Paige Cameron

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Paige Cameron Page 16

by Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire

  “I know. She pulled out that bolt of satin and I thought, no way. It’s going to clash with my hair and complexion, but it didn’t. It complements my coloring. I’m very pleased and can’t wait to try on the finished dress.”

  “You want to look good for Dr. Rexford and Dr. Connor,” Averil teased.

  “I have too much work to do to think about men. Especially one as arrogant and controlling as Dr. Rexford. Why do all women in love want to marry off their sisters and friends? You be happy and leave me be.”

  “We’ll see if I’m right. There are Cody and Payton just driving up.”

  “You all timed your return just right.” Averil got in the back with her sister.

  “We spoke briefly with Mitch and Garth. They like the idea of a picnic afterward. There hasn’t been a get-together since the last big wedding after the battle.”

  “Then we’re all set. Let’s hope our enemy doesn’t spoil things for us.”

  * * * *

  Pearce looked forward to getting off the ranch. His mother loaned him her car when he told her he wanted to drive into Lovettville.

  He went through the gate and turned right toward town. When he’d driven out of sight, he pulled to the side and parked. Then he dialed Gala’s number.


  Pearce heard the distress in her voice.

  “You missed your chance to kill me. I’d retaliate, but we need each other. Can you meet me in Lovettville?” She hesitated so long he thought she wasn’t going to answer.

  “I get off soon, at three. I can be there about an hour later.”

  “Why are you whispering?”

  “I don’t want my boss to come in the kitchen and hear this conversation.”

  “I’ll meet you on the back street behind the bank. I’m driving my mother’s car. Do you know it?”

  “Yes. See you.” She hung up on him.

  After they’d won this battle, he’d dispose of her. Maybe sooner, the bitch. He pulled back out on the road and drove to town.

  Lovettville hadn’t changed much. He parked the car on the main street and walked around looking into store windows. He stopped at one window displaying Native American paintings and other items, and the other window displayed unique jewelry. Pearce got an idea. He walked inside, and the bell over the door rang. A lovely blonde with light-green eyes came out of the room where the jewelry was displayed.

  “May I help you?” Then she tipped her head to the side. “You look familiar.”

  “So do you. I grew up on the big ranch out of town. I’m Pearce Rexford.”

  “I remember you were a grade ahead of me in school. Dr. Rexford is your older brother. I used to be Cassandra Venitia. I married Lang Connor and Nick Kenric.”

  “Congratulations. You have an interesting shop and lovely jewelry. Do you have something that might please my mother?”

  “I met her once. She’s a sweet lady. Come in here where I have most of the jewelry. I have some broaches I think she’d like.” Cassie pulled out several drawers and put them on the top of the jewelry case. “Here’s one I especially think would suit her.”

  Pearce studied the small broach. It had been made in the shape of a cardinal. Rubies were used for the feathers, emeralds for leaves, and brown diamonds for the branch the bird stood on.

  “It is a bit costly.”

  “How much?” Cassie told him. “That’s fine. Will you wrap it for me while I look at the rest of your shop?”

  “I’d be glad to.” Cassie put the pin in a gift box and pulled out her wrapping paper.

  He wandered around the first room he’d entered. It was large and filled with interesting items. He found just what he wanted. The turquoise stone was set in silver, and there were plenty of spaces underneath to hide the poison. When the time was right, he’d give his partner her final present.

  “Here it is.” Cassie handed him the wrapped package.

  “Thank you. I’ll be back. You have many lovely items.”

  “I hope your mother likes your gift.”

  “She will.” He waved and stepped outside. Glancing at his watch, he decided to move his car around back and wait for Gala. He’d go back and buy the turquoise ring when Cassie wasn’t there. She must have others that helped in the shop. He didn’t want her to remember he’d purchased it. Someone that didn’t know him would forget.

