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ROMANCE: SPORTS ROMANCE: The Playmaker (Bad Boy College Football Romance) (New Adult College Alpha Male Sports Romance)

Page 45

by Carly White

  She spotted a man that she hadn’t seen before and started to talk to him. Cassie was laughing at one of his jokes when James came up and told Johnny to go somewhere else. Cassie watched the man walk away, looking back only once with fear in his eyes. “Why do you have to do things like that James? I was just talking to him.”

  “Why can’t you leave the gang members alone? You know what dad would say if he seen you talking to some hoodlum like that.”

  She waved him away. “Dad’s not here and I am not a kid anymore James. I just turned 21 so I am old enough to drink and whatever else I want to do.”

  “Well no one here is going to look twice at you Cassie. You are my sister and they all know better.”

  Cassie sighed and started to walk away. He grabbed her arm to stop her. “Stop it Cassie. I mean it or you are going to stay up at school all year round.”

  She yanked it back. “It’s not a boarding school James. You can’t make me stay there. Why are you acting like this? I thought you would be in a better mood now that your precious Chris was home.”

  “I am in a good mood that he is home, but I don’t want him seeing you like this. It’s bad enough we have lost half of the city, what will he think if I can’t even keep control of my own sister?”

  Cassie was sick of his protection and his control. She turned away and didn’t look back. She tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall. He was always so mean to her, treating her like she was a child and she was sick of it. If Chris was going to be more of the same, she may very well stay upstate in college. At least no one there was afraid of James and ignored her because of it.

  After she got back in the house, she passed the blonde on her way up the stairs and she pushed passed her in a huff. Going to her room, she slammed the door and finally let her sadness come out in liquid form. Was it always going to be like this, she wondered to herself?

  Chapter 3

  Chris tried to push the heaviness from his eyes and the pain thudding in his head. He hadn’t drunk in years and he was starting to wonder why he did at all. He felt sick to his stomach and as he made his way downstairs, he passed Cassie at the kitchen table. She was eating some cereal and barely looked up at him.

  “Morning Chris. Did you have a good night?”

  He shrugged. “From what I remember from it, it was alright. What about you?”

  “Tiring and dull like all of the HR shindigs that James puts together. Maybe there will be someone interesting one day. I was hoping that you would have changed, but I see that jail has just institutionalized you.”

  Chris turned to say something to her and then James came into the conversation. “Don’t bother with her Chris. She is just sore that I am making her go back up to school today. My sister gets into too much trouble her and she needs to go back before it’s too late.”

  She rolled her eyes and took a bite of her cereal. “Just because they passed by last night, doesn’t mean anything. What would dad think if he saw the way you were acting about it, after they took over your turf.”

  Chris was confused and the two siblings argued for several minutes before James gave up and told her to go get ready. Cassie stomped off and he looked at her leaving, still trying to get his mind around the changes that had taken place in her body. She was beautiful and had filled out so well.

  “Put your tongue back in your mouth Chris. She is still my sister and off-limits.”

  He chuckled with Chris’ guilty look. James knew that more of the gang was having the same reaction. She was no longer a kid and she looked like a woman. The fact that other men were treating her like a woman was hard to contend with. He didn’t want her to grow up, but she had to.

  “I know James. Geez, I have known her since we were kids. It would be weird at best, but you have to admit, she has changed.”

  “Yea, I know. That is what I want to talk to you about. I need you to do something for me and I know you aren’t going to like it.”

  “Anything. I was waiting for you to tell me what was going on with that other gang. Do I need to go pay them a visit, make an example of a couple of them?”

  James nodded his head. “No, nothing like that. I need you to go upstate with Cassie.”

  “What?” Chris had been thinking of many requests, but going with the leader’s sister was not one of them. Especially not the sharp-tongued one that he knew. “Why?”

  “She has been having trouble at school and since we are being pushed in from all sides here by our rivals, Cassie is going to be an easy target. You know that.”

  “You are serious?”

  “Very much so. I don’t know who else I can trust with her and you know her best. You won’t let her get over on you. I had Jacob on her detail and she ran off and got arrested. Let’s just say that I need someone I can trust, but also someone that doesn’t see my sister as all the other girls. She isn’t.”

  Chris knew what he was talking about and after seeing Cassie change, he was even more thankful to not have any sisters of his own. She had been giving his friend hell for years and by the looks of things, she hadn’t stopped yet. “I will James, but I don’t know what I am supposed to do up there.”

  “Get some connections so we can branch out up there. She has a few more weeks of term and by summer I am hoping to have a few more of us up there. We might lose the city to them and I can’t let us have nothing.”

  Chris didn’t like the way it sounded. It sounded as if James was already giving up. “You can’t let them have the city. Send a couple people up there with her and I will help you take care of this other gang. We can’t let this stand or they are going to just keep pushing us right out.”

  James could understand his reluctance, but it was not just about Cassie. Chris had a target on his back since he was still on parole and the cops would use that to their advantage. If Chris got into any trouble, he would be locked up for another four years and James couldn’t handle his friend being taken away again. He just got him back. But James couldn’t talk about that. Chris wouldn’t want to hear about that.

