Steele Hearts Redemption

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Steele Hearts Redemption Page 10

by M. P. Hingos

“Would you stop fidgeting. You look beautiful babe. You always do.”

  “Thank you and you look smoking hot,” she replied.

  Her nervousness was making me anxious and even though I’ve done the red carpet hundreds of times I couldn’t seem to taper down my nerves today. I couldn’t care less about myself. It was Ally I was nervous about. I wanted her here with me but I also didn’t want her in a situation where she felt intimidated. I wanted her comfortable and relaxed but from the way she was fidgeting since we got into the backseat of the car, she was anything but.

  “Babe you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to you know.”

  She cupped my face with her warm hands and turned me to face her.

  “I want to be here with you. That’s important to me. Yeah I’m nervous. I’ve never done anything like this before and after tonight I know I could pretty much say good bye to my privacy and that scares me but babe the only thing that matters to me right now is you and I and if being here for you means exposing myself to the world then so be it.”

  If I wasn’t in love with her already, after her little pep talk I would have to be a blind man not to be. I kissed her as if she was my lifeline and I was drawing life from her. How could one woman be so incredible and perfect. A knock on the window interrupted us. Jonah, who was driving us tonight, turned around and discretely coughed.

  “We’re here guys.”

  I looked through the window and saw Meg, my PR manager and handler at these events standing there. She was going to wring my neck for not giving her the heads up on Ally. I only called her yesterday to tell her I was bringing a date but gave her no further details. I opened the door and scooted in the middle as I signaled for her to enter. She came in glaring at me but her face softened as her eyes landed on the nervous Nelly at my side.

  “Ally, it’s so nice to see you again.”

  They met the night Mr. Looney Pants Bernie Wilson decided to break into my house. That morning Meg had actually pulled me aside and said she liked Ally and flat out asked if we were involved. Off course I lied through my teeth but now here I was looking like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar as Meg glared at me and looked at Ally like she was an angel. Sometimes this woman scared me more than my own mother did when she caught my brothers and I in some sort of delinquent behavior.

  “Gabriel Steele….” she used that tone she always used when she was annoyed at me “Why couldn’t you tell me Ally was your date?”

  “She’s not just my date Meg, we’re in a relationship so what’s the big deal Meg?” I was beginning to get annoyed with her.

  “The big deal smarty pants is and I’m guessing here so correct me if I’m wrong but this is your first public appearance with Ally and you brought her into the lion’s den. Every tabloid and reporter out there is going to want to know about her.”

  She was right. I didn’t really think this through. I looked at Ally who was now a couple shades paler than she was before. I knew she already considered the ramifications of being out in public with me but to hear Meg agonize over it magnified her concerns one hundred times more. I’ve always loved what I do but this is one of those few times I didn’t see the upside to being a public figure.

  Ally cleared her throat and spoke for the first time since Meg entered the car.

  “I want to be here with Gabe, Meg, so tell me what I need to do.”

  Some of the tension I felt before eased of me.

  “Everyone’s going to ask who you are, what’s your relationship with Gabe. They’re going to bombard both of you with questions as soon as you step onto that red carpet and none of it will have to do with the awards. For tonight both of you are going to just smile and if asked simply say you’re in a relationship. No details okay. Tomorrow we’re going to release a statement to one of the more trustworthy entertainment news outlet about Ally.”

  Leaning over me she looked at Ally and continued

  “It’s up to you what we put in it. What you want the public to know about you. That way you’re not an enigma and it’s very unlikely anyone’s going to go digging into your life. I’m sorry about all this but Gabe’s isn’t just some average Joe. He is one of the biggest celebrities on the planet and known for his confirmed bachelor ways, throw in the fact that he never walks the red carpet with anyone but his mom and he hasn’t been linked to anyone for the past year well……” she winded down her speech.

  “You see where I’m going with this?”

  Ally nodded her head and it was time for flight or fight.

  “I want to be here, so lets do it.”

  I really do love this woman. Jonah turned around and smiled at us.

  “Want me to drive up now?”

  Gabe stepped out first, turned to me and extended his hand. I felt like I was in a fairytale. I took it and scooted out of the car as he helped me out. I could already here the reporters yelling out to him but he did a good job of ignoring everyone. With my hand securely tucked into his Meg guided us around a crowd and onto the actual red carpet. Gabe’s fans went crazy when they saw him, screaming out his name. he smiled and waved before bending over to whisper something to Meg. He then bent and whispered in my ear.

  “I’m going over to say hi and sign some autographs for my fans. Meg will stay at you side okay.”

