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ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Page 39

by Carly White

  Walking in, it felt like I had arrived, like I was supposed to be there. There were already several men on the ground floor sparring and I had to stop and watch for a minute. Antony was there, as well as his stepbrother Mike and they looked really good. I pulled my mind from the gutter and moved to Wesley’s office to find out where I would be working. I was not expecting him to be there yet because I was early and certainly not with a female.

  “Hi. I was just wondering where you would like me to work at.”

  He looked up at me with a shocked look on his face, sweat on his brow. “What are you doing here so early?”

  “I thought I would make sure to be on time. On time is late as far as I am concerned.”

  There was movement at the desk where he was sitting and then I saw a streak of blonde hair. It occurred to me suddenly what he was doing and I backed up. “Well just let me know when you are ready to talk Sir.”

  I almost ran out of there, unable to believe what he was doing in his office. I didn’t know who was down there or what they were doing, but it didn’t take much to figure out that whoever it was, was pleasing him with their mouth. I was shocked, more than that. I couldn’t believe that my boss was getting head under his desk. It was highly unlikely, but I had been warned.

  I left out of there as fast as I could, looking back once. What had I gotten myself into?

  “Hey sweet cheeks. What are you doing here so early? You here to take care of Wesley?”

  I turned to look at Antony and grimaced. “God no.”

  He laughed at my face and how quickly I said it. The very idea of doing anything with the old man made my stomach curl. Why would anyone in their right mind want to be with him, when there were hot bodies everywhere else? Not that I was worried about hot bodies, but it seemed like it wouldn’t even be an option.

  “What you don’t like the old man?”

  I shook my head. “No I think someone is already helping him out.”

  “Ah, Candy. Yeah she is one of his favorite interns.”

  I knew what he was implying. I was only there because the man fancied me. “Well just because I am an intern, doesn’t mean that I will be doing anything on my knees.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  I made an aggravated sound. “Why are all the men around here jerks? I mean really, is it in the water or something?”

  Antony moved closer to me, close enough that I started to tremble slightly in front of him. His dark eyes looked down at me and I held my breath. It felt like he was going to kiss me and I couldn’t help that I wanted him to. Maybe I was just as bad as Candy.

  “I have learned that women like a strong hand. Around here, the women aren’t looking for nice guys. They want to be taken. Kind of like you do right now.”

  I opened my eyes, realizing that they were closed and waiting for his kiss. I shook my head, berating myself for acting so needy. When I was warned about this place, I didn’t consider that they would be right. I didn’t consider that I would want to be dragged into it further. There was something about the way that he looked at me.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about Antony. But I assure you that your assumptions are wrong. Women like men that are sweet and kind.”

  He chuckled and moved away. I was sad to see him go if I was honest with myself. I wanted him to kiss me, but then I realized there were other people watching us. “See you soon Denise.”

  Chapter 5: Antony

  “What were you two talking about bro?”

  I looked back at the young blonde and even though she was not looking my way, I knew that she wanted to. Mike had been eying her as much as I had, even getting thrown to the mats twice because he was more worried about what I was doing, instead of what his sparring partner was doing.

  “Why are you so worried about it?”

  I knew why. He wanted her all to himself and there hadn’t been a verbal wager, but there didn’t have to be. We both knew what we wanted from her and it was not the first time we had eyed the same woman. It would be a battle of wills and since I started it, I knew that Mike would try his best to be the one that got in her pants.

  “I am not worried about it dear brother. I can’t think of one time that you have actually won these games.”


  His face turned dark and I tried to hold back my smile. “I can’t believe you even said her name. She was not a conquest Antony, I loved her and you just couldn’t leave it be.”

  I sighed and knew that I shouldn’t have brought it up. It never turned out well when we started talking about her. He had loved her, but I had seen her first. It was the one time that we had actually gotten mad at each other. I had honestly thought that he would never speak to me again. But he had. We both got over her and though I knew he was still bitter about it, he hadn’t let it get in the way of our careers. We had moved on as brothers, promising to never do it again. Was Denise going to be the one that changed all that and broke the truce?

  “Sorry Mike. I know I shouldn’t have brought her up.”

  He gave me another dirty look. We had promised not to talk about her again. It was one thing to remember her, but another to talk about it. She had left us both after we gave her an ultimatum. While it hadn’t changed that we still wanted the same women half the time, it did change the way we went about it. Once one of us got her, then the other one had to back off. As I looked back over at Denise, I knew that it had to be me.

  “So how did it go? I see that she didn’t fall to her knees in front of you, so not so well?”

  I nodded. “It went fine, just priming her.”

  “You didn’t use the women like a strong man to take control line, did you?”

  I was becoming a broken record it seemed. “Yeah I did. You know me too well brother.”

  “But it didn’t work out I see?”

  “No, she said that she likes kind and gentle.”

  He grinned. “Never met one that actually did like that. The kind ones get friend-zoned and the ones that take what they want get the girl.”

