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A Submissive's Dream (Divine Designs)

Page 21

by Maggie Ryan

  He instantly understood that she had missed being put to bed, the covers tucked very snugly around her. He also realized that she didn't require a hot bottom to sleep well; she simply needed to feel like he was there, keeping her safe as she drifted off to sleep. "I'm sorry Daddy couldn't tuck you in, Bunny," he said over the phone. "I missed it as much as you did. But, baby girl, Daddy has to work late some nights and it can't be helped."

  The Little in her wanted to tell him to take a break, drive to her house, tuck her in, and kiss her good-night and then go back to work. The grown woman understood the demands of a job, especially his job, since he had worked so hard to build up his successful restaurant.

  "I know, I'm just being silly," she admitted, already feeling better at his admission that he missed the routine as well. "I'm sorry." He smiled and suggested that on the nights he couldn't physically be with her, she was to call him when she was ready to get into bed. She agreed, and the next night, at a little before eleven, she called him on his cell phone. She could hear the sounds of pots banging and people calling out orders and directions and knew he had to be in the kitchen of his restaurant. When he told her to hold on for just a minute, she thought about just apologizing for bothering him and suggesting that they talk the next morning. However, when she began to rush her words, he had instantly interrupted.

  "Shhh, I'm proud of you, Bunny. You did exactly what I asked you to do," Craig assured her, having left the kitchen for his small office. He closed the door and spent the next ten minutes guiding her through a new routine.

  She was told to put the phone into speaker mode and lay it on her bed table. Barbara had done so, easily able to hear him without having to hold the phone. He asked her if she had put her pajamas on and when she told him that she was about to do that, he told her to wear her purple-footed pajamas and her white-and-pink panties. She realized he meant for her to change while he spoke to her, and she quickly did so, imagining him in the big chair, watching her as she went from grown adult woman to a much smaller girl with the simple clothing change. Once in her pajamas, he told her to fold back her bed covers like he did and fluff her pillow. He heard her giggle, as well as the sound of her pounding the soft pillow before putting it back on the bed. From his office, miles away, he then sent her to the potty to tinkle and brush her teeth. It took a couple of minutes, but he simply waited until she said she had done as he directed.

  When she admitted it felt strange to lower the flap in order to use the potty, he had felt his cock twitch. "Do you see how easy it will be for your daddy to do all sorts of things to your little bottom if I need to pull that flap down?" he asked.

  She had trembled, her panties moistening. "Yes, Daddy," she managed to whisper.

  "That's my good girl. Now, Daddy wants you to get into bed and pull up your covers. Pull them up high, and then snuggle down until you are comfortable." He heard her giggle and then sigh, her voice sounding relaxed. "Can you reach the phone, baby?" he asked, and she said that she could. "Okay, pick up the phone and turn off the lamp." He heard the lamp click off and a change in the phone that told him she'd taken if off speaker mode. "I want you to close your eyes and imagine that your daddy is watching over you. He has tucked you into bed and given you a sweet kiss. Daddy knows you need to go to sleep so you will be rested tomorrow. I want you to have sweet dreams, Bunny, and know that I'm thinking about you all snuggled and safe in your bed. Can you do that for Daddy?" Her sleepy voice told him she could. "That's my good girl. I'll call you in the morning. Good night, baby girl." Her voice was soft and relaxed when she said her own goodnight and pressed the button to end the call. While it hadn't been the same, it had made her feel connected to him and enabled her to sleep very well. Craig had added to the routine when he surprised her with a large, brown, floppy-eared stuffed rabbit the next day.

  Now when she had to tuck herself in, the last thing she did was cuddle the rabbit and kiss its pink nose as she told her daddy good night. Thinking about all the changes in her life that were making her so happy, she wanted to share her feelings, as well as catch up on what was happening with Haven. She and Elizabeth had met on Thursday for lunch and Barbara had given her a completed information package about the land that she and Logan owned. Elizabeth had tried to pay her for her time, but Barbara refused, saying she'd let her comp her a room at Haven one day. Elizabeth had instantly agreed.

