by Davis,Lexie
I was still bitter about that. I couldn’t even count the number of times I’d bailed him out of trouble or covered for him with an alibi. And then he’d just merely shrugged when I’d gone to jail for his shit, only to have the nerve to think I’d be goody-goody with him when I got out. Not fucking likely.
“And the car was a misunderstanding. My friends and I went to a party that night and they offered to pick me up. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
I stared at Cameron, who had the cop face in place again. This was probably going to be the part where he drilled me about Tony. I really didn’t want to answer questions. I really didn’t want to pick sides. If what we had going was something worth looking into, I couldn’t lie to him. But I couldn’t rat out my boss either. I needed money, and quite frankly, working for free at the flower shop didn’t pay my rent.
“I believe you.” Cameron brushed a piece of hair back with his fingers. “I do want to ask you about your boss, though.”
“Shit.” I pulled away from him, trying to sit up and not having much luck. “I know what you want me to do, and I’m telling you right now I won’t. I just work the bar from nine to three every day but Sundays and Wednesdays. I don’t dance. I don’t sell myself. I don’t do drugs. I just man the bar. I pour drinks that make the customers happy.”
I finally stood, leaving Cameron sprawled out, half naked, on the hammock. He rested his hand behind his head as if intentionally posing for a woman’s fantasy magazine.
“I didn’t say you did any of those things, now did I?”
“What could you possibly want to know that won’t cost me my job by telling you?” The light was slowly fading into darkness and I figured if I was going to leave, now would be the time. My car didn’t have door locks on one side and in my neighbourhood, you needed locks after dark.
“One, sit down and quit being so jumpy.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me on top of him, the hammock swinging to and fro, threatening to dump us. “Now, that’s better. Your boss is widely known for prostitution scandals. And it’s come to my attention that serving two years in jail for it didn’t dampen his plans to continue. I wanted to know if you knew anything about it.”
I wrapped my arms around him, wishing this wasn’t happening. Why couldn’t he be the charismatic lover I’d met at the bar a couple of nights ago? Life would be so much easier.
“I’ll be honest,” I started. “Charlie and I try to stay out of the club-running part of the business. We talk to Tony only to tell him when to order more liquor or give our ideas about the new renovation he’s planning. We sort of create our own little world behind the bar and leave the rest of the staff to their own business.”
For the most part that was true. I sort of left out the whole ‘screwing Tony in his office to get what I wanted’ part. I figured that would be a bit in the too-much-information department. Besides, it was irrelevant. He wanted to know about prostitution. I didn’t prostitute my body. Nor could I really confirm Tony being involved in that. Of course I had suspicions, but no hard facts, and I wanted hard facts before I spurted off anything to a cop. I knew what it was like to go down for something you didn’t do, even if the evidence pointed all fingers towards you.
“Charlie’s the guy that gave me a look that could kill right? The one that kissed you?”
I hadn’t realised he’d seen that. “Yeah. Jealous?”
He chuckled. “Why would I be jealous with you here in my arms where I could kiss you any time I want?”
To prove his point, he grabbed both of my arms and lifted me until my lips were even with his mouth. He licked the seam of my lips, slowly seeking entrance. I parted them expectantly, but he teased, nudging the tip of his tongue inside. He nibbled along my bottom lip and slid his tongue against my teeth before thrusting inside completely. Our lips fused together, our tongues stroking. He tasted me as much as I tasted him.
I pushed up on my knees, clawing at the rope-like fabric of the hammock for balance. The guy knew how to kiss and make a girl forget her own name. Finally he pulled away, hands still gripping my arms, holding me up.
“He stared at me like a jealous lover. Did you fuck him?”
I licked my lips, tasting him all over again. “Five months ago. Long story, but we both needed comfort and had drunk a little too much tequila.”
“One night? Because he acted as interested as all the other pervs that go to clubs like that.”
