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Running Scared_Sequel to Special Delivery

Page 8

by S Cinders

  No answer.

  I tried to knob and felt my heart sink all the way through the floor when I opened the door and saw her bed was empty. How could they have gotten her?

  What had they done with her?

  I raced across the room and at the last minute grabbed the bathroom door praying she would be inside of it.

  My blood froze in my veins and then whooshed through my heart at a rate so rapid that I almost saw stars.

  There is the bath was an incredible sight. Shay, naked, with her nipples tight and goosebumps covering her flesh. I said something to her, but I hardly knew what was coming out of my mouth.

  Naked Shay was better than any wet dream. Her eyes on me she stood, water sluicing down her perfect body in rivulets. Her long legs and curved hips drew me forward. I have never seen such perfect tits in my life. I knew she would be beautiful, but this, no one could have prepared me for this.

  She asked me for something, her voice sounded hoarse and raspy. My control snapped, I had her wet body in my arms and my lips plastered to her sexy mouth. We could talk later, this was long overdue.

  I carried her from the bathroom to the large bed and continued to kiss her. My tongue stroking her, coaxing Shay to open up a little further until she submitted and allowed me entrance.

  I kissed her like I wanted to fuck her, long deep strokes, claiming her mouth. My lips could hardly get enough of this woman. I kissed her jaw, her neck, nipped at her earlobe and sucked at the base of her throat. She was perfection in my arms.

  Shay moaned and slipped her hands underneath my shirt. She wanted it off and I was more than happy to go along with it. I yanked it over my head and reveled in the way her fingers danced across my skin.

  My mouth traveled down to her perfect tits needing to taste them to know the feel of their satin inside of my mouth. The moment I sucked one bud into my mouth her hands sank into my hair and she smashed my face against her breasts.

  I couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm. There was something so completely uninhibited about Shay. No artifice when we were together like this, and I loved it. Taking time to savor both breasts until she was panting and writhing beneath me. I kissed a trail down her flat abdomen and parted her creamy thighs.

  “Shit, you are soaked, Baby.”

  I could smell her sweet honey that was coating her pussy and thighs. With the tip of my fingers, I ran it through her wet heat loving the way her eyes were glued to my hand. I had to taste her. Using my thumbs, I opened her further and took in the sheer beauty of her pretty pink pussy.

  “Gorgeous,” I breathed, blowing against her fevered skin.

  “Will,” she gasped, her eyes wild, “please, I need you.”

  “I know, Baby, I will take care of you.”

  I flicked my tongue against her clit before licking her from end to end. She tasted musky and sweet and so fucking amazing that I knew I would be dreaming about it for the rest of my life.

  Suddenly I had to have more of her. I kissed her deeply thrusting my tongue inside of her heat, savoring her juices, and loving each new sound that was torn from her throat.

  Her hands were back in my hair, yanking and pulling as she climbed higher and higher. I couldn’t get enough of her. My mouth went back to her clit and sucked, loving how wildly she arched her back.

  She was crying out my name, her hips thrusting against my face. My cock had never been harder, painfully pressing against the front of my jeans. I felt like I was on the edge with her and I hadn’t even got my pants off yet.

  “Will, I’m almost there,” her plaintive cry spurred me on and I sucked hard slipping two fingers inside of her weeping pussy.

  With a scream, she shattered around me, coming all over my face. I have never in my life seen anything so erotic as Shay finding her pleasure from my tongue. I stood yanking my jeans and underwear off.

  I snagged a condom and pinching the tip, rolled it on my cock. Stroking it I looked down at her. Shay’s legs were splayed wide and her pussy was a bright pink from her orgasm. I knew that I could get myself off just looking at her. But that wasn’t good enough, I had to be inside of her.

  “Are you sure?” I ground out, praying that she was.

  Shay smiled at me, it was shy, and I felt my heart flip in my chest.

  “Never been surer in my life.”