  By the time everyone arrived, Barbara was pulling the pan of lasagna she had made out of the oven. The house smelled of rich tomato sauce with fresh basil, garlic, and the fresh bread she had made to go with the meal. Ariel helped prepare the salad, while Nancy set the table and Elizabeth opened and poured the wine. The meal was delicious, and Barbara was flushed at their compliments. It had been a hobby of hers to cook, becoming even more engrossing during her marriage, when David was so often late or out of town. It was something she could control and experiment with, and the more she explored, the more she was enjoying herself. The women decided that dessert could wait a bit as they quickly cleaned the kitchen. Everyone refilled their glass, though Elizabeth switched to water, since she was driving. They gathered in the living room; Ariel and Barbara sat together on the small couch with Elizabeth and Nancy sitting in matching armchairs across from them. The wine bottle was on the table between them.

  "Okay, let's declare the meeting open," Nancy said, and the others smiled. While they hadn't selected any officers, it seemed natural to let Nancy lead the group. Nancy took a sip of her wine and then looked around at her friends. "What?"

  "Well, you opened the meeting so tell us the agenda," Ariel said with a smile.

  Nancy shrugged and then laughed. "Hell, I don't know; I guess we just talk about what's happening. How about you start, Elizabeth?"

  "No, I'd rather wait if you don't mind," she said, smiling across the table at Barbara. Barbara knew she planned on announcing her decision to parcel the lake property and realized she didn't want that great news to overshadow anyone else's. Nancy nodded and then shrugged.

  Before she could speak, Elizabeth added a comment. "I do suggest that we all agree right now that whatever is said during these meetings is strictly confidential, unless given permission to share." She looked at each of the three and then settled her gaze on Nancy. "That way, young lady, you can get away with cussing and won't have to worry about Jason washing your mouth out with soap." Nancy started laughing and held up her wine glass.

  "I vote yes to that one. God, I hate the taste of soap!" Barbara almost choked on her wine, causing everyone to look at her. "Oh man, we know who is starting," Nancy said.

  Ariel nodded and nudged her sister. "Spill it, Barbara. You are one of us now, and there are no secrets among us HOPEFULs," Ariel said, reaching for the wine and refilling her sister's glass.

  "You don't have to get me drunk, Ariel," Barbara said with a smile, but accepted the refill. "Okay, since what happens here stays here, I do want to talk to you about something." She proceeded to enlighten them on her new relationship with Craig. Elizabeth sat back in her chair with her feet tucked under her and just listened. She had heard most of this before but was intrigued to discover that there were actual stores that sold items for such lifestyles.

  Ariel was far bolder. "Show me your panties," she exclaimed, and then flushed, realizing how that sounded.

  Nancy giggled and Barbara just rolled her eyes. "You were always going through my things," she said, and Ariel laughed.

  "That's because you always had the coolest clothes. I was stuck in the baby department for years because I'm short." Nancy broke down and bent over holding her stomach as she laughed. Barbara and Ariel just stared at her, and Elizabeth shook her head.

  Nancy gained some semblance of control and then giggled as she pointed at the two women on the couch. "God, Ariel, you let the funniest things just come out of your mouth. First, you want to look at Barbara's panties and then you talk about the baby department. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it be Barbara shopping in that departme

  Elizabeth was instantly concerned that the comment would embarrass Barbara and was enormously relieved when she saw her nodding.

  "Well, not 'baby department' necessarily, but Craig is taking me to go shopping for more clothes tomorrow," Barbara admitted. Her comment caused the others to bombard her with questions about where they were going, what sort of clothes was she going to get, when would she wear them, would she ever wear them outside the house?

  Barbara finally held up both hands. "Whoa, slow down. I am new to this, remember? I can't answer all your questions. So far it is only bras and panties and the cutest purple pajamas. I guess I'll just follow Craig's lead." The others looked slightly disappointed until she promised she would probably have better answers at their next meeting. Elizabeth was truly pleased that the woman seemed not only far more relaxed; she seemed very happy and excited. Ariel hugged Barbara tightly, telling her that she had always been sweet and loving and that she knew she would have a good time with her new daddy. While it had been just a few weeks, it was obvious to everyone that the two made a great couple. No one judged them on moving too fast. Ariel was just thrilled that her sister looked and sounded so relaxed and happy, something that had disappeared from Barbara's life for several years.

  Ariel then told the group that she was thinking about moving in with Garrett. Having just graduated from college, she was the youngest of the group. She was currently living at home but she and Garrett had been dating on and off for years and had begun a much more committed, serious relationship over the past year.

