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Steele Hearts Redemption

Page 19

by M. P. Hingos


  Chapter 27

  I walked into the huge, white tent that was set up on Conrad’s and Sophia’s backyard, with a spring to my step and a big smile on my face. It was the same spring and smile I had since the day my mother called me. Her call was like a cleansing. With my tears I cleansed myself of all the bad I’ve had to endure in my life and accepted with a whole heart the love that I was bestowed. I looked at the smiling faces around me and knew without a doubt this was what life was about, love, family and friends. The outpouring of love from the people that stood before me was all I needed. My new husband brought my hand that he held from the moment we said our vows to his lips and smiled as he kissed it.

  “Ready to join the party Mrs. Steele?” he asked.

  “Oh baby, I’m ready for anything as long as you’re by my side.”

  The crowd went wild as his lips crushed mine.

  Our wedding was like a fairy tale. Everything was done at Gabe’s parents’ house to afford us the privacy we needed to enjoy our day. The press camped out at the front gate did not faze us one bit because Sterling personally saw to it that no one but invited guests were allowed on the premises, not that that stopped the press from trying to get past the gate. I got dressed in Gabe’s childhood room, the room where the story of us started, while he was banished to the study downstairs. I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry today but after individual visits from Sophia, Mavis, Betsy and Anna while I was dressing I was in tears by their kind words. Surprisingly, it was Tess who took pity on me and shooed everyone away while I finished dressing. Unfortunately, when she saw me caress the pearls around my neck, the same one she wore on her wedding day, given to her by Mavis and Betsy, her tears welled up and before we knew it both of us were in tears.

  I finally composed myself and with Conrad’s hand calming me, I took a deep breath and prepared myself to walk down the rose petal lined aisle. The look of love on Gabe’s face was all the inspiration I needed and I practically dragged Conrad down the aisle with me. The guests erupted with laughter as Gabe left the makeshift alter we were taking our vows under to meet me halfway. Taking my hand from his father’s he walked me to the spot where we would be pronounced husband and wife. It was all surreal but it was a moment in my life I would never forget, especially when Gabe said his vows. He poured his heart and soul into his promise to love, protect and cherish me for the rest of his life.

  “Hey baby, ready to blow this joint?” Gabe asked, as he came up from behind and circled my waist.

  “I am, but I think if we do, your mother’s going to hunt us down and drag us back here for another couple of hours. We’ve only been here for an hour babe.” I had to give my husband credit though. The pout he gave was worthy of an award, especially when he whispered in my ear his reasons for wanting to leave. He wanted exactly what I wanted.

  “Gabriel Steele, don’t you think for a moment that I’m going to allow you to drag my daughter away from her wedding reception after being here for less than an hour,” Sophia chastised from somewhere on my left. She really knew her boys.

  “But mom…..”

  “No buts young man. Now come dance with your mother and allow your dad to dance with his new daughter.”

  Conrad didn’t need to hear anymore. He sprung from his seat and pulled me out of Gabe’s arms and into his.

  Almost an hour later I finally sat down next to Tess to rest my dancing feet. I danced with both my new brothers and everyone who wanted to twirl me around the dance floor a time or two and I felt a new me emerging. The old me would have sat in a corner and observe the festivities while everyone danced around but this new me embraced the new confidence I found in myself. My new husband did that. With him next to me I felt free and liberated.

  “So, Ally, how does it feel being Mrs. Gabriel Steele?” Tess asked, a huge grin on her face.

  I looked at the two Steele women sitting next to me and smiled.

  “It feels surreal,” I replied “I love him so much sometimes I feel my heart is going to burst from my chest.”

  They both smiled at me.

  “We know the feeling,” both Tess and Sophia said in unison.

  Tess fidgeted abit, trying to get comfortable when Anna suddenly appeared and flopped down next to me,, her face bright red.

  “You okay Anna?” Sophia asked, a secret smile on her face.

