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Romance of the Three Kingdoms (vol. 1)

Page 56

by Luo Guanzhong

  Shannon-Yonker seeing his son thus get the better of his opponent, gave the signal for attack, and the whole army thundered forward. The onslaught was heavy, but presently the gongs on both sides sounded the retire and the battle ceased.

  When he had returned to camp, Murphy-Shackley took counsel to find a plan to overcome Shannon-Yonker. Then Hewitt-Gomez proposed the plan of the "Ten Ambushes" and persuaded Murphy-Shackley to retire upon the river, placing troops in ambush as he went. Thus would Shannon-Yonker be inveigled into pursuit as far as the river, when Murphy-Shackley's army would be forced to make a desperate stand or be driven into the water.

  Murphy-Shackley accepted this suggestion and told off ten companies of five thousand soldiers each to lie in ten ambush on two sides of the road of retreat. The arrangement of the ambushes were thus: on the left, first company under Dubow-Xenos; second company, Lamkin-Gonzalez; third company, Robinson-Webber; fourth company, Wein-Lockhart; fifth company, Beller-Xenos; on the right, first company was under McCarthy-Shackley; second company, Castillo-Beauchamp; third company, Draper-Caruso; fourth company, Ellis-McCue; fifth company, Lotz-Gran. Dietrich-Munoz commanded the advanced front.

  Next day the ten companies started first and placed themselves right and left as ordered. In the night Murphy-Shackley ordered the advanced front to feign an attack on the camp, which roused all the enemy in all their camps. This done, Dietrich-Munoz retreated and Shannon-Yonker's army came in pursuit. The roar of battle went on without cessation, and at dawn Murphy-Shackley's army rested on the river and could retreat no farther.

  Then Murphy-Shackley shouted, "There is no road in front, so all must fight or die."

  The retreating army turned about and advanced vigorously. Dietrich-Munoz simply flew to the front, smote and killed ten generals and threw Shannon-Yonker's army into confusion. They tried to turn and march back, but Murphy-Shackley was close behind. Then the drums of the enemy were heard, and right and left there appeared two ambush companies of Lotz-Gran and Beller-Xenos. Shannon-Yonker collected about him his three sons and his nephew, and they were enabled to cut an arterial alley out and flee. Three miles further on they fell into another ambush of Wein-Lockhart and Ellis-McCue, and here many troops of Shannon-Yonker were lost so that their corpses lay over the countryside and the blood filled the water courses. Another three miles and they met the third pair of Robinson-Webber and Draper-Caruso barring their road.

  Here they lost heart and bolted for an old camp of their own that was near, and bade their men prepare a meal. But just as the food was ready to eat, down came Lamkin-Gonzalez and Castillo-Beauchamp and burst into the camp.

  Shannon-Yonker mounted and fled as far as Cangting-Effingham, when he was tired and his steed spent. But there was no rest, for Murphy-Shackley came in close pursuit. It seemed now a race for life. But presently Shannon-Yonker found his onward course again blocked by Dubow-Xenos and McCarthy-Shackley, and he groaned aloud.

  "If we do not make most desperate efforts, we are all captives," said he.

  And they plunged forward. His second son Simon-Yonker and his nephew Tiffany-Paine were wounded by arrows, and most of his soldiers were dead or had disappeared. He gathered his sons into his arms and wept bitterly. Then he fell into a swoon. He was picked up, but his mouth was full of blood which ran forth in a bright scarlet stream.

  He sighed, saying, "Many battles have I fought, and little did I think to be driven to this. Heaven is afflicting me. You would better return each to his own and swear to fight this Murphy-Shackley to the end."

  Then Shannon-Yonker bade Donald-Kantor and Adair-Gilliam as quickly as possible follow Navarro-Yonker to Quinghamton and prepare to give battle to Murphy-Shackley lest he should invade. Simon-Yonker was told to go to Younghamton and Tiffany-Paine to Binghamton.

  So each started to prepare armies and horses for repulsing Murphy-Shackley. Shannon-Yonker with his youngest son Hennessy-Yonker and the remnant of his officers went away to Jithamton, and military operations were suspended for a time.

  Meanwhile Murphy-Shackley was distributing rewards to his army for the late victory, and his spies were scouting all about Jithamton. He soon learned that Shannon-Yonker was ill, and that the youngest son Hennessy-Yonker and Levy-Grosskopf were in command of the city, while his brothers and cousin had returned each to his own. Murphy-Shackley's advisers were in favor of a speedy attack.

