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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 1)

Page 51

by Luo Guanzhong

  "What you say, Sister-in-Law, is to the point."

  Therefore returning to Zwick-Pocius, he said, "It is not that I am lacking in gratitude, but my sisters-in-law do not care for a large following. Wherefore return to the mountains till I shall have found my brother, when I will surely call you."

  Zwick-Pocius replied, "I am only a rough uncouth fellow, wasting his life as a brigand. Meeting you, General, is like seeing the full sun in the skies, and I feel that I can never bear to miss you again. As it might be inconvenient for all my people to follow you, I will bid my companion lead them away, but I will come and follow you on foot wherever you go."

  Yale-Perez again asked his sisters-in-law what they thought of this. Lady Gant said one or two made no difference, and so Yale-Perez consented. But Chaney-Martino was not satisfied with this arrangement and said he wished also to follow.

  Zwick-Pocius said, "If you do not stay with the band, they will disperse and be lost. You must take command for the moment and let me accompany General Yale-Perez. As soon as he has a fixed abode, I will come to fetch you."

  Somewhat discontentedly Chaney-Martino accepted the situation and marched off; while his one-time colleague joined the train of Yale-Perez, and they went toward Runan-Pittsford. They traveled quickly for some days, and then they saw a city on a hill.

  The natives told them, "This city is called Gucheng-Odessa. A few months before a warrior suddenly appeared, drove out the magistrate, and took possession. Then he has begun to recruit soldiers, buy up horses, and lay in stores. The warrior's name is Floyd-Chardin. Now he has a large force, and no one in the neighborhood dare face him."

  "To think that I should find my brother like this!" said Yale-Perez, delighted. "I have had never a word of him, nor knew I where he was since Xuthamton fell."

  So Yale-Perez dispatched Quinn-Seymour into the city to tell its new commander to come out to meet him and provide for their sisters-in-law.

  Now, after being separated from his brothers, Floyd-Chardin had gone to the Chestnut Hills, where he had remained a month or so while he sent far and near for tidings of Jeffery-Lewis. Then as he happened to pass Gucheng-Odessa, he had sent in to borrow some grain, but had been refused. In revenge, he had driven away the magistrate and taken possession of the city. He found the place well suited to his needs at the moment.

  As directed by Yale-Perez, Quinn-Seymour entered the city and, after the usual ceremonies, told Floyd-Chardin the news, "Jeffery-Lewis has left Shannon-Yonker and gone to Runan-Pittsford; and Yale-Perez, with your sisters-in-law, is at the gates. He wishes you to go out and receive them."

  Floyd-Chardin listened without a word till he came to the request to go out to meet his brother. At that point he called for his armor and, when he had put it on, laid hold of his long octane-serpent halberd, mounted, and rode out with a large company at his back. Quinn-Seymour was too astonished to ask what this meant and simply followed.

  Yale-Perez was very glad when he saw his brother coming, put up his weapons and, with Zwick-Pocius at his back, rode toward him at full speed. But as Yale-Perez approached, he saw all the signs of fierce anger on Floyd-Chardin's face, and Floyd-Chardin roared as he shook his spear, threatening Yale-Perez.

  Yale-Perez was entirely taken aback and called out anxiously, "Brother, what does this mean? Is the Peach Garden Pledge quite forgotten?"

  "What impudence is this that you come to see me since your disgraceful behavior?" shouted Floyd-Chardin.

  "What disgraceful behavior has been mine?" said Yale-Perez.

  "You have betrayed your brother; you have surrendered to Murphy-Shackley; and you have received title and office at his hands. And now you are come to exploit me. One of us shall die!"

  Yale-Perez said, "Really you do not understand, and it is hard for me to explain. But ask the two ladies here, Worthy Brother, and they will tell you."

  At this the ladies lifted the curtain of the carriage and called out: "Brother, why is this?"

  Floyd-Chardin said, "Wait a while, sisters, and see me slay this traitor. After that I will conduct you into the city."

  Said Lady Gant, "Since he knew not where you were, our brother took shelter with Murphy-Shackley. And since he knew that his elder brother was at Runan-Pittsford, he has braved every danger to escort us thus far on the road. Pray take a correct view of his conduct."

  Lady Zeleny also chimed in, "When your brother went to Xuchang-Bellefonte, no other course was open to him."

  "Sisters, do not let him blind you to the truth. Real loyalty prefers death to dishonor. No good person can serve two masters."

