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Black 01 - Black Rain

Page 8

by Vincent Alexandria

  Sometimes, when I would lose count, I would just call out her name. Man, every time I saw a loose penny on the ground I had thoughts of going over to her house and just strangling the crap out of her. I thought I was gonna need therapy. That was a stressful time.”

  I go over and put my arm around his shoulders.

  “Now, why should I listen to a man who would pull a stunt like that? Your current wife has you so henpecked she probably doesn’t even let you wear underwear, unless she picks them out,” I tease.

  My brother unbuttons his coveralls and reveals his boxer shorts, which have little butterflies on them. We all just roll out laughing, and Dad laughs so hard he starts to cough.

  “Y’all go ahead and laugh. This type of underwear drives women crazy. Makes your woman call you Big Vincent Alexandria


  Poppa, ” Aaron says, grinning as we burst into laughter again.

  I have to give Dad a glass of water to help stop his coughing from the laughter.

  My brother John walks over to me, “Joe, you need to make sure you get a good understanding with your woman and your partner before you leave. Relationships built on trust can only stay solid if that trust is solidified and shared.” John sits on Dad’s bed and continues, “Don’t cut your partner out. Let him make a decision for himself. Your wife has enough to worry about with you on the case. Don’t let her mind start to wonder about your conviction. Let her know you love her, and that she’s first in your life. I’ve been in the military a long time, and my wife has had to pick up and move whenever I got relocated. So, whenever possible, I made extra sacrifices to make sure she was happy. I told her every day how much I appreciated her, and I showed her, as well. You got a good woman, I’d hate for you to risk losing her.”

  I rub my eyebrow and chew on my bottom lip. Am I really being selfish? I’ll talk to Vernon and Sierra again and maybe we can come to some happy medium.

  My brother Paul, has his hair licked back in curly waves. We tease him that’s it’s the result of an S-curl, but he denies it. He is of deep-brown complexion with a smile like a horse, due to all his back teeth being pulled. “What about Dad, Joe? How long will you be gone? We don’t know the days or the hours. What if something happens? Will you be able to forgive yourself for not being here?” The once jovial mood comes to a screeching halt.


  Black Rain

  Dad looks at Paul and shakes his head. “Paul, I’ll be here a while. You don’t put that on Joe’s shoulders. He has a dangerous case he has to be on, and he doesn’t need anything like that on his conscious. Damn, I can’t believe you. Joe, you follow your heart. This is your decision to make. Take into consideration what John told you, because that’s good advice.”

  Dad pauses to take a drink of water and continues,

  “But you take care of yourself, and if you do decide to go save Agent Chase, you make sure you don’t take any unnecessary chances. Vernon and Sierra will understand. They are your best friends and they will be by your side. Now, all y’all come over here and let’s pray,”

  Dad orders as he makes the sign of the cross.

  “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Dear Lord, bless my family and my wife. Bless all my children’s families and their extended families.

  Let not their hearts be troubled when I enter into Your glory. I know You have prepared a place for me in the kingdom of heaven and would not put me through anything on this earth that I can’t handle. Protect my children and keep them safe from harm. Send Your angels to help them make sound decisions and ward off the devils of drugs, negativity and laziness. Bless my grandbabies and let their lives be full of happiness and love.

  Jesus, keep anointing my beautiful wife, and let not her heart be burdened. Temper my pain, Lord, that I may have a smooth transition to the other side, that I may meet my family and ancestors that have gone before me to Your land of eternal bliss. In this I pray, Amen.”

  We all hug our dad and solemnly kiss him on his forehead. There is a rumble of tiny feet coming up the Vincent Alexandria


  stairs and children giggling as Dad grasps my hand before I clear a way for them to get to their granddad. He looks at me and he smiles.

  “Joe, follow your heart, mind and soul, and they will not lead you wrong. Do what you feel you must do. You won’t be able to live with yourself if you don’t. If everyone loves you as they say, they will love you when you return. It won’t be easy, but it will work out.” Dad releases my hand as the kids run to his side.

