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Oath of Deception

Page 10

by Jennifer Anne Davis

  “Are you saying you want to dance with me?” he teased.

  “I’m suggesting we practice.”

  “You shouldn’t have made me put my shirt on. Then you really could have gotten to know me.” Something hit the side of his face.

  Ari sat there smiling. She’d just tossed a chunk of bread at him.

  “What’d you do that for?” he asked, picking up the bread and setting it aside.

  “I wanted to. You’re far too arrogant for my liking and it’s getting on my nerves.”

  That was it. He was done with her sassy attitude and the continual jests. He set his plate on the low table and jumped on her. She shrieked, and he wrapped his arms around her, putting her in a headlock and flipping her over so she was on top of him. He twisted his legs around hers, and she bucked, trying to get loose. Her strength surprised him.

  The door flew open and two sentries burst inside. “What’s going on in here?” one of them demanded.

  Savenek laughed. “My sister is being an ass hat,” he replied.

  “Let go of me you moron,” she said, clawing at his arm.

  “I don’t think so.” He looked back at the sentries. “What? I can’t harass my sister?”

  “Sorry to interrupt,” the same one said. Both guards backed out of the room, closing and re-locking the door.

  He loosened his grip around Ari’s neck. “Had enough, little miss know-it-all?”

  “You’re insufferable.”

  “But do you concede?”

  “What do you want me to concede? That you’re larger than I am and can therefore overpower me?”

  He had an inkling that if she’d known he planned to attack, she would have been able to defend herself. There was more to her than she let on. “No,” he replied. “I want you to say that I’m the best.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “Say it. I’m the best. You adore me. You worship the ground I walk on.”

  “I’ll do no such thing.”

  “Then we’ll be here for quite some time because I’m not letting you go until you say it.”

  She stopped fighting him. He felt her chest heaving up and down as she breathed heavily from struggling against him. Something shifted in the air. Her arm was moving slowly to his side. He grabbed her wrist, preventing her from attacking him.

  “Fine,” she growled. “You’re the best. I adore you. I worship the ground you walk on. Satisfied?” Her words were short and clipped. Oh she was nice and mad.

  He released her, hoping she wouldn’t turn around and pound him.

  She sat up and glared at him. “I am in my nightclothes,” she hissed. “This behavior is highly inappropriate.”

  He shrugged. “You’re my bratty sister. What do I care if you’re in your nightclothes or not?”

  “You’re sick, you know that?”

  His only response was to laugh. Especially when she blushed and threw him out of her room.

  Standing in front of the mirror, Savenek couldn’t help but admire how the pants hung low on his hips, the way the soft tunic hugged the curves of his shoulders and chest. He looked mighty fine, mighty fine indeed.

  There was a soft knock on the door leading to Ari’s room. “Come in!” he called out.

  The door opened a couple of inches. “Are you dressed?” Ari asked.

  “Fully clothed.” He turned to face her.

  She stuck her head into his room. “I’m in a bind.”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Can you help me?” she asked.

  “Do what?”

  “This dress was delivered for me to wear tonight. However, I do not have an attendant to help me put it on.”

  He gulped. “You need help getting your clothes on?”

  She sighed, exasperated. “No. The dress is on. I need you to help secure the ties in the back. I can’t reach them.”

  He scratched his head. “Ties? As in knotting something together like boot laces?”

  “Yes.” She stepped into the room and his breath caught. A stunning deep blue dress hung off Ari’s shoulders, hugging her hips, and falling straight to the ground. It looked like she was wearing water. When she neared him, she turned so her back faced him. “Clip it together and then tie the strings. Please.”

  Her entire back was exposed. With shaking hands, Savenek reached forward. There were three clips that pulled the fabric together. He managed to get those clasped without touching her skin too much. Then there were four strings of fabric on each side. He started with the top two, tying them together. When he finished with the ties, he stepped back.

  “How does it look?” Ari asked over her shoulder.

