Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 7

by M. P. Hingos

  “Ally, you are the picture of perfection.”

  I couldn’t reply. I just wanted to feel his hands on me. I took his hand and guided him to his big bed. As if sensing my urgency for action instead of words he possessed my lips once again before tumbling us onto the bed. My hands began an exploration of his back traveling down to cup his taunt backside and I felt his cock grow against me. I reached in between us, captured it with my hand, and gently stroked him. He moaned into my mouth and I wrapped my legs around him, holding him against me.

  His lips left mine and traveled down my neck and I adjusted myself to allow him room to move. His kisses trailed down to my breast, as his hand moved to my core. He gently flicked my clit before his fingers entered me. The moans I was stifling before burst out and I writhed around from the sinful sensation that overcame my body. His lips traveled down my body replacing his fingers at my core and as his tongue worked it’s magic. I felt the universe tilt around me. I grabbed his hair and pushed his head in further. I felt the brink of my orgasm near. He felt my body stiffen as tongue continued it’s slaughter on the most intimate part of me. I screamed his name as my body erupted.

  He looked up and smiled at me.

  “You taste like heaven.”

  I smile and attempted to rise up but he shook his head.

  “No Al, tonight is about you.”

  He nimbly jumped to his feet and moved to his nightstand, tearing open the box of condoms he must have placed there earlier. He quickly sheathed his throbbing cock and before I could count to three, he was on top of me again.

  “Are you ready Ally?”

  “Yes Gabriel, more than you would ever know. I want to be with you.”

  He didn’t need any more encouragement. He gently nudged my legs apart and positioned his throbbing cock at the entrance to my core. He slowly entered me, gently pushing further and further in and then suddenly with a some force he pushed through my innocence. I cried out from the pain but he quickly distracted me with his hungry kisses. I felt him move inside me. In and out and before long, the pain dissipated and I felt the most erotic sensation. I was breathless and panting. Tearing my lips from his I begged for more and he was more than happy to oblige.

  “Gabriel, I think I’m going to explode.”

  “Hold on just a little longer baby, just a little bit more and we’ll do this together.”

  The frenzy my body was in was uncontrollable but I willed myself to gain some control just for him. It wasn’t long before my control broke though. Instinctively, I tightened around his cock and I felt the brink of his climax vibrate thorough me.

  “Now, Ally, let it all go. Come with me baby,” his hoarse voice echoed in my ear.

  I didn’t need to be told twice. I allowed my body to soar, to reach the height of pleasure and explode, thrusting me over the precipice into pure ecstasy. I felt him erupt inside me. He collapsed on top of me, and I gently stroked his hair as his head nestled between my breasts.

  “Holy crap. That was unbelievable,” I stated in awe.

  “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Yes, Gabe. I may have nothing to compare that to but I don’t believe it can get any better.”

  He chuckled at that.

  “Baby, I have so many tricks to show you, you might be saying the same thing every time.”

  Breathlessly I replied, “If that’s the case I may never want to get out of bed again.”

  “Sweetheart you belong in my bed.”

  The implication of his words was not lost on me but it was a road I was not prepare to venture down so instead I said the only thing I knew would distract him.

  “How soon before we go again?”


  Chapter 10

  The pounding on the door followed by Jonah shouting Gabe’s name woke me up.

  “Gabe dude, you up?” Jonah shouted from the other side of the door.

  “God I wish I still had my service gun,” I grumbled to myself.

  He leaned over and kissed me on the mouth.

  “Not exactly the wake call I had in mind for you this morning,” he mumbled against my lips.


  Jonah’s panicked shout had Gabriel jumping off the bed, pulling on his jeans and throwing the door open.

  “Jonah, what’s wrong with you man?” he asked.

  “A package was dropped off last night. You guys gotta see what’s in it. ”

  From his panicked tone, I knew it was not going to be good.

  “It’s bad dude, it’s photos but not like the ones you got before.”

  “Give us a minute to get dressed and we’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

  “Oh…. Ally’s with you? Sorry dude. Sorry Ally,” he shouted.

  “It’s okay Jonah. We’ll be down in a couple of minutes,” I called out to him.

  Gabriel closed the door on Jonah and turned to face me. The worry and exhaustion he had on his face when I first got here returned. I got off the bed and approached him.

  “Hey, we’ll figure this out okay, and if we can’t do it alone we have people to help us. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah, I know,” he answered wearily.