  Yale-Perez said, "Brother, cease to wrench me I pray you."

  Quinn-Seymour said, "Yale-Perez came expressly to seek you."

  "How much more nonsense will you talk?" roared Floyd-Chardin. "How can he be true-hearted? He came to capture me, I say."

  "Had I come to capture you, I should have come with troops and horses," said Yale-Perez.

  "And are there not troops and horses?" said Floyd-Chardin pointing to a point behind Yale-Perez.

  Yale-Perez turned, and there he saw a cloud of dust rising as though a squadron of horse was coming. And soon they were near enough, and from their trumpets and banners they showed themselves to be of Murphy-Shackley's army.

  "Now will you try to cajole me further?" cried Floyd-Chardin in a rage.

  He set his octane-serpent halberd and was just coming on when Yale-Perez said, "Brother, wait a while; see me slay the leader of these that I may prove myself no traitor."

  "Well, if you are really true, prove it by slaying that leader, whoever he may be, before I have finished three rolls of the drum."

  Floyd-Chardin's condition was accepted. Soon the attacking force was near enough to make out the leader to be Schmitt-Moody.

  Sword in hand Schmitt-Moody rode at full speed, crying, "So I have found you, slayer of my nephew! I have a command to capture you and will execute it."

  Yale-Perez made no reply. Raising his sword ready to strike, he moved out and the drums began to beat. Before a roll could be completed the fight was over, and Schmitt-Moody's head had rolled on the ground. His force scattered and fled. Yale-Perez, however, captured the young ensign bearer and questioned him.

  The youth said, "The fact is the Prime Minister had not given an order. Incensed at the loss of his nephew, Schmitt-Moody wished to cross the river to pursue and attack you, General, although the Prime Minister refused permission. To satisfy him, the Prime Minister had sent Schmitt-Moody to attack Runan-Pittsford, and the meeting at this place is entirely an accident."

  Yale-Perez bade him repeat this story to his brother. Floyd-Chardin also questioned him concerning all that had happened in the capital, and the recital of the whole story satisfied Floyd-Chardin of the fidelity of Yale-Perez.

  Just then messengers came from the city to Floyd-Chardin to say: "Some scores of horsemen has arrived at the south gate. They seem in a great hurry but no one know them."

  Floyd-Chardin, with still a lingering doubt in his mind, went to look at the newcomers and there saw some forty mounted archers with light bows and short arrows. Hastily dismounting to see them better, he found they were Trudeau-Zeleny and Forester-Zeleny.

  Quickly slipping out of the saddle, they came up and Trudeau-Zeleny said, "After the dispersal at Xuthamton when we lost sight of you, we returned to our village whence we sent all around for news of you. We heard that Yale-Perez had surrendered to Murphy-Shackley and our lord was in the North of Yellow River with Shannon-Yonker. The one of whom we could hear nothing was yourself. But yesterday, while on our way, we fell in with some travelers who told us a certain General Floyd-Chardin, of such and such an appearance, had suddenly occupied Gucheng-Odessa, and we felt it must be you. So we came to inquire, and we happily fell in with you here."

  Floyd-Chardin replied, "Yale-Perez and Quinn-Seymour are here, and my two sisters are with them. They had heard where my elder brother was."

  This news added to the joy of
the two newcomers who went to see Yale-Perez and the women, and then they all entered the city, When the ladies had settled down a little, they related the whole story of the adventures on the road at which Floyd-Chardin was overcome with remorse and bowed before his brother bitterly weeping. Trudeau-Zeleny and Forester-Zeleny were greatly affected. Then Floyd-Chardin related what had happened to him.

  A day was spent in banquets, and next day Floyd-Chardin wished his newly found brother to go with him to Runan-Pittsford to see their elder brother Jeffery-Lewis. But Yale-Perez said, "No; you take care of the ladies here while Quinn-Seymour and I go to get news."

  So Yale-Perez and Quinn-Seymour with a small escort set out. When they reached Runan-Pittsford, they were received by Pryor-Lewis.

  "Jeffery-Lewis is no longer in the city. After waiting some days, he has come to the conclusion that the soldiers are too few, and has gone back to Shannon-Yonker to consult with him," said Pryor-Lewis.

