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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

Page 29

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “Ah…you’re pulling out all the strings, I see.”

  “Whatever works, Marcello, whatever works.” I didn’t deny that I would do almost anything to save Dominick, which included enlisting Marcelo to help me.

  “Rain, I’ll do what I can within reason. I have my own career and reputation to protect.”

  “I know. All kidding aside, please do what you can. That’s all I ask of you. Well, that and also that you don’t give this information to anyone, but me.”

  “You have my word, Bella.”

  After we hung up, I decided to try to call Mike again, but my attempt was stopped a second time by another incoming call. This one was from Raven.

  “Hey, Raven, what’s up?”

  “Rain, did dad or Dominick call you yet?” She sounded antsy.

  “No, why? Dominick left this morning to meet with dad about the file Vincent created.”

  “I see; that’s why he was here.”

  “Yeah, but you sound like that’s not the only thing that they talked about today.”

  “They were in dad’s office, so I actually don’t know what transpired between them, but I do know that the Bar Association wants to get the hearing about Dominick’s license on the agenda before Thanksgiving.”

  “Really? That’s only about two months away?” I was concerned that was not enough time to get the evidence we needed to clear him. I needed to come up with an alternative plan, just in case it couldn't be postponed.

  “Rain, that’s not the only strange thing.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, normally they wouldn’t have a meeting to disbar him prior to his criminal trial. It doesn’t make sense. If he is cleared of these charges prior to a trial or even through a trial, then the Bar would make their final decision after all of the evidence was in and presented.”

  “So, you think there is more to it than that?”

  “Yes, I think somebody is on a witch hunt and Dominick is their target.”

  “After what you just explained to me, I have to agree with you, but what can we do to stop them, when we don’t know who they are?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’m looking further into all of this. That’s why I called you. Is there anything else you can tell me about Vincent’s files?”

  I wasn’t sure if Raven was snooping for our dad or for my husband, but in light of the news she just gave me, I needed all the help I could get, so that Dominick would be cleared. I told her everything I knew.

  She promised to look into it and she said she would contact me with anything she found out.

  We hung up and again I tried to call Mike. And again, I was interrupted.

  This time it was Dominick.

  “Hi, Mr. Kane.”

  “Hi, Baby, I’m calling because I’m not going to be home for dinner. I’m going to meet with a colleague for dinner that owes me a favor. I need to see why Judge O’Neill was the only judge assigned to the cases in Vincent’s files.”

  “Okay, will you be home late?”

  “I’m sure it won’t be too late, but if it is, you don’t have to wait up for me.”

  “You know I will.” I whispered.

  “Mmmm…you’re making this extremely hard on me, Mrs. Kane.” He teased.

  “I haven’t begun to make you hard, yet, Mr. Kane.”

  “Baby, I love your enthusiasm. I’ll be home just as soon as I can.”

  “See you later.” I looked forward to his arrival, but until then, it gave me plenty of time to get in touch with Mike, so we could meet up.

  I hung up with Dominick and finally called Mike.

  “Rain, is everything okay?”

  “Why would something automatically be wrong because I called you, Mike?” What a strange greeting from him?

  “It’s just that with everything that has gone on lately, I haven't really been in contact with you.”

  “I know and I feel bad about that, but I need your help.”

  “Anything for you, Rain, you know that.” He confidently stated without hesitation.

  “Thank you, Mike. Do you have time today to meet with me?”

  “Sure, I’m at The W. Do you want to come by?”

  “Perfect! I’ll be there in about an hour if that’s okay with you?”

  “I’ll be waiting. Oh and Rain, it was good to hear from you.”

  “It was good to hear your voice too, Mike. I’ll be there shortly.”

  I hung up and called Tommy and explained to him that I was going to meet Mike. He voiced his concern about me going by myself, but I knew if I brought anyone with me, Mike might not be forthcoming with any information, should he actually have any information that I needed.

  I told Tommy where I would be and I also let Anna and Joseph know, as well. I swore all of them to secrecy. I knew I could get to Mike and be back before Dominick would be home later this evening. I hoped that all of this would play out the way I imagined it in my head.

  I knew Mike knew something; I depended on our lifelong friendship to appeal to Mike’s willingness to help me now, when I really needed him.

  I arrived at The W around 6PM. I hopped out of my car, gave my keys to the valet, and ran inside. I was on edge, but I also needed to confront Mike while I still had my nerve. It wasn’t going to be all that hard to do. I began to develop an incredible surge of adrenaline on the ride over here. The closer and closer I had gotten to the hotel, the more confident I became.