  Less than ten minutes later we were all sitting around the breakfast table in the kitchen. I carefully examined the box that contained the pictures, looking for something outstanding on it but it was a small, plain cardboard box with a label affixed to it. I opened it and took the photos out wondering why someone would send loose photos in a box instead of an envelope. Once again, I carefully examined the photos individually, passing each one to Gabe when I was finished with it. They were all taken yesterday but instead of the focus point of the photos being Gabe they focused on me. The interesting thing about them though was that they captured little stolen moments between Gabe and I, him touching my backside, me playing with his pinky finger, him brushing back my hair, moments that we stole when we were positive no one was looking. One thing I think we all gathered from looking at the photos was that the individual who took them didn’t like the idea of me being around because he took the time to mark little red X’s over my eyes and mouth on each photo. This was not good. Whoever Gabriel’s stalker was, he was escalating.

  “I need to go back to your office today,” I informed Gabriel.

  “Okay, do you think you might find something that’ll help us figure out who took the photos?” he asked.

  “We’ll take a look at the security videos from yesterday, although I’m guessing these photos were not taken where there are cameras. Also I have a photographic memory so if the security videos prove worthless we’ll retrace our steps and I’ll work from memory.”

  Four hours later, after confirming the security cameras would be useless and I discretely retraced our steps from yesterday, shortly stopping at the spots where the photos were taken, I had a description of the person who took the photos. Only problem was, after I gave Gabe the general description he had no idea who the person I described to him was.

  “Fucking hell, how could I not know who he is?” he screamed for the fifth time as he drove us back to the house.

  Seeing his frustration, I reach out my hand to him and gently rubbed his shoulder, trying to calm him down.

  “Remember what I told you before, he’s non-descript, he likes being in the shadows. You wouldn’t know him if he came up to you on the streets any more than you would know a stranger on the streets babe.”

  “So what do we do now Ally, how do we find out who he is without pushing him into doing something dumb.”

  “I already have something in mind Gabe. I know what to do,” I reassured him, hoping he had enough confidence in me to allow do my job.

  As if reading my mind he took his eyes off the road for a second to reassure me.

  “I trust you baby. I know you’ll get him. I just want this to be over with.”

  “It will be over soon. I promise you. But there is something we have to consider. We both know he’s stalking you but if we push and
confront him now, we have no substantial evidence for any form of prosecution. Other than taking photos and sending them to you, he hasn’t done anything illegal. It’ll just look like the actions of an overzealous fan and because you didn’t file a report before any defense attorney would claim you didn’t view any of his actions as a threat. The most you might get is a restraining order. However, he’s getting a little braver by coming onto your property and for me that’s predictability. His next step would be to try and gain entry into the house. If we catch him at that he could go away for some time for breaking and entering.”

  “Do you honestly think he’ll try that,” he asked.

  “Yes,” I answered honestly, knowing he hated the idea of having a stranger invade his privacy.

  “So basically it’s a waiting game now,” he stated, somewhat defeated.

  “It doesn’t have to be Gabe. We flush him out. He’s going to come to you no matter what. You’re his addiction. If we take that away but dangle it in front of him he’s going to come to you.”

  “I don’t understand Ally.”

  I explained my plan to him. It was quite simple. I needed Gabriel to stay out of sight for a couple days but let it be known he was working from home. His stalker wouldn’t see him but knowing he was so close would force him to seek Gabriel out. He would try without a doubt to see him and if Gabe was stuck in the house the only way he could accomplish that was to force his way into the house. Simple plan but effective.

  “I could do that. I have my own editing studio at home so I could get some work done, five percent of the time I’ll be stuck in there ,” he agreed.

  “And what do you intend to do with the other ninety five percent of your time?”

  The look on his face was all the answer I needed. Definitely looking forward to being sore.

  I knew I needed backup to ensure Gabriel’s safety and was happy he did not object to my call to Connor to procure said backup. Connor insisted on having his head of security send four guys but I did not want to arouse anyone’s suspicion with a lot of activity in the house so I finally convinced him two guys was enough. One of my concerns was Marianna’s and Jonah’s safety and Gabriel and I spent the entire afternoon trying to convince them both to stay at a hotel for a week but we eventually conceded after they were both adamant about staying and not abandoning Gabriel. Marianna did have a point when she pointed out changing their daily routines might tip off Gabe’s stalker. I spent the rest of the evening sketching the stalker from memory and perusing Gabe’s employee’s database in search of the stalker while Gabe used his time to rearrange his schedule and get the word out that he was going to be working from home for a couple of days. By the time I had a name to the face it was well after eight and my tummy began rumbling. After a quick phone call to Sterling, who promised to find out every possible thing he could find on Gabe’s stalker after I gave him the basic information I had I went in search of Gabriel and sustenance.

