by Davis,Lexie
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“Where’d ya get that car?” Aunt Greta met me at the door, both her greying eyebrows shooting up towards the sky.
“A friend. My car wouldn’t start this morning.” I sauntered inside to my post, picking up the invoices of the flowers to deliver.
“This wouldn’t happen to be a man friend, would it?”
“Maybe.” I looked up at my worrisome aunt. “Cameron is a decent person, Aunt Greta. He’s not some thug I picked up at the bar. He’s actually a detective.”
Aunt Greta didn’t look the slightest bit convinced. She’d seen the trouble I’d been involved in and she knew my past almost better than I. She’d taken care of me on drunken nights. She’d paid my rent when I was about to get evicted because of my no-good boyfriend. She was essentially the mother I’d lost when I was five. Lord knew my dad wasn’t there for me.
“Please be careful, Amelia. I don’t need to remind you of Chris or Jake or Greg, do I?”
I shook my head. “No, Aunt Greta. I am being careful.”
That was all that was said. We loaded the plants into the back of Cameron’s Volvo and I drove away. I thought about my fucked up life and where I wanted to go. Traffic was backed up on Main, so I sat in the midst thanking my lucky stars I wasn’t in my Mazda. I would have died without air, and my plants would have been touching the ground right about now.
Maybe Cameron was good for me. I didn’t necessarily see us married and all that nonsense, but maybe dating. I hadn’t really dated anyone since I took the job at the club five years ago. Oh, I’d had plenty of lovers, but nothing even halfway resembling a relationship.
Traffic slowly crept along. I wondered what Cameron wanted to say to me tonight. My first thought was ask for forgiveness. Maybe, deep inside, I’d let all my barriers down because subconsciously I trusted him. Stupid, really, for me to think that, but the thought happened to pop into my head.
My luck, he’d be just like all the others. Use me to get what he wanted, which is exactly what I’d thought this morning when I’d realised his intentions. Aunt Greta was right for the billionth time. It was best I cut my losses now and get out. Say, “Hey, it’s nice knowing ya but one night is all I can offer.” But my body and mind didn’t want to give him up just yet.
* * * *
Cameron got home before me. He was already out of his suit, wearing a rag-like tee with worn jeans. His head was underneath the hood of my car, and he was covered from fingers to elbows in grease and oil. He looked up, acknowledging my presence, then went back to doing whatever he was doing.
“Hey,” I said nonchalantly.
“You’re talking to me now?” Even though his tone sounded mad, he looked up and kissed me before I could pull away. “When’s the last time you had this thing serviced?”
I thought back, scrunching my nose up, knowing it’d been a while. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “You have an oil leak which made your engine burn up from running on low oil. It can be repaired, but you’d have to replace the engine, so I suggest you just buy a new car.”
He grabbed a rag and wiped his hands off, though it didn’t do much good. I couldn’t afford a new car. I was just finally starting to save some money after paying off all the debts Chris had left with me.
“You can keep my car as long as you need,” he went on to say, drawing me back into our conversation. “That is if you’re not pissed off at me anymore.”
I scoffed. “That’s blackmail.”
He grinned, propping his ass against my car. “Old cop trick.”
Against my better judgment, I wrapped my arms around him, pressing a kiss to his lips. A make-up kiss, I suppose, one that turned pretty heated in the driveway. He tasted so good, and I forgot why we’d even fought in the first place. He didn’t touch me, but gripped my car on each side of our bodies. And finally I pulled away.
“Thanks for taking a look at my car.”
“Well, the way I see it, you were pretty pissed this morning so it was the least I could do.” He pressed his forehead against my chest, his warm breath shimmying down my cleavage. “I’ve had a really pissy day.”
I rubbed the nape of his neck, massaging what I could of the tension there. “You want to talk about it?”
“Can't. Classified.” He looked down at me. “You look tired.”
I grinned, cupping his cheeks. “I wonder why?”