  “Come on Chris. You know that I need you to do this or I wouldn’t ask. Cassie is my responsibility and I can’t do what I have to do with her here. Just take her up to school and sleep on her couch for a week or so. It will give me enough time to get things straight here and then you can come back. You just have to trust me.”

  “I do, it’s just. I wasn’t planning on taking off once I got here. I mean, it’s been a long time and I still haven’t seen my family.”

  “Go see them on the way. I really just need you two out of the city today. That’s all I can say right now Chris, just promise me you will take care of my sister.”

  “You know I will.”

  James sighed, seeming to finally be able to calm himself. He had been worried about it for days. He should have known that Chris still had his back and he had meant what he had said. Chris was the only one that he could trust with her.


  “I am not going anywhere with you Chris. You are just like James and all the rest of them thugs that are in the gang.”

  “Cassie, it’s happening and you shouldn’t talk about your family like that.”

  “Why? Just because they are family, doesn’t make them any less criminal.”

  “You’re being harsh Cassie. Even for you. I am just doing what James wants. He wants you to be safe with the other gang trying to take over. Aren’t you worried about it?”

  “No and I don’t need my brother’s guard dog drooling all over me anyways.”

  “Don’t flatter yourself Cassie. You are not my type.”

  “I know you Chris, if it is female and breathing, it’s your type.” She tried to push the images of him from the night before from her mind. What she would have given to be the woman that he plowed into in such a way. Shivering she looked out the passenger window of her own car as he drove the three hours back to campus.

  “Well I am coming, whether you like it or not. I will try to control
myself around you.”

  He was smiling and that just made her mood even worse. “Don’t make fun of me Chris. It’s not fair and I am sick of James running my life. That was why I went upstate to school, to get away from James and all of his gang buddies.”

  “It won’t be for long Cassie. Do you really think I want to be here babysitting you instead of getting my freak on with half of the city? I don’t want to be up on campus any more than you do, so let’s just get through this so we can go our separate ways when it is all over.”

  Cassie pushed the straw-colored hair back from her face and nodded her head. She knew that what he said was right. If it wasn’t Chris, then James would have sent someone else and there was no telling who she would have had to deal with. But she didn’t want to let it happen. Cassie felt like she should say more about it.

  “Well I don’t know where you are going to sleep. I have roommates you know.”

  “I can sleep on the couch. It won’t be for long.” He hated the idea of it, but in all honesty, it would be much softer than the small concrete bench that he had been laying on for the last couple of years. “It will be fine, you’ll see.”

  She didn’t believe him, but as it had been made clear to her, it wasn’t like she had another choice anyways. Chris had almost put her in the car bodily and she knew that whatever her brother said, he would listen to. It didn’t matter what she said or did. James would get his way.

  “Fine, it’s not like I have a damn choice anyways. I just hope that you two are happy with yourselves. I can’t wait till I graduate and I can move so far away from all of you Hell’s Riders.”

  Chris smiled back at her, happy that she was finally getting the hint that it was happening. He felt a little bad for her, but it had to be done and she had to know that deep down. It wasn’t like James would have asked him to come with her, if he didn’t honestly think that she was in danger.

  Chapter 4

  Chris was expecting something small and college-like. He was not expecting the large old house and the several half-naked women that greeted him when he first walked in. He looked behind him to Cassie and she acted like she didn’t know what he was so worried about. “Guys this is Chris. He is going to be staying here for a few days.” He nudged her, “Okay, maybe weeks.”

  There was more squealing and then they rushed towards him, introducing themselves and giving him the eye. Cassie let it go on for a few minutes before she pulled him away. “He’s my boyfriend ladies, so keep your mitts off.”

  Tracy and Jackie moved away, but Karen kept looking up at him with soft brown eyes. “Are you sure you don’t want to share him?”

  Chris smiled back at her and then followed Cassie up the stairs. “I like your friends. They are way nicer than you.”

  “Yeah, well they think you are a bad boy and those tats do something to them. Just keep your hands to yourself while you are here. I don’t want you hurting one of my friends because you can’t keep it in your pants.”

  “Is that why you told them that I was your boyfriend?”

  “Yes, to save them.”

  He just kind of chuckled at her and followed her to the back bedroom that she stayed in. There was a small couch in the corner and she motioned him towards it. “Wait Cassie. There is no way that I am going to sleep on that. It is like 3 foot long.”

  “So, it will be fine. Isn’t that what you said?”

  He shook his head. “I will just stay downstairs. Maybe find a girl that will let me share her bed while I am here. That brunette seemed to get all melty when I looked at her.”

  “Ugh, no you are not getting with Karen. Besides, she is a slut and she will probably give you something.”

  “Man, you are catty as hell. I thought it was all us gangsters that put you in a bad mood?”

  “You do, but the way women act around you is just as annoying.”

  “Good to know. So seriously, where am I sleeping Cassie?”