  “Um, it’s neat how the fabric comes together and then separates like that.” Leaving four sections of her back bare. Small sections. But still. It was sexy as hell.

  She turned and faced him. “We still need to practice that dance.”

  “I’m well versed in the various Emperion dances. On the off-chance they decide to play something from our kingdom, I’ll be able to hold my own.” Nathenek had forced him to dance with women at parties. All kinds of women from different social classes.

  A sentry knocked and entered the room. “Your presence is requested,” he said, holding the door open.

  It was time to perform. Savenek held his arm out, and Ari took hold of it. They glided out of the room and into the hallway where a dozen soldiers stood at attention waiting for them. The soldiers led the way through the palace. This was the first chance Savenek had to see the place. Light colored stone walls, potted plants in every corner, open windows in the exterior walls. It seemed like they were moving in a rectangular path. He mentally took note of every turn they made, hallway he saw, and sentry he caught sight of. A map of the palace’s interior took shape in his mind.

  The soldiers stopped outside of two large wooden doors with some sort of tree carved on them. The soldiers fanned out in the hallway, leaving Savenek and Ari standing alone in front of the doors. He patted her fingers, and she squeezed his arm. The doors swung open revealing an enormous room filled with dozens of people. Candles hung from chandeliers, perfume wafted in the air, and everyone turned to stare at them. Savenek began to take a step forward, but Ari shook her head infinitesimally.

  “The delegates from Emperion, Ven and Aryam,” a man bellowed.

  Ari stepped forward, holding her head high. Savenek moved with her, trying to walk at a dignified pace as they glided down the pathway straight through the middle of the room. Six imposing figures stood at the other end. The king and queen were in the middle of the group wearing ridiculously large crowns almost the size of their heads. King Theon was an older man in his fifties with a neatly trimmed beard. Queen Elesseni was about the same age as the king. She had long brown hair that hung freely down her back. Her soft pink dress was covered with small pearls. Slightly behind the queen and to her left were the two princesses. Princess Conditto was seventeen and had light brown hair that matched her eyes. Her emerald dress complimented her tanned skin. Princess Lareissa he’d met before, though she gave no indication she’d ever seen him. She wore a yellow dress that set off her hair. To the right side of the king stood the princes. Prince Patteon, the heir, was twenty and looked just like his father. Prince Zare was the same age as Savenek and took after his mother.

  Savenek and Ari stopped ten feet away from the royal family and bowed. A steward off to the side introduced the royal family members before once again stating Savenek and Ari’s names.

  “Welcome,” the king said with a thick accent. “We are pleased you made the journey to Apethaga.”

  “We are pleased to be here,” Ari replied. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

  “Tonight we celebrate,” King Theon said, raising his hands.

  The people in the room clapped, and the music started. The royal family paired up, the king with the queen, and the princes with the princesses. Savenek kept hold of Ari as they walked to the center of the room with the roy
al family. The people moved out of the way, forming a circle around them.

  Savenek swung Ari around so they faced one another. He placed one hand on her back and used the other to take her hand. Her eyes sparkled as they started dancing. It was a dance neither of them knew, which proved to be a bit of a challenge. They’d agreed that if this happened, they’d dance a basic four step pattern.

  “Why are you looking at me so strangely?” Ari asked. “What is going through that mind of yours?”

  He was making every attempt to keep his face neutral and not think about how pretty Ari looked, how lithely she moved, how warm her eyes were, what kissing her would be like. “How many exits are there?” he asked. “And which one would you take if you needed to escape quickly?”

  Her eyebrows pulled together. “Exits?” She glanced around the room, shaking her head. “Um, there are three. I’d take the main one, the one we entered through.”

  The king and queen weren’t talking to one another as they danced. Prince Patteon and Princess Conditto had their heads close together and their lips were moving. Savenek couldn’t make out any of the words either of them said. The younger prince and princess were laughing as they danced, and most people seemed to be watching them.