  It was all it took for me, and I was back on her. My cock rubbing against her heated flesh as I devoured her mouth once again. I knew that she could taste herself on my tongue and that only fueled the beast inside of me.

  “More,” she demanded, and I slid into her balls deep, not waiting for her to ask again.

  She cried out and I groaned low in my throat, “So fucking tight, shit, I’m going to lose it.”

  Shay’s nails dug into my ass, “So good!”

  I rammed into her pulling out and going deep. I knew that I wouldn’t last long. I had been dreaming about this moment since high school. But I would be damned if I would come without her.

  Leaning down I kissed her as my cock plowed into her over and over again. Wild thrusts that weren’t anything like how I usually conducted myself. Something about this woman brought out the beast in me and I couldn’t control my need to take and dominate.

  I felt the familiar tightening at the base of my spine and knew that it was now or never.

  Grabbing her ass and tipping her hips, I thrust harder making sure to ram her g-spot over and over again. She came with a shrill cry, her body convulsing, squeezing me so hard that I could see black around the edges of my vision.

  I released my seed, coming hard and fast as her body milked every last drop of cum from me.

  We were both drenched in sweat, panting, and maybe an inch apart.

  And then she cupped my face and said the words that I never expected anyone to ever say to a man like me.

  “I love you.”

  CHAPTER 18 – Shay

  It wasn’t that I was expecting him to say it back to me. I mean, that would have been bloody brilliant and not nearly as uncomfortable as the complete silence that accompanied my declaration.

  I almost wanted to take it back, not that I didn’t love him because I did. I was head over hills, tits over ass in love with Will Jennings. But maybe just minutes after sex with his cock still softening inside of me wasn’t the best time to tell him.

  I closed my eyes as the silence stretched not wanting him to see the hurt that was gathering.

  “Shay,” even his whisper felt like a caress against my skin.

  I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t hear him tell me, thank you, or that he was honored. I felt horribly young and dreadfully embarrassed. Why couldn’t I just learn to keep my mouth shut?

  To make matters worse, I had all but seduced him when he walked in on me in the bath. Was this all just a quick fuck to him?

  Will had been clear from the beginning, after this was over we were to go our separate ways. I felt the swirling of emotions overtake my stomach and splinter out across my entire body.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I shoved at his chest—hard.

  “Shay,” again with my name, I just wished he would get off of me. “Shay, we need to talk.”

  “I need to pee, please move.”

  Reluctantly Will moved off of me and I all but sprinted to the bathroom and locked the door. Not even pretending to use the bathroom I went over to the shower and turned it on. Having the water hide the sounds of my heartache that was even now slipping down my face.

  I didn’t deserve a happily ever after. People like me, karma has special plans for us and it doesn’t involve white picket fences and little girls with inky black curls. Stepping under the hot water I closed my eyes and tried to let it all wash away.

  There had been a time when I would have been desperate for a hit. Especially in moments like this when I felt like a was breaking into pieces. The need was still there, but it wasn’t nearly as powerful as it had been.

  I suppose that was one consolation to all
of this. I was truly working on my recovery. That was something that they taught us in those classes. That we would always have to work at recovering from our addictions. There wasn’t a magical moment when one was suddenly cured.

  I hadn’t wanted to believe that. It seemed too much work for a rather dubious result. But standing on the other side of this journey, I can now see how far I have really come. And that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

  I finally have me back. The broken, used up, and apparently unloved version of myself. But it was still mine, and I wanted this life. I heard knocking on the bathroom door and Will calling my name.

  But I shouted to him that I was feeling sick, which was truly my heart shattering, and that I would talk to him later.

  When the water finally ran cold I got out of the shower and climbed into the empty bed. All of the events that had led up to this night finally caught up with me and I fell into a deep sleep.

  THE NEXT MORNING, I wasn’t sure what to wear. I certainly didn’t feel like putting on my pajama’s that we had escaped in. But I needn’t have worried because Gina came bounding in with an arm full of the latest Italian fashion.

