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Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Sandra Harris

  Adam strode ahead of them to a new hydrogen fuel-celled vehicle, a dark grey, dual-cab four-wheel drive. Nick opened the front passenger door and handed her in. Adam smiled from the driver’s seat and a wave of hot sensuality welled through her. Good Lord, she’d be a puddle of trace elements in a few more minutes.

  Five minutes later they drove through the security gates of her community then pulled into the driveway of a cream brick home with a light grey roof, and came to a halt in the attached garage. She sent her brother a quick text to confirm the address.

  Nick opened her door and offered his hand, anticipation hummed along her nerves. At the door to the house Adam tapped a sequence of numbers on an electronic keypad then pressed his thumb to a small scanning pad. The internal door swung open.

  “Come on in,” he invited.

  A haven of light and airy comfort beckoned from within. Warm, earthy tones of bamboo flooring made peace with eggshell-white walls. Skylights bounced afternoon sunlight into a welcoming open lounge. A chocolate-brown, velour, overstuffed couch looked decadently comfortable and inviting on an off-white rug. Opposite, a huge ultra-thin VaporMist television frame hung on the wall. The room opened out in an L shape to incorporate a large kitchen. Mottled-charcoal granite bench tops blended in pleasant harmony with wooden cupboards. Spectacular and beautiful photographic prints hung on the walls.

  “Yours?” she asked.

  Nick gave her a rueful smile. “No. Our talents don’t run that far. They were taken by a friend of ours.” He waved a hand towards the couch. “Take a seat.”

  She lowered herself onto the sofa and sank with a delightful lack of resistance into its plush softness. “So what do your talents run to?”

  A deep, electrifying emotion seemed to flicker in their eyes before they dropped to their knees before her.


  Say what?

  Nick and Adam each took possession of a foot and slowly began to unlace her sneakers.

  “You, um, don’t have to do that.”

  “Relax, Sarah. Nothing bad will happen to you here.”

  With meticulous care they peeled off her shoes and her overactive imagination translated their actions as analogous. She could almost feel the whisper of their fingers on her clothing. Her heart’s tempo tripped, then galloped. Her fascinated gaze locked on each man’s hands as they enveloped her small feet, wrapping them entirely in cocoons of warm strength. She sucked breath into her lungs and managed a weak, “That’s really not necessary.”

  Good heavens, woman, put a bit more gumption into your resistance. And try tugging your feet away if you really don’t want them t—

  Thumbs probed the balls of her feet. Delicious, heated, unbinding sensation flooded up her calves. Her eyes closed and her head flopped back, plummeting into the pillow-softness of the couch.

  I should be asking something . . . about . . . something . . .

  The enchantment of their touch urged her to submit completely, to allow all logical thought to be subdued. She really shouldn’t relax, she should be—

  Strong fingers kneaded her heel, hands slid up her calves to cup the back of her knees. Pleasure pulsed up her thighs and arrowed straight for her sex. Her mind stopped, enslaved by the need thrumming through her blood. A groan for the promise of rapture slipped from her throat. The hands travelled higher, igniting a scorching need.

  The stirring opening notes of Ride of the Valkyries vibrated with pulsing inconsideration into her sensual thrall. A thought tried to form, then gathered force against the fascination holding her mind captive.

  Phone. My phone. Valkyries. Paul ringing.

  The warmth of Nick and Adam’s hands vanished from her skin and her body protested the loss. She struggled up from the depths of the couch. Rapid footsteps receded, echoing across the wooden floor. Wagner’s score continued to demand her attention and she forced her passion-laden eyelids to rise.

  Adam was nowhere to be seen. Nick knelt before her, his hands clenched on the cotton-covered density of his thighs, and staring at her as though she was both a huge problem and something infinitely desirable. She demanded order from the psychedelic wildness ruling her mind. Her fingers fumbled for her phone.




  “Sarah, are you alright?”

  Anxious. Her brother sounded anxious. Concern sharpened her concentration.

  “Yes. Sorry. I was . . . What’s up?”

  “Are. You. Okay?”

  “Yes, yes I am. I was, um, focused on something.”


  “Yep. Are you?”

  “Yes.” She smiled at the contented pleasure in his voice. “Grant and I are going out, I don’t know when we’ll be back.”

  “Okay. Have fun.”

  “Do you need a lift?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  “Give me a ring if you need anything.”

  “I will. Bye.”

  Nick rose and stood before her. The tension in his body seemed to scream at her. She swallowed.

  “Um, thank you for the, er, for the foot rub.” She spun a glance around the room. “Where’s Adam?”

  “He had to go.”

  The clipped, strained tones of his voice sent a shiver of embarrassment through her. God, had they sensed her arousal? Found it awkward? Humiliation squirmed around her stomach. She grabbed her socks and sneakers and shoved them on her feet. “Well, I should be getting along as well.” The sooner she escaped the better. “Ah, thank you once again—”

  “I’ll see you home.”

  She got to her feet and backed away towards the front door. “No, no. It’s okay. It’s broad daylight and it’s not far.”

