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The Ties That Bind (Miss Taken Identity #3)

Page 35

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “What’s that, Mrs. Kane?”


  I didn’t understand what she meant. I always counted on her. I loved her.

  “I want you to know something. I lied to you that day that I promised to stay out of it. You can be angry with me all you want and for good reason. I have always asked you not to lie and then there I was lying to keep you safe.” She sheepishly grinned.

  I kissed her mouth, slightly harder this time.

  “Now, do you get it?” I teased, but wanted an answer.

  “Yeah, I get it.”

  “By the way, I’m not angry with you. I’m grateful. Grateful that you rescued me, Rain.”

  “Well, I can’t take all of the credit. I had help with the legal issues from Mike and Marcello. Vincent’s documents put most of the puzzle pieces together for me, as well.”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  “What are you talking about then?”

  “Thank you for rescuing me from a life of nothing special, Rain. From a darkness that continued to swallow me up day in and day out. A place that turned me into the monster that took you last year.” I finally admitted that what I did was wrong. I was a monster and I was deeply sorry for my actions, all of them except one.

  The one where I opened my heart to let Rain’s love in, so I could love her back even more deeply than I thought possible. That was the one thing I would never regret doing, and I would no longer take for granted.

  “A monster didn’t kidnap me last year. A lost man took me, that’s all. And now all of that is behind us.”

  I closed my eyes briefly and nodded. It was late and we had been through a great ordeal today. Hell, we had been through even more in the past year than most couples go through in a lifetime. Perhaps tonight needed to stop here. The rest of our discussion would have to wait. It was time to put everything to rest, as well as ourselves.

  When morning came, I found myself alone in our bed, but not for long. As I sat up, Rain entered the room with both twins in her arms. Behind her was Anna, who had a breakfast tray in her hands. She placed it on the dresser and smiled, but said nothing and closed the doors behind her as she left.

  I took Angel from Rain’s arm. She then climbed back into bed with our son in her embrace.

  We both laid against the headboard and settled in for a peaceful morning alone with our children.

  “Good morning, Mr. Kane” She said, as stretched her neck to kiss my lips.

  “Good Morning, beautiful, how are you doing?”

  She stared at Joseph, Jr. She was being attentive, but she was also being evasive.

  I pressed her. I needed to make sure she would be okay. “Rain, tell me, please.”

  She shook her head. “My heart is cracked, but it’s not broken forever.” She turned her head to gauge my reaction.

  “Listen Rain, I know what happened last night was probably the hardest thing you ever had to deal with, but please know I will always be here to pick up the pieces.”

  That statement earned me a genuinely thankful smile.

  “Dominick, you're not completely correct about yesterday.”

  “What do you mean?”

  That statement worried me, but I said nothing as she explained.

  “Yesterday was the toughest day of my life, but it just wasn’t because of last night.”

  “It wasn’t?”

  “No, it was because there had been a real threat to us, to our family. One that could have taken you away from the twins and me forever. The reality of it really hit home for me, as I briefly told you before we fell asleep.”

  “What about Conte?”

  She released a breath that appeared to describe a resolved acceptance of Conte’s situation.

  “I’d be lying if I said what Tommy told me hadn’t shattered me in some way, but yesterday proved that I can handle almost anything.”


  “Except losing you or our children. After you brought me to bed last night, I cried quietly.”

  “I felt it, Baby. That’s why I pressed you ever so lightly to talk to me.”

  “I know you did, but when I woke up this morning and I went to the twin’s room, I knew everything was good. My life is exactly what I dreamed of.”

  “Be serious, Rain. No young woman dreams of being kidnapped.”

  She giggled at my statement.

  “No, really, please listen to me. This is us. These babies, our love, the relationship we’ve fought hard for, is us. Sure, my relationship with Tommy and our connection matters, but he’s not running away from ‘us’. He’s running to find something. Something that I already found. How can I be selfish and deny him that? It wouldn't be fair. We've been best friends forever. We have always supported each other no matter what. How could I say I was his best friend if I pressured him to stay? My love for him is why I need him to go. I want for him, what I have with you. He can’t find that if he’s here and he’s hanging around with me.”

  “Will you be okay?”

  “Truth?” She asked.


  “Probably not in the beginning, but Tommy reminded me that I have many distractions that would get me through it.” She grinned amusingly.

  I was sure Conte was referring to me by the look on Rain’s face. Hmmm… I didn’t like that I was the subject of a joke between him and my wife, but when I saw her smile and heard her laugh, I knew that I needed to refrain from my usual banter and I did.

