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Lumber Jacked

Page 17

by Chance Carter

  She wanted to taste his cock too. She hadn’t done that yet. She’d been too shy to initiate it. She wondered what that would be like, to feel the head of his beautiful, perfect cock in her mouth. She’d circle it with her tongue, causing excruciating pleasure for him.

  He’d never be able to forget her after that.

  She’d suck and lick and when she felt the throb of his orgasm coming, she wouldn’t stop. She’d plunge deeper, sending his shaft all the way to the back of her throat, and she’d let him pour every drop into her mouth. She’d swallow him. She knew men liked that. She’d heard it talked about more than once.

  She’d swallow him and then she’d climb on top of him and start grinding herself against his cock until he got hard again, and then he could do the same thing in her pussy.

  She would be perfect in every way and this happiness she felt would last forever. The world would never encroach. It would never take this happiness away the way it had so many other things in her life.

  She felt like a lifetime had passed since they’d left Montana. She was a different person, a new woman, and nothing would ever be the same again.

  The entire world had been created anew.

  She’d left as a girl, but she was returning as a woman.

  They continued along the highway and every time Grady said a word, she felt so shy and silly. Everything reminded her of the night before and all she could think about was what he might be thinking.

  They were passing one of the last big towns before they had to leave the interstate and Grady turned to her.

  “I suppose all your things are still at the hotel,” he said.

  “Yup,” she said.

  “And I don’t suppose you’d like to pay the Hildegards a visit?”

  Autumn shook her head.

  Grady laughed. “I didn’t think so.”

  He pulled off the highway at a big shopping mall and the three of them went inside, him carrying the baby and her wondering what on earth he had planned next.

  “I’m not really an expert on what women need,” he said awkwardly when they got inside.

  “What do you mean?” she said.

  “I never lived with a woman before. Not properly.”


  “You know,” he said. “I mean, I hope you stay with me for a while. Settle in.”

  “Settle in?”

  “At the cabin,” he said.

  “Grady,” Autumn said, half teasing but also half serious, “I haven’t even given you an answer yet.”

  “About moving in?”

  “Yes, about moving in or taking you up on your job offer or any of it.”

  Grady’s cheeks flushed and Autumn felt a surge of delight at knowing he cared enough about her and the situation to feel embarrassed. He wasn’t just going through the motions with her. This meant something. She knew she wanted to move in with him, she knew she wanted that more desperately than she’d ever wanted anything in her life, but the thing was, she also had a devilish side. There were times when she couldn’t help tease someone.

  This was one of those times.

  “You said you’d think about it,” Grady said.

  She smiled. “And that’s what I’m doing.”

  “You mean, you’re not sure yet?”

  She shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve got a lot to think about, Grady.”

  “I thought after last night…” he said, his words trailing off.

  She looked at him and couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was having fun at the expense of this god of a man who had the power to make her heart pound with every glance of his eyes. And it was working. He really didn’t know what she was going to say.

  “Taking care of a child is a big deal,” she said. “It’s a huge responsibility.”

  “That’s true,” Grady said, trying to be diplomatic. “But I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think for sure you were up to the task, Autumn. You know how you are with Destiny. You’re like the mother she’s never had. She’s so happy and calm in your arms. It’s like she was made to be with you.”

  “You really think that?” Autumn said, her confidence growing with every complimentary thing he said.

  “Definitely, and it’s not just Destiny. It’s me too. You don’t know what I was like before I met you, but the truth is, I wasn’t in a good place. I was struggling. I was drowning.”

  “Because you missed Destiny’s mother.”

  Grady laughed. “Not to speak ill of the dead,” he said, “but she’s the last thing I missed. It was a lot of other things. The decisions I’d made in my life. The road I’d taken. That’s why I came to Destiny. To start afresh. But it wasn’t until my path crossed yours that I felt a new life come into my soul. That’s the God’s honest truth. You were like a sun rising in the dark night of my soul. You brought me back to life, and you don’t even know it. You’ll never know what you’ve done for me in the short time since we met.”

  “All that?” Autumn said, and there was wonder in her voice as well as humor.

  She’d only been playing, teasing him before telling him that of course she was going to accept his kind offer, but now he was saying things that were bringing her close to tears, that were filling her heart and soul with such joy as she’d never known.

  “And you’re sure you don’t have any doubts about taking me into your home?” she said.

  “Doubts?” Grady laughed, “Doubts? Autumn, I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life. Destiny and I will be lost if you don’t come and help us.”

  “Destiny and I?”

  Grady looked at her and shook his head. “All right, the truth is, I want you, Autumn. Not just for the baby, I want you for myself. I want you close to me. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I’m an understanding person. If you want to take things slow, I’ll respect that. But I want you in my home. I want to wake up in the morning and see your face. I want to hear your voice. I want to be able to look into your eyes. When I eat, I want it to be with you. When I work, I want it to be for you. I want to make the cabin better for you. I want to light a fire to keep you warm. I want to hunt to bring back the kill for you.”

