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Lucas (A Billionaire Bad Boy Novel)

Page 3

by Adriana Jones

  “Don't leave yet. Brent is going over the acceptable ways for you to seduce me. You wouldn't want to miss that.”

  I took a step closer. My hand rested on the table. Her eyes darted to it, but she snapped back. She only thought about one thing—the door, and perhaps slamming it in my face.

  “That's nice,” she said as she attempted to leave again. This time, she turned around in a huff. Her dress swayed, sliding over the swell of her ass. I caught the outline and almost screamed, “Good God.”

  There was no way I wouldn't salivate like a wild dog at every sight of her. I knew my type. This girl was the epitome of it.

  “Wait, what's your name?” I asked.

  “Tia, but it doesn't matter. I'm gone.”

  Her heels clattered down the hallway. The chase had begun. She would get to the door, then I would try once more...

  I heard the heels louder, faster. She was approaching me again.

  She stood before me, tense and livid. Fuck, why did I always end up getting women so wound up like this? It might be record time for this one.

  “You're sick. This little operation you have running here is the sickest exploitation I've ever seen in my life. I thought the American Dream couldn't get more corrupted. Now we have this lifeless show, this twisted game all for a rich man's pleasure. I hope you live life alone, because not even those horrid girls deserve your bullshit.”

  She relaxed her closed fists and bunched them against her thighs. I hadn't realized that I was smiling. It was like my world had opened up. Finally, there was light.

  She's the one. My bride, the idea struck me, but I shoved it back down.

  There would be no brides. My plan couldn’t be forgotten.

  “I agree.”

  I broke her confident stride. She wasn't going anywhere now.


  I took a hearty swig of water. I beamed at her, a wide smile that seemed to ensnare her.

  “I said I agree with you. I think this whole thing is terrible. Do you think it was my idea?”

  “You're going along with it.”

  “Yes, I am, but not happily. There's more to this than meets the eye. Trust me, if I could get out, I would, but I have certain obligations.”

  The ocean called to us. I pointed toward my private beach.

  “Let's not talk about that, though. Let's talk about jet skiing. Would you like to go jet skiing with me? Or should we go right to the skinny dipping?”

  I impressed myself with my quick thinking. She wrung her hands on her dress.

  “Come on, let's get out of here. You ever do it before?”

  She refused to answer at first. When I held the door open for her, the temptation was too much.

  “No, never,” she said. She started for the door. She stopped at my feet, peering up at me.

  Our eyes connected. I found myself unable to keep up my usual act. Melding into her eyes, erotic energy sparked, mingling between us. My breath hitched.

  She actually had me anxious and insecure, something that was new, and a little frightening for me.

  “Thanks,” she said.

  The ocean breeze and her flowery, fruity scent mixed in one tantalizing brush. It left me buzzing, my head light.

  I led the way past the pool. She eyed it as we made our way around and through the open gate, leading past the garden and into the sloping path to the beach.

  “Who needs a pool when you have an ocean at your doorstep?”

  I shrugged. “It was there when I bought it. Some people prefer one or the other. Me? I'm ocean all the way. The ocean is a lot more fun. And a lot more opportunities for lost tops.”

  “Eew. Are you sure you’re not a twelve year old in a thirty year old’s body?”

  “I can’t confirm or deny that information.”

  “Let’s go to the beach.”

  She seemed excited now. I imagined her running ahead, right into the water, leaving me behind. Bubbly, she remained ahead on the path, kind of steep, with rocks on the side. It was the only way down to the private area.

  “This is beautiful.”

  It helped it was a beautiful day; a calm breeze, open skies, and the call of adventure. We plodded through the sands until we came to the edge of my dock. A few boats were hitched there, and there was a tiki style cabin in the front, used as a place to drink and relax, but mainly to house equipment.

  She was speechless as we crossed over the sandy wooden floorboards of the bar. The walkway departed from the open section and we were in something stuffier, the storage space. I handed her a wet suit. I grabbed mine as well.