  I didn’t agree or disagree, but I had a feeling that the theory may not work on Denise. She had a fire in her eyes that most women didn’t and since she had been around these places her whole life, I would imagine that she knew how to deal with men like Wesley and fighters like us.

  “I don’t know Mike. Something about her is different.”

  “We’ll see about that.”


  It was a while until our boss came out, Candy a few steps behind with her makeup smeared and a guilty look on her face. The very idea that he would somehow get Denise made me angry. I couldn’t imagine such a beautiful girl, pleasuring a man like him.

  “Morning Wesley. I see that you were here early.”

  “Yes, well lots of work to do.”

  “I bet.”

  He gave me a cross look, his dark green eyes assessing me as he had before. I didn’t like him any better than he liked me, but I made him money, so there was nothing else that could be done. He wanted nothing more than to fire me, I could see it in his eyes, but he couldn’t.

  “Well are you ready for the interview with Star Magazine?”

  I shook my head that I was. There was supposed to be a photo shoot beforehand, that was why I was there sparring. They wanted me ripped and sweaty. I saw the photographers coming in and though I hated that side of the business, I knew it was necessary. It was for the people that wanted to be in the MMA, someone to look up to, as well as to all the gamblers that made the matches worth-while.

  “Yeah, where are we doing the photo shoot?”

  “I was thinking on the mats.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I will have the intern come over and help you get ready.”

  I almost asked which one. I certainly didn’t want to see Candy. I, like others, had fancied her for a time, almost took her to bed, but after everyone found out that she was with Wesley, she was off-limits. Which was fine because I didn’t want t
o go after my boss anyways, the idea wasn’t very palatable.

  “Denise. Can you come over here and help oil up Antony for his shoot?”

  My heart skipped a little in my chest, but she had another look entirely. I bet it was the last thing that she wanted to do was get close to me like that. As she walked over, I could see that she was not able to make eye contact with me. “Yes Sir.”

  Wesley walked off, leaving the two of us looking at each other. “Do you know where the oil is?”

  She shook her head that she didn’t and I told her to follow me. “Why can’t we just do it right here?”

  “Well the prep room is back here. I will show you where it is so that you will know for later. This is where everyone gets ready.”

  She nodded, though Denise was still looking at me as if I was the big bad wolf. Maybe I was to her, but the talk with my stepbrother, pushed me to want to put my claim on her. I knew that all I had to do was get her alone, for just a few minutes and she would be mine.

  Pulling her into the last room in the hall, I shut the door and she almost jumped when it closed behind us. I thought she was going to say something about the door being shut, but she didn’t. Instead she looked away. Denise was acting like she had never been alone with a man before and her innocence drove me wild.

  “Here, let me get the oil for you.”

  “You don’t have to seem so happy about it.”

  I shrugged. “Just one of the perks of the job I suppose. I get hot women that put their hands all over me all the time.”

  “Well take your shirt off and let’s just get this done.”

  I could tell that she was nervous, but when she finally moved to start putting the oil on my back, I could feel her hands trembling against me. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine. Just hush for a minute and hold still so that we can get this done.”

  Chapter 6: Denise

  It was becoming clear that my new job was going to be a nightmare. I didn’t see oiling up men as part of the production crews job, but I took the assignment as some sort of hazing ritual. Surely this would not be something I would have to do again, right?

  Moving to his front, I added more oil to my hand and smoothed it over his hard ridges. There were small hairs that tickled my fingertips and palms, but I tried not to react to them. I could feel his eyes on me and I looked up once to see his dark eyes close to black staring down at me. I knew that my breathing had changed, coming in short, shallow gasps, but he seemed unaffected. I forgot that there were other people around, my hands rubbing and exploring more than was needed to rub his body down with oil. It gleamed and was slick under my hands.

  I rubbed some more on his upper arms, going to my tiptoes to reach the shoulders. I moved closer, my body drawn to him like magnets. I went back to his chest, unable to take my hands off of him. “Denise.”


  “I think that is good.”

  I glanced up and then pulled away my hands. My face was red with embarrassment when I realized that I had been rubbing far longer than I was supposed to. I reached for a towel for my hands and I couldn’t help but notice the state of him. He was hard and his cock pushed towards me through the spandex-like shorts. It made it so that everything was seen and it didn’t help my breathing at all. “Well if that is good, then I will leave you to get ready.”

  “I can’t go like this out there Denise. Can you help me?”

  “Help you with what?”

  He motioned down to his hard cock and I can’t believe that he would even think that it was okay to say or do something like that. Antony moved closer to me and my heart slammed in my chest. I started to back away towards the door and he stopped it from opening with a hand on it. “Come on Denise. You can’t rub me like that and then leave me hanging.”

  “I can, now move. Do you want me to go get that Candy intern?”

  Antony chuckled and shook his head. “That is not what I have a taste for.”

  “Get dressed. I will be out here waiting for you.”