  “We brought you some jellybeans from downstairs, Grandpa. We picked out the black ones ’cause we know you don’t eat those,” Nia says as Vernie and Joe, Jr. nod.

  “Okay, boys, it’s the grandkids’ turn. Y’all leave me with my grandchildren,” Dad orders, his face aglow as he gets kisses and hugs from the kids. They feed him jellybeans and he smiles and laughs with my three children. He’s stronger now. I have to admit, I hope that I’ll be loved the way he is when I’m his age.

  We descend the stairs, and I go to my wife, hug her from behind and kiss her softly on her neck.

  Mom says, “Well, that’s my cue to go see about my husband and grandbabies. I’ll see you two later. Joe, be there for your wife, son. Don’t hurt her, cherish her. She loves you too much to be upset the way she is.” Mom kisses Sierra and me. Then she goes to meet my father.

  Sierra and I sit down at the kitchen table.

  “Baby, I promise that I’ll keep Vernon informed of my every move, and I’ll have him help me when I make the bust. I will have backup from some of my friends, and Agent James will have my back. I’ll be fine.

  It should only take me a few days to get in and out of the situation. I don’t anticipate taking a lot of time. I 96

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  know Dad’s situation. I won’t forgive myself if something happens to him and I’m not here. I won’t make you worry any more than you have to, baby. Please trust me on this, Sierra.” I gaze deep into her almond-brown eyes.

  “Joe, I trust you. It’s her I don’t trust, but if that’s what you feel you have to do, I’ll be here praying for you to come home safe to me.”

  Sierra pulls me to her and kisses me more passionately than she has in a few days. I stand and pull her into my arms and fall into her embrace, trust and love. A tear rolls down her cheek as I kiss my wife.

  “Hey, there won’t be any more of this, sweetheart.

  I won’t have you crying again, baby. I’ll be careful.

  Thanks for believing in me.”

  “Just don’t give me a reason not to trust you, okay?”

  Sierra says as she hits me in the arm and tries to smile.

  “I’m going upstairs to make sure the kids aren’t terrorizing your dad.”

  “All right, I’m going to holla at my boy outside for a minute and try to see if we can get in contact with Mo-Mo and St. Louis Slim.”

  I go out onto the porch and my brothers are talking with Dino, my neighbor from across the street. Dino is like a little brother to me. I helped raise him and taught him to play football and basketball. He went on to be quite a basketball player at Hogan High School. Dino is almost as tall as my brother Paul and about two shades lighter.

  “What up, Catdaddy? What’s up, fellas? How’s Pops doing?” Dino asks.

  I shake Dino’s hand, give him a hug.

  “What up, dawg? Dad’s hanging tough. What’s been going on with you?”

  Vincent Alexandria


  “I’ve just been chillin’, that’s about it,” Dino answers.

  Aaron says, “Dino, I heard you been doing pretty good since you got that promotion at the plastic company, my brother.”

  Dino blushes. “Yeah, I’m a foreman now. I got an eight-dollar-an-hour raise. It came in handy, too, with the child support I gotta pay.”

  I remind him, “Dino, you know you’re getting paid.

  You only have one child.”

“Don’t be doing that monkey dance around here

  ’cause nobody’s going to feel sorry for your ass today,”

  John says as we all start to laugh.

  “Damn, how you gonna be counting my money, dude? I’m doing all right, but my ex-girlfriend is trying to make me pay out the ass for my little girl. She gets joy in trying to take advantage, telling my friends that I’m paying for her new car and stuff like that.” He clenches his teeth. “She makes me want to scream sometimes. Shoot, I feel like shouting now as a matter of fact.”

  I shake my head. “Whatever, dude. Stop whining like a punk. If you didn’t want to pay, you didn’t have to lay. That’s my motto. The kid didn’t ask to come into this world, so be a man and handle your business.”

  “Damn, man, I can’t get no sympathy?” Dino throws his hands in the air.

  I put my hand on his shoulder and look him in the eyes. “Dino, if you want sympathy, look between shit and suicide in the dictionary.” We all laugh.