I kissed him again, totally forgetting about all the shit that happened today. Maybe I could do this. I’d found very few men, since the whole Chris situation, who were worthy of the time it took to maintain a healthy relationship. Maybe Cameron was one of the few.
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his lengthening crotch. I really wasn’t sure I had the energy, but the idea was nice. His warm body over mine. His hands touching me everywhere while his lips followed in their wake. Yeah, the idea was nice. Really nice.
“Why don’t we go inside?” he said, unlocking his arms from my waist. He still had grease and oil to his elbows but I really didn’t care. Maybe we could take a nice shower together before I went to work. “I really want a beer.”
“That’s not the only thing you want,” I mumbled, walking away from him and the car.
He let me get halfway to the door before he ran behind me and hoisted me over his shoulder, fireman style. I wore a short denim skirt so I knew my ass was sticking out for all the world to see. I yelped in surprise, gripping his waist for balance.
“You have a really nice ass, you know that?” To prove his point, his palms smacked down on my rear before sliding down the backs of my thighs, gripping tightly.
“Yeah, well, yours isn’t so bad either.” I pinched his ass and he jerked. “Stop manhandling me and put me down.”
He opened the door, holding me steady with one hand on my rear, and then kicked it shut behind us. “I’ll put you down when I’m good and ready.”
He carried me to the kitchen, only to prolong my annoyance while he grabbed a beer from the fridge. He even took the time to pop the top open and drink a long drag from it. Then, carrying both me and the beer, he started towards the bedroom; though instead of putting me on the bed like I thought, he went in the bathroom and sat me on the toilet in the master suite.
“Strip.” He started pulling his shirt over his head, waiting for me to comply with his wishes.
“Oh, for goodness’ sake.” I pulled him to me, popping the button on his pants and sliding the zipper down.
He was hard as granite and sprang free when I lowered his pants to his knees. I flicked the tip of him with my tongue as my hands slid up his rock hard thighs to gently cup his ass. He gasped when I surrounded him with my mouth and took the head of his dick to the back of my throat.
Pre-cum coated my tongue, while his scent and that of oil and grease filled my nose. I sucked lightly at first, a little tugging pull of my mouth around him. I teased with my tongue, stroking the sensitive underside before pulling my head back and plunging down again.
He groaned, letting his head fall back and a pent-up breath whoosh from his lungs. I slid my fingers between the cheeks of his ass, finding and rubbing his asshole, before stroking his perineum. His control was slipping, I could tell from the way he fisted his hands in my hair.
I moved my hands to the front, taking the base of his cock in a sure grip and started pumping him, keeping only the sensitive head in my mouth. His balls were tight as I stroked them, lifting their weight and continuing my sweet torment.
“Mia,” he pleaded.
I picked up the pace, quickening my movements until his whole body went stiff and his fists pulled at my hair to the point of pain. And then he came, shooting his hot cum into my mouth, which I reflexively swallowed.
His grip on my hair loosened as his flaccid penis fell from my lips. I laid my head against his hip, breathing him in. After all the sex we’d had, starting with the club and ending with last night, I felt more connected to him with a fucking blowjob than anything. I looked u
p at him, suddenly feeling those gooey feelings of the lovey-dovey crap. I couldn’t be falling for him. I shook it off. Of course not. Sex wasn’t love.
He picked me up by my armpits and I didn’t complain. I stood motionless, watching him strip the last of his clothes, turn the shower faucet on, and then work on taking off my garments.
My shirt flew over my head, revealing my deep plum, satin and lace bra. He popped the back closure and the garment fell to the floor. Next was the skirt and that too fell to the floor with one little tug. I saw that he left grease fingerprints where he touched and wondered what my hair looked like. I stood in the matching plum, lacy boy-short panties and got a deep groan of approval from him.
“Those panties were made to kill a man.” He stepped closer, pressing his lips against mine in a quick kiss. “Take them off.”