  In dismay, she held it up to her. I could tell that she wasn't impressed. She had flared hips. She had a round, plump ass, perfect for squeezing and digging my fingers into as I rammed that hot softness between her legs. Her breasts were ample as well, and I got the image of my cock driving inside her, ramming her hard as I watched from above, adoring those bouncing fat tits.

  Ahem, I wasn't going to fit into my suit either if I started to get hard. I shut off that side of my brain...or tried my best to.

  “There's no way,” she said, tapping her foot with a harrumph.

  “Maybe? Just try it on. They look smaller because they're tight.” With any luck, it would hardly fit her and I would see more of her glorious, shapely body. Maybe I was being a little sleazy, but I couldn't help my baser instincts around this new, alluring girl.

  She waited for me to go.

  “Right. I'll get mine on in the bar. Call me when you're ready.”

  The black wetsuit fit me snugly. It was crafted specifically for me, so I had no troubles. I hoped Tia wouldn't have any problems. I was really looking forward to an exciting afternoon with her. Jet skiing would rock her world. She seemed like the type to take right to it.

  “Done. I think,” she said. Her tone was not pleasant.

  “Great.” I rounded the corner carefully.

  She still fiddled with the zipper, but it wasn't going anywhere. Her breasts kept it air tight against her. A slight V formed down the middle, just enough to reveal an inkling of cleavage. That was the first sight that sent my cock on full alert. The next was the way the suit conformed to her body. It fit snugly. Her curves were all mine to adore.

  I wanted to run my fingers across her hourglass shape, and then rip the rest of that suit off her, right down the middle, which she seemed to struggle with the most.

  “Looks great.” I gave her a wink. I charged right into action. It was best not to keep myself lingering on how great she looked in that wetsuit. My cock already strained in mine.

  “That's the best I could do,” she said with a huff. “It barely fits.”

  “Aren't I the lucky one then?”

  She followed me to the closed off, indoor docking area, where I kept all of my water toys. They were a bit of an obsession.

  “Do you have enough?”

  “Sorry, I have a few obsessions. This happens to be one of them.” And you could be the next.

  Watercraft bobbed idly in the gated off section of the hut. I threw open the gate, then unlatched the two-seater. We could've went on separate standing crafts, but it would be easier her first time if she let me do all the work. I preferred to do the work anyway.

  “We're going on the same one?”

  “Yes, I recommend it. Unless you’re afraid of getting close?”

  “Hmm, okay.” She crossed her arms, trying to hide what little flesh was exposed.

  I leapt onto the seat. Holding my hand out, I reached for her to take it. I swept her closer to me and she tossed herself right behind me, fitting snugly against me, her warmth making my cock jump.

  “Arms around me. There's no brake on this.”

  And no brakes on the Lucas train either, beautiful.

  “Okay,” she said as she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. Something overcame me, a want to get closer, a feeling which I didn't know could exist in me. I'd been bored for so long. I'd been static and cold. One t
ouch of Tia, my coldness had melted.

  Out on the waves, I could forget how badly I wanted her. That nasty tug of war between resistance and lust could be quieted.

  “It's going to be bumpy, so hang on tight. You don't have to be worried about hurting me.”

  “I'm squeezing as hard as I can. I’m trying to break your ribs, but it's not working.”

  “Funny.” She gave me a squeeze. I could really feel it tugging at my breath, so that was good. We could begin.

  “Maybe you'll be able to ride one yourself once we're through, but for now, you have to hold onto me tightly.”

  I hit the throttle. We sped off into the ocean. The first crest we hit, we plowed right through it, spraying water. Tia yelped, sliding her thighs against me, making me want to hit something harder to get her closer.

  There was a tiny horseshoe shaped island nearby—only rocks and a sandy beach on it—I stayed clear of it, racing out toward the great expanse of the Pacific.

