Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 6

by M. P. Hingos

  “Ally, Ally baby, now sweetheart,” he croaked right before I feel him spewing in my mouth.

  “God, that was fucking fantastic,” he moaned.

  “I aim to please,” I replied.

  He pulled me up on his lap and I sat there nestled against his chest.

  “You’re making it difficult for me to have any self control around you lady.”

  “I don’t want you to have self control any longer Gabriel,” I hastily replied, knowing in my heart this was what I wanted, what I needed now, what I wanted and needed for a long time.

  “Are you sure baby?”

  “More sure than I’ve been about anything in a very long time Gabe.”

  He kissed the top of my head.

  “Tonight Ally. You have until tonight to change your mind, if not, tonight Ally.”

  “I’m not going to change my mind Gabriel.”

  He tilted my head back so I was staring into his big beautiful blue eyes and his lips captured mine in a long searing kiss.


  Chapter 8

  “My, my, my what an interesting turn of events,” I mumbled.

  The familiar truck zoomed past me and I got a brief glance of the passenger through the open window, but brief as it may be I instantly recognized the person lounging back in the passenger seat. My darling sister Ally. As far as I knew neither Tessa nor her husband were visiting the movie star, which made me wonder why my traitorous, biological sister was with him. My little game has suddenly taken an interesting twist. Now I had to assess and adapt. Ally being here could complicate my game but it was also an excellent opportunity I could use to my benefit.

  Decisions, decisions. Instead of following the truck, I decided a little afternoon delight was in order. I needed something to distract me for a bit before I became consumed with my newfound information and do something based on emotions rather than logic. I quickly dug my phone out of my bag and dialed. He answered after only two rings. Such an eager one but then again they all are.

  “Hey beautiful, I was hoping you’d call,” his raspy, sexy voice greeted.

  “Hi handsome, are you busy,” I asked in my most alluring voice that I knew he could not resist.

  “Never too busy for you, sexy.”

  “Good because I have a craving only you can fill. Are you gamed?”

  “Always, your place?” he asked.

  “See you in thirty minutes then,” I replied.

  “Can’t wait.”

  Neither could I. He was just a means to an end but for a twenty-one year old, he definitely was skilled. It’s been two months and I was already hooked. After today, I needed to focus on my game and not so much on the things that will be trampled in my endeavor to win.


  “Tess, honey, are you okay,” I asked after noticing her discretely stick her hand inside her blouse and adjust herself for the what seemed like the tenth time in an hour.

  “My boobs hurt. I didn’t think they could possibly get bigger but boy was I wrong,” she answered while adjusting herself once more.

  “Okay babe, but do you mind not doing that in front of my brother?”

  “Excuse me?”

  That tone instantly told me I’ve said the wrong thing.

  “Hey sis don’t mind me. Do what you must to make yourself comfortable,” my backstabbing brother, Tyler, chimed in.

  “Thank you Tyler. You know what Connor, you don’t have to walk around with boobs the size of watermelons that are big enough to feed a county fair and feet that are constantly swollen and a stomach that grows daily and other mind baffling body changes so please try and refrain from telling me to STOP ADJUSTING MYSELF! OKAY!” she screamed at me, while trying to waddle away from me.

  “Baby I’m sorry,” I pleaded, catching her and pulling her down next to me on the sofa. She fell back and I took the opportunity to pull her feet up on my lap and began to gently massage them.

  “Keep doing that until I think you’re sorry enough,” she replied with a small sigh of pleasure.

  Tyler began to cough and I swore I heard the word “whipped” muttered in between his cough. I glared at him but all he does is grin.

  “What are you doing in the city?” I asked him.

  “Just passing through. Besides my favorite sister called me a couple days ago in tears because she misses me.”

  “I was not crying,” Tessa shouted at him.

  “Were too.”

  “Was not.”

  “You were practically bawling on the phone.”

  “I was not.”

  “Okay enough you two. That was nice of you Ty, thanks.”

  “Actually Tess, I brought you something.”

  She lifted her head and looked over at him.

