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Married for Real (Harlequin Presents)

Page 16

by Lindsay Armstrong

  ‘I didn’t!’ Arizona protested laughingly.

  ‘Do you know something, I think, on the odd occasion, you always will.’ A wicked little glint lit his eyes.

  ‘This is not one of those—extremely rare occasions,’ Arizona said, trying not to smile.

  ‘Ah. What is it then?’

  ‘Well, it’s to do with my Christmas present. Not the one that was under the tree this morning,’ she said as he raised an eyebrow, and she blushed faintly.

  He started to frown. ‘You have another one? I—’

  ‘Yes, yes, I do. It’s time to—well, it would be all right now to resume—I don’t know why this should be so difficult,’ she said with sudden exasperation.

  ‘Resume relations do you mean?’

  ‘Yes, which I thought might make rather a nice, if not to say, special sort of present and—’

  ‘I agree, wholeheartedly,’ he said gravely.

  ‘But I did also want to,’ Arizona went on determinedly, ‘say thank you for your patience and the way you were when I was…anyway, thanks,’ she said huskily and blinked suspiciously. ‘You’ve been great.’

  ‘Arizona.’ He took her hand and with his other hand cupped her cheek. ‘You do know why, if that’s so, don’t you? I thought I might have convinced you that you’re not only my wife but the partner of my thoughts, and that anything to do with your welfare is my top priority.’

  ‘Partner of your thoughts,’ she said softly. ‘That’s lovely. Thanks again.’

  ‘These—relations you were talking about,’ he said a few minutes later. ‘Would it be too decadent to resume them at eleven o’clock in the morning? It looks as if this young man is having an excellent sleep and could be returned to his nursery with impunity.’

  ‘Decadent?’ Arizona returned. ‘If so, deliciously so, Declan.’ And some minutes later, she settled into his arms with a sigh of pure pleasure, but not only that, almost overwhelming love that she now knew was returned in full measure.

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6950-7


  First North American Publication 1997.

  Copyright © 1996 by Lindsay Armstrong.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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