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Lumber Jacked

Page 38

by Chance Carter

  I just stood there and stared down at her.

  “And you still think this is a good idea? Take the piss drunk, tattooed, criminal home to meet the family at five in the morning?”

  She looked up at me and smiled.

  “Yes. You hold your alcohol very well. But I’m driving.”

  She grabbed her keys from the table and walked to her car door, turning around and motioning with her head for me to come along. Reluctantly, I followed.

  Of all the horrible, drunken decisions you’ve ever made, Hunter, this is the worst.

  I walked over to her slowly and gave her a deep kiss. I felt her hands fall to her side and I reached down, grabbing the keys from her hand and breaking away.

  “I drive,” I said. “Always.”

  She stared up at me with a little devilish smile.

  “That was a dirty trick to play on a helpless girl.”

  She walked around the car and got in the passenger side as I fired up the engine.

  “Yeah, well I’m a bad fucking man remember?”

  I lit a cigarette and we drove into the sunrise together, side by side, almost as if it had always meant to be that way.

  Chapter 36


  I knew this was a bad idea. I was barely prepared for Hunter, and I didn’t think for a minute that anyone else would be even close to ready. I wasn’t worried so much about Lucas, in fact, I was actually looking forward to he and Hunter meeting. Luke hadn’t had a man in his life since our father died, with the exception of Phil, and that wasn’t really someone I considered a role model. For all of Hunter’s demons and sins, there was an honest man beneath, a man with integrity and power, a man, plain and simple. If he could be who I thought he was, who I knew deep down he was, Lucas could use him in his life. Maybe the other way around too.

  Grace was the one I was worried about. I loved her with all my heart and no one, with the exception of my parents, had looked out for me the way she had. But she was an old fashioned, small town, woman. She didn’t like anything disrupting her quiet life and did not trust anyone who did that. What scared me most was that I was on a path to becoming exactly like her. While there was absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s not who I was anymore. She would take some convincing and I was beginning to wonder if this morning would be the right time to do it.

  As Hunter edged the car into the driveway and parked, we both looked at each other with the same hesitant eyes.

  “Kelly, this is a bad fucking idea.”

  “I know,” I said, as I turned my head back toward the house.

  It was a bad idea. It was a horrible idea. But it was something that had to be done. Might as well just rip the band-aid off.

  “Listen, you go on in, have some breakfast with the kid and Grace, and I’ll go check out this farm outside of town. I’ll come back in later and we can, shit, I don’t know, but you know I’ll come back tonight.”

  I sat in the passenger seat and thought about what he was saying. Maybe it would be better. I could smell the whiskey off his breath and I was a mess. What would I say to Grace? How would I explain him being there when she woke up?

  “Kelly, it’s not too late. We can change our minds. We don’t have to do this now.”

  I looked over at him, his beautiful blue eyes, his chiseled arm reaching behind me and playing with my hair. I didn’t care anymore about what Grace thought. This dangerous man had chosen me and I wanted him. It was just the way it was and she would have to come to terms with it, just like I had.

  “Yes, it is too late to change our minds, Hunter. This is something we’re going to do. Now.”

  I reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a pack of gum, throwing it in his lap.

  “There is no way this will help,” I chuckled, “but it will make me feel better.”

  He stared at the gum and muttered to himself as he popped out three pieces and jammed them in his mouth.

  “This is a bad fucking idea. A really fucking bad idea.”

  We opened the car and made our way quietly up the steps and stood at the front door. There were no lights on and I couldn’t hear anyone moving around inside.

  Thank God. No one was awake yet.

  Hunter was opening the screen door, and went to turn the handle, when I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

  “Kelly, what the fuck?” he whispered. “Am I coming in or not?”

  I paused and looked at him.

  “Yes, you are. But I’m not going to have her knowing I’ve been out all night with you. I want this to go smoothly and if I come in with you and your boozy breath she’s never going to go for this.”

  He stared down at me and I could see his eyes getting wide with anger.

  “Kelly, goddamn it, listen to me. I’m not fucking fourteen years old, and I’m not going to sneak into this house just to try and keep some lady from freaking the fuck out. This is bullshit and you know it. Either I’m coming in or I’m not. You know what? Fuck this. I’m not.”

  He turned on his heels and started to make his way down the stairs.

  “Hunter, wait,” I whispered forcefully, watching him turn around and stare me down from the bottom of the steps.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what she thinks of me or the whiskey on my breath,” he said, pointing at the window of the house. “I’ve got shit to do, Kelly, and you’re a part of that now, not that old bitty. I couldn’t give a shit what she thinks. Just you.”

  I stood there and looked up at him. How would this ever work? Could it ever work? What did work even mean for us? I looked down at the ground and then back up into his eyes.

  “I know, Hunter. Just come inside. Lucas will think you’re a superhero, and Grace, well, Grace will come around. She’s incredibly important to me and I’m even more important to her. When she sees how I look at you,” I stopped talking before I embarrassed myself.

  Hunter sighed and spit out his gum, replacing it with another piece.

