by Davis,Lexie
“Five years. Now you answer the damn question.”
He huffed an exasperated breath, folding his arms on the table before us. “I needed to know for a case I’m working on. Nothing big.”
Nothing big, my ass. In the past Tony had been arrested for money laundering and prostitution more times than I could count. If Cameron was a detective and was there to scope out the place, I figured it would be best if I zipped my lips and cut my losses before I was fucked over really bad.
“In that case, I think it’s best if I leave.” I grabbed my bag as Cameron reached out to brush his fingers against my hand. It was an innocent move, though it halted my actions.
“Stay, Mia. Tell me about yourself.”
About me? No. I told no one anything about me. “I thought this wasn’t personal. That it was just business.”
“Fine. You want to get a hotel room?”
“Charming. But as I said the other night, I’m not a whore.” What was he trying to do? Trap me with prostitution charges? That so didn’t settle well with my plans.
He had blue-green eyes that captured and held mine unwaveringly. I was gambling with deceit, either against Tony or Cameron, depending on which way you looked at it. I needed my job, therefore I figured I should stay true to Tony. I wasn’t going to squeal about anything.
“What do you want?” I asked, drawing my hand back from his massaging fingers.
“I want another ten minutes, Mia. You and me alone, only this time I’ll make you feel real good.” He grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled an address on it and handed it to me. “Come by tonight. I know you’re not working at the club.”
I stared at the note while he pulled out a few bills for lunch. He lived in a classy neighbourhood across town. One, if I remembered correctly, with very nice, expensive houses. No way could a detective afford that alone. He had to have been born into money.
“And what do you expect when I get there?”
He smiled, grabbing his suit jacket and scooting from the booth. “The same thing you’re expecting, only I’ll be the one doing all the work.”
He brushed his lips against my cheek in parting and strolled out of the café as if nothing had happened between us. I took a deep breath and thought about the conversation, my mind muddled on what to do. He didn’t act like he’d drill me all night long about Tony. Besides, my body temperature only cooled when he wasn’t around, and with it being ninety degrees outside, that was saying something.
Should I go? I mean, sex was great but it could be a trap. I wasn’t sure I trusted him. Even if he did have the badge; me and badge people hadn’t gotten along too well in the past. What was a girl to do?
I slid from the booth with the crisp paper in my hand and walked to the door. The sun beat down on my face, the light on the sidewalk almost unbearable, making it impossible to see. I wanted to trust him, I supposed. Aside from the badge, he was a really great lover. And he had promised me he’d do all the work. Where was the harm in that?
Oh, I was beginning to turn into a slut. I climbed into my two-hundred-year-old car and fired up the engine. If I was going to see him, I needed a shower, a change of clothes and a fresh set of undies. Seems I may have soaked my current thong, and that alone alarmed me.
* * * *
I found Cameron’s house with ease. I’d been right when I’d said he was rich. The house had twice the space of my apartment, the club and flower shop all thrown together. His plain blue car sat in the driveway, announcing that he was at home. Oh, I had to be mental to consent to this.
I parked, glancing at my outfit once again. I’d chosen a grey-blue dress that clung to my curves in all the right places. It dipped low and had a string to tie the gaping neckline closed, but I chose to leave it undone. I liked it better that way. It felt freer.
I’d just taken a shower and was already sweating again. I could feel sweat slide down my spine and in the crease between my breasts. I’d opted out of wearing undies. Again for the whole freedom thing. I liked no restrictions, therefore the only piece of clothing I wore was the simple dress.
My nipples popped out against the fabric as I opened the door. I matched the dress with black knee-high stiletto boots that clacked every time I took a step. The hemline on the dress sat three inches from the top of the boots, giving a sort of sneak peek at my thighs. I felt sexy.
I pressed the doorbell and desisted from my nervous pattering. I was already here. Too late to back out now. The lock clicked open and Cameron stood on the other side, with wet hair, wearing denim jeans. He was barefoot with a towel draped around his neck, and I gulped, gawking at him.
