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Page 9

by Kelly, Erika

  Sophie let out a breath. “I almost had sex with him.”

  “When?” Kat said. “I saw you turn him down. You went to your room, and he went to the bar. I saw him partying with a bunch of women in the hot tub.”

  “I know. But I came downstairs to, you know, get some air.”

  “Some air? Is that what we’re calling it now?” Kat smiled.

  “Okay, maybe I wanted to see if he was around. I couldn’t stop thinking about him.”

  “I told you there was something between you two.”

  There was. There really was.

  “Guys, who’re we talking about?” Laura drained her glass of ice tea.

  “The guy who helped get me out of the bar last night.”

  “That guy? I thought you wanted him?” Laura asked Kat.

  “You met him?” Sophie asked.

  Laura shook her head. “No, but she told me about him. She really wanted to get with him.”

  “He didn’t want me. I flirted like a hooker, and he was all charming and fun, but he wound up leaving with his friends and some other girls.” Kat pressed her lips together. “And what do you mean you almost had sex with him? How does that work exactly?”

  “I got a little carried away, but then I shut it down.”

  Laura motioned to Sophie’s phone. “Do you have a picture of him? I have to see this guy.”

  “Oh, you’ll see him around,” Kat said. “You can’t miss him. Imagine Zac Efron in board shorts.”

  “That hot?” Laura asked.

  “Hotter.” Kat didn’t look happy. “And Sophie got him.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She supposed Kat would be hurt that Ryan had rejected her, but she didn’t have to be surprised that he’d go for Sophie.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. I meant because you’re the one woman at this resort who wouldn’t do him.”

  Laura shrugged. “Maybe that’s why he wanted her.”

  The idea struck Sophie hard. “Maybe.” That made total sense. A guy like Ryan wasn’t used to rejection. “But it doesn’t matter. Nothing really happened. We made out. That’s it.” Well, and he might’ve licked my nipples a little, too. She pressed her thighs together as the memory sent a sizzling jolt through her.

  Laura reached for a roll, but then tossed it back in the silver basket. “He’s probably not all that great in bed. The hot ones usually aren’t.”

  Heat shot up her neck, spread across her cheeks, burning the shells of her ears.

  “What? He was good?” Laura said, at the same time Kat’s eyes went wide. “You liked it?”

  “I loved it.”

  Both of them stared at her.

  “Then why didn’t you seal the deal?” Laura asked.

  Pain at the base of her finger had her looking into her lap. She’d clasped her hands so tightly one of her rings had dug into her skin. God, she was a mess. “It’s not what I want.”

  “Oh, come on,” Laura said. “It doesn’t make you slutty to have some fun with a hot guy.”

  “I don’t think it’s slutty to hook up with a guy. That’s not it at all. I just…I get too emotionally involved.” Look at the conversations she’d had with him. No small talk, no flirting. It was real. They connected.

  Because I like you.

  She knew it meant something to him, too.

  “Soph, he’s into you.” Kat reached for her hand. “I was there. I saw. And if you don’t go for it, you’ll never know if something great could come of it. He could be the one for you. Just put yourself out there. If it doesn’t work, so what? You’re not made of glass. You won’t shatter if it doesn’t work out. But what if it does? What if it turns into something?”

  “Oh, my God. It won’t. Guys, let’s stop talking about it. He doesn’t want me that way. He’s here for spring break. He just wants to party and go wild.”

  Laura’s hand closed over hers. “Would that be such a bad idea for you?”

  “She’s right,” Kat said. “You could stand to have a little fun yourself.”

  She hadn’t dated anyone since breaking up with King. And, even though she had lots of friends in the sorority and on a campus of over fifty-five thousand people, she did get lonely.

  “You obviously really like him,” Laura said.

  “I do like him. But he’s messed up right now. He just broke up with his girlfriend of six years.” He came here for sex. And after he got it from her, he’d get it from someone else.

  She really had to stop listening to Kat.