  “Can you believe how amazing this place is? We hardly ever come here, you know. So, Julio had one of his servants pick up a few things for each of us. And he is terribly handsome don’t you think? For an older gentleman?”

  I blinked in confusion, “What?”

  Gina’s eyes sparkled, “And did you see Marco’s face when Julio was flirting with me? I could have kissed the man right then and there!”

  I stood and took the things out of her hands, “Girl, you need to talk to him. Tell him how you feel, about the baby, you don’t want your child to grow up without a father.”

  Gina’s face dimmed, “He doesn’t care, Shay.”

  “I think you are wrong,” I said softly.

  Dressing in a pair of leggings and a soft tunic, I braided my hair and we went down to breakfast. Will wasn’t in the opulent dining room. However, Julio and Marco were having a hushed conversation that broke off the moment we arrived.

  Gina narrowed her eyes, “Are you hiding something from us?”

  Julio’s face broke into a seductive smile, “I make it a point to share all of my secrets with beautiful women.”

  A gurgle of laughter escaped my lips as I watched Marco’s expression turn thunderous. Then I caught Julio’s eye and he winked at me.

  So, he knew full well the mischief that he was making. I had to admit that Julio went up a few notches in my eyes.

  I didn’t want to ask, but I had to know, “Where is Will?”

  “He had some business that needed immediate attention,” Julio supplied smoothly, “But don’t worry about that. Come and sit with us, my chef is Parisian and of the highest caliber.”

  He didn’t have to ask me twice, I sank down in the chair offered and watched as Gina did the same on the other side of Julio. I glanced up at Marco and saw his jaw clench as Julio said something that caused Gina to laugh.

  I couldn’t help but raise a brow. He caught my eye and a pink flush stained his cheeks. It was crazy to me that these two individuals that clearly cared for one another couldn’t work out whatever was between them.

  We had a delightful breakfast and then afterward Julio offered to take me on a tour of the villa while Gina and Marco worked on something Will had left them. I graciously accepted and listened as he showed me priceless artifacts and expensive paintings. It was lovely, every inch of it, and I found myself enjoying Julio’s company.

  Out in the courtyard I turned to him impulsively, “Are you an individual that abhors meddling in other’s affairs?”

  Julio grinned, “I’m an individual that delights in meddling where I do not belong.”

  My smile matched his, “Perfect. I’m thinking that there has to be a way we can get those two together to work out their problems.”

  Julio scratched his whiskered chin, “Of course it can be done, but we must be careful that they do not suspect.”

  I shrugged taking his arm and we walked through the immaculate gardens, “I don’t mind if they blame us so long as they have enough time to work things out. It is obvious that they love each other.”

  Julio smiled kindly, “You have a good heart, Shay from America.”

  My heart thudded, “No, I am not a good person, Julio.”

  “Because of your addiction or time spent behind bars?”

  I was shocked that he knew these things about me and stumbled a bit on the path, “Excuse me?”

  “Bella, many people would say that I am terrible man, and I suppose in some respects I am. Do you think I would allow my cousin to become close to a woman that I hadn’t thoroughly checked out? We take our safety very seriously.”

  It was impressed on me immediately that this was a very dangerous man.

  He tightened his grip, but his eyes were kind, “Do not be afraid of me. I will not harm you. Will cares very deeply about you to bring you here. We will keep you safe and get to the bottom of this mess.”

  Will did care about me, I knew that. In fact, I had always known that Will cared for me.

  But he didn’t love me, and I wasn’t sure that caring would be enough.

  “Never mind about that,” I said clearing my throat of the unexpected emotion. “Let’s plan what we will do with Gina and Marco.”

  He looked like he wanted to press me further, but instead allowed the conversation to flow into a diabolical plan that would most likely piss off the only two friends I had in this world.

  CHAPTER 19 – Shay

  “Are you sure they are coming?” Julio whispered as we hid behind the tapestries just outside of the library.

  I snorted, albeit very softly, “They won’t ignore my cry for help and I texted both of them that I had fallen.”