  I waited for him to move, sure that he would, but in a way I think he was debating it. He looked at me as if he wanted to do more, but something made him change his mind and I scurried out of there as fast as I could. Leaning against the wall by the door, I took in several breaths before I had righted myself enough to go out to the main room where the taping was going to be. This job was going to be a lot harder than I anticipated.

  It was going to be one of those days and when I finally managed to get it together enough to go back out with the rest of the crew, I was feeling a bit uneasy. Mike had showed up, for moral support or something of the ilk and I was left to gawk as discretely as possible. I don’t know what it was about fighters, but they were some of the best eye candy that I could think of. His hard, rippling body was on display as he had his shirt off. I had a moment where I wanted nothing more than to oil him up as I just had Antony.


  I turned to look at Wesley and the hunger in his eyes was becoming the norm. I moved towards him as he waited impatiently for me. I wondered if he could tell I had just been in there rubbing on Antony far more than I was supposed to. My face felt hot and I didn’t have to look down to know that my nipples were hard and the shirt I was wearing was thin enough that hiding that fact didn’t seem plausible.

  “Yes Sir?”

  “Did you do as you were told?”

  I nodded, though I hated the way he said it. Working with Wesley had been a dream at one point. He was skilled and known for his work. If I really wanted to learn the business, he was the one to do it with, but he was such a jerk. Between his green eyes leveled on my chest instead of my face and the condescension in every word he uttered, Wesley Cross was a hard man to tolerate, let alone like.

  “Yes Sir. He is oiled up and ready.”

  He waited for a moment. Maybe for me to say more, but I just ignored the man’s lecherous eyes and studied the floor. It was not what he wanted and instead of letting me help with the shoot, I was sent to do paperwork. I had done something to piss him off and the way he was eying Antony as he came out of the small room made me wonder if it was because of him. I eyed him as well for a minute. He had taken care of his problem and I wondered how he did it. I wasn’t meant to know though.


  By the end of the day, my back was hurting and my eyes were starting to go cross from all of the mindless work that he had made sure I did. I wasn’t sure why he was being such a jerk, but I had slighted him in some way, whether I realized it or not. He was not a happy camper and my neck and shoulders were aching because of it.

  I looked up at the clock and sighed to myself. It was only five and though it was time to go, it felt like it should have been later. Standing up and stretching slightly, I heard someone coming up behind me and I thought it was Wesley that was touching my back ever so gently. I jerked away and glared back.

  “Sorry, you just seemed to need your neck rubbed.”

  Mike was close and I stopped backpedaling. A massage felt really good and the only regret was that he had found a shirt to cover up in. His hands were already back on me and I sighed as his fingers moved up my neck. His hands felt amazing and it was hard to keep my wits about me. What the hell kind of place was this to work?

  I moved away finally. It was hard to do so, his hands feeling amazing on my sore muscles. His fingers were magical, but I had to remember where I was. The day had been a constant bombardment on my senses and it was none of the ones that I thought would be affected. I mean sure, I had hoped for eye candy but I had not anticipated any touching. “Thanks Mike, but I think I am good.”

  “So what are you doing? Going home?”

  “Yea I got to get home. Thanks again for that. See you tomorrow for your match.”

  I got out of there as quickly as possible. I didn’t care that it looked like I was running away, in reality I was. Mike and his brother were dangerous and it was only my first day. I told myself on the ride home t
hat I was going to make sure that I stayed away from the two brothers that seemed to find it funny to wreak such havoc on me.

  Chapter 7: Antony

  “I am telling you, I don’t need to lighten up bro. She pretty much ran out of that room. What did you do?”

  My brother smiled at me. He had either done more than I had, or he was just messing with me. Our silent bet had become one of a bluffing match, but if he kept going on too strong, he was going to ruin it for both of us. It was funny how quickly I could be sidetracked from all other women. I wanted Denise and it was to the point that it seemed like nothing else was going to do. I could tell Mike was starting to get enamored with her as well.

  “I didn’t do anything. I started to give her a massage.”

  I shook my head. I didn’t want to know how far he got and for some strange reason I hated the idea of him touching her at all. It was not a normal feeling to have. We had shared more women than I could count and it had never bothered me in the least. I wasn’t sure why it was different with Denise. Is this how he had felt about Amy?

  “Just back off a little Mike. Between you and Wesley, she is going to quit and neither one of us will get the chance.”

  “Fine, but a little advice? I think you are being too nice. If you would have seen the look in her eyes, she wants to be touched. They run away, but they always come back.”

  His reasoning was skewed like most of his theories and it made me more confident that I would be the one that coerced her. Denise was delicate. I could see it in the indignant way she had looked at me as I suggested that she pleasure me with her mouth. There was no way that she could make that look up.

  I ignored his banter on the way to the car. Having one thing on my mind, I called the number that I had gotten out of Wesley’s office. I waited for a moment for her to answer.


  “Denise, we are going to dinner.”



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