Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 11

by M. P. Hingos


  Chapter 16

  “Ally, what’s going on with you? I don’t understand why you’re insisting Dell and Cane accompany me everywhere I go,” Gabe complained.

  Maybe he was picking up on my paranoia but all week I’ve pushed Dell and Cane on him every time he stepped out of the house and he was getting a bit tired of it. Not that he mind having the guys around. They treated him more like of a friend than a job, even though they took their job seriously, and they were all comfortable with each other but Gabe strived for normalcy with his everyday life and that did not include having bodyguards follow him around. At first he took it in stride when I began insisting they accompany him everywhere because I sort of hinted now that Bernie Wilson saw a judge and was granted bail he might have the resources to post bail. At that thought everyone agreed it was better to be safe than sorry but now that the week was winding down Gabe began growing alittle testy and after his little chat with the prosecutor assigned to the case he saw absolutely no reason to have Dell and Cane follow him wherever he went. Short of telling him why I insisted they stayed with him I had no reason to fight with him on the matter. The last thing I wanted to do was tell Dell and Cane what my motives were because then they would report directly to Connor and then everything would be blown out of proportion before I had answers.

  “I’m just a worrier babe. I like knowing you’re safe and no other deranged fans or psychos could get to you.”

  He laughed a little. “I know but Bernie’s tucked away behind bars and I was fine before he came along. So quit worrying will ya. Besides the boys could use some off time.”

  “Okay fine,” I said even though I was not fine with him going out alone at all. It was after 11 and he was heading out to his offices where he insisted he’d be holed up all day in meetings but even there I could not be assured he was going to be safe.

  “And what about you? Ever since it came out that we’re in a relationship my female fans aren’t to happy with you. Even worst there isn’t a man out there who doesn’t think you’re a hottie.”

  He had me blushing but he was right. For the first time I got a glimpse of what Gabe’s public life was really like. I made the mistake of going out alone on Tuesday and before I knew it I was rushed by a gaggle of paparazzi and had to rush back to the car I was using. I also made the mistake of scanning the gossip columns and entertainment news and found myself being the topic of many conversations. Fortunately Meg did a nice job of giving the public enough about me to keep them at bay.

  I could see this discussion was going nowhere so decided to table it. I was hoping Max would have something definite for me by this weekend and maybe then I would be able to explain my paranoid behavior to Gabe, but until then I’ll just have to find a sneaky way of protecting him without him realizing it.

  “Babe, would you mind if I came with you and bum around at your office? It’ll be nice to get out of the house and I’ll get to see Meg,” I asked as nicely as I could without raising suspicion.

  “I don’t see why not. Jonah’s heading in also so you’ll have people around that you know.”

  And just like that I became his protection detail for the day.


  How one person could light up a room the way she did is beyond me. I walked into the office today with an extra spring to my step with her by my side before handing her off to Meg. Meg was ecstatic she came in with me claiming she was her excuse to avoid handling me today. Hours later the sounds of her laughter coming from Meg’s office caught my attention, drawing me to her. I stood at Meg’s door, without being noticed, listening to Meg and Jonah detail an embarrassing moment I once had at the premiere of one of my movies that involved my pants getting caught on a chair and ripping. It was good seeing her relaxed. All week she seemed to be on edge, as though she was expecting something bad to happen. Her insistent on having Dell and Cane with me every time I stepped out of the house made me think she knew something I didn’t, but I trusted her enough to know that if there was something going on concerning my safety she would come to me first instead of handling me. After all anything concerning my safety concerned her safety as well now that we were publicly linked together. I eventually chalked it up to residual paranoia from the whole Bernie Wilson episode.

  She looked up and caught my eyes, a smile on her face. I felt an overwhelming rush of love just looking at her. I knew I was in love with her, I’ve known it for quite sometime. I only hoped with enough time she’d feel secure enough to admit her own feelings because there was no question in my mind that this was the woman I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

  “I felt my ears burning so I came to the source.”

  She jumped up and came to me, wrapping her arms around me.

  “Babe, why didn’t you tell me about the pants incident?” she asked, her voice filled with laughter.

  “Come on guys, why are you trying to make me look bad in front of my woman?”

  Looking at Meg and Jonah I tried giving them my most stern look but the grins on their faces had me breaking down.

  Looking down at her I said,

  “I swear, I honestly forget to wear underwear. I was so nervous about the movie I wasn’t thinking straight when I got dressed. Had I known I was going to get my pants caught on a chair which resulted in a big rip in the butt area I would have dressed more carefully.”