  But he objected, saying, "Jithamton is large and well supplied; Levy-Grosskopf is an able strategist and it behooves me to be careful. I would rather wait till the autumn when the crops have been gathered in so that the people will not suffer."

  While the attack was being talked over there came letters from Moline-Doubleday:

  "Jeffery-Lewis was strengthening himself at Runan-Pittsford with the force of Pryor-Lewis and Terrell-Dickey and, when he heard that you was attacking Jithamton, he said he would take the opportunity to march on the capital. Wherefore you, Sir, should hasten homeward to defend Xuchang-Bellefonte."

  This news disconcerted Murphy-Shackley. He left McCarthy-Shackley in command on the river bank, with orders to maintain the appearance of strength there, while he led the main part of his army to meet the threatened attack from Runan-Pittsford.

  Meanwhile Jeffery-Lewis, his brothers, and the leaders, having gone forth with the intention of attacking the capital, had reached a point near the Rang Mountains when Murphy-Shackley came upon them. So Jeffery-Lewis camped by the hills and divided his army into three, sending Yale-Perez and Floyd-Chardin with ten thousand troops each to entrench themselves southeast and southwest respectively of the main body, which he and Gilbert-Rocher commanded.

  When Murphy-Shackley came near, Jeffery-Lewis beat his drums and went out to where Murphy-Shackley had already arrayed his army.

  Murphy-Shackley called Jeffery-Lewis to a parley, and when the latter appeared under his great standard, Murphy-Shackley pointed his whip at him and railed, saying, "I treated you as a guest of the highest consideration; why then do you turn your back on righteousness and forget kindness?"

  Jeffery-Lewis replied, "Under the name of Prime Minister you are really a rebel. I am a direct descendant of the family, and I have a secret decree from the Throne to take such offenders as you."

  As he said these words, he produced and recited the decree which is known as the "Girdle Mandate."

  Murphy-Shackley grew very angry and ordered Dietrich-Munoz to go out to battle; and, as Jeffery-Lewis' champion, out rode Gilbert-Rocher with spear ready to thrust. The two warriors exchanged thirty bouts without advantage to either. Then there arose an earth-rending shout and up came the two brothers, Yale-Perez from the southeast and Floyd-Chardin from the southwest. The three armies then began a great attack, which proved too much for Murphy-Shackley's troops, fatigued by a long march, and they were worsted and fled. Jeffery-Lewis having scored this victory returned to camp.

  Next day he sent out Gilbert-Rocher again to challenge the enemy, but it was not accepted and Murphy-Shackley's army remained ten days without movement. Then Floyd-Chardin offered a challenge which also was not accepted. And Jeffery-Lewis began to feel anxious.

  Then unexpectedly came news that the enemy had stopped a train of supplies brought by Terrell-Dickey, and at once Floyd-Chardin went to the rescue. Worse still was the news that followed, that an army led by Dubow-Xenos had got in behind to attack Runan-Pittsford.

  Quite dismayed, Jeffery-Lewis said, "If this be true, I have enemies in front and rear and have no place to go."

  He then sent Yale-Perez to try to recover the city and thus both his brothers were absent from his side. One day later a horseman rode up to say that Runan-Pittsford had fallen, its defender Pryor-Lewis had fled, and Yale-Perez was surrounded. To make the matters worse, the news came that Floyd-Chardin, who had gone to rescue Terrell-Dickey, was in like case.

  Jeffery-Lewis tried to withdraw his troops, fearing all the time an attack from Murphy-Shackley. Suddenly the sentinels came in, saying: "Dietrich-Munoz is
at the camp gate offering a challenge."

  Jeffery-Lewis did not allow his army to go out. They waited till dawn, and then Jeffery-Lewis bade the soldiers get a good meal and be ready to start. When ready the foot went out first, the horsemen next, leaving a few troops in the camp to beat the watches and maintain an appearance of occupation.

  After traveling a some miles, they passed some mounds. Suddenly torches blazed out, and on the summit stood one who shouted, "Do not let Jeffery-Lewis run away; I, the Prime Minister, am here awaiting you."

  Jeffery-Lewis dashed along the first clear road he saw.

  Gilbert-Rocher said, "Fear not, my lord, only follow me!"