  “Here we go. Keep holding on,” I screamed back to her. I hoped she could hear me. The last thing I needed was her flipping off the back and cartwheeling as we hit a strong wave. She was smarter than that. Unfortunately, some of the valley chicks, when my friends took them out, weren't. Some had come back with nasty bruises.

  We jumped the next wave, getting some nice air. My heart pounded in my chest and I felt energized, ready to conquer. I settled that confidence down, trying to tell myself that we needed to take it easy. Tia was a beginner.

  The next waves were smaller. There was a much bigger monster building in the distance, but I decided to keep us in the easier waters for now.

  “More,” Tia screamed at me. She slapped my shoulder.

  After I hit the latest wave and we got some air, I heard her yell at me to not take it easy on her. She wanted more. That pure adrenaline rush had her hooked. More, she kept telling me, more. A man couldn’t help but imagine their woman underneath them, their thighs spread wide, his cock pumping as they screamed for more.

  I aimed the front toward a choppy section ahead. Huge swells were forming. If I hit them at the right time, we would soar right over it and we would get some air that Tia would remember forever.

  Engines roaring, leaning forward, we struck the wave. As we hit, the impact crashed into us, jostling me around. Tia's grip on me weakened. Her fingers slipped. My stomach plummeted when her hands completely unlatched.

  I knew she hadn't made it. I landed alone. I spun around in a hurry.

  Be okay, be okay. Frantic thoughts raced to the surface. I knew there was little chance for anything serious to happen to her, but I still worried. I panicked.

  Seeing her arms flailing above the surface, I dove from the jet ski and swam to her.

  She caught my hand. I swept up close to her, taking her around the waist and pulling her against me, making sure that she couldn't be swept away.

  I'm here, Tia. Nothing bad will happen to you.

  She flipped her bogged down hair over and climbed up my chest to be clear of the growing waves. I continued to stroke, keeping us above. She coughed, not much, thankfully, then wiped the water from her eyes.

  She was all right.

  I almost lost it there for a moment. Such a strong, possessive need to make sure she was okay came over me, over the littlest thing. Of course, she was fine. There was little chance of anything serious happening to her.

  “I'm okay,” she said, patting my chest. It seemed she was more worried about me.

  Sunlight gleaming off her amber eyes with her wide smile directed at me, I lost it. I pulled her even closer, causing her to wrap her legs around me, keeping us bound. Unstoppable urges struck me again.

  Her eyes were wide. Her lips hung open in shock, but I didn't care. This couldn't wait. I couldn't stand another moment without telling her that she needed to be mine.

  I pressed my lips against hers. She was soft, salty, and sweet. An urge to claim her broke free from me, and I was energized, adrenaline rushing through me as I squeezed her hips and pulled her against my cock. My tongue drove in, pressing against hers slowly at first, but then really letting go with reckless abandon, rolling and rocking against hers.

  We kissed during a long, high wave, riding it out, and then broke apart, leaving us both in a calm.

  Tia's mouth hung agape. I rested my steady, heady gaze at her. I was sure that I looked stoned, high off her kiss.

  "What was that for?" She asked, her voice heavy and sultry. My cock throbbed against her. Her hold eased as I kept my grip on her waist, not letting her be taken by the sea.

  “Take it as an apology, if you wish, for letting you fall, but I'm not going to apologize for kissing you.”

  Dazed, she wrestled with the idea. It wasn't the reaction I was hoping for, but then again, I hadn't prepared at all. That didn't mean I was going to apologize. She might try to make me do it. I wouldn't.

  Not like I even knew how. They should really teach that apologizing thing in school, because I’d never learned it. Apologizing made you look weak.

  “You can't just kiss a girl like that. You've got to give them a warning, at least.”

  “Why ruin the surprise? I acted brashly, yes, but I don't think it was a bad thing.” I wouldn't give her the chance to say it was a bad kiss. The way she kissed me, rolling her tongue frantically against mine, ravenous for more, she had enjoyed it.

  “You didn't save us yet,” she said with a sly smirk, pointing out toward the watercraft.

