Paige Cameron

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Paige Cameron Page 15

by Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire

  “This isn’t necessary,” she protested.

  “Humor me. I like having you in my arms.”

  “Welcome home.” Cody opened the door and greeted them.

  Payton carried her in and put her down in the great room.

  Averil put her arms out to Cody. “I missed you.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. “This place was too quiet and lonely last night. I paced around for hours before I slept.”

  “I’m sorry. The doctors insisted I stay until today. I told them I was fine, but they wanted to recheck my blood work one more time this morning. It was good. I wasn’t surprised. All the darkness had gone.”

  “Let’s celebrate. I’ve got hamburgers ready to put on the grill and a chair set up in the shade for you to rest and enjoy the outdoors.”

  “It sounds like heaven. Lead the way.”

  “I’ll do better than that.” He swept her up into his arms and took long, brisk steps through the kitchen and out to the patio behind it. Payton chuckled and followed.

  As soon as they got outside, he placed her in the chair shaded by a large oak tree. Then he stood back and just beamed at her.

  “I appreciate all your care. But I am well. No more carrying me around.”

  “Ah, let us spoil you for one day,” Cody said.

  “Hmm, all right, one day only. Too often and I might get lazy.”

  Cody went in the kitchen and came back with beers for him and Payton and tea for Averil. “Don’t worry. I drank a glass first to be sure it was safe, and this is a new pitcher. We buried the other one.” He strode back inside and came out with a plate of hamburgers, which he placed on the grill.

  “I wasn’t sure I could drink tea again. But it looks good and cold. I’ll try it.” She took a sip. “It’s almost as good as mine.”

  “Cody, come here a moment,” Payton called from the kitchen.

  “I’ll be right back.” He kissed Averil’s forehead before leaving.

  Averil suspected they were talking about proposing. She and Payton had decided last night to wait and tell Cody this morning about how she felt regarding them. She sipped her tea and watched the door for their return.

  When she saw Cody’s grin, she knew she was right. He and Payton came to her chair and knelt down.

  “Averil Stanwic, will you marry us and make us very happy? We’ll love you and care for you for the rest of our lives.” Payton handed her a small blue box.

  She looked at them and saw their love for her shining in their eyes. “I love you both, and I very much want to be your wife, so yes, I will marry you.”

  Payton hugged and kissed her. Cody looked at the ring box.

  “You didn’t open the box to see your ring.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I’ll love it because it’s from you and Payton.”

  He took the box from her and opened it then took out the ring. “Give me your left hand.”

  She did, and as Cody put the ring on her finger, her memory flashed back briefly to another time. But today was so different. Love shone from both her men’s eyes and the warm feelings in her heart and the certainty in her mind reassured her. She had made the right choice. This time was forever.

  Her beautiful ring fit perfect. The large stone in the center was a brown diamond surrounded by clear-cut regular diamonds. “It’s gorgeous. I love that the center diamond is different.”

  “We love your brown eyes, and this stone reminded us of them,” Payton said.

  Cody leaned forward, cupped her face, and kissed her. “Now we’re officially engaged. When’s the wedding?”

  “Mom and Kira will help me plan it. I won’t keep you and Payton waiting too long.”

  “Cody, I’m not sure but I think our burgers are burning.” Payton and Averil laughed when he jumped up and ran to the grill.

  * * * *

  Pearce Rexford lay on a lounge in his parents’ garden. His mother had insisted the sunshine would be good for him. At least she didn’t hover over him out here, and he could think. There’d been times when he wanted to scream at her. But he’d learned to play a part many years ago, so it was second nature to show her his—pretend—good side.

  His father looked at him differently the last two visits. No doubt he was seeing through his disguise as the caring, good son. Something might have to be done about him. But first, what to do about Gala? She was running amuck and might ruin their plans.

  He needed to find someone to do his dirty work for him, but who? Gala would be expecting him to seek revenge. That wasn’t his way. He didn’t dirty his hands but ordered others to do the nasty deeds.