  I knew we were comfortable and I didn’t want to disrupt our perfect morning, but I wanted to share my idea with Rain. I hoped she would be as excited as me once we talked.

  “Rain, I want to talk with you about something I’d like to do.”

  She turned with our son in her arms and I turned with our daughter in mine.

  “What would you like to do?”

  “I’d like to clear up my cases at the office and spend the holidays in Capri with our family.” I was excited, but didn’t want to appear overly so, just in case she didn’t want to go.

  “I would love that.”

  “You would?”


  I yelled loudly at her response. That got me a giggle and smile from Rain, but my howls caused more than a stir from our babies. In fact, they both let out screams that rivaled mine.

  Rain smiled, but bit back a laugh in response to my very vocal reaction. I mouthed that I was sorry. Boy, was I sorry. It took some time to quiet them down, but once we did, we placed them back in the nursery to sleep and then we returned for some breakfast in bed and to discuss our plans for the upcoming holiday trip to Capri.

  Once everything was settled, we decided to leave the Monday before Thanksgiving and we also decided to stay through the entire holiday season.

  If at all possible, I would have loved to surprise Rain with our first Christmas dinner with family and friends at the vineyard house.

  Right after breakfast, I began to work on getting that accomplished.

  This was going to be an incredible Christmas for Rain, and I was the man that would make it happen.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Christmas Eve


  October and November passed by us in a flash. There was so much that needed to be done before we left for Capri. Dominick had several corporate contracts to settle, which he did, of course. Nothing ever got by him when it came to business.

  His plans to get us to Capri for Thanksgiving were an entirely different story. He was, as usual, a crazed lunatic. After about two weeks, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I enacted my power as his better half and changed our original plans. Instead of being there for Thanksgiving, I rearranged everything so that we would be there for Christmas, much to my frantic husband’s disappointment, but also to his relief.

  Thanksgiving was spent down the shore at the beach; which had always been a tradition for Dominick, Ann and Joseph. This year Dominick wanted that to change, but with his plans to be in Cap
ri halted, we continued his longtime tradition and this year had Daniel with us, as well. Although it was cold, we had a roaring fire, a warm meal, great conversation and what else?


  During our stay down the shore, Dominick seemed at times slightly distracted, but I assumed it was because he originally wanted to be in Italy by now. Yet, with everything going on at the firm, he couldn’t leave when he wanted to.

  This made me think that he was somehow going to make that up to me, although I told him numerous times that it was fine and that Capri would still be there whenever we were ready to go.

  I was positive that my statement didn’t make one bit of difference. He was planning something. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew him. Dominick doesn’t do simple, so I braced myself for Christmas in Capri.

  This year would be different. Tommy was away traveling the globe for the best surf spots. Mike was cleaning up his cases at the office because he decided to transfer to Philly and work at an up and coming law firm there. He spoke with my dad and Dominick about it after the hearing.

  They felt incredibly disappointed, but Mike explained that he knew it was for the best after everything that happened. All three men left on a positive note and both Dominick and my dad told Mike that he would always have a position at Kane and Medici, should he ever change his mind and want to return to New York.

  Mike had, for the most part, made peace with Raven and Tommy. Raven and Tommy also had a long talk and seemed to be on more solid ground, if anything, the awkwardness lessened between them. It was far from perfect, but the atmosphere surrounding each of them had somewhat improved. They still had a long way to go, but time was probably the only cure for that. At least they were closer than they had been before all of this mess started.

  My dad was back to work full-time, but he promised to come out to Capri with Raven for Christmas. I knew both of them wouldn’t be around for Thanksgiving. They never were, and true to form they weren't this year either.

  Even though they were both MIA for Thanksgiving, Raven appeared to be taking better care of herself and she followed her doctor’s instructions to the letter. She even decided to lighten up her workload. I couldn't wait to see how long that would last.

  Daniel took an extended vacation, which he had coming to him, so he would be with us in Capri, too. I was excited for that. Daniel didn’t get to see much when we went out to the island just before Dominick’s hearing, so I was thrilled that I would be able to show him around my childhood home.

  Antonio and Mema were beside themselves when they found out that we would be back for Christmas. They’d be able to spend more time with the twins and us. Plus they loved it when Anna and Joseph were there. Both couples had several mutual friends and Christmas was a perfect time for all of them to get together and get caught up.

  Dominick chartered the private jet. It made things so much simpler for everyone. Plus, it allowed us to take Max on the flight with us. If we took a commercial flight, he would have to go with the cargo and there wasn’t any way Dominick or I would allow that to happen. It was far too traumatic. Max was our family and as family, he stayed with us in the cabin all the way.