  Pearce drove his car around behind the bank and parked. Better yet, he’d steal the ring. He was good at taking what he wanted and not getting caught. Reaching around to the seat behind him, Pearce opened the box he’d sneaked out of his room to the car.

  He’d been smart to plan ahead and bring a disguise. Someone might see Gala and recognize her, but they’d never think of him when they saw the long-haired black wig. He tied it back with a piece of leather like Rex wore his hair.

  Satisfied with his plan, he leaned back and closed his eyes to rest. Gala should arrive in the next fifteen minutes or so.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Cassie came out of her shop to go home. One of her new assistants had arrived. She was eager to get back to the ranch and see her son and Nick. He’d been so busy seeing to the building of the other ranch that she’d hardly seen him lately. But he’d promised to take this afternoon off.

  The car driving into the back parking area caught her eye. Mostly only owners of the businesses parked here. Cassie got into her car and watched as the person parked next to another unfamiliar vehicle. She slid down in her seat. An unease had crept across her shoulders.

  A small woman got out of her car, looked around quickly, and got into the other vehicle. A man with long, black hair, tied back, turned toward the woman. Was it a rendezvous between a couple who were married to other people? Perhaps she was just picking up on their guilty vibes. Cassie moved further down in her seat.

  She had studied with Pruet and learned to control and keep out all the conversations that had overwhelmed her in the past. But now, she allowed herself to open and hear what was being said by the man and woman in the car. They were a distance away and in an enclosed vehicle, but something about them disturbed her. She’d try.

  * * * *

  “Be careful with your words. I wouldn’t be surprised if my father has a hearing device hidden in this car. He’s looking at me more and more strangely.”

  “I see you survived.” Gala frowned at Pearce.

  He grinned. “I knew you’d be happy to hear of my remarkable recovery. You are probably wondering why I wanted to see you.”

  “No. I expected a call sooner or later.”

  “Yes, we must talk.”

  “About what?”

  “We are friends, remember?” He squeezed her hand tight.

  Gala flinched from the pain. She jerked free.

  “We need each other.” Pearce’s dark-brown eyes turned almost black. “Remember that for now.”

  “I’ve decided to take some time off.” She knew he’d understand what she meant.

  “Ah, a good idea, but only a short vacation. Perhaps until the end of the big party.”

  “No, a little longer.”

  “We’ll see. I’m sure there’ll be a crowd. I’ve heard they’ll have a picnic after the wedding.” He chuckled. “My dear mother hears all the latest gossip.”

  “I have to go.”

  “Remember, we need each other. At least, for now. I’ll call you so we can settle on the plans for the day of the party.”

  * * * *

  Cassie waited until she heard both cars drive off. She’d been able to hear some of the words and sensed whoever they were, they didn’t like or trust each other. Still, something kept their fragile bond holding together.

  She started the car and drove home. She’d let the words and feelings mull around inside of her head for a day or two. Maybe then they’d make more sense. She was glad to see the ranch gate come into view. The guard started to wave her through, but she stopped.

  “Has anyone returned through here in the last fifteen minutes?

  “Not my gate, and I didn’t see anyone go by toward the other gates. No one has driven by in the last thirty minutes.”

  “Thanks, my friend must have decided to do some shopping before returning.” Cassie waved and drove on toward her house.

  Nick greeted her at the door. “I was getting worried. You said you’d be here thirty minutes ago.” He pulled her close and kissed her. “I’m looking forward to our afternoon together.”

  “Sorry, I got hung up at the shop. I’ll tell you about it later. It’s probably nothing, but”—she shook herself—“I have a creepy feeling about it.”

  “You can tell me on our ride. Change and say hello to our fella. Our babysitter is here and I’m ready to go.”

  “I’ll hurry. I’m looking forward to some special time with you.”

  * * * *

  “I love the decorations.” Averil hugged Sara when she met her at the door. Kira and her parents followed Averil inside.