  She laughed against my chest.

  “I can’t imagine you being nervous, especially about a movie that you won best actor for,” she said, trying to pacify my still existing embarrassment about that incident.

  “That I did,” I said before bending my head and reaching for her lips. I have never been one for PDA but with Ally it came so naturally.

  Later that afternoon we entered the foyer of the house wrapped in each other’s arms, whispering promises of a fun evening to come when we heard muffled voices coming from the direction of the kitchen. Ally and I followed the voices and as we got closer recognition dawned on both of us. We stepped into the kitchen, a huge grin on my face as I spied my brother wolfing down one of Marianna’s fabulous dishes. Ally squealed at the sight of him.

  “Tyler,” she squealed before pulling out of my arms and running into his.

  “Ally cat,” Tyler said, jumping out of his chair in time to catch her in a bear hug.

  I knew, having heard from everyone in my family, ever since Ally moved to New York she and Tyler spend a lot of time together whenever he saw it fit to visit. I appreciated her friendship with him, knowing it was another person who loved her and looked out for her but at this moment I was definitely not appreciating how long their hug lasted.

  “So what, no love for your most handsome brother?”

  I asked stepping towards them and gently removing Ally from his arms.

  “Handsome my ass,” he replied, grabbing me in a hug, just as big as Ally’s. “I’m the baby and have always been the cutest, thereby making me the most handsome as an adult.”

  Marianna laughed behind us.

  “Whatever,” I replied, knowing I was actually the good-looking brother, “so what brings you to L.A. little brother?”

  “Heading back to Colorado in about a week so I thought I’d stop by, catch some waves and check up on the new couple,” he said with a grim. I groaned. “Gotta start my new book, not all of us makes a living like you do with your ugly mug,” he laughed.

  Going back to Colorado meant he was going to hole up in his cabin for months and write without a thought for the outside world. Although it was not his intent, but it was times like this the family worried most about him because when he got caught up in his writing the world around him ceased to exist. We all took turns visiting him to make sure he was eating and otherwise healthy but other than a few grunts of thank yous we were left on our own. The only person whom he tolerated was mom and would stop working for a day to just sit and relax with her. Tyler was a closed book. He was brilliant but he had demons none of us kn
ew off but when he needed us we rallied around him as he poured his soul into his books.

  “It’s good to have you here Ty. I’ll make sure my schedule is cleared so I’m all yours while you’re here,” I said pulling him in a little tighter into me.

  He grunted before pulling out of my embrace and resumed devouring what was left on his plate. Ally and I sat down and looked on with humor in our eyes as he cleaned every last crumb off his plate. When he ate, Tyler ate enough for five people in one sitting. How he burned it off was a mystery to us all because he was built like a brick house. He finally looked up and took his time perusing both Ally and I. I saw the mischief in his eyes and knew what was coming. His gaze fixated on Ally as he stroked his chin, looking as though he was pondering the mysteries of the universe. He cleared his throat.

  “So Ally, seeing that I’m the first to have a sitdown with you after you’ve been having your wicked ways with my brother, it’s only fitting I have this conversation with you.”

  I groaned as Ally turned a bright shade of red. She covered her face with her hands and I glared at Tyler hoping he’d shut up.

  “So Ally, now that you’ve had your wicked ways with my brother, what are your intentions? Do you have feeeeeelings for him?” he asked stressing on the word feelings, “Are you going to ask for his hand in marriage or do you intend to continue having your wicked way with him?”

  I heard Marianna gasp and saw the gentle heaving of Ally’s shoulders. I swear if Tyler made her cry, as much as I loved him, I was going to kick his ass so hard he’d go home battered and bruised, crying to mom.

  Ally slowly removed her hands from her face and I looked her over for any telltale signs of tears. Instead I was met with a huge grim across her gorgeous mouth.

  “Tyler Daniel Steele, do you honestly think you could pull that crap on me. I know both of you did the same thing to Tess,” she said pointing at both Ty and I, “ As for your question, yes I’m going to continue having my wicked way with your brother because he loves it.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him and I thought I was in a parallel universe where everyone behaved like kids but for just a second I held my breath wondering if she’d answer his question about her feelings. Tyler howled with laughter before reaching over and kissing her on the cheek.

  “Love you kid,” he said before jumping up and attacking the fridge.

  Marianna, the ever present motherhen nudged him out of the way before extracting the triple layer chocolate lovers chocolate cake she made specially for me and cut him a generous helping.

