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Love, Encoded (Selected Evolution Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Sandra Harris

  Aspects of Paul and Grant’s recent behaviour focused at the forefront of her mind. The heightened security at work, her ‘tail’ whenever she wasn’t with her brothers.

  Perhaps there was something Grant could do for her. She levered up from the couch and tracked him down in the spare room containing their gym gear. The amount of effort Grant put in on the rower suggested he’d calibrated the machine to imitate rowing upstream against a raging flood.

  “So what’s your assessment of this threat?” she asked.

  He turned to her without breaking rhythm.

  “Paul’s spoken to you of it?”

  So there is something going on.

  Suspicion glinted in his gaze. Knowing Paul, he and Grant had decided not to ‘worry’ her about any concern they might have. She took a deep breath.

  Not a problem. My aim now is to discover this concern.

  She bypassed an attempt at innocence and projected professional calm into her reply. “In his usual roundabout manner.” She twitched her eyebrows, inviting amiable acknowledgement of her brother’s ways. “You know what he’s like. Now I’d like your perspective. You are head of security—not to mention the other brother. Do you think he’s overreacting?”

  Grant’s silence lengthened until she suspected he wasn’t going to answer. She began to formulate alternative plans for getting to the bottom of their escalated protectiveness.

  “Thanks for the Personal Defence Shield,” Grant broke into her thoughts.

  She smiled, relaxed a bit and leaned on the doorframe. “My pleasure. I figured you could use it in your line of work. All I have to do now is come up with an energy source for it. If we can get it operational the Australian Defence Force should find it advantageous.”

  He cast her a dry glance. “I’m sure.”

  The threat?

  “I don’t think there’s too much to worry about,” he said.

  Ah, the master of prevarication. A sudden inspiration leapt up and waved its hands for her attention. “Would it help if I approached Barclese?”

  Grant ceased rowing with such abrupt force she winced and he levelled a hard stare at her. Oh yeah, she really had his attention now.

  “No. You leave that to me.”

  Well that was an order if ever she heard one. She almost replied, “Yes, Colonel,” accompanied by a salute and a HUA. He had, however, confirmed her suspicion of just who concerned them. She wondered what they suspected the man had on his agenda.

  Doorbells chimed and, her body tuned to the imminent arrival of Nick and Adam, she nearly fell over her own feet in the rush to get to the door. The anticipation of strong arms around her in solid, warm embrace, the feel of warm lips against hers stirring passion from its embers overtook all thoughts of ‘cloak and dagger’ scenarios.

  Heading into mid-morning Adam pulled the four-wheel-drive into the driveway of a Tuscan style, white-rendered two-story home. Capped with terracotta roof tiles and framed by tall, slim golden cypress it sat charmingly amidst lush lawns, miles from its nearest neighbour. They came to a halt in the shade beside the house and Sarah admired the view down a green, sloping meadow and out over a large lake to wooded hills beyond.

  “This belongs your photographer friend?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Adam replied. “She . . . works for the Foundation as well. It’s the only house on the lake. Marnia’s grandmother bought the property and it’s been in the family ever since. “Would you like to go inside before we head down to the lake?”

  She shook her head. “No, thanks.” Nick opened her door and she turned a smile to him. With Nick’s hand a warm delight around hers she stepped from the car as Adam lifted the icebox from where it sat secured in the tray of the four-wheel drive. They set off along a well-worn dirt path angling away from the house and into the fringe of trees that bordered the lake.

  The red and grey stippled trunks of spotted gum mingled with paperbarks and Swamp Bloodwood. Knee-high grass grew in lush swathes in the dappled shade, discarded gum nuts crunched beneath her shoes. Then, as though passing a line, the bushland changed to an almost manicured garden.

  “Is this area maintained?”

  Adam nodded. “Yes. Friends of Marnia’s keep it, it’s always like this.”