  “I’m great,” she replied, a forced smile on her face, “Couldn’t be better.”

  “Oh sweetheart, out of all my children he’s the most complex. Be patient with him my dear,” Sophia said to Anna.

  I knew she was referring to Tyler, but I didn’t say anything. Anna needed time to heal and when she was ready I know she’ll finally tell both Tess and I what was going on with her and Tyler.

  Mavis and Betsy ambled up to the table and joined us. Mavis had a worried look on her face as she looked at Tess.

  “Tess honey, are you feeling okay?” she asked as Tess continued to fidget next to me.

  “I don’t know. I just can’t seem to get comfortable today. My back hurts and I keep getting these sharp little cramps in my stomach,” she replied. Turning to me she said, “I’m sorry sis, but I think I’m going to go inside and lay down for abit.”

  Concern came over everyone at the table.

  “Tess honey, how far apart are the cramps?” Sophia asked.

  “Oh no, I’m not in labor mom. I’m probably just tired. Besides the baby isn’t due for another two weeks.”

  I saw the smile pass between Sophia, Mavis and Betsy and wished they’d clue me in on what was going on with my sister. Tess tried standing and Sophia stood up to help her up.

  “Thank you mom. Would you mind getting Connor for….”

  Her eyes opened as wide as saucers and her mouth formed a perfect “O” before she doubled over in pain. Sophia held her and rubbed her back as both Anna and I jumped up.

  “Oh ooh…” Tess said.

  “Oh ooh…what?” I asked, suddenly anxious.

  “Oh ooh…my water just broke,” she replied.

  Anna and I stood there shocked, while Mavis and Betsy stood, their big smiles still on their faces. When I finally came out of my shock I frantically scanned the tent searching for Connor. Spying him standing with his brothers and father and two other men, with Sterling and Lucas standing nearby, I screamed his name. The DJ choose that moment to stop the music and all eyes turned to me.

  I could hear Sophia and Mavis telling Tess to breathe as the men rushed to us. Seeing the pained look on his wife face, Connor’s face turned white.


  “Don’t you dare baby me Connor Steele. You did this to me.”

  I’ve heard of women screaming at their husbands during labor but I honestly thought that happened after hours of agonizing labor and at the hospital.

  “She’s in labor sweetheart. We need to get her to the hospital,” Sophia said softly.

  After that soft statement chaos erupted. To see a billionaire, a movie star, a bestselling writer, a top attorney, a head of security and a brilliant bodyguard panic was bordering on comical. Anna, Mavis, Betsy and myself were gently pushed out of the way as the men tried to take over. If Tess wasn’t holding on to Sophia she would have been pushed aside as well. Two of the men tried making her sit, while two more tried picking her up, one started pacing while her husband tried everything at once while he kept saying, “This can‘t be happening. It’s too early.” After what seemed to be an agonizing five minutes of utter chaos and nothing getting done I put two fingers in my mouth, pursed my lips and let out a shrilling whistle.

  “Everyone sit,” I commanded. They all looked at me as if I suddenly grew two heads. Unfortunately no one obeyed my command but I did have their attention.

  “We need to get her to the hospital,” I said. “Now I know you guys have a plan and arrangement with the hospital so dad,” I said, turning to look at Conrad, “If you could call the hospital and get everything sorted out I’
d appreciate it.”

  “Ally…” Tess started.

  “I got this sis. We’ll get you to the hospital soon. Sterling if you could get the car ready…”

  “Ally…” Tess said once again, cutting me off.

  “Tess I got this,” I stressed.

  “Ally, I don’t think I’ll make it to the hospital,” she said softly, before doubling over in pain. “I think this baby wants to make an appearance at his aunt’s and uncle’s wedding,” she continued after recovering from the contraction.