I complied, kicking them to the side. He pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me, hands on my ass. He lifted me up and carried me to the shower, stepping underneath the hot spray of water cascading down. I figured he’d want to fool around. His prick was already half-hard against my inner thighs.
“Cam, I don’t think I’m up for sex.” I ran my hands through his now-wet hair, pushing the water out of his face. Truth was, I was too addicted to him, and one round of humping wouldn’t be enough. Not to mention I had to go to work and needed to get something to eat before I went in.
“Shh.” His breath whispered over my lips. “Let me make you feel good.”
His hands slid to my thighs, slowly helping me to stand again. He stepped back, grabbed a bottle of delicious-smelling soap and started washing his body while I watched. A misty haze enveloped us. The hot water massaged my aching muscles and relaxed me to the point I thought I might go to sleep standing up. Cameron reached for me and, using some of the shower gel, massaged away the stress of the day. My chin dropped to my chest while he worked on my back, the bubbles he created popping lightly against my skin.
He rinsed my back clean, bending slightly to press his open mouth against my neck from behind. He licked the skin there, sucking lightly before sliding his hands to my breasts. I whimpered, falling back against his strength. One hand held me upright against him while the other explored, caressing my stomach and moving upward between my breasts to my neck.
I moaned, grabbing the hand that held me, and arched against him. The travelling hand slid to my stomach again and then past. He kissed my exposed neck as he trailed his fingers along my labia, then up and into my body.
I used both hands this time, clawing his arms to keep myself from falling, even though he had steel-like strength. His lips travelled along my neck to my shoulder, where he gently scraped his teeth where the two met. I reflexively arched, spreading my legs wider as he stroked me. Little whimpers became pants that led an earth-shaking orgasm. I stood, completely depending on his strength while he rinsed me.
“You are just what I needed after a day like today.” He kissed me, turning my body around to face him.
“Don’t start with the whoring thing again.” I slid my hands down his wet chest to his hips. “You’ll ruin a good moment.”
He scoffed, kissing my neck. “That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
He finished washing my hair while I rubbed my soapy hands over his body, not really washing, more like copping a feel. The water turned cooler as the time passed by, but the curtain of steam still hung around us, making the shower space toasty. We both rinsed, and Cameron shut off the water.
He grabbed a huge black towel and wrapped me in it before picking me up again and situating me on the vanity. I didn’t know if I could stand working tonight and not think of Cameron. Everywhere he touched, my body tingled. I tasted him in my mouth. I smelt like him completely. I swallowed at the thought.
“You have a few hours before you have to go into work. You want me to fix you something to eat so you can take a nap?” He wrapped a towel around his waist before stepping between my legs, propping his body on his hands beside me.
“Food sounds nice.” I gave a faint smile. “Sleep sounds better.”
He smiled back, brushing my wet hair from my face. “Go lay down. I’ll dig something up and you can take it to work with you for your break.”
I hopped off the vanity and started walking towards the door to the bedroom before a thought occurred to me. “Hey? Why aren’t you tired?”
He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth. “It’s going to take longer than one night to thoroughly debauch me, sweetheart. I don’t care how good you are. I could come all night.”
Oh, boy.
One Night Only
Chapter Five
The club was dank and drab, smelling of tobacco and alcohol. Well, and sex, but it always smelt like that. Charlie and I had been shoving drinks out left and right to the packed party Loose was hosting tonight. I’d forgotten all about the advertisements for the new stripper. Clearly not everyone was as disinterested as me.
“Late night?” Charlie asked when we finally got a break to breathe.
“Sure.” I kept it simple. Not too many details. “My car broke down this morning and I’ve been running all over town all day. I’m a bit tired, but what the hell. I’ve made a bunch in tips so I’m not complaining.”
It was gathering close to the end of my shift, closing time. Veronica Saturn was supposed to make her appearance thirty minutes before three, being the final act of the night. Quite frankly, I was bored.