“We look out for each other. Brother/sister kind of thing, minus the one drunken night.” I sat up, straddling his hips. “What are you going to tell me about you? I’ve told you shit about my life. I think it’s only fair you reciprocate.”
His hands slid to my thighs, rubbing gently. “What do you want to know?”
“What would come up on your background check? Have you had any run-ins with the law?”
He grinned at my question. “A few. Beat up my ex-girlfriend’s lover. Served two nights in jail and ninety days of community service. I didn’t know at the time, but he was the mayor’s son. Um, I stole pink panties one time. Got caught on camera and the store pressed charges. A night in jail and a hefty bond that my parents made me work my ass off to pay.”
I laughed, unable to help myself. “Why did you steal women’s underwear?”
“Well, this girl named Stacy was teasing me and my friends about how hot she was for me. She said she was wet and wanted me to fuck her in the dressing rooms. Naturally being an idiot, I complied. My friend, Scott, said I should keep her panties as a reminder so I said what the hell. They smelt like her and I pocketed them.” He chuckled, closing his eyes as he recalled the memory. “I didn’t realise she’d put them on and worn them around the store intending to steal them before we caught up with her. It was all one hell of a big misunderstanding.”
“How old were you?” I asked, drawing his eyes open and back to me.
I shook my head, bending down to kiss him. “Was she worth it?”
“Hell no.” He slid his hands underneath my borrowed shirt, moving up to massage my breasts. “She didn’t taste half as good as you.”
He sat up, sending the hammock in swinging motions again as he kissed me. Not a teasing, pleasurable kiss that left me breathless. A hard, demanding kiss that totally blocked the need for oxygen from my brain. I needed him. I wanted him. Now.
“Let’s take this inside before we both fall on our asses in the grass,” I said, moving to the edge. I stood first, with Cameron’s help, and then he stood, wrapping his arms around me.
After the day being so hot, the night turned frigid. Cameron was warm as always and felt better than any clothing or blanket ever could. He kissed my neck and gently pushed me towards the back door. I guess I was staying the night with the cop, because at this moment, I couldn’t think of one reason why I should go home.
One Night Only
Chapter Four
Sleep. The one reason I should have gone home was for sleep. Granted, Cameron had the softest bed I’d ever slept in, but between the two of us, we stayed up the whole night entertaining our horny desires. And now, at five-thirty in the morning, he was getting ready for work and I could barely keep my eyes open.
“Get up, sleepyhead. I’m already going to be late for work.” He pulled the towel covering his hips away and threw it at me. The slightly damp terry cloth landed over my face, rousing a groan of annoyance at him.
I jerked it away and threw it back, my target being his perfect, firm ass. He watched me in the mirror and dodged the missile, using his perfect escape to tackle me against the mattress.
I giggled, fighting him lightly, hopelessly, until he pinned me with both his body and his hands, holding me at his complete mercy. His skin was warm and moist from his shower and if I hadn’t gotten off thirty minutes ago, I probably would have taken his teasing to the next level. But I was downright tired. Sated. Satisfied. And sleepy.
“Are you awake now?” He dipped his head, pressing hot,
open-mouthed kisses against my neck. “Or do you need some more enticement?”
“I’m too tired to fool around,” I groaned, angling my neck better for his touch.
“Oh, you coaxed me a few times last night. I’m sure I could do the same.” He licked my thumping pulse point and my body softened, my pussy growing wet with my building arousal. “Are you wet, baby?”
His mouth found my breast through the sheet and nipped the soft black satin, exposing my flesh to his inquiring eyes. He pressed soft kisses around my nipple, occasionally using his tongue to flick it, making it harder. How could I deny wanting him? I had to have had twenty orgasms last night and I still wanted him, sore body and all.
“Cam, kiss me,” I said, sliding my fingers through his hair. “Forget all the rest. I want your tongue in my mouth, now.”
He looked up at me, eyes sparkling with interest. He slid up again, covering my mouth with his own. His hands made fast work of the sheet covering my naked body. He slid two fingers in my silky heat, gently stroking me awake into arousal.