  “Hey that’s mine you little runt,” I yelled at him.

  Ignoring me he returned to the table and in between mouthfuls of my delicious chocolate cake he asked,

  “So what’s the plan for tomorrow kids?”

  We spent the rest of the evening with Jonah and Marianna and eventually having Dell and Cane join us, eating and talking about any and everything. Hours later Jonah left for a hot date with his girlfriend and Marianna, Dell and Cane retired for the evening. Ally, Ty and I headed out on the deck where we continued the evening. Sometime later I looked down at the watch at my wrist and saw it was after one in the morning. Ally was curled up at my side sound asleep. I gently picked her up and motioned to Ty I was going to put her to bed but promised to return soon. I quietly returned, catching my brother in an unguarded moment. He had a distant, longing look in his eyes as he stared into the vast darkness in front of him. Sensing me next to him he quickly veiled his unguarded eyes and smiled at me. I sat down next to him and quietly said,

  “You know I’m always here for you little brother, anytime you want to talk.”

  This was one of those times I missed Jake. Jake was our oldest brother who died in a car crash together with his wife and unborn child. It was a tragedy my family never got over. When Jake was alive he kept us four brothers close, instilling in us the value of being brothers. Anyone of us could go to him for brotherly advise and come out feeling better than we did before. Connor, Ty and I have grown closer since Jake’s death but we still missed his wisdom. In the pale light I saw Ty’s nod before he said yes.

  “You love her don’t you Gabe,” he stated.

  “Yeah I do. Never though I ever could love any woman that way but Ally….she’s under my skin. I want to spend my lifetime with her, protecting, loving her, letting her know she’s the most important thing in my life.” I broke off into silence before continuing,

  “She was fired from her job you know.”

  Tyler looked at me, a stunned expression on his face.

  “Yeah, her bosses found out she was using government resources to track down Tess and the evidence of all of Alexis’s wrongdoings, she obtained illegally. I’m ashamed to admit this Ty, but I’m relieved she’s no longer with the FBI. I saw the way she handled herself with the my stalker situation and she was very professional and handled herself in such a way she impressed both Dell and Cane but every time I think of her being in a dangerous situation my heart races. I know it’s selfish of me but I want to be the one protecting her, I want to be the one keeping her safe at nights. I know her job or lack thereof is her greatest cause of stress right now but I’m glad they let her go.” I stopped and took a deep breath.

  “It’s all she knows Gabe, taking care of everyone around her, protecting them, it’s imbedded in her” Ty said quietly.

  “I know, but I’m hoping in time she can let got of all of that and let me take care of her.”

  It’s what I wished for everyday since I’ve been with her.

  Chapter 17

  “I officially hate surfing,” Ally declared as she sat back with a huff, a pout on her gorgeous mouth, her arms folded in front of her.

  I chuckled softly, earning me a jab in the gut as the four other men in the car tried their best to look sympathetic to her plight and not smile. To say that the morning was a little entertaining would be an understatement. Tyler wanted to have a morning of surfing so with Jonah, who never missed an opportunity to hit the waves and Cane and Dell, who thought it was a good opportunity as any to try surfing for the first time, we all headed down to the cove with the best waves.

  Jonah, the more experienced surfer amongst us, stayed with Ally and I as she tried getting the hang of standing on the board. After an hour or so she had swallowed more water than all of us combined. It was hilarious watching her try to keep her balance. For someone who had advance training from the FBI I honestly thought it would have been easy for her to pick up the basics of surfing, but all the training in the world could not help her keep her balance on the board for more than fifteen seconds. Even Jonah who was extremely patient, eventually gave up and swam out to join Tyler, Cane and Dell, who took to the waves like duck to water.

  “Baby, why don’t you give it a rest for now. We’ll come back again for you to try,” I pleaded indulgently, hoping she’d say yes so I could go out with the boys.

  Wiping the water from her face as she tried fighting the waves from pushing her over she glared at me.

  “I’m not giving up until I stay on for at least sixty seconds so quit complaining and help me up again.”

  With a smile plastered to my face I did, again and again.

  “Okay you know what, why don’t you go and join the boys. I think I’m getting the hang of it now so I’ll be fine,” she finally said.

  Hoping it wasn’t some sort of female test I did the obligated,

  “Are you sure babe?”

  “I don’t mind staying with you babe”,

  before pressing a quick kiss to her lips and swimming away towards the boys as fast as I could. Their lips twitched with laughter.

  “Not one word,” I warned as I settled on my board waiting for the next big wave.


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