  “Is it something to eat?”


  He walked over to her and gave her the bag he came in with. I watched her open it and pull out a box with a ribbon tied around it.

  She quickly opened the box and I peered inside. Inside was a beautifully illustrated book titled “Our Little Joy” by Tyler Steele.

  “It’s for the peanut. I had a friend help me with the illustrations. I know you said you loved reading to him so I decided to give him his own story,” he casually informed her.

  I could see the tears in my wife’s eyes and I knew if she could, Tessa would have flown off the couch to hug him. She gestured for him to bend forward and as he did she grabbed him in a fierce hug. My brothers were truly exceptional men. Sometimes I wished they would both move back to New York so we could be together more.

  “Thank you Ty. It’s beautiful. What do you mean you’re just passing through though?” I asked.

  “I’m going to surprise Gabe after I leave here. I thought he would have been here already to see you guys and mom and dad but mom told me he hasn’t been here since he’s been back from Switzerland.”

  And according to him, he had a good reason. He didn’t want his troubles to follow him out here. Having one famous brother in danger was frightening but having the other one in the crosshairs as well was a disaster. This might turn into a cluster-fuck if Ty went out there. Ally may not be able to protect Gabe and herself as well as Ty if shit went sideways.

  “I know he’s been busy with editing his new movie and everything so I don’t know if now might be such a good idea for you to visit him.”

  “That’s okay. I usually keep myself busy surfing when I’m out there,” Ty replied.

  “Yeah but you know how cranky he gets when he’s distracted.”

  Neither my brothers nor I were good liars. Tyler gave me that knowing look but before he could say anything Tessa piped in.

  “Connor’s right you know. Maybe you should hang around here for a couple of days and keep me company. There’s so much of your brother’s fussing I could take.”

  Right my ass. She was only encouraging him to stay away hoping to give Gabe, Ally and their blossoming romance some alone time.

  Tyler nodded his head in agreement but the look he gave me told me this conversation was far from over.

  “Want to tell me what’s going on and why you don’t want me going to California?”

  Tyler walked in into my home office and plumped his ass down on a chair in front of my desk.

  “Where’s Tess?” I asked.

  “Lying down,” he replied.

  “Come on Connor. I know something’s up so spill.”

  “Okay but you don’t breath a word to anyone okay especially mom and dad or Tess.”

  “Okay, I promise.”

  “Gabe’s got a stalker. Ally went down to try and figure shit out for him. Tessa thinks she’s there because she thinks Gabe and Ally has something going on.”

  “God dammit. I knew something was wrong when I spoke to him a couple days ago. Why didn’t he say something?”

  I filled him in on everything I knew.

  “I know, I asked the same thing too. They promised to keep me in the loop. Ally fi
gured out it’s a male person working for him.”

  “I know you’re worried Connor, but he’s our brother dude. I’m still going in a couple of days, make sure for myself they’re okay.”

  “I understand. If Tess wasn’t pregnant and we didn’t have this shit with Alexis going on I would have been there myself or have Sterling send some of his guys but Gabe doesn’t want any of that.”

  “Hey, they’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, well you all better be.”

  I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach that a storm was approaching.


  Chapter 9

  The pressure I was putting on myself for perfection was gnawing away at my stomach. Tonight wasn’t about me. It was all about her and I didn’t expect anything short of perfection from myself. Ally was different from all the other women I’ve dated. She didn’t thrive on the glitz and glamour and I know in my heart the simplest things are what makes her happy. I didn’t need to take her out to an expensive restaurant to wine and dine her before a night of passion. No, she was the type of woman who would be happy in a setting that screamed comfort and intimacy and that was exactly what I wanted to give.


  I spun around and watched as she walked out on the deck. She was breathtaking in her long flowing red dress.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  “Sorry I took so long to come down. I got caught up making some notes about my observations today.”

  “That’s okay sweetheart. Anything interesting I should know about,” I asked.

  “Not really,’ she answered.