“You are so fucking wet. Are you horny twenty-four seven or am I just lucky?” He pulled away, grabbing the last condom of the package.
“You’re just lucky. I never have early morning sex because I hate mornings.” He fumbled with his weight as he tried rolling the condom on in a hurry. “Let me.”
I removed his hand and slid my fingers to the base of his rigid length. He hovered above me, doing a push up, eyes dilated and hungry for pleasure. I hadn’t so much as removed my hands from his dick, and he plunged into me. I gasped as my tender muscles clamped around him.
“Go slow,” I panted. “I’m a bit sore.”
He nodded, pulling out and thrusting back in, slower and easier this time. The silk sheets clung to my back and my thighs, Cameron’s sweat mixing with my own. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the sun rising and revelled in the fact that I hadn’t been this happy in the morning in a long time.
His fingers found my clit, bringing me back into the game. I arched my back and lifted my pelvis, taking him deeper. Soreness be damned. I came with a moan-turned-cry and watched Cameron follow me a half-second later. We lay together for a minute before he pushed completely off me and turned away.
“I’m seriously going to be late.” He snapped the condom off and discarded it in the nearby trash. “Can you get dressed, please?”
I lay there, legs spread, staring in awe at him. He had just fucked me and now he had turned his back and told me to get dressed. How nice of him.
There went my happy mood. I got up and walked around the massive king-size bed, looking for my dress. I was pissed and really didn’t know why. I suppose I understood he had to go to work. I also understood us fooling around set him back in getting ready. But he didn’t have to be so rude. He didn’t have to act like I was yesterday’s news being thrown out in the garbage.
“What?” I snapped, turning my head.
He stood with my dress hanging on his finger. “Sweetheart, go home. Take a hot bath and get some sleep. You’re very grumpy.”
“Fuck off.” I grabbed the dress and pulled it over my head, my arms getting caught up in the sleeves. Cameron chuckled and helped me to pull the fabric the right way. “Stop. I can dress myself.”
“Fine.” He stepped back and began getting himself ready. “Don’t you have to work at your aunt’s? What time do you have to be there?”
“Oh, shit. Damn. Shit.” I pressed the heel of my hand against my forehead. “Damn.”
“I take it you forgot?”
I glared at him. “How do you know my work schedule?”
He grinned, tying a royal blue tie over a lighter blue shirt. “Well, that’s a funny story. Wilcox called the floral shop to see who bought her flowers since Bill, her husband, didn’t. Turns out it was Bill, but he had someone else order them. Anyway, while she was on the phone, she asked your aunt when you worked.”
“Do you hold nothing in confidence?”
“Not much, no.” He straightened his tie in the mirror. “Besides, you wouldn’t open up and I needed to know if you were some psycho killer before I invited you to my house.”
“How do you know I’m not some psycho killer?” I couldn’t harm a bug, much less a human being. But that was beside the point.
“I have good instincts.” He turned towards me, fully dressed and looking hot as ever. “They haven’t let me down yet.”
“And you had instincts to use me for information about Tony, didn’t you?” I narrowed my eyes as he stared, cop face in place. “You thought you’d fuck my brains out and I’d pour my heart and soul, telling you every little dirty detail going on behind the scenes. Wow.”
I shook my head, the realisation coming to me at lightning fast speed. It all made sense now. He liked me, yadda, yadda, yadda, blah, blah, blah. He only wanted me for sex and information—a James Bond wannabe.
“I’m not a whore, but you couldn’t possibly have made me feel cheaper than I do right now.” I walked past him, reigning in my anger until I got to my car. I really didn’t want to hit a police officer and get thrown in jail for another misunderstanding. With the way my luck went, he’d love to put me there.
“Mia, would you wait a minute?” He came out behind me. “It’s not like that.”
“Yeah, whatever. Nice knowing you, Cameron.” I grabbed the doorknob, just as he clasped my arm.