  “Fuck it,” he said plainly. “What’s the point of drowning yourself in booze if you don’t do something fucking stupid to end the night?”

  I looked up at him and smiled as he glared angrily at the door and shook his head.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’ve gotten me into, Kelly. But, shit, I guess it’s not half the mess I got you stuck in.”

  He paused for a second and then pulled out a cigarette and spit out the fresh gum.

  “All right, listen. You don’t have to lie to her. Go inside on your own. I’m going to stand out here and finish this fucking cigarette, then I’m going to knock on the door. You tell that woman.”

  “Grace. Please call her, Grace,” I interrupted.

  “I’ll call her whatever the fuck I want, all right?” he said coldly.

  I just gazed at the ground and tried not to poke the bear anymore than I already had.

  “Fine. I’ll call her Grace. You explain to Grace that you went to lock the diner, your car died, and I came by and fixed it up for you. As a thank you for that, and saving your ass at the diner, you invited me for breakfast. You’re still a smart, good girl and I’m just a stray with whiskey on his breath, all right?”

  I looked up at him and put my body against his, trying to give him a kiss.

  “Thank you, Hunter. I’ll make it up to you,” I whispered as I slid my hands over his stomach and kissed his neck.

  “Fuck, Kelly, goddamn it. It’s bad enough I have to do this, don’t make me go in there with a hard on. I already want to throw you up against the fridge and make you beg for mercy.”

  I brought my hands away and walked up the stairs, smiling to myself.

  When I got to the door, I turned around and looked at him. He was leaning against the car, smoking a cigarette, and gazing into the sun coming up to greet us. He looked like something out of a movie. His hair messed just right, bulging arms covered in tattoos, his face, beautiful and strong. This wasn’t a movie, though. It was real life. It was my life. I could feel my te
mperature rising and the familiar twisting of my insides that came with the thoughts of Hunter. I turned away from him and took a deep breath as I walked into my house.

  Chapter 37


  Oh my God.

  I had lost my goddamn mind. I stood outside Kelly’s house, waiting to meet her brother and some woman who was playing mother goose like she had nothing better to do. I felt like I was picking a girl up for prom.

  You never went to prom, asshole. You fucked some poor bastard’s girlfriend behind the school in your car and then went and got shit-faced at some bar where the bouncers knew not to fuck with you.

  When I thought about it, it was almost exactly like prom.

  Things never fucking change do they, pal?

  I threw down my cigarette and stomped it out with my boot. I threw another piece of gum in my mouth and walked up the porch steps, cursing myself for being so fucking stupid. I went to knock on the door, paused, and then thought about turning around. I thought about hopping in her car and taking off down the road. For good. Then I thought about Kelly’s face when she realized I’d left. Her big green eyes filling with tears, her perfect lips shaking, then my mind went down to her body and the things I wanted to do to it. I could feel my cock rising and I knew there was no way I wasn’t walking through that door.

  Fuck, Hunter. Get your shit together.

  I knocked on the door three times, probably louder than I needed to. I heard small feet running down the hallway toward me.

  “I got it, I got it,” a tiny voice shouted.

  The door flung open. It was a little blond kid with the same green eyes as Kelly looking up at me.

  Well, here we go.

  The kid looked confused and just stared at me for what seemed like forever, before he spoke.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “I’m a friend of Kelly’s. Who the fuck are you?” I said, staring right back at the little punk.

  “I’m Lucas, Kelly’s brother. What do you want?”

  What the fuck is this shit? It’s too early and I’m too drunk to be doing this. How are people up at this time and not fucking wasted?

  “Your sister invited me for breakfast. I fixed her car last night. You going to fucking let me in, or just stand there asking stupid questions?”

  The kid stared back at me like he was sizing me up. I couldn’t fucking believe it.

  “Yeah, you can come in,” he said cautiously as he pushed the door open for me. “But you might want to watch your language. Grace always gets mad when people swear. She says it means they’re too stupid to think of anything better to say.”

  Smart mouth motherfucker.

  I walked past him and down the hall.

  “Thanks, kid. I’ve been warned.”

  As I walked down the hall, all the memories of yesterday’s fuck-fest with Kelly came flooding back. I thought about propping her on the sink as I ate her pussy. I thought about throwing her on the floor and opening her up with my cock, watching her face light up as I filled her with my come. I could feel myself getting hard and then I got to the kitchen door and saw Kelly and Grace having what appeared to be a heated discussion.

  “Ladies,” I said from the doorway.

  They both stopped and looked up at me like they had been caught doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. They had no reason to. I was the one who didn’t belong.

  “Hi, Hunter,” Kelly said as she stood up and walked over to me. I reached out to touch her side and she caught my hand as she turned back toward Grace. “I was just telling Grace here about the awful mess I found myself in last night and how you got me all sorted out.”

  I looked down at Kelly and forced my hand onto her side. I didn’t give a fuck what her friend thought. This was my fucking girl and I would touch her if I goddamn felt like it. Hell, I’d take her into the bedroom and pound her so hard we broke the bed if I wanted to.

  Grace looked up at me with judgmental eyes.

