? No!”

  “Oh, come on. Have you gone all dried up and dusty inside?”

  That innocent comment hit Michi hard. She had felt dark and “dusty” inside, not in a sexual way, but in her heart. Tamara was talking about sex, but it went much deeper than that to Michi. She feared she was losing her humanity.

  “You’re losing it, girlfriend, and you need to get it back. You need to get laid and soon. Tell you what, I’ll step back and leave Mr. Spy to you.”

  “No! I mean, I’m not interested!”

  “OK, then anyone. Hey Dougie, you got anyone for the ice princess here? Someone who can give her a good fucking?” she asked, using her arm and fist to pump back and forth.

  “Tamara! Stop it!” Michi shouted. “I’m serious!”

  “OK, sorry. I was just joking,” Tamara said, sounding miffed.

  “You can be a real bitch,” Doug said quietly to her.

  “What a bunch of limpies,” Tamara said in response, but more to herself than to anyone else.

  Michi needed to move on, to get the subject off of her. The bishop had said there was more to her, and Michi grasped at that like a life ring in a storm.

  “Both of you, get serious and come sit down. Doug, how long do we have this place?”

  “Uh, I don’t know. At least until evening, maybe longer.”

  “OK, Tamara, put on some coffee, and let’s get to work. We’ve got some planning to do.”

  Chapter 26

  “What do you mean you can’t get their schedules? I thought you could hack into anything?” Michi asked in exasperation.

  “I told you, I can get anywhere into the company or the government here because when we put in the security, I managed to insert a back door. I’ve got the key, and I can get in anytime I want. But you’re talking about the military. They’ve got Gen 10 security, and there’s no way I can break in.”

  “Just hack it,” Tamara said.

  “You’re not getting me. I couldn’t hack PI without the back door. As far as military? There’s just no way!”

  two hours later . . .

  “So that won’t work either,” Michi said with disappointment as she read the web article. “The PICS are shielded against some pretty powerful energy weapons, so a simple electric current, no matter how powerful, won’t knock one out.”

  “I thought it might work, but I guess that would be too easy,” Doug said with a sigh. “Well, back to the drawing board.”

  another hour . . .

  “Yech! The coffee’s cold! Tamara, how about contributing and brewing up a fresh pot!” Mich said.

  Two more . . .

  “I already took care of that. As far as anyone knows, you live in apartment 307 in Building 1002, Franklin Manor,” Doug said.

  “And that will fly?”

  “It should. You’ve been burning power, watching the holo, going online. I even had you download your speech about the Marine and his girlfriend.”

  “Was that smart? I mean, downloading it was illegal. What if they come to check on me?” Michi asked.

  “Sister, everyone downloaded that.” Tamara said.

  “Tamara’s right. Almost everyone undoubtedly did. There are probably programs out there to see who didn’t. Anyone too clean raises red flags,” Doug agreed. “You even filed a report on noisy neighbors.”

  “So as far as anyone knows, I don’t stay at Tamara’s? And when did you do all of that?”

  “When I first met you two. It just seemed like appropriate precautions.”

  Tamara gave him a hug and kissed his forehead. “Oh, you care, Dougie!”

  Doug shrugged off her arms and muttered, “Just being safe is all.”

  But his face was turning red.

  2:30 AM

  “Well, theoretically, that might work. My mind’s a bit fuzzy now, but let me go over the calculations,” Doug said as Tamara snored beside him.

  “Even if it might work, the question is where?” Michi asked.

  “That might take some more digging. But let’s look at the numbers first. No use getting excited about it. Look at how much time we wasted on the electrical shock idea.”

  5:09 AM

  “Well?” Michi asked, waiting once again to hear why this one wouldn’t work, either.

  “I . . . I think we have a plan!” Doug said.

  Chapter 27

  “Can you get it?” Michi asked while Doug grunted a few ste
ps into the tunnel.

  “It’s a lot harder than it looks!” he complained.

  They had to cut open the lock, or their whole plan had to be scrapped. The lock was to an old access tunnel to the power station, and that was their way out of the park.