He turned me around, pressing my back hard against the door. “If you’d shut up for one fucking minute and let me explain, maybe you’d see I never used you as a whore, Mia. I don’t think of you that way.”
“Let go of my arm.”
“Mia.” His gripped loosened, but his fingers stayed wrapped around my arm.
“Let go of my fucking arm before you get my fist in your face.” I jerked, and luckily he let go. I didn’t want anything to do with him—or so I told myself.
He stepped back, allowing me room to open the door. I felt the first prickle of tears in my eyes and felt stupid. A guy had used me as his whore a long time ago and not once had I ever thought about him since. Until now, that is. Until now when the very same emotions that went through my body then ran through me now.
I sniffled, rubbing my nose as I walked to my car. I didn’t really know if I was mad at him or mad at myself. I jingled my keys, searching for the one that went to my car. I made the mistake of looking back at him. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the wide open door with one hand propped against the top. All the hurt flooded me at once, maybe because of my stupidity. Maybe because of my vulnerability. Maybe because of the hurt in the past mingling with the hurt Cameron gave me in the present.
My hand shook as I unlocked my door. I sank into the bucket seat, finally allowed some privacy from his piercing eyes. I shoved the key in the ignition and cranked it, though the engine didn’t turn over. I took a deep breath and tried again, getting a clank, clank, clank.
“No!” I screamed, slamming my palms against the steering wheel. Of all the damn times for this stupid car to break down, now wasn’t it.
Tears fell to my cheeks as I continued pounding my fist against the steering wheel until I finally broke down right in front of Cameron’s house. I hadn’t cried in years, and the one time that I did, it had to be in front of him. So much for dignity.
“Mia?” Cameron pushed the driver’s door open more, cautiously approaching me. “Honey, it’s okay.”
“Just leave me alone!” I screamed, the sound muffled by my crouched position.
He bent down, sliding a hand along my thigh. “Mia, come on. You can take my car to do your flower route. Just please stop crying. I feel like a complete ass with every tear falling.”
“You should!” I turned to look at him, his face nothing but gentle understanding. “You’re not my favourite person right now.”
He scoffed, reaching for my hands. “Come on. You can take my car, and I’ll fix yours tonight while you’re working at the club.”
I let him pull me from the car, and he wrapped an arm around me. Stubbornly, I didn’t return the embrace as we walked back to his house. I didn’t like him treating me nicely while I was mad at him. Nor did I like how my body responded in spite of my anger.
“Here. You can have the Volvo RX900.” He handed me a set of keys from the wooden rack marked keys. “It has air, a nice radio and plenty of room for flowers.”
He smiled, and I rolled my eyes. Little did he know this was my dream car. I‘d fallen in love with it the first time I’d seen one driving around town but had known I’d never be able to afford it. I didn’t know why he was loaning it to me. For all he knew, I’d steal it and never come back.
“Come on, Mia. I want to settle this between us, but I’m running late as it is. Do you want the car?”
“Sure, but don’t even think about luring me back into your bed.” I grabbed the keys and entered the four-car garage, each car parked in its specific spot.
The Volvo was the farthest away from the steps that entered the house, with a bright shiny new McLaren F1 sitting next to it. He also had a Toyota Tundra and a classy Lexus—all of which were too rich for my blood. I gaped, then turned back to him.
“You have a McLaren?”
“Well, well, well. Someone knows her cars. Yes, I have a McLaren.” He stepped out into the garage with me. “And if that someone will forgive me for acting like an ass, I’ll take her for a ride on her next day off.” He bent down to kiss me. “Come back to my place after the flower shop gig and we’ll talk before you have to go to the club.”
I nodded and he smiled. We parted ways then. I climbed into the driver’s seat of the Volvo while he went to his town car. I didn’t know why he trusted me, but I was sure glad he did. I started the engine, blasted the air and turned on the radio. I would not let today get me down.