The Spanish Inquisition
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Abelard, Peter, 130
Abolafia, Samuel, 31, 351
Abravanel, Isaac, 17, 20, 25–27, 31–32, 72
Accetto, Torquato, 152
Acosta, Cristóbal, 281
Acton, Lord, 148, 392
admiral of Aragon, 167
admiral of Castile, 87, 331
Adrian of Utrecht, cardinal, 85–86, 119, 134, 184, 237
al-Andalus, 1, 2, 159–160, 177, 180
Álava, 113
Alba, duke of, 26, 107, 129, 147, 211, 231, 342, 376–377
Albania, 6
Albert, archduke, 191, 356
Alcalá, 92–93, 98–99, 102, 113, 122, 135, 138, 208–209, 230, 293, 319, 367
Alcalá, Luis de, 17
Alcalá, university of, 147, 310, 318, 381
Alcalá Galiano, Antonio, 380, 386
Alcántara, Order of, 304, 313
Alexander VI, 217
Alfonso V, 19
Alfonso the Wise, King, 114
Algiers, 3, 175, 179
al-Hasan al-Wazzan, 3
Aliaga, Luis de, 183
aljama, 10, 15, 17–22, 26, 162
Almazán, Miguel, 81
Alpujarras, rebellion in, 168
alumbrados, 95–98, 126, 138, 140, 146–147, 233, 240, 245, 341
Álvarez, Hernando, 146
Amadis de Gaula, 131, 158
Amador de los Ríos, José, 384
America, 111, 190, 208, 331, 343, 352, 359–360, 378
no emigration of Jews to, 34
Amsterdam, 6, 30, 39, 115, 266, 361–362, 365–366
Anabaptists, 283
anti-Semitism, 16, 21, 25–26, 31–32, 36, 65, 81, 138, 143, 144, 147, 155, 229, 311, 326–327, 351, 359, 370, 372, 376
Antwerp, 115, 121–122, 125, 130, 134, 142, 208, 376
anusim, 22, 44
Aragon, opposition to Inquisition in, 59
papal Inquisition in, 57
Arama, Isaac, 72
Aranda, count of, 25, 327
Aranda, Pedro de, 207
Araoz, Antonio de 118, 319
arbitristas, 155, 172
Arbués, Pedro de, 59, 62–64, 67, 76, 264, 305
Arce de Otalora, Juan, 315
Arias, Francisco, 288
Arias Dávila, Diego, 37, 47
Arias Dávila, Juan, 26, 207
Arias Montano, Benito, 129, 131, 136, 142–143, 147, 171, 379
Arles, 224
Arles, Council of, 15
astrology, 118, 151, 153, 293
atheism, 11, 217, 224
autos de fe, 59, 63, 65, 68, 72, 74, 79, 95–96, 105–106, 109, 115, 146, 167, 169, 187–188, 191, 198, 202, 212, 221, 226, 249, 252–254, 258, 261–263, 265, 269–270, 272–274, 279, 296, 317, 328, 343–344, 353, 355, 363, 366–369, 374, 379, 383, 390
and Spanish mentality, 271
as propaganda by Inquisition, 271, 273, 279
costs of, 255
first auto held, 56
iconography of, 273, 277–278
new form invented by Fernando Valdés, 263, 274, 277
presence of royalty at, 275–276
Avellaneda, inquisitor, 295
Ávila, 4, 18–19, 21, 26, 42, 56, 95, 127, 146, 183, 188, 305
Ávila, Alfonso de, 38
Ávila, Juan de, 97, 320
Ayala, Martín de, 166, 168
Ayora, Gonzalo de, 81
Azara, Félix de 180
Azpilcueta, Martín de, 210, 243
Bacon, Francis, 133, 152, 154, 222, 223, 367
Badajoz, 38, 114, 201, 305, 311, 352, 357
Badoero, ambassador, 375
Baer, Yitzhak, 45, 384, 385
Bardaxi, Antoni de, 62
Bardaxi, Felipe de, 216
Barrientos, Lope de, 304
Bayle, Pierre, 223, 367
Bayonne, 358, 370
Bear Bible, 115
beata, 95, 283, 337
Bernáldez, Andrés, 17–18, 28, 34, 47, 50, 55, 66–67, 79, 197
Berruguete, Pedro, 273, 274
bestiality, 268, 290
Bible, 50, 92, 101, 111, 122, 124–125, 129, 137, 140, 142, 145, 176, 343, 371
translations of, 102, 109, 114–115
Bienveniste, 17
bigamy, 83, 87, 251, 286, 288
Bilbao, 21, 109, 134, 135, 330
bishops, jurisdiction of, 206
Black Legend, 379
Blanco White, José María, 317
blasphemy, 83, 217, 222, 227, 228, 244, 252, 334, 336
blood purity. See limpieza
Boabdil, 31
Bodin, Jean, 130, 132
Bologna, 120, 123, 157, 305–306, 308
Bonafed, Selomoh, 22
books, control of. See Chapter 5 passim
and censorship, 136
burning of, 128, 129
import of, 103, 134–135
Bordeaux, 113, 124, 296, 359
Borgia, Cesare, 217
Borja, Francisco de, 127, 131, 318–319, 331–332
Borja, Pedro Galceran de, 290
Boronat, Pascual, 173
Borromeo, Carlo, 337
Borrow, George, 116, 371
Brahe, Tycho, 133
Bravo, inquisitor, 82
Brito, Francisco Díaz Méndez, 362
Brocense, 126, 143, 145, 391
Bucer, Martin, 111, 317
Buitrago, 18, 31
Burghley, Lord, 222
Burgos, 1, 16, 21–22, 36–37, 42, 82, 94, 96, 99, 113, 115, 119, 134, 188, 243, 269, 304, 321
Burgos, Alonso de, 38
Caballería, Alfonso de la, 64
Caballería, Pedro de la, 41
Caballería family, 19–20, 37–38, 63
Cabriada, Juan de, 153
Cáceres, 21
Calahorra, 109, 188, 190, 207
Calatrava, Order of, 96, 135, 304, 313, 363
Calcena, secretary 84, 85
Calvin, John 111, 134
Camargo, 340
Camos, Marco Antonio de, 281
Canary Islands, 98, 191, 229, 248, 253, 343, 380
Canisius, Peter, 126
Cano, Melchor, 125, 127–128, 132, 139, 207–209, 320
Cantalapiedra, Martín Martínez de, 140, 142, 143, 314
Canto, Alonso del, 109, 318
capital punishment, opposition to, 77
Capsali, rabbi, 23, 32, 33