“Still dating daiquiri guy?” Charlie’s eyes were focused on the naked girl dancing on stage, though his tone hinted his question was more than casual conversation. He sounded curt, giving me a vague hint of his disapproval.
“Yes.” I stared wondering if Cameron was right. Charlie was acting like a jealous lover.
“So that’s his car? The Volvo?” He finally turned, meeting my eyes.
“Charlie, you’re not my boyfriend. I can date whoever the hell I want.” I stood my ground with my hands planted on my hips.
“Do you not learn from your mistakes, Mia? Or are you just stupid?” He started cleaning up the bar area, wiping the countertop. “You jump from scumbag to scumbag, taking shit off them when you could have a decent guy that loves you for you. There are decent guys out there, Mia, in case you didn’t know.”
Before I thought better of it, I reared back and slammed my fist into Charlie’s face, and that’s when chaos erupted. The action knocked him back into the liquor bottles, breaking and spilling the contents all over the floor. He stared at me, holding a hand against his cheek as the police barged in, cramming the already jam-packed club with more bodies.
They announced to Tony that he was way over the fire code limit with people filling up the club. Standard rules said girls had to be covered to some degree and some women—staff or otherwise, I couldn’t tell—were running around naked. Some were making out with their boyfriends, not caring if anyone saw.
All this was going on at the same time, yet when the police turned their heads, they saw me slug Charlie and naturally came after us.
One officer grabbed me, pressed me up against the bar and enjoyed the pat down a little too much before cuffing me and reading my rights. The other officer did the same to Charlie.
Side by side we were hauled into the police station, booked, stripped and stored away in a holding cell because no one knew what to do with us. Charlie and I weren’t speaking to each other, and the snide remarks made by the passing officers only fuelled the anger boiling inside me. Evidently they’d been to Loose a time or two before and wished they had been the ones to do my strip search.
“Phone call,” a burly old officer announced, coming to my cell and unlocking it. “One call, five minutes. Make it a good one.”
I really didn’t want to sound stupid, but Cameron was the only one who could get me out of this. He was the only one that would get these people to back off my ass and let me go. Another fucking misunderstanding that just so happened to involve the police.
sp; “Excuse me, Officer,” I squinted to read his name tag, “Jones? Um, can you call Detective Cameron O’Donnell for me?”
It was pretty embarrassing that I didn’t even know his telephone number. The officer narrowed his eyes at me and shook his head.
“I’m not disturbing him at this hour. He’d have my head.” He went back to pouring a cup of coffee in his smiley face mug, totally ignoring me.
“He’ll have your head if you don’t call him to get me out of here,” I said through clenched teeth.
“Look, cupcake. You’ve got two minutes to call Mommy and Daddy to come bail you out. I suggest you do it, or I’ll take you back to your cell and you can spend the night in our fine headquarters.”
“I don’t have any parents to call. I want you to call Cameron and have him bail me out.”
“And I said no!” The officer took a sip of his drink and narrowed his eyes at me. “Besides, he wouldn’t bail you out anyway.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
“You’re not his type. Sure you’ve got big tits and spunk, but he likes them with a head on their shoulders, not a hot piece of ass that hollows her cheeks for him.” He looked over at the clock. “Time’s up. Go back to your cell.”
I turned, in my orange jumpsuit and too-big-for-me flip-flops, and went back to the holding cell next to Charlie’s. I felt the officer’s eyes on my back, raking over me disgustingly. He all but shoved me inside the cell and slammed the metal door behind me with a reality-jarring echo of metal meeting metal.
I sat on the brick they called a bed, afraid to go to sleep. So many men were watching me and, even with the bars between us, I didn’t feel safe. I rested my head on my knees, trying to block them out, to block everything out. I guessed I’d have to call Aunt Greta in the morning and have her come down here yet again to bail me out of trouble.
With that, I felt tears fall to my face and quickly shook them away. I wouldn’t cry in front of these people. Just like I wouldn’t sleep.
* * * *