  “There are five exits. You probably didn’t notice the two on the back wall. One is for the royal family and most likely leads to an antechamber. The other is used by the servants. If you need to leave quickly or unnoticed, use the servants’ passageways. They will be less crowded and there won’t be any guards.”

  Ari nodded. “Hopefully, we can begin negotiations tomorrow.”

  “We begin tonight.” He spun her around and pulled her in a little closer than necessary. Leaning down, he whispered in her ear. “Cozy up to one of the princes. Make him like you.”

  Ari stiffened in his arms. “I hardly think that’s necessary.”

  “Maybe not. But we need an advantage.” As Ari had said earlier, something wasn’t quite right here. The youngest prince and princess were the best bet they had at discovering what was really going on.

  The song ended, and Savenek led Ari off to the side of the room. The royal family started dancing with other members of their court.

  “I’m not royalty,” Ari whispered. “I can’t impose myself on a prince. It’s not right.”

  Standing on the sidelines, Savenek watched how each member of the royal family moved, their facial features, and where their eyes strayed while dancing. “You don’t need to do anything but be in the right place at the right time. Let the prince come to you, and when he does, turn on the charm.”

  “Let’s say I go along with this ridiculous idea of yours,” Ari said. “What do you plan on doing?”

  “I’m going to make Princess Lareissa fall in love with me.” It seemed the type of thing she’d do, just to spite her parents. Savenek had been watching her closely—the defiant gleam in her eyes, the way she laughed just a tad bit too loudly, how her father seemed to ignore her.

  Ari laughed. “You are so full of yourself. You think you can make a woman fall in love with you just because you want her to?”

  “Yes. And you can charm the prince so he trusts you. Maybe he’ll let something slip.” The song should be ending soon, and they needed to get into position.

  “And how do you propose I go about this?” she asked. “There are dozens of women here. The prince won’t even notice me.”

  It was Savenek’s turn to laugh. While Prince Zare had glanced at Ari more than once, it was the older prince who looked at her with lust in his eyes. “Prince Patteon is watching you at this very moment.”

  Her face flushed. “I can’t just go up to him and request a dance.”

  “You won’t have to. He’ll come to you.” Savenek was sure of it. Though, the idea of her dancing with the prince grated on his nerves. Regardless, it needed to be done. “I, on the other hand, must talk to some other women so I can make the princess jealous.”

  “You’re not leaving me, are you?”

  He patted her shoulder. “I am. Play the part of the damsel in distress. Patteon will be eating out of the palm of your hand in no time.” And with that, he strolled away from her. There was work to be done.

  Princess Lareissa was dancing with yet another young man. She never lacked a partner. Everyone she danced with managed to make her laugh. Which meant Savenek had to lure her in. Tempt her. And what better way than by paying attention to everyone but her?

  Taking a deep breath, he rolled his shoulders back and joined a group of young women standing off to the side chatting with one another.

  “Evening, ladies.” He bowed.

  Several of them giggled as they curtseyed.

  “You are the man from Emperion?” one of the ladies asked with an accent so thick Savenek had difficulty understanding her.

  “I am. And I am in want of a dance partner, but I don’t know any of the Apethaga dances. Would one of you care to show me how it’s done?” He smiled at the one standing a little taller than the others. She didn’t seem shy or reserved.

  “I will,” she answered. “I am Lady Blanchette.” She held out her hand, and he took it.

  Savenek led her to the dance floor, all the while complementing her on her beauty. She giggled and blushed. After he danced with her, he proceeded to dance with every other young woman he could. They all took great care to teach him the proper way to hold his body while dancing, the various steps to the dance, and shared some useless gossip. In turn, he made sure to keep them laughing with his outrageous compliments and carefree smiles. With each dance, he moved closer and closer to the young princess, making sure he never looked her way. And once he figured out the princess’s best friend was a pretty young woman who hadn’t danced with anyone, he headed directly to her.

  “I am Ven,” he bowed before her. “And I see you are without a partner. Will you do me the honor?” He held out his hand.