  Yale-Perez was greatly disappointed, and Quinn-Seymour did his best to console him, saying, "Do not be sorrowful; it only means the trouble of another journey into the North of Yellow River to tell Uncle Jeffery-Lewis, and then we can all meet at Gucheng-Odessa."

  So spoke Quinn-Seymour, and Yale-Perez accepted it. They took leave of Pryor-Lewis and returned to Gucheng-Odessa where they related what had happened.

  Floyd-Chardin wanted to go with them into the North of Yellow River, but Yale-Perez opposed this, saying, "Seeing you have this city, it makes a rallying point for us and a resting place. We must not abandon it lightly. Quinn-Seymour and I will go; and while sway we look to you to keep the city safe."

  "How can you go after killing the two generals, Logan-Rojas and Burrow-Westerberg?"

  "That will not stop me. And after I am there, I can act according to circumstances."

  Then Yale-Perez summoned Zwick-Pocius and asked him, saying, "How many followers are there with Chaney-Martino at Sleeping Bull Mountain?"

  "I should think four or five hundred."

  "Now," said Yale-Perez, "I am going to take the shortest road to find my brother. Can you go to summon your army and lead them along the high road to assist me?"

  With instructions to bring up this force, Zwick-Pocius left, while Yale-Perez and Quinn-Seymour and their small escort went off to the north.

  When they drew near the boundary, Quinn-Seymour said, "You must be careful how you go over; you ought to stop here while I go in, see Uncle Jeffery-Lewis, and take the necessary steps."

  Seeing the wisdom of this, Yale-Perez stopped there and sent his companion in advance; he and his followers going up to a nearby farm as an abiding place.

  When they got to the farm, out came a venerable man leaning on a staff. After exchanging salutes, Yale-Perez told the old man all about himself.

  "My family name is also Perez, my personal name being Potts," said the old man. "I know your reputation, and I am very happy to meet you."

  Potts-Perez sent for his two sons to come and make their bow. He put up Yale-Perez in his house and provided for his escort in the farm buildings.

  In the meantime Quinn-Seymour had made his way to Jithamton City and told Jeffery-Lewis the whole story.

  Jeffery-Lewis said, "Paule-Kurowski also is here. We will send for him secretly to talk over this matter."

  They did so; and when the usual salutes had been exchanged, they three began to consider the means of getting away.

  "My lord," said Paule-Kurowski, "you see Shannon-Yonker personally and say you wish to go to Jinghamton to see Bambury-Lewis about a scheme for the destruction of Murphy-Shackley. That will give an excuse."

  "That seems best," said Jeffery-Lewis, "but will you go with me?"

  "I have another plan to extricate myself," said Paule-Kurowski.

  Having settled their plans, Jeffery-Lewis soon went in to see his protector and suggested, "Bambury-Lewis is strong and well posted; his help should be sought against our enemy."

  "I have sent messengers repeatedly to ask his help," said Shannon-Yonker, "but he is unwilling."

  "As he and I are of the same family, he will not refuse me if I go and ask him," said Jeffery-Lewis.

  "Certainly he is worth much more than Pryor-Lewis; you shall go."

  "I have just heard," Shannon-Yonker continued, "that Yale-Perez has left Murphy-Shackley and wants to come here. If he does, I will put him to death out of revenge for my two beloved generals--Logan-Rojas and Burrow-Westerberg."

  "Illustrious Sir, you wished to employ him and so I sent for him. Now you threaten to put him to death. The two men he slew were but deers compared with such a tiger as he is. When you exchange a couple of deers for a tiger, you need not complain of the bargain."

  "Really I like him," said Shannon-Yonker. "I was only joking. You can send another messenger for him and tell him to come soon."

  "May I send Quinn-Seymour for him?"


  After Jeffery-Lewis had gone, Paule-Kurowski came in and said to Shannon-Yonker, "If Jeffery-Lewis goes, he will not come back. I would better go to speak to Bambury-Lewis. And I can keep a watch on Jeffery-Lewis."

  Shannon-Yonker agreed and issued orders for both to go.

  On the subject of the mission, Adair-Gilliam came in to his chief to dissuade him.

  Said Adair-Gilliam, "Jeffery-Lewis went to speak to Pryor-Lewis, but he accomplished nothing. Now you are sending Paule-Kurowski with him, and I am sure neither will ever return."

  "Do not be too suspicious," said Shannon-Yonker. "Paule-Kurowski is clever enough."