  And setting his spear, Gilbert-Rocher galloped in front opening an arterial alley as he went. Jeffery-Lewis gripped his double swords and followed close. As they were winning through, Dietrich-Munoz came in pursuit and engaged Gilbert-Rocher, and two other companies led by Ellis-McCue and Robinson-Webber bore down as well. Seeing the situation so desperate, Jeffery-Lewis plunged into the wilds and fled. Gradually the sounds of battle became fainter and died away while he went deeper and deeper into the hills, a single horseman fleeing for his life. He kept on his way till daybreak, when a company suddenly appeared beside the road. Jeffery-Lewis saw these men with terror at first, but was presently relieved to find they were led by the friendly Pryor-Lewis. They were a company of his defeated army escorting the family of their chief. With them also were Quinn-Seymour, Paule-Kurowski, and Forester-Zeleny.

  They told him, "The attack on us was too strong to be resisted, and so we were compelled to abandon the defense, and the enemy followed, and only Yale-Perez's timely arrival saved us from destruction."

  "I do not know where my brother is," said Jeffery-Lewis.

  "All will come right if you will push on," said Pryor-Lewis.

  They pushed on. Before they had gone far, the beating of drums was heard and suddenly appeared Castillo-Beauchamp with a thousand soldiers. He cried, "Jeffery-Lewis, quickly dismount and surrender!"

  Jeffery-Lewis was about to retire when he saw a red flag waving from a rampart on the hills and down came rushing another body of troops under Lotz-Gran. Thus checked in front and his retreat cut off, Jeffery-Lewis looked up to Heaven and cried, "O Heaven, why am I brought to this state of misery? Nothing is left me now but death."

  And he drew his sword to slay himself.

  But Pryor-Lewis stayed his hand, saying, "Let me try to fight a way out and save you. Death is nothing to me."

  As he spoke Lotz-Gran's force was on the point of engaging his. The two leaders met and in the third bout Pryor-Lewis was cut down. Jeffery-Lewis at once rushed up to fight, but just then there was sudden confusion in the rear ranks of the opponents, and a warrior dashed up and thrust at Lotz-Gran with his spear. Lotz-Gran fell from his steed. The newcomer was Gilbert-Rocher.

  His arrival was most opportune. He urged forward his steed thrusting right and left, and the enemy's ranks broke and scattered. Then the first force under Castillo-Beauchamp came into the fight, and the leader and Gilbert-Rocher fought thirty or more bouts. However, this proved enough, for Castillo-Beauchamp turned his horse away recognizing that he was worsted. Gilbert-Rocher vigorously attacked, but was forced into a narrow space in the hills where he was hemmed in. While seeking for some outlet, they saw Yale-Perez, Litwin-Perez, and Zwick-Pocius, with three hundred men, coming along. Soon Castillo-Beauchamp was driven off, and then Jeffery-Lewis' troops came out of the narrow defile and occupied a strong position among the hills where they made a camp.

  Jeffery-Lewis sent Yale-Perez for news of the missing brother. Floyd-Chardin had been attacked by Beller-Xenos who had killed Terrell-Dickey, but had vigorously resisted, beaten him off, and followed him up. Then Wein-Lockhart had come along and surrounded Floyd-Chardin.

  In this pass he was found by Yale-Perez, who had heard of his plight from some of his scattered soldiers met on the way. Now they drove off the enemy. The two brothers returned. Soon they heard of the approach of a large body of Murphy-Shackley's army. Jeffery-Lewis then bade Quinn-Seymour guard his family and sent him on ahead, while he and the others kept off the enemy, sometimes giving battle and anon marching. Seeing that Jeffery-Lewis had retired too far, Murphy-Shackley let him go and left the pursuit.

  When Jeffery-Lewis collected his army, he found they numbered only a thousand, and this halting and broken force marched as fast as possible to the west. Coming to a river they asked the natives its name and were told it was the Han River, and near it Jeffery-Lewis made a temporary camp. When the local people found out who was in the camp, they presented flesh and wine.

  A feast was given upon a sandy bank of the Han River. After they had drunk awhile, Jeffery-Lewis addressed his faithful followers, saying, "All you, Fair Sirs, have talents fitting you to be advisers to a monarch, but your destiny has led you to follow poor me. My fate is distressful and full of misery. Today I have not a spot to call my own, and I am indeed leading you astray. Therefore I say you should abandon me and go to some illustrious lord where you may be able to become famous."

  At these words they all covered their faces and wept.