  It floated over the waves, not too far, but if we kept talking, we would be abandoned. My rescue mission would prove embarrassing if I needed to call for help.

  “Can you stay here? I'm going to swim back and grab it. I'll pick you up.”

  “Go, before we get stuck out here.”

  Definitely not the reaction I was hoping for. I stroked away and cut through the waves to the jet ski. Out of breath, I pulled myself up and turned it around, picking up Tia and putting her back in place with her arms around me.

  “Looks like fun time is over,” she said, pointing ahead. Brent's bald head was blinding from way out there. We were having too much fun. He jumped and waved for us to come ashore.

  It was time to do my bidding. The Brent blinding bald head signal called from the beach.

  Chapter 4


  It was a while since I'd last been kissed.

  I had never been kissed like that.

  He was forceful, but smooth. His tongue ran across mine like he meant to take all of me. The way my arousal blossomed when he touched me, I thought for sure that he already had me. Only when we broke away, and I was given a second to comprehend what was happening, my rational mind returned.

  I thought he melted it to mush, but my brain was in there somewhere, and I was glad I eventually listened to it. No matter how hot and heavy that kiss had been, it was important to remember who had delivered it. Lucas. Billionaire. A man who was about to have a buffet line of girls offered to him.

  He had it easy. He thought he could take me just as easily. I bet he'd done that trick a thousand times. Take a clueless girl out on his jet ski, let them fall, and then sweep in to be their savior.

  I wasn't clueless.

  I changed back into my clothes, but my hair was still a mess, and my makeup ruined. It didn't matter. I would be leaving soon anyway.

  When I stepped back out, the sun had begun to set, casting a golden glow over Lucas, standing before me in his white shirt and khakis, towering over me like a Greek god. He swept a hand through his wet mane, somehow streaking it in just the perfect way for it to fall back to normal. Jealous. I was so jealous.

  It would be forever until my hair was dry and presentable.

  “That was fun,” I said matter-of-factly. “Thank you. I'll always remember that.”

  He pressed his hands in his pockets. He wistfully picked his gaze up from the sand.

  “It sounds like you're saying goodbye.”

  “I am.”

“I suppose I've already kept you long enough.” There seemed to be a longing to his expression, like a boy kicking stones at his bad luck.

  I didn't want him to feel bad. Honestly, I had fun, but that was as far as it should go. The other type of fun meant someone would get their heart broken. That someone would be me, no doubt.

  This type of life, once you really dug deeper, it revealed some deal breakers. I imagined it wouldn't take long for me to discover that Lucas' extravagant, reckless lifestyle hid some demons.

  Hearing no response from me, he led me back up the path back to his house.

  “Tia, don't make me face all of those girls alone. They'll eat me alive.”

  “That’s a problem?”

  Going up the hill was far more difficult after the ride. The rumbling motor between my thighs had gotten me excited, but it also left me wobbly and weak. I wondered if the girls would think I had slept with Lucas. Probably, with my bowed legs.

  “You know what I mean. Believe it or not, this wasn't my idea. I need to go along with it. There's a lot of people depending on me.”

  “I fail to see how other people could care about your sexual life, but I believe your sincerity.”

  He returned a pained smirk. “This has nothing to do about sex and all to do about business.”

  Even worse. Who would want to mix business and romance? Who would want their life set up like a business plan? I believed Lucas when he told me that. I still didn't believe he was completely innocent.

  We topped the hill. Level ground again. I could breathe easily. As we neared the pool, we could hear the girls chatting inside the house, and Lucas looked nervous. He kept throwing his head back to look at me. Each time, I actually felt bad for him.

  He slid in closer to me. “You haven't had dinner yet, have you? It's the least I could do. I did let you fall.”

  “I thought your kiss was the apology?” Heat rose to my cheeks once I thought of it. I wished I hadn't brought it up.

  “Have dinner with me. I promise you, you won't regret it.”

  “Fine, you win. You said the magic word. Dinner. It’s one of my weaknesses.”


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