  “Feel like some company?” I ask after I finally found him standing out on the upper deck, looking out into the vast ocean, lost in his thought.

  He spun around, facing me.

  “I feel so helpless Al, leaving all of this up to you. What if you end up getting hurt. I can’t live with that.”

  The helplessness in his voice was heartbreaking. I approached him slowly, locking eyes with him and only when I was standing directly in front of him and my hand was caressing his face did I try soothing his fears.

  “I promise you Gabe, I am going to be safe and I’m going to keep you safe, as well as Jonah and Marianna. I know this is difficult for you, not being in control of this situation but rather than have some psycho dominate your life I need you to trust that, for this situation, it’s better I have control of it. I can’t predict what’s going to happen babe but I sure as hell could try and navigate the situation to where I want it to be. I need you to trust me baby.”

  “I do trust you sweetheart, it’s just hard for me to adjust too. I always thought I’d be the one protecting you not the other way around.”

  I could be mad at that if I didn’t know it was how he and his brothers were brought up. They were gentleman through and through down to the adage of it’s the man’s responsibility to protect the women.

  “I know baby, but we’ll get through this, I promise okay. And after I save your sweet butt you could do something gallant and save me. Deal?”


  “So what does a girl have to do to get some sustenance around here?” I asked, hoping to distract and make him relax just for a little bit.

  His lips slowly approached mine as he whispered,

  “Well, I was kind of hoping I could entice you with a little desert to start with.”

  I liked where he was going with this.

  “Say no more…desert is exactly what I was hoping for.”

  His lips crashed down on mine and my entire body ignited with a blazing fire that I felt was beginning to burn out of control. He scooped me up in his arms and made his way to his bedroom. He gently laid me down, following so as not to break the kiss. My hands groped at his tee shirt and only then he broke the kiss to tear his shirt off. I took that opportunity to quickly shed my clothes as well. I couldn’t wait any longer. I looked up and he was standing there in all his naked glory. I could feel myself drooling.

  He was on top of me. His lips searing mine as he positioned his throbbing cock at the entrance to my burning pleasure. This time, other than his scorching kisses, foreplay was at a minimal as he thrust inside me. This was intense and it was almost as though he wanted to rid himself of all the demons he had riding his back as he plunged inside me.

  “Let it go babe. Let it all go,” I encouraged him.

  He lost himself completely in the moment and as I looked deep into his eyes I knew he had, even if it was for a short time erased his troubles from his mind.


  Chapter 11

  After an intense night filled with invigorating sex and a wake up call that was filled with positions every female fantasy was made of Gabe and I finally made our way down to breakfast sometime after nine. It did not surprise me that Sterling’s guys had arrived sometime earlier and were now contently lounging in the kitchen while Marianna pampered then. Sebastian Cane and Jonathan Dell were two of Sterling’s top guys and from the dossiers Sterling emailed me yesterday, I knew they were forces to be reckoned with. I knew them from New York and was relieved Sterling sent two guys I was comfortable with. As both Gabe and I entered the kitchen, they immediately jumped up to greet us.

  “Cane, Dell, thank you guys for coming,” Gabe said as he shook both their hands, surprising me with his familiarity with the guys.

  “Still getting into trouble I see,” Cane said pointedly at Gabe.

  Laughing, Gabe turned to me.

  “Cane and Dell have had the pleasure of escorting me on numerous occasions to events that warranted a tad bit of crowd control so this is not their first rodeo watching my back.”

  “Good to know.” Turning to then I addressed them both, “this time it’s a little different though guys.”

  “We know, Sterling debriefed us before we left New York. You’re lead on this Ally so whatever you need, we’re here for you,” Dell replied.

  Over breakfast Gabe and I related everything we had on the situation at hand and the plan we had in place to hopefully catch Gabriel’s little stalker. They were on board and took their assignment seriously. Only difference this time from when they previously worked with Gabe was that now they were protecting him inside his own home instead of out in public.


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