  I smile and nodded and shooed him away to do his job. I stood in awe next to Meg as she pointed out some of Hollywood’s A-listers. I have never been surrounded by so many beautiful people but I have to admit I didn’t think any of the men were half as hot as Gabe. I turned around to look at him and saw the genuine smile on his face as he signed autographs and spoke to his fans, even posing for a few pictures with some. A young woman standing a few rows behind in the crowd caught my eyes. Something about her looked familiar from a distance but I couldn’t put my hand on it. Nothing about her was outstanding but the shape of her face and her features were so very familiar. As if sensing I was looking at her she tore her gaze away from Gabe and looked directly at me. A sneer covered her face and I felt a chill came over me. I’ve seen that look before. From the corner of my eye I saw Gabe waved to his fans and began walking over to me. I turned to him and smiled before quickly looking into the crowd again. The face I was looking for disappeared. All my FBI training and all my senses told me something was not right. I quickly dismissed my paranoia as Gabe slipped his arm around me and led me into the lion’s den.

  Hours later we tumbled into bed, drunk on each other. The evening was surprisingly a fun evening. Gabe only left my side when he had to go on stage to collect two awards that he won for his last blockbuster movie and even then I enjoyed the company of the people who sat at the table with us. They were big named producers, directors and actors but by the way they treated me I felt as if I belonged there. Of course their reaction to me probably had to do with the way Gabe treated me and from the onset they realized I was more than just a date. After the awards show the evening progressed to an after party and by the time I was snuggled into Gabe’s arms in the backseat of the car my mind was solely focused on ripping off his clothes when we got back to his house and having my naughty way with him. As we tumbled onto his bed I knew he wanted the same thing. The sex was frenzied and hot to say the least and as I caught my breath after what was probably my fifth orgasm I knew I was without a doubt completely in love with Gabe.


  Chapter 15

  I woke up gasping for air from the nightmare I had. I looked over at Gabe and from the even rise and fall of his chest I knew he was contently sleeping. The familiar face from the crowd haunted my dreams. It was blurred yet that sneer was plain as day. The other faces in the crowd morphed into the same face but as familiar as it was it was still a stranger. Then the strangest thing happened. That stranger’s face turned into Alexis’s snarling face. She was pointing at me and laughing, laughing as said “I’m coming for you”. I couldn’t understand why she wanted to hurt me. I looked at every face, searching for answers but all I sa
w was Alexis. I felt like I was being suffocated by her evil laughter and sneer and needed to escape her but everywhere I turned the faces were that of the strangers that morphed into Alexis’s. Then one face stood out. It was my mother’s. I opened my mouth to ask her for help but nothing I say could be heard over Alexis’s laughter. Then silence. It was my chance to ask my mother for help but before I could she pointed at me and screamed “Traitor, my own flesh and blood, traitor.”

  All the faces that turned into Alexis’s started chanting, “Traitor, traitor, traitor” and in that moment I felt I was drowning then

  I woke up gasping for air.

  Knowing it was useless to try and go back to sleep I quickly checked the time before quietly crawling out of bed. It was a little after nine on Monday morning and I prayed to God the person I was about to call had the time and privacy to talk. I snuck into Gabe’s study and made myself comfortable behind his desk before dialing Max’s number. Max was one of the few friends I made at the FBI offices back in New York. The file on Alexis also happened to land on his desk and without technically breaking any rules he kept me apprise on the hunt for her. So far she’s left nothing but destruction in her wake but regardless she’s done a good job of covering her tracks. Maybe it was the stranger’s face or simply my paranoia but regardless I needed to know what progressed had been made since I last spoke to Max.

  “Come on pick up you big knucklehead,” I muttered into the phone.

  “Who’re you calling a knucklehead, chocolate thief,”

  A voice said over the phone, scaring me. Okay maybe I was a little jumpy after my nightmare.

  “It was one time and I was doing you a favor. Everyone agreed you were getting a little pudgy around the middle there bud.”

  Off course that was a lie. Max took pride in keeping fit, although from the way he was always shoveling junk down his throat you’d think he didn’t care.

  “That’s because I was suffering from Zoey’s pregnancy cravings. I gained almost fifteen pounds during that pregnancy but it was worth it when my precious son was born.” He sounded wounded as though he was looking for sympathy.

  “And you don’t think the weight gain wasn’t hard on your wife?” I asked, riling him up just a little bit.

  “Hey as soon as Max junior popped out she was back to her original weight within two weeks.”

  He was right. Zoey was a freak like that.

  “Anyhow, you have some explaining to do young lady,” he said startling me.

  “What are you talking about?” I asked.

  “What am I talking about. Well picture this. Little Max was out for the count and Zoey and I were cuddled on the couch flipping channels. Of course I was hoping there wasn’t anything good on so I could get some monkey loving from my wife when bam, whose face pops up on the television. My little chocolate thief, on the arms of possibly the biggest star on the planet and I must admit he’s a little good looking, at an awards show, looking all lovey dovey at each other. I thought you were out there helping him with a stalker issue? So what gives now?”

  And so it began. I groaned little.