  Once inside, I went to the front desk to inquire about Mike. They gave me his room number and I immediately went upstairs to meet him.

  When I reached his suite, I noticed his door was open. I knocked and called out to him.

  “Rain, come in and make yourself at home.”

  When I entered the living area of his room, I noticed two sets of doors. One set opened up to his bedroom and the other was to an office. Mike was on the phone. He turned to me and smiled.

  “I’ll be done in a minute. Grab a drink if you want.”

  I turned and walked over to the bar. I opted for a bottle of mineral water, as I had to drive back home later.

  Mike finished his conversation, walked directly over to me and gave me a warm and welcoming hug.

  He spoke, without letting go of me. “How are you, Rain?”

  “I’m okay, Mike.” I stated, as I leaned back to get a good look at him. “How are you doing?”

  “I could be better, but I’m moving forward the best I can.”

  “You know that you could can always call me if you need to talk?”

  He released me and rubbed his face in frustration.

  “I know, but with everything that has gone on, I just felt it was better to keep my distance.” He admitted, as he walked over to the bar and poured himself a glass of wine.

  “Come…sit down. I know you're not here for small talk, so what can I do for you, Rain?” He said, as he guided me over to the seating area in the room.

  I smiled and gathered my bearings, as the adrenaline that I thought would help me through this began to plummet.

  “As I’m sure you know, Dominick was arrested for my kidnapping last summer.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry you're dealing with so much, so soon after getting out of the hospital.” He was genuinely concerned, but he was still tight lipped. This might just be harder than I had originally thought.

  “Listen, Mike, I know you're also dealing with a great deal of shit lately.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, to put it mildly.”

  “But I need your help and I hope that I didn’t come here for nothing.” I hinted.

  “Rain, you know that whatever happens between me and your sister or even me and my brother, won’t change how I have always felt about you. You've always been fair to me, Rain. That’s something I’ll never forget about you.” His words sounded ominous.

  “Mike, you aren’t leaving are you?”

  “Rain, you know as well as I do that there isn't much left for me here in the city. I screwed
up with Raven. Then she screwed my brother. I thought a lot about it in the past few months and I’ve decided I’m going to resign my position at Kane and Medici and move on.”

  Hmmm…how convenient, maybe Dominick was right after all. I just got my second wind.

  I stood up and whipped around to confront him, no more being nice. I would get the truth out of him one way or the other.

  “So my dad gets run down, I get assaulted, Dominick gets arrested and Darian was almost killed, all while clients leave Kane and Medici for greener pastures. The Van Buren pasture that is. Funny that you need to all of a sudden resign with everything going on around our family and the firm. Do you want to explain it to me?”

  “Rain…I’m leaving because of the situation with Raven and Tommy. I can’t continue to go to work everyday and see her, see how I failed her, how we failed each other.”

  “Don’t give me that, Mike. You're not a great liar. You had an affair with Darian and God knows how many others, but along with that, you also played some sort of a role in everything else that has been going on. Now why don’t you stop bullshitting me and tell me the truth.”

  He stood up quickly and came towards me, but then he stopped and turned to face the window. He let a deep and distressing breath out, as he ran his hands through his hair. He stared out the window and contemplated his next move.

  As far as I was concerned, he had one chance to make this right and that chance was now. The one thing I did have, was faith in Mike to do the right thing. Once he turned to face me, I could tell by the expression on his face that my faith was not displaced. Mike was going to help me make everything right.

  We sat there together while explained so many things, some that I was not prepared to hear, but glad that I did. My meeting with Mike shocked, enlightened and empowered me. I left his hotel room and told him that I would be in touch soon. He told me that he would represent one last client, in one last case at Kane and Medici before he moved on.

  That client was me.

  Mike didn’t just tell me everything, which gave me all the information I needed to stop the indictment against Dominick, it also gave me the clues I needed to find out who hurt me, my dad and ironically, Darian Mann. Mike had never connected his story with Dominick or anything that had been happening, but we spent the evening putting two and two together and discovered more from each other than I had originally planned when I first decided to meet with Mike.

  After I left the hotel, I kept my promise to Dominick and called Detective Stack. He was still at work, so I ran down to his office and dropped off the information Mike gave me. I also gave him Mike’s contact numbers, so they could speak with one another.

  Before I drove home, I left a message for Marcello. I needed to know if he was still able to practice internationally now that he had a new position in Capri. It was late, but I was determined to get everyone on board with me now, so we could avoid any trial or even a hearing from the Bar Association. I needed for all of this to be finally put to rest, so we could move forward as a family.

  I was determined and I felt better than I had in months. I finally had the information to fix this.