  Nick followed, his intent gaze pinning her. “I will see you home.”

  “Really, Nick, it’s not necessary. Thank you.”

  Her back bumped into a wall. Nick raised his arms and pressed his palms either side of her head. He leaned close, almost nose-to-nose.

  “Thank me,” he growled softly, “when I see you safely, to your front door.”

  Her knees trembled. Her heart banged against her ribs. She forced a swallow passed her ragged breathing and just managed to conquer the urge to press her lips to the close, firm line of his.

  “Okay.” Her words came out on a soft breath. “Thank you.”

  He nodded, leaned a touch closer then withdrew so rapidly it felt like he left a hole in the fabric of the space before her. The click of the front door opening dragged her back to reality.

  “Where are you going?”

  She swung towards Adam’s brusque tone. For a split second he stared at her as though she were one of the deadliest creatures on Earth, then his gaze flicked to Nick. Deep sadness filled her and she lowered her eyes.

  “I’m walking Sarah home,” Nick said.

  “Don’t take too long. Goodbye, Sarah.”

  “I’ll be as long as it takes.” A note of steel threaded through Nick’s calm reply.

  She looked up at Adam though couldn’t quite bring herself to meet his eyes. “Goodbye, Adam, thank you for your assistance in the park.”

  She turned and walked out the front door. Nick’s hand wrapped around her elbow and she could have sworn she heard a growl from Adam. Twenty minutes later they stood outside her apartment building.

  “Thank you, Nick.”

  “I’ll see you to your door.”

  And we’re back to that.

  There seemed no point in arguing so she slid her card key through the lock of the residential entrance and pressed the button for the elevator to take them to the fourth floor. The door to the elevator opened and Nick followed her in, stepping close to her, rubbing up against her personal spa
ce. She should have minded his invasion, but a spectacular lack of objection to his closeness overwhelmed her.

  The arrival bell discretely dinged and the doors opened. She stepped into the penthouse vestibule and stopped before the locked entrance of her home.

  “Thank you, again, Nick.”

  “Invite me in.”

  His eyes fell to her lips and desire welled like a hot, hungry spring deep within her womb. She dragged in a deep breath.

  “That’s probably not a good idea.”

  “Yes. It is.”

  He reached for her, wrapped his warm hands around her hips and slowly drew her towards him. She placed her hands against his chest and resisted the pull of his arms and his masculine allure.

  “I don’t think Adam likes me.”

  “Adam has . . . issues.”

  “I don’t want to be one of them. You’re very close aren’t you? If we became involved it would be harmful to your relationship with him.”

  “Don’t worry about him, my sweet Sarah. Worry about me.”


  “Because I’m going to kiss you and I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

  The alarm his words should have inspired failed to show and a rush of luscious sensation skittered through her stomach.

  Nick watched a blush colour Sarah’s delicate skin. Passionate invitation darkened her eyes. He lifted a hand and traced the smooth, creamy skin of her forehead, brushed his fingertips down the side of her cheek and thumbed the sumptuous invitation of her lower lip. Heat surged through his belly and left a flood of fiery rapture to pool into his cock. He slid his hands to her spine and spread his fingers to almost encompass her entire back.

  He knew he should let her go, not take this path that could lead to the death of his and Adam’s dream. She moved against him and he gave up the fight, lowered his head and did what he’d been dying to. The touch of his lips on hers sent a spark straight to his smouldering libido. His arms contracted, dragged her closer. Her soft breasts tortured the hard, solidity of his chest. For a split second, doubt interpreted her soft moan as pain. Then her hands speared into his hair, clung with passionate approval and he went up in flames. Shafts of erotic sensuality threatened to outflank his control. Need slashed through his loins and expanded his heart.

  Her mouth opened to him and she captured his entire being with a timid foray of her tongue. He returned the caress, the flesh of his tongue tangoing with hers. Her taste of cream and honey drew him to the very edge of restraint. Wild exultation tramped down every nerve and begged for a deeper, more intimate, carnal release.

  Chapter 3

  Sarah threw herself headlong into Nick’s domination of her senses. His tongue probed her mouth with almost savage seduction, as though he couldn’t sate a burning desire for her, no matter how hard he tried. She felt like a star about to lose thermal equilibrium and explode in a spectacular shower of high energy. Hunger pulsed in her pelvis and plucked at her clit like an erotic harp string. Against her lower belly a hard rod of heat tempted her to abandon all reason.

  Nick’s desperate penetration of her mouth eased. His lips moved up her cheek, soft kisses pressed onto her closed eyelids. Her deep, rushing breath pushed her breasts into the solid swell of his muscular chest. She lifted her lids and gazed into his passion-brilliant jade-green eyes. His secure embrace held her tight against him. Her feet didn’t touch the floor and her arms lay along the hard steel of his broad shoulders.

  “Don’t put me down, I don’t think I can stand,” she whispered.

  Her fascinated gaze traced the movement of his throat muscles as he swallowed and she tilted her head, leaned forward. Her tongue rasped over stubble.


