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Running Scared_Sequel to Special Delivery

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by S Cinders

  That was what he used to call me in high school. He always told me that I was prettier than an angel. Will sat on the bed and it sank a little to accommodate his weight.

  “I need to talk to you about something important, Shay. And I’m going to need you, to be honest. I know that you got caught up in some serious shit a while back and that you served your time for it. But I need to know names of who you think might be trying to hurt you.”

  I frowned, “What do you mean?”

  He sighed, “Shay, I was sent the job to kill you. Call it luck or a fluke, I don’t fucking care. But I wasn’t given this extra chance to have you in my life just to throw it away again. We will fight back, and we will win.”

  CHAPTER 6 – Shay

  I was sent the job to kill you.

  Kill you.

  Kill you.

  The words kept racing around my brain. Who would want to kill me? And since when did Will become a gun for hire? I was nobody—less than nobody.

  “There must be some mistake,” I said shaking my head, “Who would want to kill me? The only person with the slightest incentive would be Andrew and he is in prison.”

  Will cleared his throat, “Andrew was killed two days ago in a freak accident in the state penitentiary.”

  Shit, what?

  “What are you talking about?” my voice sounded small and scared.

  “Whoever you have messed with, isn’t playing around Shay. I need to know everything and everyone you have had contact within the past seven years.”

  What have I been doing for the last seven years is he kidding? Millions of thoughts race through my mind as I try to think about what I could tell this man. I'm not the person that I used to be. I'm not the person that he knew all those years ago and now I'm supposed to bare my soul to him.

  I don't think so.

  I stared nervously at the bed before bringing my eyes up to Will and wondering what I had done to get myself into this position.

  “Will maybe we should start slow?” I fumbled for the words to tell him that this was hard for me. I spent most days trying to forget and now he wanted me to drag it all up again.

  “Shay, I am not trying to get into your business for the hell of it. I'm not that skinny kid that followed you around. However, I do want to protect you. Shit, the last thing I want to do is find you face down in a ditch somewhere. You have to trust me. Face it, at this point you have no one else to turn to.”

  I had a sick feeling in my gut, “What about my family?” I asked worriedly. Did something happen,” I had to take a deep breath, “Did something happen to mama?”

  Will sighed, “No, your mama's fine. I have her someplace where she won’t be harmed but she knows you're in danger, Shay, and she knows that I set out to protect you.”

  I had been so embarrassed about the drugs and prison that when my mama had first come to see me all I could do was cry. Nobody in the world is like my mama. Tears poured down her cheeks as she held my hands and told me that there was nothing I could do that would ruin her love for me. I was in a place where I thought nobody could ever care for who I had become.

  My mama continued to visit me in prison. She could only come every few months, but she came. I would die if something happened to her, especially because of me. But there was something that had been bothering me and I needed to ask Will about it.

  “Will, why would someone contact you to kill me? What do you do? It doesn't make any sense are you some kind of assassin or mafia guy?”

  Will laughed but it held no humor, “No, I’m not a mafia guy. I work for myself.”

  I noticed that he didn't say anything about not being an assassin and it scared me how much I didn’t know about Will as an adult.

  As if Will could sense my hesitation, he came closer to me and took my hand, “I will never hurt you, Shay.”

  “But you do hurt other people,” the accusation was out before I could stop it. “Is that what you're trying to say? What is all of this? Where are we? How did you get involved?”

  Will took a deep breath, “The usual way I guess. Shay, it doesn’t matter.”

  That didn’t work for me. “How about you answer the question and then I will answer the question—tit-for-tat. That is only fair and that way we can get to know each other. We were friends all those years, ago right?”

  Will’s look was confusing me—it was like he knew something that I didn't know. I felt a stirring in my gut and wondered what on Earth this man was doing to me and to my life and why should I trust him when everything around me said that I shouldn't.

  “I guess I'll go first,” I said. “Do I have to stay in this room or can I go into the rest of the house? I'm getting pretty sick of these four walls if we are being honest.”

  Will smirked, “You're not a prisoner, Shay. I was just worried that something would happen to you if you didn’t stay with me. Also, I didn't know how you would take the news about the hit. There is one thing I need to apologize for. You should never have been hurt and I'm sorry that Jamie hit you. I hope that Gina has been more to your liking.”

  I nodded, “Gina is nice, and she has been very kind but there is no information coming forth from her. It’s worse than talking to the wall when it comes to finding out about you. The only thing interesting I heard from her, was that everyone calls you the big boss. What does that mean?”

  Will rubbed the back of his neck, “Well, I am their boss her and Marco’s, so I suppose that's why they call me that. The rest of them just call me by my last name. Nobody calls me Will anymore, not since my mama passed. It’s actually kind of nice to hear it from you.”

  “I’m sorry about your mama, Will. How long was she sick?” I had heard that Mrs. Jennings had brain cancer and that she went quick.

  “Three months from diagnosis to when we put her in the ground,” he responded gruffly.

  I had a feeling that this wasn’t the sort of thing that he talked about and I reached out and grabbed his hand, “I really am sorry.”