  Sure enough, there was the sound of pounding feet coming their way. Julio placed a finger to his lips and I nodded. It was doubtful that they would see us here simply because their focus would be on getting inside the library.

  But talking drapes did tend to make one veer off course.

  “Shay?” Marco called out in his strong voice just as he entered the library, “Shay where are you?”

  Gina raced in next, hot on his heels. We had seconds before they realized I wasn’t in there. Julio and I burst out of the curtains and raced for the door. I caught sight of Gina’s confused face just as we slammed it shut and he locked it from the outside.

  There was cursing inside the library followed by gunshots. Julio rolled his eyes and pushed me behind him.

  “You will not be allowed out until you work out whatever nonsense is between you.”

  Marco’s voice was angry, “We are supposed to be guarding Shay.”

  Julio didn’t seem disturbed in the slightest, “Are you implying that I cannot protect her?”

  There was silence on the other side of the door and I was reminded once again about how a dangerous man this really was.

  “Come on, Shay,” this time it was Gina, “Let us out.”

  “I can’t do that,” I called out to her, “Marco needs to know the truth.”

  There was an angry hiss and Marco barked out, “What truth?”

  Julio raised his eyebrows, “Would you like a drink, perhaps wine from our vineyard?”

  “You had better open this fucking door, Shay!” that was Gina and my cue to take up Julio’s outstretched elbow.

  “What if they kill each other,” I asked hesitantly.

  Julio smiled, “Then we won’t have their grumpy asses bringing down our day.”

  I wasn’t sure if this was a good thing or not.

  ** Inside the Library **

  “What was she talking about, Gina?” Marco’s jaw was clenched making his birthmark stand out a little more against his white face.

  Gina felt sick inside. She knew the day would come that she had to tell him the truth. But it came too quickly she wasn’t ready yet. She didn’t want him to know how muc
h his constant rejection had nearly destroyed her.

  Gina glanced around for a place to sit and went over to the small settee near the window.

  “Do you suppose we could get out this way?” she asked Marco hopefully.

  He scowled, “You are pregnant, and this is a second story room. Not only that but do you honestly believe that the head of organized crime in Rome leaves his windows unlocked?

  She blushed, “You’re right, that was stupid.”

  Marco frowned, “No, you aren’t stupid, I’m just being a dick. Sit down and let’s just wait this out. If worst came to worst, we could wait until Will comes back.”

  Gina nodded, rubbing her arms.

  “Are you cold?” he asked immediately taking off his jacket.

  Gina hated when Marco did things like that. When he acted like he cared. Because in the next moment he would be pushing her away and breaking her heart just like he always did.

  She shook her head, “No, I’m fine.”

  He wrapped his jacket around her anyway and Gina scowled at him, “Stop being nice.”

  Marco's lips tilted up, “You have always had a nasty temper.”

  “Let’s just not talk to each other,” she turned her head and rested it against the wall closing her eyes.

  “I didn’t mean what I said that day,” his low words had her eyes popping open.

  “What day? What are you talking about?” Gina demanded.

  Marco ran a hand over his face, “I was just surprised that you were pregnant and hurt that you hadn’t told me. I shouldn’t have talked to you that way.”

  Gina felt her hands begin to shake and she clenched them so that he wouldn’t see.

  “Are you referring to when you asked if the baby was even yours?”

  Marco nodded.

  Gina’s eyes filled with tears and she cursed her stupid pregnancy hormones.

  “I get it, Marco. You don’t want to be with me. I don’t know why it has taken me all of these years, but I finally get it. Trust me, I won’t be bothering you any longer.”

  His gaze snapped to hers, “What are you talking about?”

  She laughed but there was only harshness in the tone, “You obviously are okay with fucking me. I never even wanted to go into this line of work. Did you know that? I just wanted to be close to you. Ever since we were young I wanted to mean something to you, anything more than just friends with benefits. I am a slow learner, but I have finally caught on.”


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