  “It’s so nice of you all to have this dinner party, before the wedding tomorrow.” Averil glanced around. They were the first to arrive. “You’ve gone to a lot of work for us.”

  “She and Tessa love to plan these parties.” Daren put his arm around Sara. “Don’t you, darlin’?”

  “We certainly do. And weddings are such happy times. We needed this to lift all our spirits.”

  “I’m glad we could be of service,” Cody teased. He and Payton had arrived and walked straight to Averil’s side.

  “We’ve missed you.” Payton took hold of her hand. “I don’t like this idea that the bride needs to stay with her parents or friends several days before the wedding.”

  “I went to Mom’s house yesterday afternoon. It has not been several days.”

  “It seems like a week.” Cody pretended to pout and had everyone laughing.

  As the room filled up, Averil tried to make sure she introduced Kira to anyone she might not know.

  “These two ladies are Sara’s best friends. Ellen you’ve met and her husband, Jack. Sahale’s her other husband and he’s one of our veterinarians. Morgan is Sara’s other close friend. Ethan and Justin are her husbands.”

  Sahale took her hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Ellen and Jack have told me quite a bit about you, and I’ve been curious.”

  Kira looked at him, puzzled. “You remind me of someone I’ve met.”

  Jack spoke up. “Dr. Rexford is Sahale and Lang’s cousin. Lang will be here soon. Rex’s dad and Sahale’s mother are brother and sister.”

  “How interesting. You don’t seem anything like your cousin.” Kira’s words had the group around her laughing.

  “No,” Sahale said. “He is his own man and a brilliant one.”

  “Well, look who just arrived.” Jack nodded to the door.

  Dr. Rexford, an older couple, and a tall, brown-haired man were being greeted by Sara and Mitch.

  “That’s his parents and his brother. There’s no love lost between those two.” Jack glanced at Kira. “You’re pasty white. Do you feel faint?”

  “I’m fine, really. But I will go over and sit in a chair. I haven’t gotten all my strength back.”

  “I’ll join you.” Averil walked across the room, where they sat in two leather chairs, side by side. “What’s wrong? You have all your energy back. You’ve been whizzing around all day.”

  “Dr. Rexford’s brother was the flight attendant on the plane.”

  “The overly curious one?”


  “What a coincidence.”

  “Or not. I had disturbing vibes about him. I’d rather he not see me. Not yet. Walk me out the back. Let Mom and Dad know I’m all right. But I’m going home.”

  “You’ll miss my party. He’ll see you tomorrow anyway.”

  “I know, but I want to keep him unaware of me for a little longer.”

  Kira stood and Averil walked with her to the back door. With the crowded room and all the talking and laughter, no one noticed.

  “I’ll see you bright and early in the morning.” Kira waved and took off walking back to her parents’ house.

  Averil turned and rejoined her group. She was introduced to several people she hadn’t met before, and she met Cody’s mother for only the second time. Averil liked his mom. Cody got his teasing manner from her.

  Sara announced dinner, and they all started walking toward the dining room.

  “Why, I recognize you.”

  Averil turned to find the flight attendant behind her.

  “You look vaguely familiar, but I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”

  Dr. Rexford stepped up beside his brother. “Averil, this is my brother, Pearce.” He turned to the older couple at his side. “And my mother and father.”

  “How nice to meet you.” She deliberately smiled and shook his parents’ hands but only nodded her head toward Pearce. “Have you met Cody and Payton?” She took hold of their hands and drew them to her side. Pearce’s hard stare made her shiver inside. She didn’t like the man, not at all.

  Rex looked around the long table where most of the guests had seated themselves. “Where’s Kira?”

  “She wasn’t feeling well and left to go home right after we got here.”

  “Has she been checked by a doctor?” Rex’s brow furrowed.

  “She’ll be fine with rest. I want her on her toes tomorrow for my big day.”

  When they moved on down the table to their seats, Averil gave a sigh of relief. She, Payton, and Cody were the last to be seated.