  But Dino just stares at us blankly, not seeing the humor. “Forget y’all, man. She’s a bloodsucker and I don’t care what y’all say.” He sits on the stairs.

  Aaron says, “Dino, we feel you, brother, but you 98

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  can’t focus on that kind of thing. If money is her master and she’s doing you wrong, it will all come back on her, so don’t trip. Put it in God’s hands.” Aaron gets up to go into the house.

  Dino jumps up and shouts, “Dude, I believe in God and all, but He’s not paying this child support. I am.”

  Aaron just shakes his head as he enters the house.

  I push Dino in the head, “Boy, you need Jesus!”

  My other brothers leave the porch to enter the house, as well, but not before they each push Dino playfully in the head.

  Dino adjusts his neatly trimmed afro, puts his head down and smiles. His honey-brown face is reddened with embarrassment, “I know I do. That’s why I go to church on Sundays. I’m trying. Honest, I am.”

  “Look, Dino, I need a favor, bro. I need to get in contact with Mo-Mo and St. Louis Slim. I need their help on a case I’m working.”

  Dino, scratches his head with a smirk. “Joe, you sure you want to mess with them? They some dangerous cats and they run with a crowd that’s out there, dude. I wouldn’t even wish them cats on my baby’s mama, man.”

  “Look, I know what I’m doing, bro. They owe me a few favors and now is the time I need to collect.”

  Dino walks around on the porch, rubbing his chin and the back of his neck. “Man, you know that St. Louis Slim is still mad at you for breaking up that lip-synch group y’all had,” Dino says, frowning.

  “I’ll tell you what. Let me worry about St. Louis Slim, okay?”

  Dino’s bushy eyebrows raise and form a wrinkle on Vincent Alexandria


  his forehead. He looks around to make sure we’re alone.

  “You know they’re crazy, Joe. They into all kinds of shit.

  Those fools are crazier than a crackhead in the middle of the month.”

  “Like I said, crazy or not, them fools owe me, and I plan to collect. I can handle their foolishness and I can take care of myself.”

  “Well, I’ll feel better if you take your partner Vernon with you when you go and see them. You know that St. Louis Slim like to play with knives and guns.

  He even pulled one on me once in an argument. He’s fast with it, too. I didn’t even know he had it, until he had it to my throat. I was going to kick his ass, too, but he had the knife and all, and we grew up together, so I let him slide,” Dino says as he adjusts his shirt in his pants.

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, right, Dino.”

  Dino playfully pushes me in the shoulder. “I guess I got to jack somebody up to prove to you that I don’t play. Man, you just don’t know who you be doubting.”

  Dino puts up his fists to play-box.

  I push his hands away and put him in a headlock.

  “Dude, I don’t have time to play. Just give me the numbers.”

  “Let me go, Joe. Why you be playing all the time?

  You gon’ make me have to jack you up. Let me go!”

  I release him and give him a little push to let him know who has the upper hand. Dino frowns at me, and then writes down the numbers.

  “They both up in Topeka, Kansas. They’re in the south part and always have some roughneck friends hanging around them. I have to admit, they have some 100

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  very good-looking ladies, too. Good luck, dude, and remember what I said about Vernon going with you.”

  I shake Dino’s hand. “Thanks, dawg, I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll call you when I get back. I’m going inside to tell my dad I’m about to leave. You comin’?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been trying to get over here to see your dad. I’ve been helping your mom with a few things in the yard,” Dino answers as he walks with me into the house and greets everyone.

  Upstairs, Sierra, Nia, the twins and Mom are around Dad’s bed.

  “Hey, everybody! Hi, Mr. Johnson, I just wanted to tell you I hope you start feeling better, and you’ve always been like a second father to me. I remember you whipped me once when you caught me in the store stealing candy. I thank you for that, and I don’t eat candy to this day. I respect you a lot, sir. I pray you peace and good health.”

  I put my arm around Dino’s shoulders when he starts to break down and cry as he shakes Dad’s hand.

  “Dino, you a good boy, and you grew up to be a fine man. Always remember that, son,” Dad responds.