  "What do Mom and Dad think?" Barbara asked, and then smacked her own head with her open palm. "God, listen to me. They adore Garrett and are probably surprised you haven't already shacked up with him."

  Ariel actually blushed. "I actually was all ready to haul my stuff over to Garrett's apartment, but he said he needed to talk to Dad first. I mean, can you believe that? What man in today's world actually seeks permission from a woman's father before allowing her to spend more than one night at his place?"

  "Dominant men," Nancy and Elizabeth both said at the same time.

  Barbara smiled and hugged her sister. "I think it is very sweet and shows that Garrett respects you enough to care what Mom and Dad think. Hey, maybe he'll even ask Logan and me?"

  Ariel slugged her sister's arm. "Fat chance. Do you know how long it took for Logan to even accept that I was dating his best friend? Geez, don't even make me talk about the fights I had with Logan when I started going to his club." That, of course, only made the others demand she share, and for the next half-hour, Ariel spoke about how hard it had been and how torn she had felt. "I mean, I love Logan and didn't want to disappoint him. On the other hand, I love Garrett and didn't want to disappoint him either."

  "How did you get Logan over it?" Barbara asked, wondering what he would think if he discovered his other sister was not only in a relationship with another of his close friends, but exactly what sort of relationship it was.

  "I finally did what any mature adult would do," Ariel said with a smile. "I went crying to Mom and Dad, telling them that Logan was being a big bully and tattling that he had spanked me for absolutely no reason." She giggled when the other women's mouths dropped open before they giggled as well.

  "Seriously?" Barbara asked, even though after her initial shock she could easily picture her younger sister doing just that. She smiled at the image, remembering how as kids the two girls were constantly accusing each other, as well as Logan, of being unfair. "What did they say?"

  "Well, first they let me rant and rave for a bit to get it out of my system. Then, when I was done, and feeling a bit like a fool, mind you, Dad asked if I'd ever just asked Logan if we could talk about it. Geeze, that made me feel about two years old, especially when I had to confess that every time Logan asked to speak to me, I would shout and tell him to mind his own business because I was an adult and could do whatever I wanted."

  'Whoa," Elizabeth said. "I'm guessing that didn't go over very well."

  "You guessed right. The last time I threw a screaming hissy fit, he actually hauled me over his lap and spanked me until I was crying like a baby. It was even worse because when I told Garrett about it he told me I deserved it, that Logan just wanted to keep me safe. Well, that's when I went to the folks and tattled. Mom told me I should consider myself lucky that I had a big brother that cared enough to keep me safe, and Dad told me he would have been more pleased if Garrett had spanked me for disrespecting my brother the moment he heard about it. I had to confess that Garrett did paddle me. You should have seen the smile on Dad's face—it was embarrassing, but well, you know, it made me feel loved."

  Barbara was listening, seemingly entranced with this entire confession, learning more about her sister every minute.

  "Then what happened?" Nancy asked, sitting on the edge of her chair.

  Ariel took a sip of her wine and then smiled. "After I got through pouting that nobody loved me, that everyone just wanted to turn my ass red, I realized that, of course, Dad was right. I apologized to Logan and asked if he'd sit down and talk to me. Not just big brother to baby sister, but man to woman, one adult to another. We talked for a long time, and though it did get heated a bit, we both respected each other's opinion and concerns. It's all fine now. Garrett and I respect Logan enough not to push him too far, and Logan respects us enough to let us be who we are."

  "God, it's funny how different it is when you have a family that really loves you. I mean, we stick our noses into each other's business, offer advice, and though it might piss you off, at least you know it comes from a loving place. Believe me, it is a curse to have family who butt in where they have no right to be," Barbara said. When she saw the confused look the girls gave her, she realized her statement had sounded confusing. She quickly cleared up the confusion. "No, no, I don't mean any of you or any of the guys. I'm talking about David's bitch of a sister. She used to call me all the time and pretend she cared about what I was feeling, what I was going through. I came to discover that she was only protecting David. Asking me questions to see if I knew he was having another affair. I'm glad I don't have to speak with any of his family again. He was such a … "Asshole! … bastard! … shithead!" filled the room as the three other woman were more than happy to provide their own title to the man that had hurt their friend. They all laughed hard, and then it was Nancy's turn.