  We arrived two weeks before Christmas, but several weeks after Dominick’s originally target date. Dominick still brooded over the fact that we didn’t get here a month ago. I thought to myself, enough already, we’re here and that was all that matter. I gently asked him to stop his brooding, so that we could enjoy the festivities that were a holiday tradition in Capri; and ones that he had never experienced before.

  Dominick did as I asked and finally settled down.

  To my surprise, Michael came out for Christmas with my dad and Raven. I was glad to see Mike and I wondered perhaps if he changed his mind about the job in Philly and decided to stay at Kane and Medici in the hopes to give his relationship with Raven another try? I would definitely get the scoop from her later.

  After dinner, we settled in for the evening and gathered in the family room by the fire. Anna and Mema looked through magazines filled with recipes and decoration ideas for the holidays. Joseph, Daniel, and Antonio were in a deep discussion over Italy’s football team. My dad, Dominick, and Mike were in business talks over some property in Venice.

  I would have stopped them in their tracks for talking business while we were on holiday, but I wanted to find out more about Mike and Raven. I knew while they were preoccupied, I could get Raven to spill about what had gone on since I saw the two of them leave the boardroom on the day of Dominick’s hearing.

  I had just placed Joseph, Jr down next to his sister in the portable crib we set up in the room, so they were close to us. Then I took a corner spot on the sectional and wrapped the throw from the back of the sofa around me. This made me think of Tommy.

  Tears began to develop, but I held them back the best I could. No one seemed to notice, except for my sister who plopped herself down beside me and pulled half of the throw over her body as she settled in.

  “Why the tears? I thought this would be a happy time for you, Rain?”

  “It is, but the blanket made me think of Tommy.”

  “Why? Did he give it to you or something?”

  “No, he and I would always keep a throw on the back of our couch in the city. I guess this one reminded me of that.”

  “Rain, you're not really okay that Tommy left, are you?” She asked with a small hint of trepidation.

  I thought about it for a moment. “Raven, I really didn’t have a say in the matter.”

  “Who are you kidding? Of course you had a say. I’m pretty sure if you had asked Tommy to stay he would have.”

  “You may be right, but I couldn't have done that. No matter how much it hurt, I had to let him know I understood. Raven, Tommy wasn’t at all himself in the last year or so, but no one really noticed because each of us were too busy with our own issues.”

  “You’re right. We were.” She lowered her head in shame that we hadn’t noticed what Tommy had been going through.

  “So to answer your question; I am okay, but I’m just missing him, that’s all.”

  “Have you heard from him?”

  “A quick text here and there about Bali and some of the surf spots he has been to, but other than that, not really. But enough about me, what about you and Mike?” I smiled a fiendish smile, as I rubbed my hands together beneath the blanket. I let them stick out slightly to show that I wanted to know all of the sordid details.

  Raven slapped my hands teasingly. “Stop that, Rain.”

  I laughed.

  “You know you are such a child.” She stated.


  “Yes, you.”

  “Okay, I give up. I am. Now, let’s have it.” I waited with a justified smile.

  “There is nothing to have. Mike agreed to work things out as friends, but not as lovers. At first, I was insulted, but then I realized it was for the best. We've been through so much; so much hurt and anger that it wouldn’t work, not now anyway, but I was glad he came with us for the weekend.”

  “You invited him, so he must have come for you.”

  “No, actually I didn't invite him. Dominick did.”


  “All he said was that he wanted this holiday to be a very special one for you.”

  I looked to Dominick and his eyes turned towards mine. We both briefly smiled and then went back to our separate conversions. I loved him more than he knew.

  Raven and I finished our talk and she headed up to bed. Little by little, the rest of the adults in the room did the same.

  Dominick and I stayed downstairs for a while longer. We continued to enjoy the fireplace, while our babies slept nearby.

  Eventually, we took the twins and the portable crib upstairs to my old room, so we could turn in, too.

  The next two weeks were filled with laughter and reminiscing, as we decorated my dad’s house for Christmas. My dad and Dominick had a hard time being still, so I asked the
m to go and check on the vineyard house.

  When they returned, they explained that the head contractor sent his apologizes, but the house wouldn’t be ready for Christmas. They fell slightly behind schedule and with the holidays before us, the work couldn’t be inspected until after the new year. I didn’t tell Dominick that I was disappointed, but I was. I wanted so badly to spend our first Christmas with the twins in the house, but we would have needed a miracle at this point for that to happen.

  On Christmas Eve morning, I woke up later than normal. I guess the activities of the past two weeks finally hit me. Well, that and the fact that Raven and I decided to persuade Dominick and Mike to go out to Amena e Core for the evening.


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