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Plaid versus Paisley

Page 7

by KC Burn

  “What?” Will wanted to kick himself for being such an asshole, but Dallas just brought out the worst in him.

  “It would be easier for you to look on my screen.”

  Not for Will it wouldn’t. With a sigh, Will wheeled his office chair over to Dallas’s desk. One more whiff of Dallas’s aftershave, and he was right back in the mire of frustrated, angry lust.

  AFTER LUNCH Will was finally alone. Dallas had left for the day, giving Will a much-needed respite. Unlike Kyle, though, the specter of Dallas never left. Or maybe it was that Will couldn’t quite get Dallas off his mind, even when out of sight. Like his workload wasn’t heinous enough when he could focus his full attention on it.

  When his cell phone rang, Will grabbed for it, desperate for a proper distraction. He’d have been okay if it were a telemarketer, but hearing his best friend’s voice made him happy for the first time on this cursed, awful day.

  “Hey, Raven. What’s up?”

  “We’re going out for dinner and drinks and maybe dancing tonight. It sounds like you could use a break, so you’d better come along.”

  Will’s jaw tensed. When Raven said “we,” he meant, at the very least, his boyfriend Caleb. Not that Will didn’t like hanging out with the two of them, but there were times when their happy couplehood was too much to take, and he suspected today would be one of those days.

  “I don’t know, Raven. I’m pretty beat.”

  If Raven had been standing right next to him, his sigh couldn’t have been more audible. “You work too much. And you know it. If you just told Stefan how overworked you are, he’d be sure to get you some help.”

  Will grimaced. Apparently he hadn’t even had to mention it. Stefan had come up with the idea all on his own. Then again, he hadn’t connected with Raven since Dallas the Destroyer had burst into his life again. Talking to Raven might help him get some much-needed perspective—like whether he should start looking for another job or just hand in his resignation preemptively.

  “C’mon, Will. You gotta eat, at least,” Raven cajoled.

  “Yeah, I guess I do. But no dancing.” If he was taking a break from his mountains of work, then he’d much rather spend a few hours playing Dragon’s Ruin than go dancing.

  Did Dallas hit the clubs? He was certainly young enough to still enjoy it all, and he probably looked fantastic in club clothes. At least Will assumed he’d have some skintight something or other to go dancing in, and didn’t spend his personal time in those suits. For the chance to see Dallas on the dance floor, Will would definitely brave a club.

  “Will!” Raven shouted in his ear, and Will shook himself. Last thing he needed was another fantasy about Dallas.

  “Yes, what, sorry. I was answering an e-mail,” Will lied.

  “Fine. Meet us at Finnegan’s. Seven. Don’t be late, and wear club clothes, just in case.”

  “Sure thing. See you then.”

  “Good.” Raven disconnected before Will could say anything else.

  Easier to say yes and then show up dressed the way he was right now. Raven hadn’t had much in the way of a nine-to-five job, so he wasn’t aware that most grown-ups didn’t go out drinking and clubbing until the wee hours of a weekday. But Tartan Candy gigs were mostly on the weekend, and Caleb could set his own hours, mostly, so they’d taken to going out on Wednesday or Thursday nights to avoid interfering with any possible Tartan Candy events. Will might demand they be more respectful of his job, but lately, with him working seven days a week and helping Raven out with most of the Tartan Candy gigs, there weren’t any good days for him to go out.

  How sad.

  Will took a deep breath and focused on his work. At the very least, he could get in a few solid hours before he grabbed a shower, either here or at home, and headed out to meet Raven.

  Chapter FIVE

  WILL WAS a few minutes late, but there were enough people packed into the foyer that it was possible Raven and Caleb hadn’t been seated yet. Nevertheless, he pushed his way forward. While he was waiting to ask the hostess if Raven was still on the list, he heard someone calling his name.