“Hey, Mia. Come on in.” He grinned and I was frozen immobile.
His chest was darkly tanned with only the faintest sprinkle of chest hair. His abs were perfect ripples of muscle, clear proof of what could happen if you stayed in the gym a lot. And the thin little line beneath his navel led to the familiar place I wanted to go to again. I didn’t remember him looking this delicious the other night, though he had been cute enough to fuck without regret.
“Or you could stand there all night ogling me. Whichever suits you best.” His voice cut through my thoughts, and I released a pent-up breath, stepping into the foyer of his house.
“Wow. The station pays you well.” I looked around at all the intricate custom-made woodwork and the massive staircase that led to two stories above us. A huge chandelier hung from the ceiling in front of two massive windows above the front door.
“I take it you like my place?” He closed and locked the door behind me, then smiled, sliding past me with a brief touch of his hand against my back.
I’d never realised how much I liked that until he’d done it yesterday when he led me into the elevator. Though we’d had sex, he still treated me like a gentleman should. Others got off on treating women like sluts and bitches, caring less what happened to them after they got off. Not Cameron. He cared, if only for a moment.
He came back with two bottles of ice-cold beer and for that I was sincerely grateful. I smiled my thanks as he handed me the drink and moaned in pleasure as the cold liquid slid down my dry throat, cooling my overworked body. He watched me and I liked it. I was sweaty and sticky from being in my hot car, and the breezy dress did little to cool the effect he had on me.
Would he start the evening with small talk, or would he cut to the chase and fuck me against the front door? Undecided myself, I figured small talk was dangerous territory considering our earlier conversation. He stared at me, grin in place, as he tipped his own bottle to his lips. It was only then that I realised I was chugging the liquid, letting it run down my chin and throat to my chest. I pulled back, licking the bitter taste from my lips.
“Stop staring at me like that.”
“Like what?” His eyes never wavered from mine as he tilted the bottle to his lips again.
“Like you want to eat me. Stop being so damn passive.” I set my empty bottle on the credenza, using a piece of junk mail as a coaster. “I can’t stand the tension.”
“What would you rather me do?”
I bit my lower lip. “Stop looking and start acting. I’ve had a helluva day.”
He came to me then, cupping the back of my head and drawing my mouth to his. I hadn’t forgotten the way he tasted or the fact that his nimble tongue drove the last of my sanity away. He licked at me, drawing my tongue against his. He sucked lightly then harder before he thrust his tongue into my mouth.
I would have liked to chalk the drunken sensation to the beer I’d just had, but the rational part of my mind knew one beer didn’t get me drunk—even if it were on an empty stomach. No. Cameron’s kisses, Cameron’s tongue, Cameron’s taste—that got me drunk. When he finally pulled away, my body swayed a little before I regained balance. Why did this man have such an effect over me? Why did I find myself helplessly easy, ready to jump him at his every beck and call? I should have been heading for the high road—one that led me far away from the cop inside him.
> “I had a meal prepared, but I’m getting the sense you’re not hungry for food.” One hand slid into my hair, while the other situated the beer bottle he held on the credenza. “And to tell you the truth, neither am I.”
With a swoop of chivalry, he picked me up, smoothing a hand over my ass, and carried me down the hall to what I assumed would be his bedroom.
There was no time for taking in details as Cameron threw me onto the mattress and covered me with his body. My temperature rose, sweat making my flimsy dress cling. Cameron wasn’t really helping in that department either. He felt on fire, as if he’d burn me if I touched him.
We kissed, none too gently though with the same drugging effect of earlier kisses. His taste started to become an addiction, one habit I found relentlessly hard to break. Ten minutes at the club should have been enough to get him out of my system, but my plans had backfired. It only made me want more.
I clutched at his head with both hands, holding him to me as his tongue slicked against my skin. A little nibble here, a teasing flick there and gentle sucking until my body arched, exposing my neck to his wonderful mouth. Our groins pressed together in delicious delight, with my movements reminding me all too subtly round two wasn’t going to last much longer than round one.