  Nate was the only one left of the original group. When he asked a casual question about Nate, his father told him that when Nate’s wife died, Nate came out from under the spell put on him. Perhaps he’d be vulnerable to another suggestion.

  Pearce stretched. He was fully recovered, but his mother persisted in smothering him. He’d insist he was going out this afternoon. There was no more time to waste.

  “Mother said I’d find you out here enjoying the sunlight.”

  “Well, what did I do to deserve a visit from my distinguished brother?” Pearce motioned for Rex to sit on the lounge chair beside his.

  “I had a light surgery schedule today. I thought I’d check on Mom and Dad and you.”

  “Ah, I am, as usual, at the bottom of your list. But thank you for your concern. My wounds have healed, and I am ready to go out into the world. If I can convince our mother I’ve recovered.”

  “You never did say who shot you or why.”

  “I didn’t see his face. I’d been careless and left my door unlocked. He must have seen me check in and decided to try and rob me. Luckily, I had my gun, but he shot me twice before I got to it. When I shot at him, he ran.”

  “Did you tell the owner and call the police?”

  “No, I didn’t. I was hardly conscious. Just surviving took all my energy.” Pearce frowned at his brother. The hate he held back most of the time seeped out of his pores. Someday, big brother, I’m going to get rid of you, too.

  Rex wrinkled his nose. “There’s a strange odor out here.” He walked around the small garden. “I don’t see a dead rodent. Must be something the wind is blowing in.” He looked down at Pearce. “I don’t believe your story, but I really don’t care, as long as it satisfies Mom. I’ll reassure her that you’re well. How long do you plan to stay this time?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve taken a month’s vacation. I’d been saving up. I may spend the whole time here at the ranch. And I don’t care if you don’t believe me,” he snapped back just like he’d done as a kid.

  “It’s going to be a long month.” Rex turned to walk off.

  “That’s what I like about you, brother, your honesty.” Pearce watched as Rex disappeared into the house.

  Rex is so honest, he can’t see evil sitting right in front of him, but he smelled it. I’ll have to be more careful. The scent I give off when I’m angry or planning my fun is very distinctive. Today, I thought I’d be alone. Who knew my dear, sainted brother would arrive at a bad time and ask questions I didn’t want to answer. He’s nosey and has too keen a sense of smell.

  * * * *

  “We’ve fed you and let you rest. Would you like to go for a ride?” Cody asked.

  “I want to see the new foal first. How’s she doing?”

  “Very good. Have you thought of a name?”

  “No. Maybe when I see her I’ll come up with one.”

  “You two go get dressed for riding. I’ll saddle the horses, and we’ll visit the foal before we leave.”

  “Sounds good. I want a shower first.” Averil glanced over her shoulder. “I don’t suppose either of you would like to rub my back.”

  “Hell, forget my idea. I like yours best.” Cody strode behind her toward the master bedroom.

  “Count me in.” Payton hurried behind.

  Cody went to the master bathroom and adjusted the water temper
ature then undressed. Payton threw off his clothes and helped Averil with the last of hers. He picked her up and walked straight to the shower and inside. When he put her down, Cody had lathered his hands, and he rubbed them all along her back and the back of her legs.

  Payton held her close and kissed her as the warm water ran down their bodies. His lips glided down her neck and he nibbled on her shoulder.

  A sensual heat filled all the places that had been so cold. Her heart pounded in her chest, and moisture ran from her pussy.

  Cody kissed her legs, especially behind her knees, across her buttocks, and straight up her spine. “Darlin’, you are sweet tasting and sweet smelling.” He brushed her hair aside and ran his teeth across the lobe of her ear.

  When Payton caressed her breasts, her body jolted with desire. She’d missed her men touching her. Cocooned between them, her body filled with joy. Their individual scents swirled around her head. There was no doubt in her mind. She had chosen right this time.