  Craning his neck around the crowd, he spotted Raven waving at him from a table. Good. He didn’t really want to wait around to be seated, because he was fucking starving. He hadn’t been hungry at lunchtime, and he’d gotten so involved in his work he hadn’t even taken a break for a snack. Hell, he hadn’t even had time to stop by his apartment, and had showered at the studio. Always a bit of a gamble, if anyone was shooting, because the models often took it as an invitation to play. Their übercasual approach to sex didn’t work for Will, although they were all very attractive. Of course, they were almost all as young or younger than Dallas, and that was too young for Will to do anything more than admire.

  Raven and Caleb were seated next to each other on one side of the booth, and Will didn’t have any trouble identifying the third person, even though he could only see the back of his head.

  “Hey, guys. Hi, Jaime.”

  “Hello, pretty Will.” Jaime gave him a lecherous smile, and Will rolled his eyes. Caleb’s cousin was good-looking, to be sure, but there wasn’t any spark between them, and they both knew it. Didn’t stop Raven and Caleb from hoping, and Will had been on enough quasi double dates that he could probably claim to be in a pseudorelationship with Jaime. Not that he’d consider it, truly. Jaime was a total player. After a pleasant dinner, no matter where they ended up, Jaime didn’t go home alone, and Will had never once been his companion.

  He could only assume Raven and Caleb were trying to inflict relationships on every single person in their sphere, as some couples were wont to do, but anyone with eyes could see Jaime wasn’t interested in settling down, and Will wanted nothing but. Assuming he could find the time to locate a guy with similar interests and goals.

  Raven wrinkled his nose. “Did you shower at the studio?”

  Will gaped at him. “How did you know?”

  “You smell like the bodywash Stefan stocks in the locker room.”

  “How the fuck can you smell that?” The bodywash was definitely a stronger scent than Will was used to using, but all he could smell right now were the fajitas sizzling on the next table.

  Raven shrugged. “Don’t know. Just can. Maybe because I used it for so many years?”

  Jaime elbowed him. “Got a little action with a video star, did you?”

  Will shook his head. “No, just got caught up in work. I would have been later if I’d gone home to shower.”

  “You know, most of those guys like you. If you wanted to release a little tension, I’m sure one of them would be more than willing to help out.” Raven wore a little frown as he stared at Will. “And you’ve been working so much, it must be hard to meet other people.”

  “I don’t fuck around at work. You know that.” Hadn’t they had this same conversation the last time he’d seen Raven? All it did was give him unwelcome reminders about how long it had been since he’d “released some tension” with another person, as well as how hard it would be to stick to his principles if Dallas were the one offering himself up.

  “Man, I think you’re missing out.” Jaime’s voice was teasing, but Will didn’t doubt Jaime would sleep his way through every model at Idyll Fling if he had the opportunity.

  “Can we talk about something else?” Will picked up his menu and shook it, punctuating just how done he was with this line of discussion. “Do you need any help preparing for any upcoming events?”

  “Nah, I’m good. I know how busy you are at work. I just need you to show up wearing a kilt when and where I tell you, and we’ll all be good.”

  He was supposed to do more for Raven’s business than just show up at events and maintain the website, but he couldn’t argue it made life easier on him. Or at least made it easier to pack in more work. He’d intended to audition for the local Ren faire when he moved down, but his time constraints were such that he’d only been able to visit over the past couple of years. This season, between Ta
rtan Candy and Idyll Fling, he might not even have a chance to do that.

  They ordered food, Will barely glancing at the menu before ordering. At least he was able to steer the conversation away from his pathetic love life and even more pathetic work life. He wanted to get Raven’s perspective on Dallas’s arrival, but he didn’t want to air his problems in front of Jaime and Caleb. Bitching about a new employee to a group didn’t sit right. Especially since he worried his perspective was highly skewed.

  Raven and Caleb periodically kissed or cuddled. It was cute as hell, especially since he knew how much Raven needed someone who’d treat him well, but it also made him even more aware that he didn’t have anyone in his life, and he had no desire to cuddle up to the man next to him.

  “Sickening and adorable all at the same time, isn’t it?” Jaime whispered, making Will chuckle.

  “Yes, yes it is.”