  He smiled at me and I felt the heat Infuse my cheeks.

  “What question do you have for me?” I blurted out.

  “Why did you move to the city from Otterville Falls?” his eyes were intently on my face and I knew I couldn't lie to him, but I didn't have a good reason for moving into the city.

  I had just wanted to get out of that small hick-town to find myself. Oh, I had great aspirations of becoming an actress. It only takes a few months of not eating to realize that you're setting out on the wrong path there are a million and one girls that were trying to do the same thing I was. To make matters worse, I couldn't sing, and I could barely dance. The producers and directors had wanted the whole package. I was insane for thinking that I had a chance.

  Swallowing, I told him the truth, “I came to the city to be an actress.”

  His jaw dropped, “You wanted to be an actress? You never did anything like that in high school did you?”

  “I think you're over your question quota, Mister, but I'll answer anyway. I did a few things in high school, mostly behind the scenes. However, it was always my childhood dream, so I came here to take on the world. When I couldn't get any jobs, I decided to go be a waitress. Much like the thousands of other girls that do the same thing. That's when I met my friend Mandy and we became roommates. We shared a terrible apartment in the scariest part of town. But she made it fun. Mandy was a good friend to me.”

  This was the part that I hated to admit, “And I was good to her for a while. But after my accident, everything seemed to go to hell.”

  Will looked at me sharply, “Mandy? Are you speaking of Mandy Brand? The same woman that was on the news accused of your disappearance?”

  I hemmed a bit, “It’s not what you think. Besides, you've already had your question. You're going to have to wait, it’s my turn. How did you get into what you are doing now?”

  “My uncle,” Will said shortly. “I needed the cash for mom’s medical bills. We never had any money and my uncle had
work for me that paid well with no questions asked. It wasn’t like we had money for college. I would have done anything to help support my mom. So, when he asked, I accepted. Okay, tell me about Mandy Brand.”

  CHAPTER 7 - Shay

  I went on to tell him about the falling out I had with Mandy. I didn’t sugar coat it. I told him all of the terrible things that I did to her and the horrible way I treated her. I told him about Emma and Andrew and hated the disappointed look on his face. But I knew that I had to keep going. I told him about my 12-step program for drug abuse.

  Hell yes, I was embarrassed. I didn't want him to know just how far I had fallen. Yet, I had to because things were too much for me to handle on my own.

  He didn’t say anything for a while. His face was tense and then he muttered, “Sounds like Mandy has reason to want you dead. If not her, maybe her sister, Kim.”

  “You don't understand,” I tried to make him see, “That's not Mandy's way. She's the nicest person on the planet. Will, she wouldn't try to hurt me. Listen, her parents were evil, manipulative druggies that did everything in their power to bring her down and she still didn't retaliate against them. I’m telling you, there's no way Mandy is behind this. What is worse, I hate that she was the last person that I spoke to you before you came along and nabbed me off the street.”

  His eyes were challenging, “And why is that?”

  “Everyone is blaming her for something she had no part of. She's never going to forgive me now. I mean there was hardly a chance before, but after this, it’s not happening.”

  “Shay, it is not your fault that someone put a hit out on you. I get that you are making restitution, but that doesn’t mean that you take the blame for everything. There are some really shitty people in life. My question is, does this tie into your relationship with Mandy or does it have something to do with Kim, Andrew, or Emma?”

  I haven't thought about Emma for a long time until I told Will that I lived with her. It was strange how you can see a person every day and then they disappear out of your life. One I was caught with the drugs by the authorities, Emma was gone. She never once came to see me, called, or left me a message.

  Some friend Emma turned out to be. The fact that I threw Mandy over to be closer to Emma makes me want to pull my toenails out. I hadn’t realized it then, but when I came back from TN. I was already hooked on painkillers from my accident.

  When they ran out, it was Emma who introduced me to street drugs. I told Will what I thought, and he agreed with me that she needed to be found. There could be a link there that we were missing out on.

  “I said a bunch of shit, it is your turn for a question, Will.”

  He smiled at me, “Shoot.”

  I looked at the hands trying to get up the nerve and then I spoke, “Do you kill people?”

  Will stood up and walked across the room. He was facing the window and all I could see was his lean hips and broad shoulders which were encased in the best cut suit known to man. The poor kid that I knew was so far removed from what was in front of me that I had to focus to remember that they were the same person.

  I didn't think he was going to answer me. I thought maybe that I had gone too far or perhaps made him angry with the question. I almost apologized when he spoke up.

  “What do you want me to tell you, Shay? If I tell you the truth, you may not trust me. If I lie to you, then you would be a fool to trust me. What is the answer? You tell me if you really want to know?”

  I thought that I wanted the truth. I hated being lied too and he knew it. But there was another part of me that was scared to hear what he had done. Who he really was.

  “Never lie to me, Will. We are too good of friends for that.”

  He nodded, “The answer to your question is yes.”

  When he turned around to face me I saw no expression in his icy eyes. The only sign of discomfort was the way he was clenching his jaw.