  Both lathered their hands and massaged her muscles up and down her body. Averil shivered from the flood of sensations spiraling through her.

  Cody reached around and rubbed her clit and along her lower lips to her pussy opening. Her breath caught as euphoria spread to her every cell. When he placed two fingers in her pussy and moved them in and out, a voracious flame of hunger licked at all her nerve endings.

  Payton sucked on her breast and pulled on her other nipple. Then he stepped back, and Cody turned her to face him.

  “Put your arms around my neck and I’ll raise your legs to around my waist.”

  She did and Cody positioned his hard cock and thrust into her hot, wet pussy. She rubbed her breasts against his hard chest and clenched tight around his large dick.

  “Ah, that feels so good.”

  Cody put her back against the tiled wall and pumped into her. Over his shoulder she saw the fire in Payton’s eyes and it sent her desire into the stratosphere. Every particle of her body was overly sensitive to their touch. Cody’s hard cock was deep in her pussy. He moved faster and then leaned down and sucked on her breast. She flew right into space. Her body trembled in his arms, and her pussy walls rippled against his cock. He held her tight as his seed flooded her womb. Her body bucked again against him, and she bit his shoulder.

  As her shaking subsided, Cody let her feet touch the floor and bent his forehead against hers. “Darlin’, we bonded for good. You’re ours. You’d better plan that wedding soon.”

  He kissed her and stepped out of the shower.

  Payton moved across the small space between them. “Do you feel up to another lovin’?”

  “I do.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “What do you suggest?”

  “Maybe we’ll try the bed this time.”

  “I’m going to dress and go saddle the horses,” Cody called out as he left the bathroom.

  “He’ll dress upstairs. Let’s get dry and go to bed.”

  “What a sexy suggestion, Mr. Camilius.”

  “I have a few more I’m saving for another time.”

  The teasing glint in his eyes warmed her heart. She got out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Payton turned off the water and was right behind her. He rubbed her backside dry and gave her a light tap on her buttocks.

  “Go warm the bed. I’ll be right there.”

  Averil ran and jumped into the large bed. She rolled to the side as Payton joined her.

  “This time we’ll go slow and easy.” He brushed light kisses across her face, bit the lobe of her ear, and licked the spot on her neck where her heartbeat had begun to race.

  He scattered tiny kisses along her shoulders and down her arms, and when he got to her fingers, he took each one into his warm mouth and sucked. Each time he did, she felt like he’d touched her deep inside. She shivered with delight.

  When he’d finished with each hand, she was smoldering with desire, ready to go up in flames. Next he kissed across her chest then straddled her and stared at her full breasts.

  “I love your rosy nipples.” He bent down and ran his tongue over each pointed peak.

  Desire coiled tight in her lower abdomen. She wanted him desperately.

  His warm hands covered her breasts while his fingers pulled on her nipples. She squirmed as a fever raced through her blood.

  “I want your cock deep inside me. I can’t take much more.”

  “Yes, you can. I’m going to bring you to a pinnacle of need, and when I put my hard, hungry dick inside your sweet pussy, you’ll rocket to the sky.”

  Just his words sent her hunger spiraling out of control. Her breathing quickened and cream gushed out her pussy, coating her lower lips.

  “I smell your scent of arousal.” Payton moved slowly from her breasts to her midriff and across her abdomen, leaving sparks of pleasure behind.

  “Ah, your treasure.” He breathed in deep. Then slowly, he exposed her jewel and licked his tongue across the tiny bundle of nerves.

  Averil’s body bowed as she screamed his name. He licked along her folds to her pussy. Then he moved two fingers into her pussy and rubbed across her most sensitive spot.

  Her orgasm flooded her whole system. She trembled and threw her head back. Just when it started to subside, Payton plunged inside her pussy walls. An exquisite, blissful joy sent her into another orgasm that shook her frame. She moved hard and fast against him as it rolled over her.

  Payton pulled her legs up to his shoulders and pounded into her pussy. Her orgasm still rippled over her when he yelled out his own release.