  “Dad, I’m about to leave, but I’ll be back. You take care and you know I love you, right?”

  “Joe, you know I know that. Take care, son, and come back in one piece. I’m not going anywhere until you get back, so take care of your business, and get that woman back here safe now, you hear?”

  I grab my father’s hand and with my other wipe the tear from my eye.

  “Yes, sir!”

  Chapter 6

  Chase can’t stop the flow of tears from streaming down her face. She falls upon the hotel bed, kicks off her shoes and hugs the pillows to her.

  She wonders what Agent James is doing to help her out of this situation. She knows Joe is on his way, but with Dread moving them around so much, finding her will be very difficult.

  They’ll return to Nebraska in the morning and she sure as hell hopes there won’t be any more surprise ad-ventures like tonight’s. She rolls onto her back. Rain taps the window and tiny droplets roll down the win-dowpane as the lightning lights up the sky. The thunder booms from far off, but it’s getting closer each time. A knock comes at the door, and before she can answer, Dread walks in and sits next to her on the bed. The ran-cid scent of cigar fills his clothes.


  Black Rain

  “Why do you cry in the dark, my dear? You have everything. I make you happy, no?”

  Chase wants to run and hide, but is too tired to move.

  She decides to play along, but won’t give in to any sexual advances from him.

  “Dread, I’m just tired of all the killing and the drama from earlier this evening. I’m also not happy with the way my fight ended in Nebraska. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Don’t be foolish, love. It’s only business. I do like dat honesty about you though, Chase,” he says as he squeezes her ass.

  She grabs his hand and removes it from her backside.

  “Dread, I have to tell you that groping really gets on my nerves. I’m not a football. You need to learn something about being romantic. I realize—especially after today—that you take what you want, but I’m not one of those things. I give my body to whom I choose.” She sits up and moves away from him.

  Dread grabs Chase by the waist and pulls her closer to him. “Really? Well, people have been taking from me since I was a child of God. I thought I was pleasing you, Chase, but maybe I’ve been wrong. I’ve been very patient wit’ you, woman, beca
use I do care, but do not take my kindness for weakness, okay?”

  She does not like the tone, nor his hand moving up her inner thigh. How to keep him talking to take his mind off her? This situation is going to get violent.

  “What do you mean by people taking advantage of you since you were a child of God? You really don’t seem like a person who would want to kill and hurt people. You do believe in God, don’t you?”

  A loud burst of thunder, the wind picks up and rain Vincent Alexandria


  pounds the windows of the hotel room. The rumble feels like a freight train across the street. The cool dew-mist of moisture invades the air and Dreads hand slips from her thigh. The force of the wind blows the curtains from side to side, and, as a streak of blue-green lightning explodes across the night sky, it reveals a disturbed frown upon Dread’s handsome face. His lower lip quivers.

  He slowly gets up and walks to the window. His massive frame blocks the wind that grabs his black wavy hair and tosses it in the cool breeze. He almost looks majestic. His body is illuminated as the glow from the lightning outside flashes against his masculine sil-houette in the darkness. He turns and looks at Chase with a blank, lost expression; he seems to be stirring up haunting memories.

  “Chase, I care about you enough to tell you dis. I have never told anyone, but perhaps it will shed some light on me. I truly do want you to understand me. My family is from Cuba and they are devout Catholics. I was a young altar boy who helped priests at church during service. We had a beautiful and spacious church right off the coastline in Havana. It was made of dark-red clay and brick, but we had stained-glass windows and the church was adorned with brass.”

  Dread walks toward the balcony. He pushes the curtains to one side and looks out the window, rubbing his thick arms cooled by the night air as he continues. “There was a glass oval in the ceiling so the sun would shine on da congregation and the moon would shine in at night. It was so beautiful. I still remember the huge wooden hand-carved crucifix at da back of the altar. Jesus looked down with his arms 104

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  outstretched for mankind. We were well off because my father was a cattle rancher, but our community was poor. We had status in da church because we were good contributors.”


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