  “Oh. Forget it.” Laura leaned back in her chair, raising both hands in warning. “Don’t go there. Six years? That’s, like, the worst. He’ll get back with her ten times, screw as many girls as he can, and then wind up marrying her.”

  “Wow, Laura,” Kat said. “Way to write a happy ending.”

  “No, she’s probably right.” Sophie didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “He’s got a lot of stuff going on. And it doesn’t matter anyway. I didn’t come here for that. Besides, I’ve got my whole week planned out.”

  “But it was good, huh?” Laura asked.

  “It was…I’ve never…”

  Her friends burst out laughing. After a moment, Sophie joined them. “Okay, God. I mean, it was good with King, but this…this was like…” She let out a breath, remembering the blazing look he’d given her in the outdoor shower. “You guys, no one’s ever looked at me the way he does. I mean, it’s like he has to have me.”

  “Oh, that’s hot.” Laura gave a sad smile. “I miss that. You know? In the beginning, Blake and I were all over each other like that. It was so hot. So fun.”

  “Aren’t all hookups like that?” Kat said. “Hot and fun?”

  Disappointment slammed her. Of course hookups were like that. She’d never had one, so she’d misunderstood. She’d thought his hungry gaze meant he’d wanted her. Not just raunchy sex in a shower stall.

  Okay, so that really put things into perspective. She’d needed to hear that.

  “Yeah, well, mine wasn’t.” She’d never seen Laura so torn up. “Mine sucked.”

  “Then stop doing this,” Sophie said. “You’re beautiful, sexy, and smart. You’re an elite athlete, for goodness sake. You and Blake had a great time together for two years. Just…move on.”

  “I can’t. I want him to see those pictures on Facebook and regret dumping me.”

  “Would you take him back if he did?” Sophie asked.

  “Of course I would. I love him. I didn’t…I had no idea anything was wrong. And now? I just want him to hurt as much as I do. You know what’s killing me? He’s completely happy to be done with me. Like…” She brushed her hands together. “Done. Moved on. I saw him the night before we left. God, I never should’ve gone over there, but Deb and Lise were going to the frat party Friday night, so I went with them. He was laughing, having the time of his life. That skank, Alyssa?”

  Everyone knew Alyssa. She’d probably done more frat laps than any other co-ed in UCLA history.

  “She was all over him.”

  Sophie shook her head. “He’s not like that.”

  “He is now. I saw him put his hand on her ass. I swear it gutted me. I wanted to throw something at him. Here I am dying inside. I can barely get out of bed, and he’s hooking up with Alyssa.”

  “You know what I think it is?” Sophie looked at her friends. “We’re seniors. We graduate in two months. I think we’re all freaking out.”

  Kat pulled a tube of lipstick from her straw clutch and swiped it across her lips. “I know I am. Have you really thought about it? We’re all going off in different directions. No matter what anyone says, we’ll get busy with jobs, make new friends, date people. It’s going to be different, and I don’t want to do it alone. I want a boyfriend. Even if it doesn’t lead to marriage, I just don’t want to go out there alone.”

  “We’re doing it with you,” Laura said.

  “You’re going to Italy. We’re not on the same path at all. I mean, I love yo
u, and we’ll always be friends, but you’re not going to be my roommate anymore. You’re not going to come over after work and get ready to go clubbing with me.”

  No one could argue that point. “I’m still around.”

  “You don’t party, Sophie. You’re probably my favorite person in the world, but I’m not going to be spelunking with you on the weekend.”

  Sophie burst out laughing. “I know what you’re saying. We’re all freaking out for different reasons. I’m just saying that Blake is, too. I know he looked like he was having fun with Alyssa, but I think it’s easier for guys to compartmentalize. He puts his feelings over the break-up in a box so he can party with his friends.”

  “Did he respond to the picture you posted?” Kat gestured to Sophie’s phone.

  Laura shook her head. “No, but he wouldn’t. We’re trying to ignore each other. That’s what exes do, right?”