  “Hey. Look at me.” Jaime tapped his knee, sounding more serious than Will had ever heard him. He tore his attention from his friends’ PDA to obey Jaime’s instruction.

  Jaime squinted at him for a second before he spoke. “Don’t overdo it, okay? Raven’s worried you’re going to burn out, and I have to agree. Work can’t take up all your waking hours.”

  Will blinked. He knew Jaime was an EMT, but he’d never been the focus of Jaime in healer mode. It was surprisingly hot.

  “I’ll be okay. Besides, I just got a new employee this week.” It took a lot of effort to keep his voice even, but Will was proud he managed it. Maybe he could handle Dallas after all.

  Jaime tilted his head. “Interesting.”

  Interesting? “What do you mean?” Will wasn’t sure he wanted to know, but he stupidly asked the question anyway.

  Jaime just shook his head. “Nothing. Just… that was an odd expression.”

  What the hell?

  Instead of expounding further, though, Jaime rubbed a thumb under Will’s right eye. “You need to focus on getting rid of these bags, though. I hope next time I see you they’ll be gone.”

  Will bit back a snarky comment, because he didn’t need to alienate everyone, and Raven wouldn’t tolerate him being an ass to Jaime.

  “I’ll do my best.”

  “Got it. Keep my nose out of it.” Jaime laughed ruefully, and they turned back to see Raven and Caleb were looking at them with identical expressions of hope.

  “Not happening, guys. Get over it.” Will didn’t mind the pseudo-double-dating, but they really had to give up on this vain hope.

  Jaime made sounds of assent, and the waiter, in a demonstration of perfect timing, broke the tension by bringing them their meals.

  BY THE end of the meal, Will had relaxed enough to enjoy himself, even without any alcohol. After a nasty accident involving a drunk driver, Raven was now uncomfortable when people drank even a little and drove, and for the most part, his boyfriend and friends didn’t have an issue accommodating him.

  “Ready to hit the club?” Raven asked, ever hopeful.

  Will shrugged. “You know I wasn’t planning on going.” He poked Jaime. “And this one thinks I need more sleep.”

  Jaime laughed. “True, but exercise in the form of dancing wouldn’t be too bad either.”

  “C’mon, Will. You know you were just planning to go home and play that game. Come out. Be social.”

  “I’ll have you know Dragon’s Ruin is very social. I’ve played with the same guild for years.”

  All three of them had identical expressions that basically indicated they thought Will was plain fucking crazy.

  He might not have played much recently, but Dragon’s Ruin was an awesome fucking online role-playing game, a MMORPG along the lines of World of Warcraft. Aside from allowing players to play a gay character from its inception, the game creators had clearly been inspired by two of Will’s favorite authors, Mercedes Lackey and Anne McCaffrey. Not that the game had, that Will had seen, replicated either Valdemar or Pern, but there were several nods to two of Will’s favorite fantasy series. A night spent in Dragon’s Ruin with his guild was not a night wasted, at least in Will’s opinion. There were a number of people, his parents included, who wondered when he was going to grow up, but Will didn’t think his love of the game or the Ren faire stuff made him a child. They just made him… a geek.

  “One hour. Just come for one hour.”

  Raven’s entreaty chipped away at Will’s resolve. As much as he missed playing his game, he couldn’t deny that getting out among people was probably wise. Even if he’d been so inclined, the odds of anyone in his guild being available, local, and actually who they said they were, were astronomical. Will spent a hell of a lot of time on his own, and despite being a computer geek who enjoyed his own company, as well as having found Raven as a friend, he was still lonely. Doubtful he’d find what he wanted in a club, but one never knew. He certainly wasn’t going to find it at work.

  “I don’t want to hear any comments about my attire.” He was well aware he wasn’t dressed in a manner that would likely get him any carnal attention, but that was okay with him.

  “As long as you’re not planning to get laid in the john, your attire doesn’t matter.” Jaime’s mischievous tone was teasing enough to coax a smile out of Will.

  “Fine. I’m caving to peer pressure.”