  I walked in the door at about 10PM. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. It seemed odd that we had company at such a late hour, so I went in to see who was here.

  I entered the kitchen to find Dominick, my dad, Raven, Tommy, Anna, Joseph, and even Daniel gathered around the kitchen island. They stopped their conversation when they saw me in the room.

  “What’s going on? Why are all of you here?” I asked and then I panicked that something was wrong with the twins. Why else would my entire family be here tonight?

  I ran from the room to the nursery. I opened the door to see that both my babies were in their cribs asleep. There was nothing out of the ordinary, so then why was everyone over at the house this late? I went back downstairs to find out.

  “Okay, so does someone want to tell me what’s going on? Why are all of you here so late?”

  Dominick stepped forward first and took my hands. He had tears in his eyes.

  He was hesitant, and too cautious.

  “Baby, it’s Mema. Antonio called and said she isn’t well. You need to go to Capri.” He was tender.

  My eyes welled up. “Mema, what happened? I just spoke with her the other day? She seemed fine.”

  “I don’t know all of the details, but Antonio felt it necessary to have you come out there. I can’t leave now and neither can your dad or Raven. Will you be okay to go without us?” Dominick questioned.

  “Of course, but the twins? I can’t leave them here.”

  “No one expects you to, Rain. We’ve chartered a private jet to take you and the twins to Italy. You’ll leave tomorrow. Your flight will get you to the Amalfi Coast and the ferry by morning, their time. Anna, Joseph, Tommy, and Daniel have agreed to go with you. I hope you don’t mind that I asked them to.”

  Dominick revealed one more thing after another. It was overwhelming. I didn’t know what to do first. This was Mema we were talking about. I needed to get to her. She had always been there for me; now I needed to be there for her.

  “No, No… I don’t mind at all. I just need to pack. Anna, can you help me with the babies’ things? Wait! Can they fly so soon?”

  “I spoke with their pediatrician and the doctor said it was perfectly okay for them to fly. I was still concerned, so that’s why I hired a private jet from the company we use for the firm.”

  Dominick and Anna left the room to get the suitcase for the twins prepared for tomorrow. I was just about to leave when my dad called out to me.

  “Rain, I don’t want you to worry about anything here. I know that Dominick isn’t always forthcoming with news about himself, especially if he feels it will worry you, so I’ll have Raven contact you with updates regularly. I just want you and my grand-babies to get to Italy, safe and sound.”

  “Thanks, dad, don’t worry about us. Please just take care of Dominick for me. I’ll contact you when we arrive and I promise to update you as well once I know more about Mema.”

  My dad kissed my cheek and then called out to Raven, so they could head home for the night. Tommy and Daniel stated they were packed and ready for tomorrow and that they were staying here for the evening.

  I said goodnight to them and headed upstairs to our bedroom to pack for myself.

  I stood there alone in our room and stared at the clothes in my suitcase. I wondered what had happened to Mema. She was fine, and then out of nowhere she was sick. It didn’t make any sense, yet nothing in my life seemed to make any sense, as of late.

  Although I had an idea of who the people were who caused most of this commotion, and I had Michael, Marcello and not to mention, Detective Stack handling much of it; the thought of leaving now seemed insane. I knew, though, if Mema’s condition was something that she wouldn’t recover from, then I would regret not going for the rest of my life.

  Just as I finished putting the final items into my bag, Dominick walked in. He came directly to me and pulled me to him. He leaned in and kissed my mouth. He said nothing. Only the sensual actions of his tongue spoke to me.

  He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. We continued to kiss without stopping to speak to one another. Even with all of the not so pleasant surprises of the day, my body ached for him to take me to bed.

  Our bodies settled as one onto the mattress. We both moaned, as our kiss became more aggressive.

  “I need to fuck you, Rain.”

  I became wet by the way he addressed me.

  “I want you to fuck me, Mr. Kane.” My statement was breathy, as I pulled off his belt and tugged at his zipper to release his hard cock from his pants.

  He did the same to my jeans, as I pressed my hips up to show him just how much I wanted him inside of me.

  He unzipped me and reached in to explore my wet folds, while I stroked his erection fully.

  “You’re always ready for me, Angel.”

He slipped two fingers inside of me and used his thumb to put pressure on my clit. I kept up my rhythm, as I pressed against his thumb. I needed some relief, yet I didn’t want to climax until he was deep inside of me.

  “Dominick, I need you to fuck me now.”

  I could barely believe myself. I was so demanding tonight. I didn’t know if it was from the news I received from Michael or the stress that was created after Dominick explained that Mema was sick.


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