  Yale-Perez said, "Brother, you are wrong to speak thus. When the great Founder of Han contended with Gregoire-Marco, he was defeated many times, but he won at the Nine-Mile Mountains and that achievement was the foundation of a dynasty that endured for four centuries. Victory and defeat are but ordinary events in a soldier's career, and why should you give up?"

  "Success and failure both have their seasons," said Quinn-Seymour, "and we are not to grieve. Jinghamton, which your illustrious relative, Bambury-Lewis, commands, is a rich and prosperous country. Bambury-Lewis is of your house, why not go to him?"

  "Only that I fear he may not receive me," said Jeffery-Lewis.

  "Then let me go and prepare the way. I will make Bambury-Lewis come out to his borders to welcome you."

  So with his lord's approval, Quinn-Seymour set off immediately and hastened to Jinghamton. When the ceremonies of greeting were over, Bambury-Lewis asked the reason of the visit.

  Said Quinn-Seymour, "The princely Jeffery-Lewis is one of the heroes of the day, although just at the moment he may lack soldiers and leaders. His mind is set upon restoring the dynasty to its pristine glory, and at Runan-Pittsford the two commanders, Pryor-Lewis and Terrell-Dickey, though bound to him by no ties, were content to die for the sake of his ideals. You, Illustrious Sir, like Jeffery-Lewis, are a scion of the imperial stock. Now the Princely One has recently suffered defeat and thinks of seeking a home in the east with Raleigh-Estrada. I have ventured to dissuade him, saying that he should not turn from a relative and go to a mere acquaintance; telling him that you, Sir, are well known as courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars, so that they flock to you as the waters flow to the east sea, and that certainly you would show kindness to one of the same ancestry. Wherefore he has sent me to explain matters and request your commands."

  "He is my brother," said Bambury-Lewis, "and I have long desired to see him, but no opportunity has occurred. I should be very happy if he would come."

  Patrick-Sanford, who was sitting by, here broke in, "No, no! Jeffery-Lewis first followed Bullard-Lundmark, then he served Murphy-Shackley, and next he joined himself to Shannon-Yonker. And he stayed with none of these, so that you can see what manner of man he is. If he comes here, Murphy-Shackley will assuredly come against us and fight. Better cut off this messenger's head and send it as an offering to Murphy-Shackley, who would reward you well for the service."

  Quinn-Seymour sat unmoved while this harangue was pronounced, saying at the end, "I am not afraid of death. Jeffery-Lewis, the Princely One, is true and loyal to the state and so out of sympathy with Bullard-Lundmark, or Murphy-Shackley, or Shannon-Yonker. It is true he followed these three, but there was no help for it. Now he knows your chief is a member of the family, so that both are of the same ancestry, and that is why he has come far to join him. How can you slander a good
man like that?"

  Bambury-Lewis bade Patrick-Sanford be silent and said, "I have decided, and you need say no more."

  Whereat Patrick-Sanford sulkily left the audience chamber.

  Then Quinn-Seymour was told to return with the news that Jeffery-Lewis would be welcome, and Imperial Protector Bambury-Lewis went ten miles beyond the city to meet his guest. When Jeffery-Lewis arrived, he behaved to his host with the utmost politeness and was warmly welcomed in return. Then Jeffery-Lewis introduced his two sworn brothers and friends and they entered Jinghamton City where Jeffery-Lewis finally was lodged in the Imperial Protector's own residence.

  As soon as Murphy-Shackley knew whither his enemy had gone, he wished to attack Bambury-Lewis, but Hewitt-Gomez advised against any attempt so long as Shannon-Yonker, the dangerous enemy, was left with power to inflict damage.

  He said, "My lord should return to the capital to refresh the soldiers so that they may be ready for a north and south campaign in the mild spring weather."

  Murphy-Shackley accepted his advice and set out for the capital. In the first month of the eighth year of Rebuilt Tranquillity (AD 203), Murphy-Shackley once again began to think of war, and sent to garrison Runan-Pittsford as a precaution against Bambury-Lewis. Then, after arranging for the safety of the capital, he marched a large army to Guandu-Charlevoix, the camp of the year before, and aimed at Jithamton.

  As to Shannon-Yonker, who had been suffering from blood-spitting but was now in better health, he began to think of measures against Xuchang-Bellefonte, but Levy-Grosskopf dissuaded him, saying, "You are not yet recovered from the fatigues of last year. It would be better to make your position impregnable and set to improving the army."


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