  Mitch stood at the end of the table and lifted his wineglass. “To our wedding trio. I hope they will be as happy as Daren and I are with our lovely Sara.” He smiled at Sara, and Averil saw the love in all three sets of eyes. She looked around at all the smiling guests until she got to Pearce.

  His mocking smile and glittering black eyes sent a chill down her spine.

  Who was he really, and want did he want?

  * * * *

  “Wake up, sis. This is your wedding day.” Kira shook Averil.

  Averil opened one eye. “It’s dark outside.”

  “I knew you’d be hard to wake even on one of the most important days of your life.”

  She sat up on the side of the bed. “What day’s more important?”

  “The day you make me an aunt. Now get out of bed. We have to make you beautiful.”

  “We hardly have time for that.” Averil grinned at Kira. She walked across the room and into the bathroom. “I’ll shower and be right out,” she said, shutting the door in Kira’s face.

  Leaning close to the mirror, she groaned. She was definitely not an early-morning person. But as the excitement began to course through her veins, she got more awake. Payton and Cody would be waiting for her at the end of the aisle. She’d truly become their wife today.

  After a quick shower, Averil put herself in her sister’s hands. Kira did her makeup and arranged her red hair in long waves down her back with a ribbon that matched her dress intertwined in the fiery strands.

  “I’ll help you get your gown on without smearing it with makeup or messing up my fancy hairdo.” Kira lifted the gown over Averil’s head and carefully worked it down to her neck and shoulders. Averil put her arms in the sleeves and the gown rippled on down her body.

  “Goodness, there are a lot of buttons back here. I’d love to see how your guys handle getting you out of this dress without tearing off some of them. My guess is they’ll be in too big a hurry to bother with being careful.”

  “Stop. You’re making me blush. Anyway, you know I’m going to change here before our flight.”

  Kira laughed. “Let me get Mom so she can see how beautiful you look.”

  Averil walked to the mirror as Kira left the room. The bluish-green gown did make her look extraordinarily beautiful.

  A warm glow filled her insides. She was happy and all the old fears about marrying again were gone. She was very lucky to be alive and to be loved by two such wonderful men. He
r family liked them and had accepted them into their family, as she’d been wholeheartedly received into Payton’s and Cody’s families.

  “Oh my. You look wonderful.” Her mom and Kira stood in the doorway.

  “Then let’s go before I wrinkle my dress or this beautiful hairdo falls down.”

  “I’ll have you know I’ve got your hair secured very well. But you’re right. It’s time. Dad’s getting the car warmed up for us. The early morning is chilly.” Kira took Averil’s arm and they followed their mother outside.

  Sara greeted them at the door. “I’ll take care of her, Mrs. Bevyns. You and your husband can meet us inside the circle of trees.” Kira and Averil went with Sara to a back room.

  “Do you have any questions?”

  “No, I’ve been to many weddings. I suppose you all have the same ceremony as my third tribe.”

  “We do. I checked with your Priestess. Both Priestesses will do the ceremony as they did at Jewel’s. I understand you’ve requested our Priestess, Elle, do the civil ceremony right after the other.”

  “Yes, we want it all done before anything else happens. I’m fine with our ritual wedding. I know what to expect.”

  “You both look beautiful. Kira, I’d have never have believed you could wear that color, but it’s perfect on you, and I like the style of your gown. The heart-shaped neckline and the fitted skirt shows off your curves.”

  “I know she may take all the attention off of me, the bride. But that’s all right. The main people I want watching me are Payton and Cody.”

  “They always have eyes only for you,” Kira said. “But don’t worry. No one will notice me. This is your day. You’ll be the center of attention whether you want it or not.” Kira looked at Sara. “Averil can be a bit shy until you get to know her or unless she’s shooting in a contest. Then she’s out to win.”

  Sara peeked out the window. “It’s time for your grand entrance. Kira and I will meet you just inside the ring of trees.”


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