  Nick’s groan of pleading warning penetrated the unfamiliar sensual turmoil crashing through her body. She drew back.

  “Sorry.” A grin of wonder and delight warmed her lips. “But you’re irresistible.” She slid her fingers into his hair, entranced by the texture.

  “I think we might have a problem.” His deep baritone danced over her senses.

  “What is that?”

  “I don’t think I can let you go.”

  “Well don’t look at me, you’re the big strong one. I can hardly force you.” She twitched her ankles and her shoes brushed his legs.

  “You could make me do anything you wanted.”


  He nodded. “Really.”

  “We do have a problem then.” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “I don’t want you to let me go.”

  One of his hands slid to her backside and clenched. Heat coursed from his hold and licked against her sex. His nostrils flared and he inhaled deeply.

  “Why me, Nick?”

  “Apart from the fact that I think you’re smart, beautiful and sexy?”

  “You think I’m sexy?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  She smiled. “Apart from that then.”

  He shrugged and her body slid in an intoxicating wave up and down his. “Something about you calls to me on an atavistic level.”

  She curled a short length of his hair around her finger. “I feel the same way. I don’t understand it.”

  “Nothing to understand, baby. It’s nature’s way of telling us we’d be good together.”

  Humour pulled at one side of her mouth. “We are exhibiting a good example of a strong nuclear force at the moment. I don’t seem to be able to resist your attraction.”

  I want to kiss him again, feel that heady rush of submitting to him. She dropped her head to one side. “Aren’t I getting heavy?”


  A small frown plucked her brow. “You’re incredibly strong. You carried me for quite some distance in the koala park without breaking a sweat. You were breathing a bit hard, but that’s all.”

  He gave her a wolfish grin. “That wasn’t all that was hard and I was restraining myself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  His hold loosened a little and he slid her down his body and held her close.

  “I could smell your arousal, my sweet Sarah. It’s very . . . stimulating.” A very masculine smile stamped his features.

  She bit her lower lip. “I want to . . . do things with you.”

  The hard strength of his arms tightened around her and his body shuddered against hers. “Baby, you shouldn’t say things like that to me.”

  “Why? I’ve never felt like this before. I want to be honest. I trust you. I feel safe with you.” She curved her lips with a bold, honest smile. “I don’t think you’d do anything I didn’t want you to.”

  He groaned and dropped his head back against the wall. “I want to do things to you and with you too, but I’m terrified I’ll scare you off.”

  She sighed and a lopsided smile tugged on her mouth. “Hmm, go slow?”

  He nodded. “Go slow.”

  “What about Adam?”

  He pulled her closer. “Baby, Adam is my best friend. I know him; he just takes a little while to adjust. We can work this out, I know we can. Trust me. I won’t let him hurt you.”

  Surprise flitted through her and lifted her eyebrows. “I never thought he would. I just don’t want to be the meat in the sandwich between you two.”

  Her sex twitched at thought of her, naked, sandwiched between him and Adam. Or maybe I do.

  Heavens, what was wrong with her?

  “Dammit, woman, stop thinking whatever it is you’re thinking. You have the most expressive face and the scent of your arousal is a provocation I’m struggling to resist.” His glance slid to her door. “You’d better go in, my sweet temptation, while I still have the strength to let you go.”

  Adam took one look at Nick’s face when he returned and anger
flared through him. “You kissed her, didn’t you.” A statement, not a question.


  “Dammit, Nick! You know the repercussions of getting involved with her. How could you?”

  “Fuck the repercussions. I want her. I need her. It’s not simply lust. Every fibre of my being craves her—and it’s getting worse. How could you ask me not to follow this? This is it. I know you feel the same. Kiss her. Just once. You’ll see it’s something much more than lust. I swear I glimpsed the fields of heaven when my mouth was on hers, when my tongue glided over hers.”

  “It’s manufactured. The Foundation warned us against this. You know the feelings are a by-product of the enhancements.”

  Nick’s shrug clearly indicated his disregard. “I don’t care, it’s real to me.”

  “We’ve felt it before, towards other women the Foundation sent us to protect.”

  “Not like this—and you know we haven’t. This isn’t something I can ignore.”

  Frustration boiled through Adam and he glared at his closest friend. While Nick saw an opportunity for untold happiness, he saw an opportunity for incalculable disaster. Dammit! Nick had acted without consulting him.

  But wasn’t him telling Nick he could or couldn’t do something, just as bad?

  “I will kiss her. If I am not moved we will drop this. Agreed?”

  Nick shook his head. “I can’t agree to that.”


  Helpless anger blazed through him. He railed against the prospect of being forced into an action he knew would be his downfall. Nick would not or could not resist his desire for Sarah. Fear grabbed him by the balls and squeezed. He could not lose Nick. They were like soul-twin brothers. They lived as a team, like one unit split into two. He’d only be half alive without him. Yet kissing Sarah . . . Shit, he knew where that would lead, and they’d be removed from space exploration. How could the joy of becoming involved with a woman compare with the profound satisfaction of exploring the unknown reaches of space? Of searching out the heart of God?


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