  Holy crap. She was having the baby now. No time for hospitals. If I thought before all the men were panicked then I was beyond panicked. It was my loving husband who eventually took control of the situation. By some miracle he got Connor, Sterling and Lucas to take Tess into the house with Sophia, Conrad, Mavis and Betsy following behind. He asked Anna and Tyler to tend to our guest, before calling the emergency services himself. Ironically two of Conrad’s friends who were guests at the wedding were world renowned surgeons and even though they were not OBGYNs, they took over Tess’s medical care. I took a deep breath before turning towards the house to be at my sister’s side when my husband pulled me into his arms and gave me a toe curling kiss.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi,” I said right back at him, melting in his arms.

  “Seems like forever since I’ve held you in my arms,” he whispered.

  “It’s the place I love being most my handsome husband,” I purred.

  “Oh baby, the things I wanted to do to you tonight,” he said huskily.

  “I know baby, but don’t count the night over as yet. Seems our nephew is in a rush to make his appearance into the world so I’m guessing we’re going to have time soon for you to do whatever you want to me.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that baby,” he said as we walked hand in hand to the house to welcome our nephew into the world.


  Chapter 28

  We all crowded into Tess’s hospital room taking turns holding the precious baby boy who less than two hours earlier was eager to make his appearance into the world. As I carefully handed him back to his glowing, proud mama I couldn’t help but ask, “Did you guys decide on a name?”

  It was the one thing they insisted on keeping a secret until the precious bundle’s arrival. Tess looked at the still teary eyed Connor and they both smiled.

  “Well if it’s okay with mom and dad we’d like to name him Jake and Ally if it’s okay with you we’d like to use dad’s name as his middle name?”

  There wasn’t a dry eye to be seen as Conrad, Sophia and I nodded our approval.

  Connor took the baby from Tess and as he held him securely in his arms he said, “Everyone meet Jake Sebastian Steele.”


  Finally I was alone with my husband. It was after one in the morning but I was as energized as I was when I woke up on my wedding day. Gabe came up behind me where I stood in the middle of the bedroom and rubbed my arms before pulling me against him.

  “Tired Mrs. Steele?”

  “Anything but baby. You?”

  “Same here. Wide awake,” he replied.

  I turned in his arms and faced him, breathing in his scent and drinking in his mesmerizing face.

  “Now that we’ve established we’re both wide awake how about we start out honeymoon Mr. Steele?”

  “Oh honey, our honeymoon started the first time I had you and I promise it’s never going to end.”


  The honeymoon never ended. Ten years later and we were even more in love with each other than we were the first time we confessed our love to each other. Life couldn’t be better. I was surrounded by love and laughter on a daily basis. Gabriel, was still making movies, only now he was also one of the best producers in the business. The charities we created were my passion allowing me time to travel with Gabriel when the need be. Just like Tess, soon after our wedding I got pregnant and had the most beautiful baby girl. Gabe and I both agreed we didn’t want her growing up as an only child even thought she had a handful of nieces and nephews to play with so two years later we had our handsome precious baby boy. I did think about my mother and sister, Alexis, from time to time. Alexis was serving a life sentence while my mother was out after seven years. She made every attempt to contact me after she got out and even though Gabe left the decision ultimately in my hands I refused to meet with her. I knew my mother. You gave her an inch and she’ll take a mile. I didn’t need her poisonous and manipulative ways around my family. Last I heard she moved to Texas, where she got her hands on someone’s husband and broke up a family.

  “Happy anniversary,” my handsome husband said as he leaned over to kiss me, his eyes filled with want and love.

  I threaded my hands through his hair and returned his kiss with fervor. He finally pulled his lips from mine and I returned his sentiment,

  “Happy anniversary, my handsome husband. I love you today and always.”

  “I love you today and always baby.”

  That was what he said to me the first morning I woke up as his wife and after I repeated his words to him it felt right saying it every morning. Ten years later and I still feel our overwhelming love every time we said those words. Love, it definitely makes life special.

  The End


  Thank you for reading this book. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please join me soon on Anna and Tyler's journey in Steele Hearts, Resurrection. Also coming soon, The Misadventures of Me...Falling in Love.




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