I felt Cameron’s hands shift, sliding up my thighs, taking the stupid dress with them. The room had become rapidly hot and clothing was no longer needed. His fingers skimmed my inner thigh until they met my bare pussy lips. His mouth was now at my breast, his teeth pulling the fabric away so he could get to my begging nipples. I wanted him to touch me, to fill me up with his fingers and take the edge off our heated desire.
Instead, his finger rimmed my entrance, never penetrating, and pulled away completely, going back to a fist on the bed beside me. Content, he lapped at my one exposed nipple, giving me extreme pleasure, but not enough. I wanted him naked. I wanted skin on skin. I wanted him buried so deep inside me I didn’t know where he ended and I began. I wanted to fucking come!
“Cam,” I moaned, trying to pull him up. “Cut the foreplay and fuck me already.”
He let go of my breast with a pop and his teal eyes met mine. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy what he was doing. I think his fingers found out how immensely I enjoyed it. I just couldn’t wait. My body needed release. I needed him now.
Luckily for me, he didn’t say anything. He scooted to the bedside, grabbed a condom from the nightstand and threw it onto my stomach. Taking the hint, I undid it, all the while watching as he shucked his jeans and stood gloriously naked before me. His cock stood erect, hard from wanting and thick with blood. I remembered, in my warped mind, what he tasted like and licked my lips as he sunk his weight to the mattress, kneeling at my widespread feet.
“I told you at the café. You had your ten minutes. This is mine.” He grabbed an ankle in each hand and pulled me closer to him. If he was thinking of doing what I thought he was thinking, there was no way I’d last.
With a predatory glint in his eye that reminded me of the cat that had caught the mouse, he bent between my legs and pressed his face into my pussy. Previous thoughts of my being in heaven were merely comical compared to the treatment I was getting now. I thought he’d go for the gold and fully taste me, but nope. Cameron surprised me again, zeroing in on my engorged clit.
His hands smoothed up my inner thighs, pushing them wider for better access. I cried out, arching off the mattress, seeking penetration. With all the sensations building inside me, I was helpless to do nothing but be.
I reached to the headboard above me and clasped the wood as if my life depended on it. Cameron added two fingers to his taunting oral stimulation and I fell apart. My back bowed off the mattress, pressing my clit deeper into his mouth. His arms wrapped around my thighs to keep me still, although it was futile effort. I panicked and fought it, not wanting it to end, but it was too late to retreat. Tiny spasms of pleasure tore through me, from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. His fingers curled slightly within me as his tongue brushed against my clit. I cried out.
Sometime later, Cameron crawled up my body, smoothing his hand along my stomach. I didn’t know if I could go another round so soon after that powerful orgasm, but looking at his golden body stirred my senses. He grinned at me, tugging at the dress I wore. With my help, he pulled it over my head, leaving us both naked and hot for each other.
He grabbed the condom and sheathed himself before leaning down to kiss me, my flavour all over his tongue. He tasted like sex—hot, wild and delicious.
“Did I fuck you good enough, baby? Because I could do that all day and never complain.” He pulled my legs wide as he aligned our pelvises together. His lips skimmed my breasts as he arched over me, holding me in place for his huge member. “You taste good, baby. But you feel fucking great.”
And with that he thrust in to the hilt, shoving my body upwards with the motion of his hips. I grabbed the headboard again, crying out as he withdrew and plunged again. The mattress squeaked. The headboard banged against the wall. If I hadn’t been so caught up in the impending orgasm I was having, I’d have laughed at how clichéd we were.
He cupped my breast, squeezing, pinching and rolling the nipple until my little moans turned to comprehensible yeses. I wrapped my legs around his waist and squeezed him with my thighs, drawing out groans from him as well.
His mouth latched on to mine, his tongue flicking inside and out just like the huge dick between my legs. Inside and out in short little thrusts that hit my clit and G-spot every time. I was so close. A few more thrusts and I’d be there.
I opened my eyes to see Cameron staring down at me. I lost all sense of reality looking into those eyes. His face wasn’t that of a cop, but that of a man gaining pleasure from a woman.