  He lay against her for a minute before rolling to her side. But he kept her cuddled next to him and gazed into her eyes.

  “Are you all right?”

  She smiled and ran a hand across his face. “I love you. And Cody was right. We are all three truly bonded.” She raised her head. “He’ll be waiting for us.”

  “Don’t get excited. He can always find things to do with his horses. Let’s take another quick shower and dress. Then we’ll join him.”

  Averil sat up in bed. “I know what to name the foal. She has a reddish-brown coat. I’ll name her Fire Lady and buy her from Cody to give to Kira.”

  “She’s yours as much as mine and Cody’s. You can give her to Kira whenever you want.”

  “You’re sure he won’t mind?”

  “Ask him when we get to the barn. Hurry up, woman. We’re late, and it’s all your fault.”

  “I love the look in your eyes when you tease me.” She strolled by him naked. Looking over her shoulder, she said, “Get on it, cowboy. What are you looking at anyway?”

  “My love.” His eyes twinkled as he joined her in the shower.

  * * * *

  “You want to get married the end of this week?” Averil’s mother asked.

  Cody and Payton, standing behind Averil, nodded an energetic yes. “We want to have the wedding while it’s quiet. The peace won’t last. But hopefully it will until after our wedding.”

  “That gives us less than a week to get ready.”

  “I know, but Kira”—she looked across her mother’s kitchen at her sister—“and I already have an appointment to see the seamstress about my wedding gown and something for Kira to wear.

  “I’m going to ask Tessa to cook the wedding cake, and we’ll talk to the leaders about having a huge picnic for all three tribes afterward. How does that sound to you?”

  “I’ll make your wedding cake. I’ll make a dozen, so hopefully everyone might get a tiny piece. I’ll get some of my friends to help me with the baking and other dishes needed for a huge picnic. This is just what we all need to bring our tribes closer together.”

  “Great.” Cody swung Averil’s mom around.

  “Put me down, young man, or I may call off the wedding,” she said but smiled to temper her words. “I get dizzy very easily.”

  “Sorry, I’ll never swing you around again, but can you dance?”

  “You are incorrigible.”

  “I know.” />
  “But I see the good qualities and why my daughter has fallen in love with you two.”

  “We hate to rush, but the appointment for our dresses is in twenty minutes. Are you ready, Kira?”

  “Luckily I am, since I got no advance notice, but I’ll blame that on the fact you all three look dazed from being in love.”

  Payton frowned. “Averil’s dazed. We look our normal self.”

  “Nope.” Kira walked by them. “You are all dazed with joy. Come on, children.” She waved her hand at them.

  “We plan to leave you two on your own at the dressmakers. We’ll wait outside.” Payton winked at Averil. “Dress shops aren’t for us.”

  “I wasn’t going to let you go in anyway. You can’t see my wedding gown before the big day. Why don’t you two try to find the leaders and ask about the picnic?”

  “Excellent suggestion.” Payton got out and opened the door for them. Then he watched until they were safe inside before driving away.

  The head dressmaker greeted them. Averil told them what she and Kira needed.

  “Your wedding dress will be the same as the others except for color. We have samples for you to choose from.” She spread out the colorful display of silks.

  “You have every color and every shade of every color.” Averil stood by the table in awe at the many choices. Her hand instinctively went toward the greens and blues.

  The dressmaker pulled out a bolt of material. “This bluish-green color would be beautiful on you with your red hair.” She held the silk up against Averil’s body and had her look in the mirror.

  “Oh, sis, you’ll look beautiful in a gown of that color.”

  Averil took a deep breath and blinked her eyes. “It’s perfect. Can you have it ready on Friday?”

  “We will and matching slippers to go with it. Let me get your measurements, and then we’ll discuss what your sister wants to wear.”

  When they came out of the shop an hour later, Averil and Kira were pleased with their choices. “I never thought you could wear red, but that rose red sets your hair off perfectly,” Averil said.


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