  She looked back at the couch and then up at him. “Well I usually don’t have people staying the night, so I don’t know. I guess I can sleep on the couch and you can have the bed.”

  Chris was surprised by the concession. It was what he had in mind to begin with, but he didn’t think that she would go for it. “No, I don’t want to push you out of your bed. Isn’t there any open room around here?”

  “No, so you will just have to sleep in here. I will take the couch and you can take the bed whine ass. There, problem solved, but I don’t know what you are going to do while you are here.”

  “I have some business to attend to for some of the time, but I guess the rest of it, I will be with you. Class, parties, wherever you go, I go.”

  Cassie shook her head. There was no way that she was going to let him follow her around while he was there. Cassie had a boyfriend that’s he wasn’t supposed to have and there were other things that she didn’t want Chris to know about, or her brother. “You can’t go to class with me Chris. It’s not how it works.”

  “I will and I will bet you that not one person will say anything about it. If you act like you are supposed to be somewhere, people just assume you are.”

  “You can’t do this.”

  “I did or your brother did actually. So we will both have to make the best of it. Where is your shower? I still have some of that blonde on me from last night.”

  She made a face at him and pointed him in the right direction. “Just keep it in your pants while you are here. I don’t want to have to hear about you sleeping with my friends.”

  “Is the brunette your friend?”

  “Yes, so hands off.”

  Chris sighed. It wasn’t how he had wanted to spend his first week out, surrounded by a bunch of college girls that he couldn’t touch, but it was, what it was. He gave Cassie a devilish grin and left the room. Cassie slumped down into her bed and put her head in her hands. What was she supposed to do with Chris there? He had been out one day, ruining his plans.


  Chris didn’t get back into the room until later that evening. While Cassie wondered where he was, she tried to ignore the very fact that he was there. He was sent to spy on her, she was sure of it and she was already irritated with James, but that it had to be Chris was too much. So, instead of arguing with Chris, Cassie found herself asleep before it was dark outside. The party the night before had worn her out as it was. She was not used to drinking and even the few beers that she had the night before. She could still feel it in her body.

  He looked over at the young blonde that he had never looked at in that way. It was hard to deny how pretty she was though. She had always had good looks, but now that she had filled out and grown up, she was a sight to be seen. Chris watched her sleep on the couch for a few moments and she rolled over loudly. It couldn’t be comfortable for her, but he didn’t want to wake her up and give himself the same fate. She was smaller and shorter, so it did make sense that she was the one that used the couch.

  Lying down on her bed, all Chris could smell was the same lilac perfume that she had been wearing in the car that day. After a few minutes of staring up at the ceiling, Chris got up and left the room quietly to talk on the phone. He had to call James and find out what was happening and how much longer he was going to be forced to endure such torture.

  “So what’s going on James?”

  “Not much. We took out a few of their guys tonight and we have plans to move in with Arodons.”

  Chris couldn’t believe what he was hearing. They had been fighting with Arodon for years before he was sent away. “But they are our enemies!”

  “They are, but enemy of my enemy and all of that. I was hoping you would see the poetry of it being them. They want the outskirts of the city back because it appears that the DW’s are encroaching on their territory as well. So we all get what we want. We get the city and the Arodons get the outskirts. It is how it shall be once we get those Demon guys out of here.”

  Chris understood the plan, but it sounded like it was
going to take longer than a week to do it. All he wanted to do was to go home and sleep in his own bed. “So you aren’t ready for me to come back yet then?”

  “No, not yet. You have only been up there a couple of hours.”

  “Well I sold what I brought, got the connections. I should come back into the city tomorrow and pick up some more product. These college kids need some good and the only dealer I have found was some twenty year old stoner kid.”

  “Good, good. Even if we don’t lose the city, it will be nice to have Brenner as well.”

  “It’s good potential. Lots of rich little college kids that have all of their parent’s money burning a hole in their pocket.”

  “Sounds perfect. How is Cassie?”

  “Pissed at me and you. I think she has been cursing me since I got here.”

  “It won’t be that bad. You know how she is, she forgets things quickly or she probably wouldn’t talk to me anymore at all. You don’t know how much I appreciate this Chris.”

  “No problem. Just let me know when it is time to go home and I will be there. This place is creepy.”


  “I don’t know, just not really my style. To go from prison to a college campus is just madness. I am ready to get back.”

  “I know Chris. Just hang on a little while longer and keep my sister safe.”

  “Will do.” Chris looked up to see the brunette from earlier coming down the hallway. She had on shorts and a tank top. She smiled at him and he smiled back. “Talk to you later James. Something just came up.

  Chapter 5

  “Where the hell have you been?!?”

  Chris was startled by the sound of her voice. It was still dark outside, but it appeared that Cassie was wide awake. “What do you mean? I was in the bathroom.”

  “No you weren’t. I checked. Who were you with?”

  He tried to laugh it off, smiling at her and telling her she was crazy. “I was just walking round is all.”

  “Really? Because you smell like her.”


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