  “Max….” I started before he cut me off.

  “Al, it’s none of my business but I’m just saying if it’s what it looks like it is you owe me a meet and greet for Zoey whenever you guys are in New York. Think of it as owing me for cockblocking because I had to sit through that entire damm show.”

  I laughed, knowing Max would do anything for his wife.

  “Okay but it’s not because you’re saying I owe you, it’s because I’m taking pity on Zoey because she’s stuck looking at your buttface everyday,’ I laughed.

  “Yes but she did marry this buttface you know and it’s this buttface that has her screaming said buttface’s name over and over when I do get time alone with my wife now.”

  I laughed out loudly before conceding.

  “Okay enough, enough. Down to business. You know why I called.”

  “Yeah,” he replied, his voice suddenly a lot quieter than it was before.

  “Here’s the thing,” he continued, “she was seen in Texas a few months ago but then it’s like she dropped off the grid but I’m working a lead right now that, and you know I’m not saying anything here on the record, that might have to do with a new identity.”

  Something about that woman saw wasn’t right but I didn’t want to take Max’s focus off the lead he was following but my gut was telling me that woman last night was Alexis.

  “Max, I know we considered the possibility she altered her appearance.”

  “Yeah…” he replied.

  “Okay so while you’re running down your leads I want you to add another portrait to the ones we’ve come up with before. Same face but with a bobbed haircut with bangs, jet black hair like mine and dark eyes. Add glasses to it also. Add that to the portraits as well.”

  “Ally, what’s going on? That’s a very specific look.”

  “I know Max, but please just go with it.’

  “Okay but whatever it is you’re on to you let me know when you have a solid lead and vice versa okay. We’re not going to fuck up this and have her back on the streets when we get her okay. She’s your sister but she’s a psycho to the core Ally.”

  “I know Max and I promise I have no intention of fucking this up.”

  “Okay chocolate thief. I’ll get on it and hey give my wife a call. She misses you, you know.”

  I promised to call Zoey and spent five more minutes getting caught up on office gossip from Max before hanging up, then my mind started racing. Was I paranoid or was the stranger’s face Alexis’s. God dammit I am her sister I’m supposed to know her face anywhere. And if it was her what was she doing in L.A. and why at an event that Gabe was attending. A shiver went down my spine and a million thoughts raced through my mind. What games was she playing now? She hasn’t made any attempt to contact Tess or myself since she left New York but I couldn’t believe it was coincidence that there was a woman who looked like her here in L.A. I knew deep down in my heart whatever she was planning involved Gabe. Nothing was coincidence anymore, but if she thought I was going to sit by and do nothing she had another thing coming. If it was her, from the look she gave me last night, she wasn’t surprised to see me with Gabe. Did she know all along I was here with him. For anyone else this would be a scary situation but the more I thought of it the more angry I got. I was bordering on being murderous.

  I was deep in my thoughts when Gabe found me in his study two hours later. I didn’t hear him come in but I felt his presence. I looked up and found him staring at me.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he said.

  “Is that all my thoughts are worth to you?” I asked, laughing alittle.

  “Sweetheart, I would give you everything I have to know what brought on that despondent look on your beautiful face.”

  I stood up and went to him. I needed to deflect. He didn’t need to know the troubles that bombarded my mind, especially since those troubles involved his security. Not after everything he’s been through lately. I wrapped my arms around him, embracing the heat that generated from his body and mumbled against his bare chest.

  “My only thoughts were that of you. Do I let you sleep in after the long night we had or should I wake you to satisfy a craving I’ve had since I woke up?”

  He tipped my head up so I was staring into his gorgeous blue eyes. He searched my face, as if he was looking for answers but the wanton look of lust that I gave him was enough for him as his lips came crashing down on mine. His tee-shirt that I had slipped into earlier came off quickly as I struggled to get his pants off. I found myself being lifted off the ground and in a matter of seconds I was laid out on his desk. His lips ravaged me as his hand molded my breast. He growled before his hand trailed down my stomach, stopping at my core. I gasped as his fingers entered me, knowing it was a matter of seconds before I came. Gabe had a way of doing that to me. His touch alone could send me into spirals and seconds later I was scream
ing out his name. He tore his lips from mine and smiled. I tried touching him but he was having none of that. He wanted inside me and from the looks of his throbbing cock I knew if I touched him he would explode in my hands. He grabbed my legs and propped them up on his shoulder and with a swift plunge he was inside me, filling me, stretching me. I gasped for air as he pumped in me, his actions frenzied and demanding. I knew it wouldn’t be long again before I was back on the spiral and I screamed for more before. He slammed into me one last time before an explosion erupted inside me and I felt him spill inside me before he fell on top of me. It took some time before our ragged breaths became control again and as he brushed my matted hair from my face and stared into my eyes I never felt more content and scared in my life.


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