  "I want you girls to know that I almost couldn't make it tonight," she said with a smile. "It's a good thing that I'm a creative person." Of course, that cryptic comment made each of them demand a full explanation. Nancy held out her wine glass for a refill, obviously intending to string her story out. Elizabeth did the honors and then sat back.

  "Okay, you've got the floor. As we are known to say ...," she paused, looking at the two sisters. They nodded, and the three chorused together, 'Spill it!'.

  Nancy laughed and took a sip before beginning. "Jason told me this morning that he felt like having a McDonald's night. He does this fairly often, but I never know in advance, so I can't plan around his craving." Ariel looked confused, and Barbara surprised.

  "You mean ya'll actually eat there? I thought most of their customers were parents with little kids. You know, they buy the kids a Happy Meal, and…" Nancy interrupted her by laughing so hard she almost spilled her wine.

  Elizabeth again rolled her eyes and briefly explained how, when Nancy and Jason had already made plans to hold their commitment ceremony at their old club, they had gone to Tastsinn for the first time. After seeing the incredible club, Nancy had told Jason that she thought they ought to change the venue. Elizabeth giggled at the memory and then finished by explaining that Jason had said he didn't care if they held it at McDonalds. Nancy's smart-aleck response had been that having the ceremony beneath the golden arches would change the whole meaning of having a Happy Meal and that they probably didn't want to get arrested. It didn't take the sisters long to get the picture, though Barbara had never attended a commitment cer
emony involving a couple in a D/S relationship.

  "Okay, now that we are done with the history lesson, may I continue?" Nancy asked. They all nodded. "Well, when Jason feels I need a reminder of all the promises I made in my vows at the commitment ceremony, you know, obey his orders, accept his discipline without trying to whine or bitch my way out of the spanking I've earned because I have driven the poor, sainted man to his limit, he declares it's a McDonald's night. There are certain steps that are taken. It has always been in the evening, but I really didn't want to miss our first meeting. I knew better than to tell him that I had previous plans. I mean, I'm his Submissive, and it is not my place to start questioning or changing my Dom's orders, especially not when he has just declared a McDonald's night. Instead, I decided to be proactive. I went home early, that's why I couldn't have lunch today, Liz. I had to get ready. Anyway, I went home and put on my McDonald's outfit." She saw their faces and cracked up. "I can see your minds spinning. Don't worry; it's not a clown suit or an employee uniform. In fact, I bet Craig winds up getting something quite similar for you, Barbara." She had their total attention, all three bending forward to make sure they didn't miss a single word.

  "I guess I do wear a uniform, but it definitely isn't a company T-shirt and pants. It is a plaid, pleated skirt that is, shall we say, very short. I have to put on a tight, white sports bra, a white button-down blouse, a blue tie, and, of course, those horrid granny-style white panties. Dark blue knee socks and oxford shoes complete my uniform. I take off my make-up, earrings, and nail polish, etc.. In other words, I look like some sort of 'naughty Catholic school-girl' straight out of those deliciously erotic spanking books we all read and lie about." The other girls rolled their eyes, but all were smiling as well.

  "We go to McDonald's, he gets whatever he wants, and I have a Happy Meal. And, ladies, I'm not talking drive-thru window. Nope, he holds my hand and takes me inside, makes me ask nicely for my Happy Meal, say thank-you as well, and then we sit down and eat." She giggled and drank some more wine. "After we've finished eating, and yes, I really do eat the entire meal from the box, I have to wad up my trash, take it to the waste can, and then go to the bathroom and wash my hands. When I return to the table, he has the box open and I have to take out whatever prize is in the box and hand it to him. He opens my prize and I sit at the table and have to play with whatever toy has come in the box while he goes back to the counter and orders an ice-cream cone. I have to sit there and watch him eat the cone, very slowly as he just watches me play with the stupid toy, though I admit, some of them are kind of cute." The three women groaned, and she giggled. "Well, they are, and I'm building up quite the collection! Anyway, I'm telling you, by the time he's finished, I'm scared to stand up because I'm positive there is a big wet spot on the back of my skirt because my panties are soaked from watching him lick that ice cream cone!"


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