  “Yes. It seems you have quite a knack for getting my Kelly out of trouble. Or at least, she always seems to find trouble when you’re around. Which is it, young man?”

  I won’t stand for your shit for long, lady. Watch that mouth.

  “Grace, that’s enough,” Kelly said.

  Grace shifted in her seat but kept talking. “I’m just saying is all. I call them like I see them.”

  I could feel my hands balling into fists and I was starting to breathe heavily. Kelly must have sensed that I was about to fucking go off and she slid herself around my side, tucked her body under my arm, and placed her hand on my chest.

  “Grace. Please. There’s no reason to be like this. If it wasn’t for Hunter, those guys at the diner might have gotten what was on their filthy minds. If it wasn’t for Hunter, I could have been stranded on the street in the middle of the night. I think we owe him a little more respect than this.”

  I just stared at Grace, doing my best to convey that I was seconds away from snapping her neck and Kelly was the only reason I wasn’t. She wasn’t picking up on it though.

  “Well, maybe so, but it seems to me he’s got just what he wanted out of the whole situation,” Grace said, motioning to Kelly hanging off my side. She gave a disapproving look in our direction. “I don’t know what your intentions are here, Hunter, but you’ve got a long way to go before I think you’re good enough for my Kelly.”

  Between the kid and Grace, I was about to lose my fucking mind. I kept looking around the room for something to throw, but my gaze found Kelly’s eyes and I could feel myself calming down. This girl was better than any pint of booze I had ever drank down, and twice as intoxicating.

  Kelly turned back to the judge and jury in the fucking nightgown.

  “Grace, he’s just here for breakfast. Put the claws away, please.”

  “Young lady. I don’t know what has gotten into,” Grace protested, but Kelly cut her off.

  “Please. It’s just breakfast. Right, Hunter?”

  She turned her head up and gave me a look like she wanted to drop to her knees and swallow my cock right on the spot. I thought twice about letting her do it and then lifted my head toward Grace.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said through my rising anger, “just breakfast.”

  Grace shuffled in her seat a bit and then finally walked over toward us.

  “Fine. Breakfast. You smell like you could use a good meal anyhow. Get into a little drink after saving the world last night, did we?”

  She patted my shoulder and made her way to the stove. She was driving me nuts.

  “Yes, ma’am, I’m afraid I did. It was a hell of a day and a friend passed through town. We blew off a little steam.”

  I fucked the shit out of this sweet young thing next to me as well. I can give you a play by play if you think that little heart of yours can handle the thrill of it all.

  “Well, I think that’s a ridiculous way to spend one’s time, but that’s just me. There’s some coffee over there if you haven’t quite woken up yet.”

  She started puttering in the fridge and I was thrilled she had shut the fuck up. Kelly smiled at me and ran her hand across my cock as she moved to the coffee pot and poured me a cup.

  Goddamn you, woman. I’m going to fuck your brains out as soon as I fucking can.

  “Yeah, what’s that smell?” the small voice piped up from behind me again. “Kelly, Grace, what’s that smell? It stinks like Dennis when he comes to church on Sunday morning.”

  “Why don’t you ask our guest, Lucas?” Grace said smugly from the fridge.

  I looked down at the kid as he passed.

  “Adult things, kid. Nothing you have to worry about.”

  What a fucking nightmare.

  Grace getting in my shit, this fucking kid eyeing me up and down like some overprotective father, how was I going to get through it without smashing something?

  What in the sweet fuck had I gotten myself into?

  A circle of bastards surrounding me wi
th guns drawn felt more comfortable than this. I walked over to the breakfast table, pulled out a chair, and sat down. I wished I had a bottle of anything with a kick.

  Why the fuck was I here and what in the fuck made me think it was worth it?

  Then it hit me. Or, more accurately, swayed her sexy hips toward me and sat her round ass down on my cock, wiggling her way into it as her brother and Grace went about their business not knowing any better.

  Chapter 38


  I could feel Hunter’s thick cock growing against my backside and I started to get a warm sensation spreading out from between my legs. I had never been in such a constant state of arousal as I was around him. Even with my little brother and Grace in the room, all I could think about was pulling off his pants and putting him back inside me. I was never in control with him. It made me feel better than I ever had.

  I stood up and brushed my hand along Hunter’s chest.

  “So, Lucas, what do you have going on at school today?” I asked.

  He just looked up at me, confused.

  “Kelly, I told you last night. There’s no school today, remember? I told you.”

  I didn’t remember. I had been in such a fog last night that I couldn’t focus on anything.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Luke. I just forgot for a moment. What’s going on again?” I lied so he wouldn’t feel bad.

  Lucas just kept unpacking his backpack not realizing that anything was off.

  “I don’t know, something about cleaning, I guess.”

  “They are finally repairing that disgusting old bathroom they make the young men use, remember?” piped in Grace from the stove. “You booked this day off from the diner months ago, Kelly.”

  I remembered now. I couldn’t believe I had forgotten, but then again I couldn’t really believe anything about the last twenty-four hours of my life.


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