  Broad-leafed trees resembling ash and oak replaced the gums. Despite the shade, deep green buffalo grass carpeted the ground, its surface clean of twigs and discarded leaves. Exotic flowers bloomed in bright splashes of colour. The beauty of it filled her senses with delight and wonder.

  The trail led them to a sandy beach lapped by clear, calm water. She drew a deep breath, inhaling the clean, fresh forest-scented air then reached into her tote for her red tartan picnic blanket. Nick grabbed one end and they spread it out in the soft shade over the lush grass. Adam placed the icebox on a corner. She threw a glance at the water.

  “Who’s for a swim?”

  “Sounds good,” Nick and Adam agreed.

  She peeled off her outer clothes, rummaged about in her bag and withdrew a bottle of sunscreen. “Can I get one of you to rub this into my back?”

  Nick leapt towards her as Adam’s hand reached over her shoulder and snagged the bottle.

  “Nick, do you want some on your back?”

  She took his wide smile as acceptance of her offer.

  Over her head Adam gave Nick a ‘you’ve never had sunscreen on your body in your life’ sneer.

  Nick smirked an unrepentant response and Adam turned his attention to smoothing lotion onto the perfection of Sarah’s creamed-honey skin. His heart still hammered after the burst of acceleration from her removing her clothing. The revealed hourglass figure encased in a practical, sapphire bikini called to every male cell in his blood. He pooled lotion into the hand she held out then drizzled some into his own.

  Paying meticulous attention to the task, he lifted the halter strap of her top to smooth sunscreen under it. Tingling heat licked his fingers as he kneaded lotion into her shoulders, then gently held her loose hair to one side. He loved it like that, falling free like a wave of cinnamon silk threaded with golden sunlight. He glided his hands down her spine towards her ass. With extreme resolution he diverted his course, smoothed lotion around the curving temptation of her hips, then back up to her shoulders. Beneath his fingers goose bumps sprinkled her skin. He couldn’t halt the compunction to lean forward and cast his gaze down on her breasts. Firm nipples jutted against sapphire fabric. His mouth watered and he clamped down hard on the desires of his body to worship hers.

  Fuck, don’t pounce on her. Go easy.

  A glance at the tightly clenched muscles of Nick’s back confirmed Sarah’s gentle hands sparked the same intense wildness in him.

  Sarah revelled in the bliss of roving her hands over the tanned musculature of Nick’s broad back. She slid her palms over the width of his strong shoulders, down over his ribcage to a narrow waist and then, Lord help her, the high arch of hips that enticed further exploration down to the band of low-slung swimming trunks. Her fingertips almost overloaded with sensory input.

  She leaned forward and inhaled his warm, spicy-forest scent. Her brain spun as though intoxicated and she placed her lips on the line of his spine where she’d purposefully not rubbed sunscreen, let them linger for a moment then darted her tongue onto his clean skin. Beneath her hands muscles rippled and flowed.

  “Was that alright?” Her voice came husky through the sensual delight tightening her throat. Heat surged through her body at the twin sensory assault of Adam’s hands trailing erotic sensation wherever they touched and her own roving over Nick, delighting in the flutter and spasm of each masculine response.

  Nick croaked a sound, then cleared his throat. “Well, yes. But I think you should to do it again, just to be sure.”

  Blood pumped in a sensual rush to her
lips and curved a smile. She ran her hands from his hips forward over stomach muscles that quivered and hardened beneath her touch. Her breasts brushed his back, skin tingled and the wanton pleasure points of her nipples hungrily lapped up the contact. She roamed her hands to the broad plains of his chest, fingers spanned in greedy appreciation, then leaned into him and repeated the kiss. Nick’s chest pressed into her palms and lips from a deep inhalation.

  “Well?” she asked.

  “Once more.” A mixture of demand and plea coloured Nick’s voice.

  “Hey!” Adam objected. “My turn!”