  She was standing directly in front of me and I could see the slight nervousness in her actions. I didn’t want her to be nervous at all so I simply took her hand and led her to the table that was laid out with our dinner.

  “Good, so how about we forget about the crazy world we live in for now and enjoy dinner.”

  “I could do that,” she chuckled as she took her seat.

  I sat down across from her and reached across the table for her hand.

  “You look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

  “Thank you,” she replied huskily.

  I wanted her relaxed and comfortable. I also didn’t want her to think what we had between us was all about sex. I wanted to know her.

  “So Ally tell me something no one else knows about you.”

  She tilted her head sideways, contemplating her answer.

  “Well it’s not something no one else knows but it’s something not a lot of people know. When I was in collage I tried stand up comedy,” she replied.

  “Wow, I didn’t peg you for the stand-up comic type.”

  “Well it was more like a dare. A guy I was dating complained I was too serious and didn’t know how to have fun so I thought what’s the best way to show I could be fun. I wrote my own jokes and went to this open mic show. Biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I bombed so bad I had to leave the stage half way through my act. Apparently I was way to serious to be a comic. Anyway the experience taught me something about myself; I really was too uptight and serious.”

  “You couldn’t have been that bad.”

  “Oh but I was.”

  “Okay well let me be the judge of that. Let’s hear your act.”

  “Oh no, no, no mister. That act is going to die with me before you could hear it.”

  “Okay,” I conceded.

  “Your turn, something no one knows about you.”

  “I don’t know Al, I’m an open book,” I replied.

  “I’m not buying that pretty boy. There has to be something.”

  I couldn’t think of anything but I didn’t want her to feel I wasn’t being as open as she was.

  “Okay it’s more like something I did that I’m not very proud off,” I replied honestly.

  “So growing up with my brothers wasn’t always the easiest thing, especially when we were always trying to one up each other in the prank department. Anyway, I was fourteen and I came up with this ingenious plan to get back at Ty for dying my hair green for picture day. He had his first real date that weekend and the night before I painted his face purple while he was asleep. Only problem was I used house paint and his skin reacted to him. He woke up in the middle of the night screaming that his face was on fire. Our parents had one rule we always followed when it came to our pranks, we never cross the line where someone ends up in the hospital. I was scared shitless. When the chaos erupted and I realized what I had done, I planted evidence in Jake’s room that pointed to him being the culprit. After my parents returned from the hospital with Ty, they expected one of us to fess up but no one did, so my dad did his own investigation and found the evidence in Jake’s room. Strange thing though Jake got away with just an apology and the following week I was grounded for a month for pulling the “I got wounded in the gut” act on my mom. I’m definitely not proud of what I did but I

  never told anyone the truth until now.”

  “That was pretty bad. Did Jake ever say why they were so lenient on him,” she asked.

  “Nope, but he kept looking at me and smiling for a week like he knew.”

  “Hah, because they knew it was you, no wonder you got grounded for a month the week after.”

  “No they didn’t know….Hmmm…do you really think they did?”


  She was openly laughing at me now. I loved that sound coming from her.

  “Maybe they knew.”


  After dinner, I sat snuggled against him, his arms around me as his fingers twirled my hair. My head and something I didn’t want to admit to myself, my heart, said being with him felt so right. My body screamed it was time and I turned to face him, resting my hand on his thigh. His eyes bore into mine and his hand cupped the back of my neck as his lips crushed down on mine. His kiss was intense and searing and my entire body reacted to him. I felt the heat from his body and I wanted to run my hands all over him but before I could make a move, he broke the kiss and stood up. Taking my hand, he pulled me up and led me to his bedroom. The silence was deafening and I was afraid to break it for fear of saying the wrong thing. Been there, done that. He brushed the hair away from my face before his lips once again captured mine. His finger deftly work on unzipping my dress and I gingerly stepped out of it as it fell to my feet. My bra was quick to follow and he broke the kiss to make quick work of getting me out of my panties and him out of his clothes. We stood naked in front of each other, both of us drinking in the sight of the other. His naked body has haunted my dreams for far too long.


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