  Ledges Park was just to the east of the city along the River Tay. Eons ago, there had been a waterfall at the park, but over the years, the river had eaten its way through, leaving a canyon and some rapids as it made its way to the lower plains. The first Scottish settlers had selected the location for Tay Station because of the rapids. They provided the power they needed to build and run their city. After Propitious Interstellar arrived and built more modern, efficient, and reliable power plants, the old hydro-electric plant was shut down, and the canyon became a public park. The old access tunnels, though, still existed, and they offered another way out of the park to those who knew the tunnels.

  “Here, let me try,” Michi said, pushing past Doug and taking the bolt-cutters.

  She got the jaws around a link in the chain, and with a shout, put all her strength in back of it. It didn’t look like it would be enough, but then, with a snap, the chain parted.

  Doug rolled his eyes but said nothing.

  “Let’s get back so you can do your thing,” Michi hastened to say.

  Doug was not an “Ugh, me man, you woman”-type, but still, having Michi open what he couldn’t had to sting at least a little.

  They strolled arm in arm back to the running path, two lovers out enjoying the sunny day. The park was not in much use during the week, and with martial law, even the evening joggers were few and far between, but on the weekends, it would be packed with people.

  They saw two Marines in their combat suits on patrol. Michi laughed as if Doug had said something funny, then wanted to kick herself for looking too fake. But the Marines continued on their way. The best Doug had been able to find out was that there were four Marines in the park during the day, then eight at night.

  Michi spread out a blanket on the grass where a finger of the cliff jutted out closer to the river. From rock face to the river was less than ten meters, and that included the running trail. Michi and Doug took off their shirts and lay back on the blanket. On her bikini strap, Michi retained her spoofer, set on another of Doug’s faces for her, this one with close to her real skin color. Doug had Tamara’s spoofer, this one set for a face not too different from his own.

  “Wow, boy, you need to get out in the sun more,” she whispered to Doug, taking in his pale skin.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. You can dispense with the ghost jokes now.”

  Michi wanted to get going, but if there were eyes on them, they had to act natural. She lay in the sun, feeling the warmth seep into her. It felt good, and it forced her to relax. Without meaning to, she fell asleep.

  “Hey, I need to go take a piss,” Doug said, waking her up with a start. She sat up and yawned.

  “Take your pack and use the cream,” she said as planned.

  Michi didn’t know what cream she would have meant, but on the off-chance that they were being overheard, they had wanted a reason for him to take his pack.

  “Don’t nag,” he said as he shouldered his backpack.

  As he disappeared behind her, she adjusted her bikini top and looked out over the river. She wondered if there was anyone out there observing them, and if so, were they watching Doug or her? It seemed as if her contribution to the cause always had her half-naked, and that ate at her. She was more than a dress-up doll. It had been Tamara’s idea for the sun-bathing; but then again, Tamara’s mind was always in the gutter.

  Two Marines came down the running trail. She couldn’t see them through their combat suits’ visors, but she nodded at them as they passed only a couple of meters from her. She could actually feel the ground shake as they walked by.

  It seemed to be forever, but finally, Doug reappeared. He nodded to Michi as he sat down. Now, they waited.

  With two Marines just having passed, they knew it might be awhile. The Marines didn’t seem to have a schedule, but still, it could take 30 minutes or more for the other team or the same team to come by again. After 20 minutes, Doug put his arm around Michi’s shoulders and nuzzled her ear.

  “Damn, Doug! You need to learn how to do that better,” she said quietly while lifting her chin and smiling. She turned, stood up, and reached down to take him by his hand, guiding him up to his feet.

  She felt totally weird trying to act like a woman in lust when she felt nothing. If they were under observation, she hoped it looked natural.

  The two of them walked slowly back alongside the cliff finger to the denser foliage at the base of the farther-back cliff face, the same brush that hid the entrance to the access tunnel. She put her arms around Doug’s neck, then pulled him down to the ground.

  Immediately the two parted and went to their bellies. Doug reached out and parted the brush slightly so they could see out. One moment, they were lovers ready for passion; the next they were soldiers in the ambush.