  She hugged Nick and turned willingly. Warm hands closed over her hips and hot, hard muscle pressed into her back and buttocks as Nick moulded his body to hers. Every fibre of her being crackled with awareness as she lassoed Adam with her arms and tugged him to her. He came with satisfying eagerness. She opened her mouth over his heart just below the bulging ridge of pectoral muscle and delivered a tender, moist caress. Below her tongue and lips his heart accelerated, his golden skin tightened.

  A playful mood surged through her. “Right! Who’s for a swim?” She dashed from their seductive embrace towards the water and as soon as depth allowed made a shallow dive. Cool, invigorating liquid caressed her body and she threw herself into an Australian crawl as fast as her arms and legs could propel her. The splashing sounds of pursuit drew near.

  With no chance of out-swimming them, she cast her forehead down and curved her body to follow. The water obliged, drew her into a fluidic embrace and she dived to twenty feet or so. The liquid depths felt like drawing close to home, always had, always felt so right she was surprised she hadn’t sprouted gills.

  She turned her gaze towards the surface and delighted at shafts of sunlight dancing in the clear water. Nick powered by overhead and every feminine particle of her sat back and lapped up the display of masculine perfection. She turned her head and peered through the cloud of her brown mane. Adam’s long, lithe body speared towards her.

  She flicked off to her right, rolled onto her back and gazed towards the surface. Nick changed course to match her, his lips spread in a hunter’s smile. The urge to swim up, press her body into his, mould them mouth-to-mouth and let him breathe for her, burned through her body like wildfire. An ache pulsed deep in her pelvis.

  She resisted temptation and, leading with her shoulders, undulated through a curve away from Nick and attempted to circle around Adam. Her hair sleeked back, tugged gently by the passage of water as though it ran hydromorphic fingers through her tresses.

  Nick and Adam converged on her position, then Adam struck for the surface. Glee rushed through her and widened her lips. She tumbled into a turn and dived under him. His sudden twist and lunge were not altogether unexpected. A spurt of adrenaline burned through her muscles, she swam deeper and escaped by a micron the hands that reached for her.

  Her lungs burning from oxygen deprivation, sheer determination kept her course for another few feet. Then there was no recourse but to head for air. She angled away from her pursuers and broke the surface. An explosive exhalation burst from her lungs, she dragged in fresh breath, threw an arm forward to pull a stroke and continued her flight.

  A large, strong hand wrapped around an ankle and held her immobile. She peered back over her shoulder and grinned at Nick. His sexy smile increased the thudding pace of her heart. Gently, he pulled her towards him and she slid her arms around his neck as he wrapped her bent legs against his chest.

  “You are caught, little mermaid.”

  She cupped his chiselled jaw in her hand and stared into his eyes. “Mmm, so it would appear, but maybe it’s me who caught you.” Adam swam to Nick’s side and she withdrew her hand and reached out to wrap her fingers around the side of his strong neck. “You see? I have you both.”

  Adam’s hands rose from the water, palms towards her, his blue eyes blazing with sultry warmth. “I surrender. I’m yours. Do with me as you wish.”

  Her breasts tingled, swelled with need. Warmth pulsed into her clit. She leaned towards the seductive curve of his smile. “An interesting concept.” She cocked her head to one side and slid her glance to Nick then back to Adam. “I have limited experienced, so I hope you don’t mind if I . . . feel my way?”

  Adam’s throat moved as he swallowed. “Angel, if I wasn’t wearing these swim shorts, you’d already be feeling me.”

  She dropped her glance down. Disappointment speared through her as the clear water blurred the outline of his lower body. Nick’s growl tickled her ear.

  “Hang on to me, baby.” He turned onto his back then swept strong arms through the water, propelling them towards shore.

  She rested her chin on his chest, a rod of hard warmth prodded her belly, tightening the need in her sex. The sensual play of water, the virile muscle brushing against her body and the promise of passionate delight ramped her desire higher. In shallower water, Adam’s arm slid around her waist and drew her from Nick’s body.