  “I’m supposed to remain here in case Princess Lareissa needs me,” she replied, her voice soft.

  “May I at least have your name?” He smiled his most charming smile.

  “Lady Sarina.”

  “Are you the princess’s only friend?” he asked. He’d seen the princess talking to Sarina several times. She was the only female the princess had spoken to.

  “No, of course not. However, she asked me to stay here so she could easily find me.”

  “I understand.” Savenek rubbed his chin, as if an idea had just struck him. “What if we danced right here?”

  She flushed.

  “You can’t attend a party and not dance,” he insisted. “And someone as beautiful as you should be dancing.” He suspected the princess didn’t want Sarina dancing with anyone because Sarina was stunning. She was easily the most beautiful woman there. Funny how he wasn’t attracted to her even though she was so striking.

  “I suppose it won’t hurt,” Sarina replied, “so long as we remain right here.”

  “You have my word.” He bowed and took her hand. They were off to the side, out of everyone’s way. The song was a slow one, allowing the dancers to catch their breath. Savenek placed his hands on Sarina, and they started moving to the music.

  “You’re an excellent dancer,” he commented. He needed her to laugh. “And the first woman tonight whose toes I haven’t stepped on.”

  She smiled. That was something.

  “You have danced with a lot of women,” she commented.

  Perceptive, this one. “I have. So far, you’re my favorite.”

  Sarina laughed. “The woman you came with is your sister?”

  “She is. Bit of a brat if you ask me, but I love her. My father insisted I come to Apethaga to keep an eye on her. He doesn’t want her to do anything stupid.”

  She was about to respond when she froze, staring at something over his shoulder. “Your Highness,” Sarina said, letting go of Savenek and curtseying.

  “I thought I asked you not to dance in case I needed you,” Princess Lareissa state

  “Yes, Your Highness. How can I be of service?”

  Savenek turned to face the princess. He made sure to give her a half-smile. “Sorry, Your Highness,” he said, his voice low and seductive. “I have passion for beauty and a good time.” He looked at Sarina. “Thank you for the dance.” He started to walk away.

  “Wait,” Lareissa said. “Where are you going?”

  “This party is a little boring for my tastes,” he replied, making sure to speak clearly and slowly so she could understand him. “I am going to find entertainment elsewhere.” He winked and turned away.

  She reached out and grabbed his arm. “I may know of something else we can do.”

  “I doubt it. You don’t look old enough to enjoy the sort of things I’m referring to.” He hoped he’d read her body language well enough to play this game. Otherwise, he’d have to try to seduce the older princess, and she looked too level-headed to fall for his antics.

  The princess stepped closer to him, taking his arm and leading him away from Sarina. “Just because I am a princess, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to have a good time.”

  He slid his hand to the small of her back and leaned down, whispering in her ear, “I’ll be the judge of that. Let’s get out of here.”

  The door slammed shut, startling Savenek awake. His eyelids flew open and he found Ari standing next to his bed, staring daggers at him.

  “So nice of you to finally wake up,” she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

  He sat up, rubbing his eyes. Based upon the height of the sun outside, he guessed it was around midday. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he started to stand and realized he was completely naked. “Um…”

  “Don’t um me. We have work to do. Or have you forgotten why you’re here? You seemed all too eager to leave the ball exceptionally early with the princess.”

  That explained why she was upset. He wrapped the blanket around his waist and stood. “Nothing happened.” Not entirely true, but Ari didn’t need to know the details. After he’d left with Lareissa, the princess had taken him to one of the courtyards where they had a few drinks and danced under the stars. Nothing scandalous. Lareissa had tried to convince him to go to her bedchamber, and he’d even indulged in a few kisses, but she wasn’t his type. Since she didn’t seem to have any useful information, he decided not to go down that path. The last thing he needed was to be arrested and executed for taking the princess’s innocence. Although, he suspected someone might have already done that. She seemed to enjoy pushing the limits.


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