  Michi reached into Doug’s pack. It had carried the explosives, but it also carried her costume. Off came the bikini top and on came the Red Athena’s top. She peeled off her loose pants to reveal the camouflaged bammers she’d had on underneath. Then came the boots and the pistol belt. Finally, she pulled out the handgun and the rifle, and with three practiced pulls, snapped it to its full length. The last two were risky. These were the weapons with which she had been making her recordings, but by telling Cheri that she was going to work on more recordings, she had been allowed to keep them for the day. If they had been stopped for any reason and the weapons had been found in Doug’s pack, there would have been no reasonable explanation.

  All of this had been done lying in the dirt beside Doug. He ignored her gymnastics and watched the running path.

  “Here they come,” he whispered, excitement in his voice.

  Two Marines were striding down the path, each stride seemingly gobbling up meters. They looked powerful, and Michi had sudden misgivings. What if things went wrong?

  But it was too late. As they strode into the kill zone, Doug pulled on the wire.

  And nothing happened.

  He pulled again, and the wire came to him easily. There was no explosion.

  “What the fuck?” he asked as the Marines passed on.

  “You’ve got to check what happened,” Michi told him. “I can’t go out like this. Go to the picnic basket and act like you are getting something for us to drink, then take another pee. And here,” she said, rubbing some dirt on his body. “We’ve been rolling around back here, remember?”

  Doug made his way out of the brush, stretched, and with a satisfied insolence, strolled back to the blanket and their food basket. If Michi didn’t know better, she would have sworn the guy just got laid. Who would’ve known he could act so well?

  He picked up the blanket and two bottles of beer. The blanket was a good touch. It would have been reasonable to have taken it with them in the first place. Then he wandered off to the bushes at the side of the cliff and disappeared. A minute or two later, he came out zipping up his fly. He sauntered over to Michi and got on his hands and knees to crawl in with her.

  “The wire came undone. I fastened it tighter this time,” he told her.

  Doug had made the explosives with some common ingredients. Sensors shouldn’t pick up anything unless they were looking specifically for that combination. But any commercial fuze would be picked up by the Marine’s combat suits, so Doug had rigged up a simple mechanical fuze. With one good tug, a spring-loaded hammer would fall, striking a small percussion cap and igniting the explosives.

  “Let’s hope it works this time,” she said as they settled in to wait.

  They lay in silence, watching for movement. Finally, two Marines, either the same ones or two others, made their appearance. Doug got ready.

  “No, stop!” Michi hissed as the Marines approached the picnic basket and discarded shirts they had lef
t as markers.

  Two joggers were coming the other way, and they would be in the kill zone as well. They had to wait again.

  Just as the Marines passed the kill zone, one of them glanced to where Doug and Michi were hiding. It was a quick look, but Michi knew then that their ruse had been necessary. The Marine had been hoping to catch a glimpse of some action.

  “Did you see that?” Doug asked.

  “Sure did. He must think you’re some sort of stud. What’s it been? Forty-five minutes now?”

  “Yeah, that’s me. Stud,” he said sarcastically. “And now we wait yet again.”

  They were running out of time. They weren’t sure what time the other Marines would arrive, but they didn’t want to deal with them. Four was too many as it was.

  The two Marines had only been gone less than ten minutes when two more appeared. That meant the other two were still close, and that increased the risk.

  “Well?” Doug asked.

  Michi ached to strike, but was the increased risk worth it? She went back and forth in her mind.

  “Now or never, Michi.”

  She made up her mind. “Do it!”

  Doug pulled back on the wire, and the entire cliff face on the point seemed to erupt. Rocks and clouds of dust plummeted to the ground, hiding the two Marines from view. Doug and Michi burst from the brush and rushed forward, Michi with her rifle at the ready, not that it would do any good against a combat-armored Marine.

  As the dust started to clear, they looked frantically for any sign of the Marines. Doug pulled out a sensor and swept the area.

  “I’ve got one! He’s under there,” he said, pointing at a pile of rubble. “He’s alive.”


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