  Autumn looked into his eyes and felt tears streaming down her cheeks. She’d never heard such words and she’d never imagined that a man would be saying them to her. It made her heart soar.

  “And what about my promising career in the hotel industry?” she said.

  Grady looked at her. For a split second he wasn’t sure what to say. Then he burst out laughing. He hit her playfully on the arm.

  “Miss Lane, are you teasing me?”

  Autumn laughed.

  He hit her again, still playfully, then threw his free arm around her waist and lifted her off the ground. With the baby in one arm and her in the other he spun around before letting her back down on the ground.

  “I can’t believe you,” he said.

  “What? I had to be sure you really wanted me to move in.”

  “Oh, I think you can be sure of that much,” he said. “So does that mean you’re coming?”

  She nodded. “Yes, yes, of course yes.”

  Grady put his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her toward him. She wasn’t sure if he was going to kiss her, and it felt for a second like he wasn’t sure either. Even after what had happened the night before, their roles were still a little unclear. The embrace turned into a hug, a tight one, and then he let her go and looked into her eyes with so much love she felt like she was staring at the sun.

  “Right. You’re going to need some things. I can’t have you moving into a log cabin in the wilderness without your things.”

  “Things?” Autumn said.

  “You know, clothes, blankets, make up, razors. Like I said, I don’t know what women need, but I’m not having you up there in the forest without the essentials.”

  “Oh,” Autumn said, “that’s okay, Grady. You don’t have to buy me things.”

  “I want to.”r />
  “I can find things at the thrift store, really. You certainly don’t need to buy me new things.”

  Grady shook his head and brought her into the most expensive department store in the entire mall. Straight away, two store attendants in prim black dresses and expensive high heeled shoes came over and asked if they could help him. Grady seemed to attract women everywhere he went.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’m going to need a lot of help. Ladies, meet Autumn. She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known and she’s going to need everything a beautiful girl needs.”

  “Everything?” the attendants said, their eyes widening.

  “The works,” Grady said, and he handed one of them his credit card. “I don’t care what it is. If the girls are having it this season, Autumn needs it too. And don’t let her fool you with her shyness. She needs shoes, clothes, warm coats and boots, underwear, makeup, soap, shampoo, perfume.” His eyes glanced around the store as he looked for more things she might need. “A hairdryer,” he added. “We don’t have a hairdryer. We don’t have the kind of bedding girls like. We don’t have all those lotions over there,” he said, pointing to a display of expensive cosmetics. “Don’t skimp ladies. Treat her like a princess. I don’t want to have to give this commission to another store.”

  The women looked at him with their mouths open. They’d never seen a man come into a store actually wanting to spend money. Most men wanted to get out of there with as small a bill as possible.

  “You’re lucky,” one of the store attendants said to Autumn.

  “You have no idea,” Autumn said.

  “Sir,” the store attendant said, “we have a personal shopping service here if you spend over five thousand dollars.”

  “Take care of her, girls,” was all Grady said. “I don’t want to hear about the price.”

  And with that, Grady left them. Autumn and the two attendants watched as he walked over to the concierge area where high-rolling customers could sit and relax, have a drink, even get a haircut or have their nails done if they were women. Grady went straight to the barber and sat in the chair and asked for a shave.

  The barber asked if he was going to hold Destiny while he got the shave and Grady said yes.

  Autumn and the attendants watched and then shrugged.

  “I guess we’ve got some time, girls,” the younger attendant said. “Let’s do some damage.”

  Autumn didn’t know what was happening. She’d never been treated that way in her life. The attendants took excellent care of her, and got more assistants from the personal shopping department to help her choose clothing, cosmetics, even jewelry. She felt like the Queen of England. They took her into a dressing room that was like a suite at a five star hotel and stripped her naked. Then they dressed her from the ground up in outfit after outfit.

  “Where do you live?” they asked.

  “A cabin in the woods,” Autumn said, still unsure of how this was even happening to her.

  “Oh, how romantic,” the attendants said, and started picking out leather boots, expensive cashmere sweaters, warm socks, designer jeans. Everything and anything that a woman might wear at a winter cabin or ski chalet.

  Autumn was stunned. She was going to be the best dressed woman in the entire state of Montana.

  After the clothes, they went through the cosmetics section and tried on makeups, tested colors against her skin, and picked out beauty products that would keep her looking and feeling young, healthy and vibrant. At least that was what the attendants told her.

  Then they sprayed scent after scent of the most expensive perfumes in the world on little pieces of paper for her to test. She imagined what Grady would think when he kissed her neck and smelled each fragrance, and the idea got her so excited she ended up choosing twelve different bottles of perfume. She was painfully aware that each bottle cost well over a hundred dollars but the attendants were so enthusiastic, and everyone was having so much fun on her behalf, that she felt obligated to get in the spirit.