  Sophie wouldn’t know. She and King had remained friends. “I know you don’t want to hear what I have to say, but I’ll say it one more time. I think you should forget about trying to hurt Blake. Forget about school and Blake and start thinking about this whole new chapter in your life. I mean, Italy. Come on, what an adventure.”

  “I think our definitions of fun might be a little different,” Kat said. “I like to play with boys, Laura likes to play with balls, and you like to play with boats.”

  “Really?” Sophie said. “Because since I got here yesterday, I’ve made out with a really hot guy in an outdoor shower stall. And it was the most fun I’ve ever had.”

  There was a moment of silence when her friends just stared at her, and then they burst out laughing. All three of them lifted their hands and high-fived each other across the table.

  See that? She could handle her brief little hookup with Ryan.

  Next time she passed him in the hot tub with half-naked women she wouldn’t even look twice.


  A shock of cold had Ryan jackknifing up. Sleep still had a grip on him, so it took a moment to get his bearings. Where was he?

  Sophie. Forcing himself fully awake, he looked for her, but the chaise next to him was empty. Only after taking in the pool, the blue umbrella shading him, and the hum of conversation did he realize he’d been dreaming about her. In the shower stall, his hands cupping her breasts. Jesus, he could feel the hard bead of her nipple in his mouth.

  Lust surged through him hard and fast.

  Enough already. Jesus. He had to cut this shit out. Lusting after some girl he’d just met? Come on, he had a resort full of women to choose from.

  Besides, he’d put it off long enough. He pulled out his phone, ready to listen to Coach’s message.

  His mouth tasted nasty, and his throat felt dry, so he grabbed the beer sitting on the table beside him and took a swig before punching in his password.

  “Ryan. Checking in with you.” His coach’s voice sounded full of compassion.

  Regret weighed hard on his chest.

  After a pause, his coach continued. “Worried about you, son.”

  Son. He was a piece of shit for lying to his coach. No more. Immediately, he hit the man’s speed dial.

  “Ryan?” His coach answered on the first ring.

  “Hey, Coach.”

  “How’s it going? You all right?”

  Ryan took in the row of palm trees, the train of clouds skittering across a brilliant blue sky, and blew out a breath. “I’m fine.”

  “Talk to me. How’s it going?”

  Ryan drew in a breath, his fingernail scraping at the damp beer label. “Coach. I lied to you. There is no emergency.”

  A rush of breath hit the receiver. “Come again?”

  “There’s nothing wrong. I bailed on the team.”

  “What the hell’s going on here?”

  Ryan sat up fully, legs straddling the chaise, and scrubbed his jaw. “I need a break.”

  “There is no break. We’re in the middle of the season. So what exactly’s going on?”

  If Ryan had an answer, he wouldn’t have lied in the first place. “I don’t know, Coach. I just…don’t know.”

  “You sick?”


  “This about drugs?”

  “Of course not.”

  “A girl?”

  “No.” As if he’d ever fuck up his life over a woman.

  “Ryan, goddammit. I told the scouts you had a family emergency. And you’re taking a break now? This week of all damn weeks?”

  “Yeah. Pretty stupid.”

  “Where the hell are you?”

  “I’m in Santa Grenada with some friends.”

  “You’re fucking off in Santa Grenada with your friends when your agent and I have arranged scouts from major league teams to fly out here and see you play against LSU. Do I have that right?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The beer in his otherwise empty stomach churned. Sweat popped out on his forehead and over his lip. He needed to give his coach a reasonable answer. Something to make him understand that he…that he what?

  He didn’t know.

  “You gotta think real hard about what you’re doing, son. Does your dad know about this?”

  “Yeah. I called him this morning.”

  “What’d he have to say?”

  “Told me to figure out my shit.”

  “You done yet?”


  “Well, Ryan, I’ll tell you what. You’re going to have a couple hours to do just that, as you pack your bags and head back to the airport. Because you’re going to come back here and be on the field for Tuesday’s game. I’ll be goddamned if I blow my credibility with the scouts because you need a damn break.”