I cried out when my body started convulsing around him, pulling him deeper inside me. I came hard and fast, sliding my hands down the length of his back to his ass, then dragging my nails upward to his shoulders. This felt even better than the first climax and the second put together. I lay limp as he pumped two more times and drained himself into me. His own body arched as he slammed into mine with a harsh grunt of satisfaction.
He withdrew when it was over, disposing of the condom and sliding next to me on his back. For a while, we simply stared at the ceiling and said nothing in comfortable silence. I wasn’t totally sure either one of us had energy to talk.
“Do you want to stay the night?” he asked, throwing an arm over his eyes.
I gave a chuckle and he pulled his arm away, narrowing his eyes at me. “I thought we agreed to ten minute regimens. Wouldn’t all night be crossing that line?”
“All night would give me plenty of time to thoroughly debauch you.” He propped himself up on an elbow and turned to face me. “Why did you agree to have sex with me the first time at the club?”
He used his free hand to trace lazy circles around my nipple, making it pucker.
“Honestly? You were cute and I was horny. Why did you agree to have sex with me?”
He stopped his motions and looked at me. “I told you. I like you.”
I turned, pressing my lips against his. “You’re not like any of the guys I hang out with. Even if you are a cop.”
“What’s that suppose to mean? You got something against the police force?” He rolled me to my back, covering half of me with his body, pressing his lips against mine.
“They don’t like me.” I cupped his cheeks, smoothing my hand over his slightly hairy face. He evidently hadn’t shaved today and looked damn sexy, if I did say so myself.
“Nonsense. I like you just fine.” He kissed me one last time before pushing his body up into a sitting position next to me. “And I’m the only cop in this town you need to worry about.”
* * * *
We ate a lovely steak, grilled to perfection. I realised quickly that, aside from sex, Cameron fancied grilling and barbeques. When I asked him why, he said he liked to eat.
We sat under a large oak
tree, swinging in a hammock, watching as the late evening sun went down. I probably shouldn’t have agreed to staying with him or eating dinner, but he was persuasive. That fact alone guaranteed he was a good cop. It was only a matter of time before the questions would come and I knew, with my weak willpower, I’d answer anything he wanted to know. He probably knew it too.
His hand grazed my back, the tips of his fingers skimming my spine. He didn’t bother to put a shirt on, choosing to wear only a pair of jeans. He gave me clothes to wear, an oversized shirt with a pair of his boxer shorts. The hot, sticky day had turned into a nice cool evening, perfect for two lovers to watch the sunset together, holding each other. For the moment, life was perfect.
“So are you going to tell me anything about you, or are you going to force me to do a background check?”
He had a way of teasing that took my built-up defences and knocked them clear to the ground. I was a hothead by nature—courtesy of my father—and I would shoot first, ask questions later. Especially with men. I always assumed the worse before I’d find out the details.
“You don’t know my last name. You can’t do a background check.” I laid my cheek against his chest, rubbing a finger absently around his navel.
“I ran the plates on your car.” When I looked up at him in shock, he grinned. “Amelia Danielle Monroe. AKA, Mia. Lives at 231 Glenview in apartment 2C. Had a run-in with the police when you were nineteen, let off when you confessed your friends stole the vehicle the five of you were in. Got caught for possession, two grams of coke under your driver’s seat…”
“That wasn’t my fault!” I sat up, nearly knocking both of us out of the hammock. Cameron grabbed me and pulled me back down, pressing his lips to mine.
“I know it wasn’t your fault.” I gave him an incredulous look and he smirked. “I ran your boyfriend through the system as well. My humble opinion is, either you’re stupid or have really shitty friends. I’m going with the latter of the two, am I right?”
I nodded. “Jake snuck out of our apartment one night while I was sleeping and took my car to deliver his dealings. Evidently the police caught my license number and ran my tags and found a bag of coke under my seat. I spent two weeks in jail for that prick and he didn’t so much as even try to get me out of the fucked-up mess I was in.”