  They chose so much lingerie for her that she felt like she’d have a different outfit for every time her and Grady ever made love. She had no doubt the attendants were picturing Grady’s response to each outfit too. They kept talking about him, telling each other who he was, pointing him out to the new attendants who came to assist with the extravaganza.

  Then they made her choose silk bedding, night dresses, towels, the works. She even had a hair dryer, a hair straightener, an electric brush for washing her face, and some high tech toothbrush that they assured her was worth the money.

  By the time it was over they’d sold her so many things that it would never all fit in Grady’s car.

  “Don’t worry,” the clerk told her. “We’ll have it all delivered to your cabin. Your husband already has an account with us.”

  “My husband?” Autumn said, her heart doing a backflip in her chest.

  And she realized that she’d better be careful. A girl could get used to this treatment very easily. She could fall very deeply for a man like Grady and the kind of life he wanted to give her. And if things didn’t turn out in the end, it would be so devastating she might never get over it.

  She knew it was all too new, all too sudden, and she warned herself not to take it for granted.

  It could all be gone tomorrow, she told herself.

  It was something she told herself every time things were going well in her life, and somehow, it always came true.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  When they arrived back at the cabin it was after dark. Destiny was fast asleep and Autumn put her down in the bedroom while Grady got the fire going. It wasn’t long before a big fire burned in each of the fireplaces, heating up the cabin and giving it a warm glow that Autumn found cozy and comforting.

  “I think I need a nice hot bath,” Autumn said.

  Grady grinned.

  “What?” she said. “Did I say something funny?”

  “No, it’s just, don’t you remember?”

  “Remember what?”

  “There’s no hot water up here.”

  “What? I had a lovely bath last time I was here.”

  “I had to boil that water over the fire. It took forever.”

  “Oh,” Autumn said. “That’s okay. I can learn to be a little rustic.”

  Grady smiled. “I’ll boil a pot for you to wash, but it won’t be a bath I’m afraid.”

  “That’s okay,” she said. “It’s like camping.”

  “Do you like camping?”

  Autumn laughed. “It wouldn’t be my first choice. Not in winter anyway.”

  Grady grabbed a thick blanket from the bedroom and threw it around her shoulders. She sat in an armchair in front of the fire and Grady joined her on the other chair. He put on the pot of water, and another pot for making some tea before bed.

  “I’ll sleep out here,” he said. “You and Destiny can have the bedroom.”

  “Oh,” Autumn said, disappointment pouring through her.

  She’d imagined spending the night passionately fucking Grady’s brains out. She hadn’t stopped thinking about it all day, especially the part where she got to taste him and feel the passion of his orgasm in her mouth. She felt herself getting moist just at the thought.

  “It’s best if we don’t rush things,” he said.

  “Of course.”

  He was looking at her with a strange smirk on his face, like he was up to something.

  “I mean, I wouldn’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

  “The wrong idea?”

  “That I only wanted you up here so that I could take advantage of you, over and over and over and over, making you beg for mercy as orgasms rush through your body like an avalanche.”

  Autumn laughed. He was teasing her just as she’d teased him earlier. She knew it. There was a pillow on her chair and she flung it at him.

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s not fair to tease a lady like that.”

“Hey,” he said, “you got me earlier. It’s only right I strike back.”

  “Not about that.”

  “About what?”

  “About making love.”

  He nodded. Then he got up and made the tea, pouring them both a cup.

  “I’m really glad you’re here, Autumn,” he said as he handed her the tea.

  She took a sip and looked at him. She still couldn’t believe she was there with him, in his cabin, sitting by the fire. He was maddeningly handsome, and the fact that he was treating her so nicely just made her heart burn with a fire that was unquenchable. She prayed to God she would never lose this happiness. She wouldn’t be able to bear it if she did.

  “What are we going to do after our tea?” Autumn said with a sly smirk.

  “Young lady,” Grady said in mock surprise. “What would your mother say if she heard you speaking like that?”

  “My mother’s not as innocent as she looks,” Autumn said.

  Grady grinned at her. “That’s the truth, I’m sure.”

  They sat sipping their tea and looking into the fire. The flames danced beautifully and Autumn looked forward to many evenings spent watching them.

  When Grady finished his tea he stood up in front of her and began to strip.

  “Oh God,” Autumn whispered.

  He was completely naked, his muscular, perfectly formed body towered over her like a marble statue. She pulled the blanket close around her as if it could somehow protect her from him. Her eyes moved down from his face over his perfectly chiseled chest and abs and then down to his cock. It was smooth and firm, like a piece of perfectly carved and polished wood, and it stood erect, almost throbbing with desire for her.

  “Autumn,” he said. “A man could very easily fall for a girl like you.”

  He stepped forward so that he was straddling her in her seat, his cock right in front of her. She leaned forward to it and touched the tip, ever so gently, with her tongue. His cock throbbed in anticipation and she grinned up at him.


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