  Raven wasn’t the sort to clap and cheer, but his wiggle of excitement brought a number of appreciative gazes their way. It wasn’t hard to believe Raven had been Idyll Fling’s top model before his accident; he was a stunner in whatever he wore, but it’d definitely be worse if he was wearing his trademark kilt. Even Will got a boatload of attention when he wore his, and he didn’t look anything like Raven.

  “But I’ll leave the bathroom boinking to Jaime.”

  Jaime rolled his eyes. “Way to take the sexiness out of it.”

  “Just doing my part for the abstinence movement.”

  Caleb snorted a laugh. “Let’s go if we’re going. I’m not waiting in line outside.”

  “Agreed. That one hour includes any line time.” It might be well after dark, but the muggy heat of the day hadn’t dispersed nearly as much as Will would have liked, something both he and Caleb agreed on, even though Caleb was a Florida native.

  “Well, then, hurry the fuck up.” Raven shooed them away from the table.

  JUDGING BY the throng of men who rapidly filled up the dance floor, they must have gotten to Club Gallo at just the right time, since there hadn’t been any line at all. There were enough people to make the bar busy, and Caleb had offered to take that bullet while Jaime made a beeline for the dance floor.

  From the table they’d scored, they could see most of the club, but some trick of acoustics meant that the music in this area wasn’t loud enough to make talking impossible.

  “Stefan hired someone.”

  Raven had been staring after Caleb, but Will’s words brought his attention back to the table. “Um. Okay. He does that sometimes.”

  Will grimaced. “No. I mean, an employee for me. He hired him without talking to me. I showed up on Monday and there he was. A new junior systems administrator.”

  Raven’s eyes widened. “Okay. That’s slightly out of character for him. But he has to realize—and you must also—that running the Idyll Fling website is too much for just you and Kyle to manage. Maybe he was just sick of you stalling.”

  “Thanks. Glad you’re taking my side.” He hadn’t exactly role-played this conversation out in his head, but he sure as shit hadn’t expected more passive-aggressive commentary on his work-life balance.

  With an expression full of concern, Raven grabbed his arm. “Do you think we can’t see you working yourself to death? Jaime hasn’t known you nearly as long as Stefan and I have, and he could see it too. Stefan takes a lot of pride in not exploiting his models—how can you possibly think he’d feel any different about you? Thing is, he probably just didn’t know how to help you, because he is so not technical.”

  Will let out an unwilling snort
. That guy could break a computer just by walking past it. He’d heard a rumor that he was already on his third smartphone this year, the previous ones having died tragic, ill-timed deaths.

  Raven started to smile too, before he froze. “Wait. He hired someone without your input at all? Oh my God. It’s some adorable twink who really, really wants to know all about how computers work and thinks he’s an expert because he’s got a bazillion followers on Instagram. Someone who can’t help you at all.”

  That surprised a laugh out of Will. A twink might have been easier to deal with, although it wouldn’t have made him any happier.

  “No. Worse.”

  “Worse? I can’t even imagine…. I’d say someone’s grannie, but if Joanie found out I said it, she’d kick my ass.”

  Will sighed, his slight amusement draining away. “Remember I told you about that kid at my last job? The one who took my job after working there for six months?”

  Raven nodded. Will waited. The gasp Raven let out when the penny dropped had a number of heads turning their way. “Not the same guy?”

  “Yes. The same fucking guy.”

  “The one you were totally crushing on?”

  A wave of heat swept up Will’s face. “What? No. I wasn’t.” Had he told Raven that? He couldn’t have. He’d even made a point of not telling Raven his name, as though uttering Dallas’s name would give the guy more power over Will. It had been incredibly humiliating to have had an infatuation with the straight guy who’d stolen his job, his whole fucking department. Especially when that particular betrayal hadn’t done a damn thing to dampen his interest, nor did the knowledge that same guy hated him enough to follow him to another goddamned state to hound him out of another hard-won job.

  Didn’t matter if he’d told Raven or he hadn’t, Will was rewriting history right now. No way could it become common knowledge that Will found Dallas distractingly hot. Dallas had a number of other faults that were more important.


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