  “But before you decide that I'm the cold-blooded killer which undoubtedly I am. I want you to understand that I’m not a good person, Shay. I do bad things to bad people and they pay me a lot of money for it. I’m not ashamed of my life. But I am concerned about you and I will protect you.”

  I closed my eyes and buried my head in my hands. Blowing out a breath I answered him, “I won’t sit here and pretend that this doesn’t scare the fuck out of me, Will. But I do trust you.”

  I didn’t want to hear anymore. I was done talking about the past and worrying about someone that was out there trying to kill me. I brought it all on myself anyway.

  I should never have gotten involved with the drugs.

  I should never have gotten involved with Emma.

  And I never should have hooked up with Andrew when I ran out of cash.

  Will seem to understand that I needed a break because he excused himself for a moment and went to the bathroom. He came back with a glass of water that I gulped down in seconds. I was scared that he was going to leave me alone again.

  He opened the door and then turned back to me, “Let’s go see if dinner is about ready?”

  “Really?” I felt something heavy lift from my chest.

  He grinned at me, “Unless you would rather stay here?”

  When we walked into the hallway I noted that the lavishness was not just reserved for the bedrooms. This home was massive, everything was expensive and top of the line. The ornate moldings and plush carpets were nothing compared to the artwork that graced the walls as we walked down a spiral staircase that was fit for a queen.

  Once we were at the bottom of the stairs, I saw Gina and Marco sitting with their heads close together. Their eyes nearly popped when they saw me, and I giggled at their surprised expressions.

  Will must have noticed because he spoke in a stern voice that I wasn’t used to. “Shay is not our prisoner. She is my personal guest, please treat her with the respect that she deserves.”

  They nodded quickly. But I knew that they were wondering what in the hell had happened.

  I almost laughed but I didn't think that Will would appreciate the humor. He was in boss mode, something that I was just coming to understand.

  “Gina,” Will barked, “Check with Raul as to when dinner will be served.”

  I couldn’t believe the meal. It was the best food I've ever eaten. The chicken was moist and flavorful the potatoes light and fluffy. The vegetables were steamed and yet still crisp enough, there was nothing soggy about them whatsoever.

  “Do you cook, Will?”

  He choked on the wine he had been swallowing, “No.”

  I shrugged, “How did you get such an amazing chef?”

  Will smirked, “I offered Raul three times what they were paying him at the restaurant where he was head chef. He’s been with me ever since.”

  “Maybe he could teach you some things?” I teased and loved how he scowled at me.

  “I could teach you a few things,” Will muttered as he cut another piece of chicken.

  Perhaps his momentum was off because it went flying into his lap. The look on his face had me bursting into laughter. I covered my mouth hoping that my snort wasn’t too loud.

  Will looked at me intently, “It has been a long time since I have heard you laugh like that.”

  Marco and Gina, who were sitting opposite of Will and me—had their mouths open in shock. Much like they had when I assumed they would be eating with us. Will covered the gaff fairly easily, but I wondered who he usually ate with or if he was often alone.

  They seem to loosen up as dinner rolled on and soon I was hearing stories about Marco when he was a teenager. Gina and Marco both grew up in Brooklyn. And if Gina’s stories were to be believed it was a good thing that Marco pulled his shit together because he did some crazy things when he was growing up.

  We had just finished eating when I said to the group, “So, I can go wherever I want to in the house, right? Just as long as I don’t go outside?”

  Marco and Gina seemed to be bracing themselves for Will’
s answer.

  I glanced over at Will.

  Smiling he raised a brow, “I assume you're saying this for Marco and Gina's benefit because you know I already told you that you have free reign.”

  I laughed, “Of course I'm saying it for Marco and Gina’s benefit. I don’t want you to disappear again and end up locked up in that room again.”

  Marco looked horrified, “Hey, the door was never locked, not that much.”

  I about called him on his bullshit. But Gina was giving me that look again. The one that said she couldn’t believe that I was talking so freely to the big boss. I wondered what kind of a boss Will had been before I arrived. Something told me that I wouldn’t have liked him.

  By the look on Gina’s face, I knew that she would be interrogating me at the first opportunity. And I wasn’t wrong.

  CHAPTER 8 – Shay

  “Girl, you have to tell me, were you are a thing in high school or something?” Gina propped her hands underneath her chin and settled in.

  It was getting late, and we were back in my room again. Gina was making herself comfortable and I knew that she wouldn’t be going anywhere until she got some answers. I suppose that she felt entitled because Will had sent her out to pick me up some things.

  I had been a little surprised at what she had returned with. The panties and bras were sexy as hell and the nightgown sheer silk. But once I touched it, I knew that I wouldn’t be asking her to return anything. The fabrics were so soft and comfortable that I knew they had to cost a fortune. I wasn’t used to such luxuries and if this was one of the perks of being kidnapped I would gladly accept it.

  I grabbed my things and walked to the open bathroom door. Calling out, loud enough to be heard over the running water, I answered her question. “I knew Will in high school, but we were anything but together. Will was just a friend. But the real question here is about you and Marco, spill it, sister. I see the way you sneak glances at him, and before you protest, he looks at you the same way.”


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