  His large, gentle hands turned her in his arms, embraced her tight and he stood. She gripped the taut line of his shoulders and gloried in the strength beneath her hands. The hard thrust of his chest dominated her breasts and she devoured the sensation, hungered for more. Her toes dangled against his shins, her stomach quivered to the velvet-covered granite of his abdomen. Heat twisted her sex to the thrust of the firm erection nudging the cradle of her hips. Adam’s smile and the erotic intensity of his gaze fuelled the pulsing need in her core.

  A wash of water lapped her thighs and the warm hardness of Nick’s body pressed into her back, his thick arousal nestled into her buttocks. Wanton sensation rippled from cell to cell and surged into the throb of her need. Sheathed between the two men she felt like a living flame.

  Alive. Hot. Hungry.

  She ran a hand from Adam’s shoulder, over his neck and into the sandy locks of his hair. Nick’s hands gripped her hips as Adam bent and claimed a kiss. Her lips plumped and softened under the velvet-covered firmness of his. She opened her mouth, his stroking tongue met hers and danced with slow, languorous sensation. Tender, passionate caresses probed her mouth, fanning the slow burn of her body.

  A blaze of erotic sensation swept over her nipples then flashed towards her lower abdomen. She moaned into his mouth and pushed further into his hard body. Her hand on his chest clenched as Nick pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses across her shoulders. Her body pulsed with heated demands she craved to satisfy when Adam slowed his glorious onslaught. He lay small, tongue-tipped kisses over her lower lip then leaned his forehead into hers. Half dazed, she opened her eyes to gaze into the denim blue of his. His breath panted against her neck and his chest rose as rapidly as her own.

  “Wow!” she breathed, almost daunted by her response, yet utterly captivated at the same time.

  Nick heard Sarah’s gasp and vowed her response to him would be at least as explosive as that to Adam. He urged her to revolve within their embrace to face him and knew he couldn’t hide the hunger that burned in his eyes. Her arms wound around his neck and when she smiled he felt the warmth of the sun on his heart. His smouldering libido exploded into unvarnished need.

  He captured her sensually swollen lips. The thought that Adam had stimulated her, brought those sparks to her eyes that he’d glimpsed before she lowered her lids, ignited a rush of blistering need to engorge his cock. He let his mouth worship hers, the tantalizing possibility that they, all three, could be one, sent sharp, exquisite reaction through his entire body.

  Her soft moan into his mouth exploded along his senses and control began to leak away like sand through fingers. He possessed her lips with hungry abandon and felt her demand for more. When her tongue darted into his mouth he captured her, sucked her forcefully into him then ravaged her with teeth and lips.

  One of her legs hooked around his waist, and then the other as she climbed onto him.
She hoisted herself further into his embrace and ground her lips down on his. Her hands framed his face. He wrapped his arms under her ass and took her weight. The heat from her sex kissing his lower abdomen arced through his body and hardened his cock to pleasure pain. He made a grab for some self-control before he came in his trunks, softened his caresses to soothing slides of his lips across hers and prayed for calm, but he could not seem to remove his mouth from hers.

  Her rapturous sigh stirred his atavistic side and he gazed into her open eyes, stoked to see them sparkling with passion.

  “Don’t I get a wow?” he asked.

  The soft skin of her throat moved as she swallowed. “You two are lethal.” Her husky tone sent a thrill of masculine arrogance through him. Her gaze became less dazed and a thoughtful look filtered into her eyes.

  “I definitely like that much better,” she said.

  “What’s that, baby?”

  She lifted a hand and his skin traced the caress of her finger as it ran down his cheek and along his jaw. Her gaze shifted to encompass Adam. “When both of you kiss me together.”

  “You prefer that?” Adam murmured onto her shoulder.

  The brush of Adam’s breath sent a flight of shivering arrows straight through to Sarah’s breasts.

  Hell, yes.

  Nick’s hands, clasped beneath her butt, so close to her clit and the spread, hungry mouth of her sex, tempted her to move against his muscled body. She stroked the pads of her fingertips over his huge chest and ran a light caress over Adam’s hard torso.


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