  Nausea sent a sting of cold fluid through his veins. This isn’t just about me. A whole community had helped him get here.

  “Do you understand what I’m telling you?” Coach snapped.

  Of course he understood. And he wanted to snap out of it. He did. But panic had a grip on his mind and body.

  “I’ll arrange your plane ticket. All you have to do is get to the airport. Where are you?”

  “Santa Grenada.”

  “Flying out of where?”

  “San Juan.”

  “You gonna be on that flight?”

  “I don’t know.” And yet he did know. A flare of awareness flickered through the numbness. He wanted to do what his coach asked, but his gut gave a firm no.

  He wasn’t going to be on that flight.

  Because he knew with absolute certainty if he showed up for tomorrow’s game, he’d fuck up again. He couldn’t go back yet.

  “I’m calling you back in two hours. Be ready for my call.” Coach disconnected.

  A bark of laughter drew his attention to the pool. Jake chased some woman in the shallow end. Lunging, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her toward him. The woman shrieked, arms and legs flailing. People around them laughed. Everyone carefree, having a blast.

  Apparently, his buddy had been with two women last night. He’d woken up in someone’s bed. Then, when he’d gotten up to take a piss, he’d found her roommate in the shower. She’d invited him in.

  That’s what I should be doing. Going wild. Getting this crazy energy out of his system.

  Tipping the bottle back, he appreciated the cool liquid sliding down his throat.

  He closed his eyes, seeing the face of his barrel-chested coach. Damn. He hated letting him down. No, he didn’t want to get on a plane. Everything in him rebelled against the thought. But his coach had done well by him the last four years. Ryan wouldn’t be a first-round pick had it not been for Coach Harding’s training and interest.

  Ryan glanced down at the black flip flops he’d kicked off. He sat around by the pool in Santa Grenada, while his coach worked his ass off to get him drafted. Nice.

  Of course he should go back. Ryan got up.

  What was with this wall of resistance in him? Why couldn’t he just do the right thing and get back to h
is team?

  He didn’t know. But he did know he always worked his shit out in the gym.

  He headed inside to change.

  In two hours he’d be ready for his coach’s call.

  After a hard work-out, Ryan found his friends still at the pool. They’d commandeered a couple of tables near the hot tub and drawn a large crowd of women. Jake was telling a story, his hands moving fast, the women around him laughing. The table held pitchers of beer and glasses.

  His friend looked up when Ryan approached. “And this, my friends, is Ryan O’Donnell, soon to be shortstop for the Yankees.”

  Carrie, the woman he’d met in the bar the night before, shot off the chair. “Are you serious? That’s so awesome.”

  An invisible fist shoved right up under his sternum. “I have no idea where I’ll be playing.”

  Dix handed him a glass of beer, shrugging his brows and tilting his head toward Carrie. A silent thumbs-up to go for the hot brunette. Ryan looked away.

  When someone vacated a nearby chaise, he grabbed it, lifting the back so he could get a better view around the pool. His gaze swept the area, and he found himself looking for Sophie.


  He needed to get Coach’s call over with. Then he could relax and have a good time with his friends. With the phone in his hand, he lifted a knee, braced his wrist on it, and took in the action around him.

  A woman hoisted herself out of the pool, this one topless. A guy had her bikini, waving it over his head and cracking up. She just laughed, completely comfortable with her body—something he appreciated after so many years with Emma.

  As she got out of the pool, her gaze flicked over to him, stopped, and held. Her smile turned seductive. Sashaying over to him, she leaned back, gathering her hair to squeeze the water out. The guy sent the bikini top winging right at her, hitting the side of her head with a wet splat. If that had happened to Emma, she’d have been hurt and embarrassed. But this woman? She burst out laughing.

  Swinging around, she shouted, “Nice,” and shot the guy her middle finger. Then, she turned back to Ryan, still smiling. She held the wet suit out to him. “You want to help me put this back on?”

  “Sure.” When she sat on the edge of his chaise, she positioned the cups over her breasts and tossed the ties over her shoulders.


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