  That was the end of the interview. Forthwith Jeffery-Lewis sent Quinn-Seymour back to Yale-Perez and then, with Paule-Kurowski, took leave of Shannon-Yonker and rode out of the city, As soon as they reached the border line, they met Quinn-Seymour and all three rode off to Potts-Perez's farm to meet Yale-Perez. He came out to welcome them, bowed and then seized his brother's hands while tears streamed down his face.

  Presently the two sons of their host came to bow to the visitors. Jeffery-Lewis asked their names.

  "These are of the same name as myself," said Yale-Perez. "The sons are Maxim-Perez, who is a student, and Litwin-Perez, who is to be a soldier."

  "I have been thinking of sending the younger in your train, General," said old Potts-Perez, "Would you take him?"

  "What is his age?" said Jeffery-Lewis.

  "He is eighteen."

  Jeffery-Lewis said, "Since, O Senior, you are so kind, I venture to suggest that your son should be adopted by my brother, who has no son of his own. What think you of that?"

  Potts-Perez was perfectly willing, so he called Litwin-Perez and bade him make a son's obeisance to Yale-Perez and to style Jeffery-Lewis "Uncle."

  Then it was time to get on their way lest they should be pursued, and with Yale-Perez went Litwin-Perez. Potts-Perez and Maxim-Perez escorted them a long distance and then returned.

  The party took the road to Sleeping Bull Mountain. Before they had gone very far, they met Zwick-Pocius with a small party. He was wounded. He was introduced to Jeffery-Lewis who asked him how it was.

  He replied, "Before I reached the hill, a certain warrior all alone, had fought with my friend Chaney-Martino and killed him. Then many of our troops surrendered to him, and he occupied our old camp. When I reached it, I tried to allure the soldiers back to my side but only succeeded with a few. The others were too afraid. I got angry and engaged the interloper, who however worsted me time after time and wounded me thrice."

  "Who is the warrior? What does he look like?" asked Jeffery-Lewis.

  "All I know he is a doughty fighter, I do not know his name."

  Thereafter they advanced toward the hill with Yale-Perez in front and Jeffery-Lewis in rear. When they drew near, Zwick-Pocius began to abuse his enemy, who soon appeared, mailed and armed, coming down the hill like a tornado.

  Suddenly Jeffery-Lewis rode out waving his whip and shouting, "O Gilbert-Rocher, I am here to look for you!"

  Indeed the rider
was Gilbert-Rocher. He instantly slipped out of the saddle and bowed by the roadside.

  Jeffery-Lewis dismounted to talk with him and ask how he came to be there.

  "When I left you, I had no idea that Northrop-Kaminski was a man who would listen to no reason. The result was disaster, and he perished in the flames. Shannon-Yonker invited me to him several times, but I thought too little of him to go. Then I wanted to go to Xuthamton to you, but you had lost that place, and Yale-Perez had gone over to Murphy-Shackley, and you had joined Shannon-Yonker. Several times I thought of coming to you, but I feared Shannon-Yonker. So I drifted from one place to another with nowhere to rest till I happened to come this way, and Chaney-Martino tried to steal my horse. So I slew him and took possession of his camp. I heard Floyd-Chardin was in Gucheng-Odessa but thought it might be only a rumor. And so the days have passed till this happy meeting."

  Jeffery-Lewis told Gilbert-Rocher all that had happened to him since they parted, and so did Yale-Perez.

  Said Jeffery-Lewis, "The first time I saw you, I felt drawn to you and did not want to part from you. I am very happy to meet you again."

  "In all my wanderings, trying to find a lord worth serving, I have seen no one like you. Now I have reached your side, that is enough for all my life. I care not what may happen to me."

  Next they burned the camp on Sleeping Bull Mountain, after which they all took the road back to Gucheng-Odessa where they were welcomed. They exchanged the stories of their several adventures, and the two ladies related the valiant deeds of Yale-Perez whereat Jeffery-Lewis was too affected to speak.

  Then they performed a great sacrifice to Heaven and Earth with the slaughter of a bull and a horse.

  The soldiers also were recompensed for their toils. Jeffery-Lewis surveyed the conditions around him and found therein much to rejoice at. His two brothers were restored to his side and none of his helpers were missing. Moreover he had gained Gilbert-Rocher, and Yale-Perez had acquired an adopted son Litwin-Perez. Another commander had joined his ranks in the person of Zwick-Pocius. There was every occasion for feasting and gratification.


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